Malaysia that was and is, by Joe Fernandez

By Joe Fernandez
KOTA KINABALU : Sabah and Sarawak did not become independent on 16 Sept, 1963 through Malaysia, as the history books keep telling our students.

Sabah obtained independence on 31 Aug, 1963 when it opted for self-determination.

Sarawak obtained independence on 22 July, 1963 when it opted for self-determination.

No referendum was held in Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya on independence.

The Malayan Government opted for independence. The individual states in Malaya did not join Malaysia. So, Sabah and Sarawak cannot be referred to as the 12th and 13th states.

A vote was held in Singapore on independence through merger with Malaya via Malaysia. The people voted yes.

The Chinese in Sabah and Sarawak were against Malaysia.

The Orang Asal in Sabah and Sarawak wanted a period of independence before looking at the idea of Malaysia again.

The Sarawak Malay community leaders and the Suluk and Bajau leaders in Sabah welcomed the idea of Malaysia.

The Muslims in Sabah and Sarawak were not consulted on Malaysia.

The British and the Malayan Government brought Sabah and Sarawak into Malaysia to add the Orang Asal and Muslim population to facilitate the merger of Chinese-majority Singapore with almost Chinese-majority Malaya.

Singapore was expelled from Malaysia two years later in 1965.

The British and Malayan Governments' reasons for Sabah and Sarawak to be in Malaysia no longer existed after Singapore's departure. Security through Malaysia, against crocodiles Indonesia and Philippines, was an afterthought argument by the Malayan Government and the British.

The Orang Asal, Sabah and Sarawak are Nations in Malaya just like Malaya.

Sabah and Sarawak are not the 12th and 13th states in Malaysia.

Malaya monopolises and dominates the Federal Government of Malaysia instead of sharing it with Sabah and Sarawak.

Malaya has 165 seats in Parliament and not the 147 seats it should have -- i.e. one seat less than two third at a very maximum -- in Parliament. This means 18 seats stolen from Sabah and Sarawak.

In addition, the parti parti Malaya have stolen more seats in Sabah and Sarawak including in the state assemblies and want to steal even more seats.

Malaya turned out to be the real crocodile in the region, as predicted by Indonesian President Sukarno.

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