UKM students greet Najib's wife Rosmah with sarcastic placards

BANGI :  group of university students today greeted the prime minister's wife on a visit to their campus with placards mocking her much-talked about controversies.

Some 50 students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia's Islamic Study Circle (ISIUKM) gathered outside the Tun Abdul Razak hall where Rosmah Mansor was the guest of honour for a programme involving students.

Rosmah's presence at the programme had generated protests from students who cited her alleged penchant for extravagance and involvement in wrongdoings.

This afternoon, about half an hour before the programme ended at 4.30 pm, students gathered and held placards mocking her, including one which read "We want Rosmah to be the PM". Another poked fun at her interest in a RM24 million diamond ring.

Several security guards' attempt to stop the protest failed amid the students' resolve to stay put.

However, Rosmah avoided the students and was quickly ushered into another vehicle. She had earlier arrived in a Mercedes Benz.

“We just wanted to express the people's feeling at Datin Seri Rosmah, but it is clear she was afraid of facing us," said Hamiza Hani Omar, who is also deputy secretary of Islamic students federation GAMIS.

This was the second protest against Rosmah on a university campus. In 2009, five University of Malaya students were charged for arson and vandalism.

They were alleged to have poured petrol on the red carpet on the eve of wife Rosmah's visit to the campus, and also for vandalising a lecture hall with the graffiti 'pembunuh Altantuya' (Altantuya's murderer) and 'bini puaka' (evil wife). All of them were acquitted of the charges in September 2010.


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