STAR Qualified to Contest State and Parliament Seats in PRU-13: SPR

"Kalau Bukan Sekarang, Bila Lagi?"
“STAR Sabah is pleased to clarify that the Party is qualified to contest in PRU-13, both in State DUN and Parliament seats, nationwide as confirmed by the SPR Sabah Director at a meeting with the SPR yesterday.  STAR is also listed in the approved political parties qualified to contest in PRU-13.” announced DatukDr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah at a Press Conference held to announce STAR’s stand on the Sabah Land and NCR issue.

The meeting with the State SPR was arranged to seek clarifications from the SPR following the unfounded rumours being spread by other desperate political parties against STAR Sabah following its meteoric rise in support from the people in Sabah and growing base in Sarawak.
STAR is being targeted by these rumours and political parties so as to deflect their dwindling support as well as their inability to answer to the empowerment and enlightenment of the people on the real issues, formation of Malaysia, the down-grading from equal partnership status to a mere 12th and 13th states in Malaysia, marginalization of the people in Sabah and Sarawak, lop-sided revenue taking by the federal government and 95% of the oil revenue by Petronas and the neo-colonization of the Borneo States as diligently spread by STAR through their Borneo tea parties.

Although STAR is qualified and entitled to contest even seats in the Peninsular, the Party will focus on their core support areas in Sabah and Sarawak and do not intend to contest in the Peninsular.

TheParty is fully prepared to contest in the PRU-13 and have launched its election machinery in many of its core areas although efforts are being made to team up with the other opposition parties to ensure a 1 to 1 contest with the BarisanNasional. 

Even in areas that STAR does not plan to contest, the election machinery in those areas will ensure that the support for STAR will be thrown behind the united opposition to topple the BN federal and state governments.

“As the Party has also signed the Integrity Pledge with Transparency International – Malaysia, announcements will be made soon on the seats the Partyplan to contest” added Dr. Jeffrey.


  1. if in that case, jeff is more than welcomed to contest in the PRU13...sabahans are now more matured in voting for the right candidate. what did jeff do when he was in power???

    1. Takpa biar rakyat putuskan sendiri nak undi ka tak si Jeffrey ni.

    2. Biasalah, bila takda kuasa barulah berusaha meraih undi rakyat.. hhmm, politik bah tu.

    3. DJK kumpul harta saja semasa beliau ada kuasa.

    4. Bagus juga kalau JK ingin bertanding di kerusi yang mereka inginkan. Jangan dengar cakap PR yang cuba menguasai SAPP dan STAR ini.

    5. perjuangan JK ni memang diragui oleh rakyat Sabah sendiri. buat apa dia lompat parti sampai 5, 6 kali??

    6. Perjuangan JK hanya panas sekejap saja tu. mungkin akan lompat parti lagi.

    7. Jika parti Star tidak di terima di Sabah, pasti selepas ini beliau akan lompat parti lagi.

    8. this King Frog only interested in making profits.. he will use his power to collect wealth..

  2. what good did jeff do when he was in power??? he sucks in management.... look at all his businesses, e.g. jolly bee and tvrc... either they're run down in shackles or do not exist anymore.... don't that indicate something???

    1. No worries guys.. Rakyat sudah cukup matang untuk membuat pilihan.

    2. Baru itu pun beliau tidak mampu uruskan, apatah lagi nak mengurus Sabah? Wake up Sabahans. Don't easily get cheated.

    3. Rakyat tidak akan mudah terpedaya dengan janji-janji manis JK.

    4. pemimpin tamak macam Jeffrey tidak akan berjaya membentuk kerajaan baru.. jika STAR masih gagal bekerjasama dengan parti2 pembangkang yang lain, jangan haraplah boleh menang..

  3. what good is a leader who cannot manage his life?

    1. It means that person is not a good leader.

    2. sesiapa yang tidak sokong Jeffrey ada hak untuk tolak dia PRU nanti.

  4. Baguslah kalau boleh bertanding.. Jadi ini peluang kita lihat siapa yang akan rakyat pilih.

    1. Kalau tidak dibai bertanding, nanti buat spekulasi itu ini lagi.

    2. Gembira betul si Jeffrey bila parti dia dibenarkan bertanding. kita lihatlah nanti kalau dia boleh capai sesuatu jika dibandingkan dengan STAR di Sarawak dulu.

    3. ktia tgk sejauhmana sokongan diberikan terhdap Star.

    4. yang pasti, rakyat tidak akan pilih katak yang asyik melompat selagi belum memperolehi jawatan presiden parti macam JK..

  5. Harap pru13 berjalan lancar, tenteram tanpa huru hara.

    1. Bukan itu saja, apa yang penting pengundian kali ini mesti bersih daripada pengundi hantu dan projek ic.

    2. Yang penting, PRU dilaksana bersih dan adil.

    3. mungkin pembangkang sajalah yang huru-hara.. sebab terpaksa bersaing sesama mereka.. dalam kata lain terpaksa mengadakan pertandingan 3 atau lebih penjuru..

  6. Terbayang sudah kerusi KM di kepala si Jeffrey:)

    1. jawatan KM sering jadi rebutan, tapi JK takkan dpt jadi KM.

  7. Sejauh mana Star boleh pergi akan dapat kita lihat pada PRU13.

  8. belum tentu lagi Star boleh menang jika bertanding.

    1. sebab yang pertama ialah, STAR parti baru..
      sebab yang kedua ialah, STAR parti luar iaitu dari Sarawak..
      sebab yang ketiga ialah, presidennya tidak mempunyai pendirian tetap..
      sebab yang keempat ialah, terpaksa bersaing dengan pembangkang yang lain..

  9. tidak perlulah Jeffrey berangan2 mahu menduduki kerusi KM Sabah.. sikap tamak beliau sangat tidak sesuai mentadbir negeri Sabah yang kaya dengan sumber alam.. sedangkan mahu bertanding pilihanraya pun sudah nampak sikap tamaknya, inikan pula jika memerintah..
