Why no party cares about the "bankrupts"?

By Fredoline Edwin Lojingki
PENAMPANG : As a veteran political activist, i wonder why the ruling government has failed to look into the welfare of 250,000 "bankrupts" in Malaysia.

In Sabah alone, there could be at least 30,000 bankrupts, including very young people.

It is very easy to be declared bankrupt in Malaysia and once a bankrupt it is the start of a very difficult years with a lot of limitations on what one could do to reclaim self-esteem.

Many are youngsters who have a lot of opportunities in their future.

But once a bankrupt, it is almost the end for many. While few made it out, many lived in shame, unable to repay the choking interests on their defaulted principal loan.

I would like to suggest to whoever be the government after the 13th GE, that it looks into the bankrupts' plights as they too have families to look after.

Maybe a caring government should start looking at ways to liberate them early so that they could carry out profitable adventures.

This is especially for those who have been bankrupted for smaller loans like on credit cards and car loans or small business loans.

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