Lahad Datu stand-off: 3 Al-Jazeera journalists detained for 7 hrs

LAHAD DATU: Three Al-Jazeera journalists covering the stand-off with the Sulu gunmen were detained for nearly seven hours by the police and released.
They were detained at about 8am on Wednesday in a boat near Tanjung Labian not far from the seaside village of Kg Tanduo and taken to the Cenderawasih police station for questioning.
Detained together with them was a boatman and three locals.
Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib said all were released except for the boatman who did not have a proper identity document on him.
Hamza said that they were detained as they were trying to enter a security area and it was for their own safety.
Hamza urged local and foreign journalists to avoid trying to enter the area as it might create untoward incidents.
Sabah Progressive Party assistant secretary Suaib Mutalib said the three SAPP youth members were accompanying the Al-Jazeera journalists who wanted to cover the stand-off between the Malaysian security and the Sulu gunmen.
He said that the General Operation Force (PGA), which detained them, handed them to the police who recorded their statement and released them at about 3.30pm.



    It is surprising that the Malaysian Police is so efficient in stopping 3 journalists from going to Tanduo BUT were asleep when 300 armed men in many boats could slip past their watch!

    Can we trust Malaya to protect us from invasion which they promised to do in 1963 to entice us into Malaysia??

    They failed to perform all their promised from the 20 Points Agreement to "security and prosperity"

    The Brunei Malay Sultanate did not trust UMNO and decided wisely not to "join Malaysia".

    We are paying for our foolish mistake!

    1. The seven were spotted in a boat by a General Operations Force (GOF) team.

    2. They were given a stern warning not to repeat their “ill-planned” adventure and then released.

    3. The boatman's travel documents were not in order, therefore detained.

    4. The public should not try and enter the said area for security reasons. Hamza reminded all journalists, local and foreign, as well as all other parties.

    5. Hamza said: Our focus is to ensure the safety of the people and we do not wish to see any unforeseen incidences happening, please let us do our jobs.

    6. The police have cordoned off the area in the vicinity of Tanduo since the army of Sulu has intruded into the area.

    7. The authorities said the local or international journalists are not allowed to enter certain areas near where the stand-off is taking place for their own safety.

    8. We keep blaming the government but if we come to think about it, maybe Anwar is involved in this invasion too.

    9. We keep blaming the government but if we come to think about it, maybe Anwar is involved in this invasion too.

  2. Why SAPP is there?


    2. Three SAPP Youth's are there and were arrested as well.

    3. The three journalists and the youths had earlier tried to enter Tanduo by a land route but had failed. What are they planning?

  3. Wow, international journalists are there as well.

    1. They were trying to enter the area and cover the incident.

    2. Somehow it didn't air.

  4. Begini la kan nasib badan.

  5. Everything is under control.

    1. Baguslah jika keadaan masih dalam kawalan.

  6. There has been news everywhere.

    1. The DAP adviser said the nation's number one should make a personal visit to Kampung Tanduo, the coastal township in eastern Sabah where over 100 gunmen claiming to be followers of the Sulu Sultan had taken siege on February 9.

    2. Lim also censured the prime minister for what he suggested was a covert attempt by the federal administration to black out information on the stand-off, which was supposed to end yesterday.

    3. "I call on the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to lift the information blackout on the Kampung Tanduo stand-off in the Malaysia media and the Malaysian government should start telling Sabahans and Malaysians what is actually happening in Kampung Tanduo, starting with a personal visit by the Prime Minister himself," the Ipoh Timor MP said in a statement here.

    4. "I call on the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to lift the information blackout on the Kampung Tanduo stand-off in the Malaysia media and the Malaysian government should start telling Sabahans and Malaysians what is actually happening in Kampung Tanduo, starting with a personal visit by the Prime Minister himself," the Ipoh Timor MP said in a statement here.

    5. He pointed out that for the past fortnight, Malaysians have had to scour the Internet for news and updates on the armed siege in the east Malaysian state, having only been given uninformative snippets in the local mainstream news.

  7. It has been wide spread now.

    1. Spreading the fact in alright about the actual situation, avoid spreading rumors.

    2. DAP's Lim Kit Siang sounded the national security alarm today and urged for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's immediate intervention on the issue.


  9. The former Criminal Investigation Department head Mat Zain Ibrahim has warned political parties not to politicise the ongoing stand-off between a group of armed men and Malaysian security forces in Lahad Datu, Sabah.

  10. “(They) should not even think of trying to earn political mileage out of this episode. The lives of innocent people and of the security forces have been put at risk,” he said.

  11. The group of some 100 men, said to be heavily armed, has resurrected the old territorial claim on Sabah by the former Sulu sultanate.

  12. Mat Zain said the main concern now is for the authorities to rise to the occasion to protect the country's sovereignty.

    1. Keselamatan harus diutamakan. Semoga kawalan yang lebih baik dapat dipertingkatkan.

  13. “Both the Defence and Home ministers must accept the fact that once religion and politics are allowed to creep into an organisation’s operational procedures, it will become weak and easily defeated. The ministers should not let these two elements get the better of them,” he said.

  14. The stand-off with police in Malaysia’s eastern state of Sabah has threatened to spark tension between the Philippines and Malaysia, whose ties have been periodically frayed by security and migration problems along their sea border.

  15. Malaysian police armed with machine guns have surrounded the village in a palm-oil plantation area. Malaysian officials said over the weekend that the group’s demands would not be met and that the men would be deported soon, without specifying how.

    1. Harapkan rundingan yang dibuat dapat menyelesaikan isu tersebut.

    2. Jika masih boleh buat perundingan, itu lebih baik untuk keselamatan penduduk.

  16. Hopes are growing for a peaceful solution to the standoff between Malaysian security forces and the self-proclaimed Royal Army of Sulu.

  17. The delicate negotiations going on with the emissaries are believed to be bearing fruit, and among those sharing an optimistic view is Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, who arrived at Felda Sahabat 16 to get a first-hand view of the situation.

  18. Musa, who is state security council chairman, was given a briefing at the General Operations Force (GOF) security post at Felda Sahabat 16, about 165km from here.

  19. Amidst growing public and political pressure for firmer action against the armed group as the country prepares for the general election, Musa said he was optimistic that the standoff would end peacefully soon.

    1. PRU semakin dekat, semakin banyak isu timbul untuk divert attention.

  20. “Our stand is for negotiations and a peaceful end to the incident,” he said, urging the Sulu group, led by Raja Muda Azzimudie Kiram, to return on their own accord as they had breached international laws by entering Sabah.

  21. “We do not want to see the possibility of our security forces using other alternatives to move them out,” he told reporters at the GOF base after the briefing on Ops Sulu.

  22. Those close to the negotiations have, however, declined to reveal what was being used to entice the group to return to southern Philippines, whether a deadline to deport them by today would be kept or if the negotiations could be prolonged with a new set of emissaries.

  23. Hopes are growing for a peaceful solution to the standoff between Malaysian security forces and the self-proclaimed Royal Army of Sulu.

  24. Musa, who is state security council chairman, was given a briefing at the General Operations Force (GOF) security post at Felda Sahabat 16, about 165km from here.

    Amidst growing public and political pressure for firmer action against the armed group as the country prepares for the general election, Musa said he was optimistic that the standoff would end peacefully soon.

  25. Those close to the negotiations have, however, declined to reveal what was being used to entice the group to return to southern Philippines, whether a deadline to deport them by today would be kept or if the negotiations could be prolonged with a new set of emissaries.

    Malaysian authorities have turned down their demands for recognition of the royal army of the Sulu sultanate and Sabah as their ancestral home.

  26. Since the arrival of the first group of gunmen on the shores of Kg Tanduo in Felda Sahabat 17 on Feb 9, the security forces have maintained a tight cordon with police, army and maritime units in position to move in at any time.

    Assuring the public that the security forces were on top of the situation, Musa said the incident should not be politicised by any group.

  27. Musa’s statement follows Lim’s visit to Felda Sabahat 16 on Wednesday when he said he was ready to assist in the negotiations with the Sulu group.

  28. The poverty rate in Sabah has continued to decline from 19.7 per cent in 2009 to 8.1 per cent last year.

  29. Disclosing this yesterday, the director-general of the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Rahamat Bivi Yusoff said this showed the success of the state government under the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman in addressing poverty.

  30. She said the poverty rate in the rural areas of Sabah also recorded a decline – from 32.8 per cent in 2009 to 12.9 per cent – and in the urban areas, there was also a drop from 9.8 per cent to 5.3 per cent.

  31. Dr Rahamat Bivi added that a survey also showed that the household income throughout Sabah for 2012 rose to RM4,013 from RM3,102 in 2009.

  32. “It represents a 29.4 per cent improvement with the averafe growth rate of 8.6 per cent per annum. This is a good achievement for Sabah because in just four years the household income has increased by a huge amount,” he told a press conference here yesterday on the Findings from the Household Income Survey (HIS) 2012 for Sabah.

    Also present was State Secretary Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman.

    Dr Rahamat Bivi also said the average monthly income in the urban areas had also shot up by 22.7 per cent from RM3,803 in 2009 to RN4,668 in 2012 and in the rural areas, by 33.8 per cent from RM2,177 to RM2,913.

  33. She said the HIS 2012 also indicated that the income distribution in Sabah has improved.

    According to her, the Gini coefficient reduced from 0.453 in 2009 to 0.428 last year and that this reflected a more equitable distribution of income among households as a result of the implementaiton of a more comprehensive initiatives and inclusive socio-economic development programmes in Sabah.

  34. “In particular, the implementation of specific programmes to assist the poor and low-income group to generate higher income,” he said, adding that among such programmes were 1AZAM, Agropolitan and Minis Estet Sejahtera Development as well as the livestock and commercial agricultural and microcredit programmes.

    1. usaha kerajaan untuk membantu golongan yang berpendapatan rendah amat dihargai.

  35. Meanwhile Dr Rahamat Bivi said the federal government has allocated RM24.8 billion under the 10th Malaysia Plan (Rolling Plan 1, II and III) for the implementation of development programmes which included the construction of basic rural infrastructure as well as education and housing assistance programmes under the National Key Results Areas (NKRA) in Sabah.

  36. Meanwhile Dr Rahamat Bivi said the federal government has allocated RM24.8 billion under the 10th Malaysia Plan (Rolling Plan 1, II and III) for the implementation of development programmes which included the construction of basic rural infrastructure as well as education and housing assistance programmes under the National Key Results Areas (NKRA) in Sabah.

    As a specific measure to help the poor and low-income earners, he said a total of RM293.5 lillion was allocated to implement 1AZAM under the NKRA Low Income Households.

    As of December 2012, Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) has also provided RM920.6 million to help the poor to conduct micro-businesses.

  37. “More importantly, the continuous effort by the government to improve basic infrastructures including road and portable water has helped to improve the quality of life in Sabah.

    “The improved connectivity also created a conducive environment for Sabahans to undertake their economic activities, hence improving income and reducing poverty,” she said.

  38. Government has been always there for the people. We can see various development done by them to sabah.

  39. Polis memutuskan untuk bertindak berlandaskan undang-undang negara selepas mengambil kira pelbagai faktor bagi merungkai isu pencerobohan warga Filipina yang mendarat di Kampung Tanduo, kira-kira 130 kilometer dari pekan Lahad Datu.

  40. Polis akan menggunakan undang-undang berkaitan untuk mendakwa mereka yang kini dalam kepungan pihak keselamatan bagi memastikan tiada yang terlepas keluar dan tiada kemasukan orang yang tidak berkenaan ke kawasan itu.

  41. "Kami tidak kira mereka datang dari mana sama ada dari Kesultanan Sulu... tapi kita tahu mereka adalah orang luar yang datang ke negara kita dan mencabuli undang-undang dan kedaultan negara.

  42. "Kita boleh lihat kesalahan itu banyak. Mungkin kita boleh mengambil tindakan di bawah kesalahan Kanun Keseksaan atau bersama undang-undang yang berkaitan," katanya kepada pemberita di Kompleks Pasukan Polis Marin Lahad Datu.

  43. Hamza berkata polis akan menggunakan pendekatan yang bersesuaian dan tidak akan berkrompomi terhadap isu pencerobohan ke atas negara ini bagi menjamin dan
    mempertahankan kedaulatan tanah air.

  44. Beliau turut menafikan berlaku perbalahan sehingga mengakibatkan dua kematian di kawasan itu dan menambah pihaknya akan menyiasat perkara itu.

  45. "Setakat tembakan kita ada dengar tapi saya berani mengatakan tembakan bukan dari pasukan keselamatan. Tembakan dari dalam pun kita tidak berani hendak mengesahkan...mungkin tembakan ke atas binatang atau amaran (kumpulan
    penceroboh)," katanya.

  46. Beliau meminta masyarakat tidak gusar kerana keselamatan masih terkawal, meskipun pada masa kini, kumpulan itu kemungkinan berdepan masalah kekurangan bekalan air, makanan dan minyak.

  47. Hamza mengesahkan polis telah menahan empat individu atas kesalahan tidak mempunyai dokumen yang sah pada awal pagi semalam di satu kawasan di Lahad Datu, namun kesemua mereka bukan anggota kumpulan terbabit.

  48. Ketika ditanya mengenai kapal Filipina yang didakwa akan digunakan untuk membawa kumpulan itu pulang ke negara asal, Hamza berkata kapal itu tidak berada di perairan negara ini.

  49. Sumber memberitahu keadaan di Kg Tanduo masih terkawal hasil beberapa sessi rundingan dan optimis penceroboh akan menyerah diri sedikit masa lagi walaupun ketika ini mereka masih berdegil.

  50. Mereka kini berada dalam keadaan tertekan kerana terputus bekalan makanan sejak seminggu lalu selepas pihak berkuasa mengetatkan kawalan sehingga pada jarak 300m daripada kumpulan penceroboh.

  51. Keadaan ini menyebabkan ramai anggota kumpulan penceroboh hilang fokus dan tidak yakin matlamat pencerobohan ini. Mereka mahu menyerah diri tapi diancam oleh ketua penceroboh, Raja Muda Azzumudie.

  52. Will this standoff delay the GE13...
