Lahad Datu: Malaysia rejects self-styled Sulu Sultan’s unilateral ceasefire

Defence Minister: Militants must
surrender unconditionally
PETALING JAYA: Malaysia rejects self-styled Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram's unilateral ceasefire offer, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid (pix) tweeted Thursday.
He said the ceasefire would only be accepted if all the militants surrendered unconditionally.
“Do not trust the ceasefire offer by Jamalul Kiram. In the interests of the people of Sabah and Malaysia, destroy all the militants,” he tweeted.(Jgn percaya dgn tawaran gencatan senjata oleh Jamalul Kiram. Demi kepentingn rakyat Sabah&seluruh rakyat Msia, hapuskan dulu semua militan)
Earlier Thursday, the self-proclaimed Sulu sultan had called for an immediate ceasefire to the standoff in Sabah following calls by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to end violence in Sabah and start holding dialogues.
“The Sultan (Jamalul Kiram III) is calling for a unilateral ceasefire of the sultanate of Sulu effective this hour, 12.30 in the afternoon of Thursday,” spokesperson Abraham Idjirani said, according to
He said this is out of respect to the call of the UN secretary-general to end the violence there. He said this is “in order to reciprocate the call of the UN to preserve lives.”
The spokesman had also told Reuters that 10 of the Sultan's followers at Lahad Datu had died during the confrontation with Malaysian security forces and that another 10 have since been captured.
Four other followers were wounded, according Idjirani. "They will not come home, and would rather die fighting if cornered," he said of the remaining followers in Sabah, according to Reuters.
The UN chief had earlier expressed concern about the impact of the standoff on the civilian population, including migrants in the region.
Ban is closely monitoring the situation in Sabah and would like to see all parties engage in talks for the peaceful resolution of the issue, a UN statement said.
He also urged all parties to "facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance and act in full respect of international human rights norms and standards."




    Don’t Harm Sultan’s Men, Nur Warns Malaysia
    By Edd K. Usman
    February 21, 2013, 8:03pm

    MANILA, Philippines — Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) founding Chairman Nur Misuari yesterday appealed to Malaysia to settle the Sabah standoff peacefully and warned that his group will come to the aid of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III’s followers if blood spills.

    “I hope they will not harm them. They (Kiram’s followers) are our brothers. If one drop of their blood is spilled, we might be forced to come to their aid,” Misuari said.

    “Please don’t touch them, give them a friendly and brotherly treatment,” Misuari appealed.

    Misuari was in Zamboanga City yesterday for the MNLF leadership meeting, which he said was attended by some 2,000 leaders from across Mindanao to discuss various issues facing the Bangsamoro people.

    When he was in Jolo, Sulu, over the week, Misuari said that what he heard was that the group of the Crown Prince Rajah Muda Agbimuddin Kiram, younger brother of Kiram, crossed the sea to the island because they were allegedly promised to be settled in Sabah by Prime Minister Dato Seri Haji Mohammad Najib bin Tun Haji Addul Razak.

    Misuari appealed to the prime minister to exercise prudence in dealing with the people of the sultan.


    The above news report carried an allegation that PM Najib made a promise to settle Sulus in Sabah. Nur Misuari the MNLF leader said the Sulus crossed the sea on this promise.

    So Najib is in a way the direct cause of the Sabah Standoff and military chaos now in progress in Eastern Sabah claimed by the Sulus.

    This is a very serious allegation.

    Najib of Bugis descent has tried to present a public image of being very close the Southern Filipinos because of his blood ties. He proudly claimed that his ancestral home is in the Southern Philippines. He has paid a number of visits to the area which received much publicity.

    Was all this just a charade to allay the Filipino claim on Sabah?

    But if the allegation is true- we must ask by what authority did Najib have to make such a promise? Did he first ask the Sabah people or get his statement to be endorsed by Parliament?

    Would Najib be brazen enough to make such a promise in the face of Sabahans’ anger over the UMNO engineering of transmigration OF illegals into Sabah to corrupt elections and democracy.

    A person can be proud of his or her ancestry but their first and primary loyalty is to their country in international relations.

    Has he confused territorial integrity with blood ties and brotherhood?

    Further if this were true why did Najib compromised Sabah’s security with such promise? The Sulus sailed into Sabah armed to the teeth to stake a claim on Sabah and according to Nur Misuari – this was because of Najib’s “promise”.

    The illegals already outnumber real Sabahans two to one and a real Filipino take over of Sabah can happen in just a matter of time.

    Thanks to UMNO!


    UMNO’s transparent “failure” to defend Sabah borders led to the current mutual blood bath between “brothers” from Malaya and Sulu.

    A recent HU article by Din Merican reveals that this was not a “failure” of border security by Kuala Lumpur but a deliberate decision to relax border security made by UMNO.

    The lax border watch was deliberately implemented by UMNO when it stopped aerial coastal surveillance in the 1990s after the Sabah government successfully and efficiently stopped the illegal entries and deported thousands of illegals with police help.

    UMNO wanted the illegals to stream into Sabah unimpeded as part of its agenda to strengthen its hold on Sabah Sarawak and Malaya and at the same time to realise its Melayu Raya apartheid system. Effectively, there was not one watching the border. This explains why there was no red alert on the Sulu invasion of Sabah.

    The MNLF leader Nur Misuari in a recent Manila press conference raised the allegation that PM Najib had promised to settle Sulus in Sabah and this was the reason why a number of them sailed to Sabah. If correct what this means was that Najib was responsible for the blood bath in eastern Sabah.

    Sabah people would deserved to be blamed for stupidity if they are so easily “swung back” to support UMNO BN for its blatant failure to fulfil its fundamental Malaysia formation promise of providing security for Sabah inside Malaysia.

    UMNO BN has already reduced Sabah to be the poorest state in Malaysia by plundering its oil timber and other resources instead of “developing” the country.

    Thus UMNO has recklessly sacrificed Sabah safety and security by allowing the Sulu standoff to develop.

    The G.E. is an opportunity for Sabahans to decide on the alternative of electing the Sabah opposition and not any Malayan parties (as in Sarawak) to run their own country!

    Comment by SARAWAKIANS — March 8, 2013 (Hornbill Unleashed)


    Dr Faisal Hazis, a Kuching-based political scientist, said the actions along Sabah’s restive east coast could cause a “backlash”, owing to the BN government’s past policies in the state.

    He highlighted Malaysia’s poor security patrol along the state’s porous borders, which coupled with its previous soft stand on foreigners, had resulted in a flood of illegals into Sabah, and which appears to have been worsened by “Project IC”, a highly-controversial policy made during the Mahathir administration in which citizenship was granted to migrants who entered the country through dubious means.

    “There is a general feeling that this is a timebomb waiting to happen — soft policies to Filipinos, ‘Project IC’ and the inability of security forces to have much strong presence in Sabah waters.

    “It happened and it affected the Sabah people. This could affect BN’s popularity,” Faisal said.

    He foresees three electoral outcomes from undecided voters in Sabah based on the recent government action.

    The first group of voters who feel anger at the poor handling of the conflict would choose to vote against the BN, he said, while a second group of voters who were angry at the delayed action but prized national security may still vote for the coalition.

    The third group would be those happy with the government’s crisis management, they would vote the BN in the coming election, the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak lecturer said.

    For Universiti Putra Malaysia professor Dr Jayum A. Jawan, the swing factor for BN would depend on how Sabah voters feel.

    He warned that the situation now was “most dangerous for the BN”.

    “When Sabahans are angry they will look for leaders that can give them peace,” he said.

    “The situation now is uncomfortable, this anger will be carried until elections later.”

    From a report in Hornbill Unleashed by MD IZWAN AND IDA LIM 08/03/13
