Blood Donation and Medical Camp on 03 Feb 2013

STAR Sabah will be holding a blood donation drive at Megalong Shopping Complex on Sunday, 03 February 2013 from 10.00 am. to 5.00 pm. to help the blood bank of Likas Hospital” announced STAR Sabah DUN N.19 Kapayan Chief Coordinator, Phillip Among, in a press statement released today.

Medical staff of Likas Hospital will be in attendance to assist in the blood donation drive organized by STAR DUN N.19 Kapayan and Parliament P.174 Penampang with the theme 
“We hope to raise awareness with this social-medical outreach program of the importance of making a contribution and giving hope to those in need at Likas Hospital and -  BERSAMA KITA MEMBERIKAN HARAPAN” added Phillip.

STAR members and supporters in Kapayan and Penampang will be on hand to donate blood and the general public are invited to support and participate in the blood donation drive to assist replenish the blood bank in Likas Hospital.

At the same time, a medical camp will be conducted by the event’s Organizing Chairman, Prof. Dr. Martin Ho, and medical advice will be provided to the public.   Included in the medical camp will be free medical and health examination using irislogy technique.

STAR Sabah takes the opportunity to invite all Malaysians to participate in the blood donation drive and medical camp.

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