Virgin Mary image draws Catholics to hospital

A stain on a window that some Catholics believe to be an apparition
of the Virgin Mary is seen at the Sime Darby Medical Centre in
Subang November 11, 2012. — Picture by Choo Choy May
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 11 — Catholic Malaysians have been flocking to the Sime Darby Medical Centre in Subang Jaya to catch a glimpse of an image that has appeared on one of its windows said to resemble the image of the Virgin Mary, The Sunday Star reported today.
The mysterious image of the figure revered by Catholics who believe Mary to be the mother of Jesus Christ was reported to have been spotted a few days ago on a window pane at the hospital.
The image has been captured on camera and spread on Facebook. Yesterday, a group largely composed of Catholics visited the medical centre and sung hymns and prayed before the image.
“It is so wonderful that our Mother has come to us in a hospital, where many of the sick are crying out for her help,” Janet Tong, 45, told the English-language newspaper.
Sheree Rao, a businessman who was present at the hospital, reportedly said the image could not be seen from the inside of the window.
“I touched the glass, thinking it could be paint or something else. But there was nothing,’’ the 21-year-old was reported as saying.
A 20-year-old student, Nicole Jo Pereira, said she thinks it’s a sign for people to practise good deeds.
The hospital authorities and the editor of the The Herald, Malaysia’s sole Catholic newspaper have declined to give their comments, The Sunday Star reported.

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