‘Agbimuddin will be extradited’

Malaysians in Sabah who wanted security could surely
see that the government had acted speedily in dealing
with the threats, said former prime minister
Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
LAHAD DATU: Malaysia will push for Agbimuddin Kiram, a former Sabah assistant district officer who led the Sulu invasion to allegedly reclaim Sabah, to be extradited from the Philippines.
Agbimuddin is believed to have escaped the tight security dragnet and returned to the Philippines.
Speaking to reporters here yesterday, Sabah police chief Hamza Taib said Malaysia was confident of bring Agbimuddin back to face charges “even if he is there (in the Philippines)”.
“Even if he is there, we won’t face a problem because we have undertaken an investigation under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 against those under detention.
“We will compile the evidence and use the legal channel to have Azzimudie (Agbimuddin) extradited to face charges in our country,”
In Kota Kinabalu on Friday, Chief of Defence Forces Gen Zulkifeli Mohd Zin reportedly conceded that Agbimuddin has escaped the Malaysian security dragnet and returned to the Philippines. Agbimmudin is believed to be hiding in Tawi-Tawi
“He has abandoned his men and fled to his homeland,” said Zulkifeli indicating that he may have slipped away during last Sunday’s raid on Kampung Pinggir Bakau in Lahad Datu.
But Agbimuddin’s family has denied that he left Sabah and is in Tawi-Tawi.
Kiram family spokesperson Abraham Idjirani claimed Zulkefli’s statement was a “propaganda” and a “counter strategy” by the Malaysian government in view of its impending general election.
“That is propaganda of Malaysia so as not to disturb their elections because their elections are nearing. It is a counter strategy,” he said.
Idijirani reportedly said that if indeed Agbimuddin had returned to the Philippines, then he would have been arrested by the authorities by now.
Swift action
Meanwhile Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman, who is also state security committee chairman, has assured Sabahans that the Barisan Nasional (BN) government was capable of overcoming the Sulu incursion problem.
He called on the people to help defend the country by supporting the government’s action towards that end.
He also told them to continue supporting BN in the coming general election and ensure its win for continuity in the state’s development.
Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad who was in Sabah yesterday also said that the government would do anything in its power to keep Sabah peaceful and safe.
When asked if the security concerns in Lahad Datu would  compel a state of emergency to be declared and polls delayed, he said:
“We used to have emergency but we still had elections. In Malaysia, we hold elections while at the same time ensure security so that everything can be done safely.”
He told reporters that Malaysians in Sabah who wanted security could see for themselves that the government had acted speedily in dealing with the threats.
“The government acted speedily (in dealing with the threats). We brought reinforcement from Peninsular Malaysia to fortify our defence here. This is who we are, we will defend any parts of country that are threatened,” he said.

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