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MACC panelist Abdul Rahman Dahlan's credibility is now under question after he openly defended Musa Aman over the RM40 million political donation. |
KOTA BELUD: Kota Belud MP Abdul Rahman Dahlan has been reminded that he sits on a Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) panel and should not be too quick to jump and openly defend his Umno colleagues who are subject to corruption investigations.
Abdul Rahman sits on a MACC’s Special Committee on Anti-Corruption.
Last week he jumped to Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman’s defence over the RM40 million issue.
Commenting on this, Kota Belud State Reform Party (STAR) head Jalumin Bayogoh said Abdul Rahman’s defence of his party colleagues was an indication of a conflict of interest as he is supposed to help expose corruption and propose ways to strengthen approaches to stamp out graft and power abuses in the country.
“He might have compromised his position in the the special committee on graft which was established under the MACC Act. Moreover the the Swiss authorities are still investigating the Musa Aman matter,” Jalumin said.
Abdul Rahman had defended the government’s position in “clearing” Musa, saying that the RM40 million – being a political donation – was not Musa’s personal money but belonged to Sabah Umno.
He also accused the opposition of continuing to spin the issue after Malaysia’s authorities considered the case settled.
“What is the core business of Umno? It is a contribution from people for political activities. There is no law against anyone contributing money to political parties as long as they are accounted for.
“If I had RM1 billion and I like you and I gave you RM2 million, so what? As long as a receipt is given,” Abdul Rahman had said.
Abdul Rahman who is also Sabah BN secretary, challenged the opposition parties to reveal their own source of funding, saying they have not been transparent on theirs.
“Reveal your sources of income, how much have you collected from your donors. I have seen how Anwar (Ibrahim) in Permatang Pauh by-election threw money around,” he charged.
‘Chia was never arrested’
‘Chia was never arrested’
Asked about the claim by opposition parties that the RM40 million amounted to ‘foreign money’, Abdul Rahman reportedly said:” This is ridiculous, they are just having fun accusing Umno of everything.”
Last Thursday, Parliament was told that MACC had cleared Musa of graft and money-laundering allegations after finding that the over S$16 million (RM40 million) carried by businessman Michael Chia in Hong Kong in 2008 was not meant for the chief minister’s personal use but for Sabah Umno liaison body.
“It is not for the private use of the the chief minister,” Nazri said in a written reply to Batu MP Tian Chua.
The minister had also said the Attorney-General’s Chambers had shelved the matter after finding “no element of corruption” in the case.
Nazri’s reply also stated that the Hong Kong ICAC took no further action in the case after the MACC finding, while the request for cooperation in a criminal matter lodged over the Swiss bank account has been withdrawn for the same reason.
Earlier this year, Sarawak Report published documents purportedly from the ICAC that showed that a Swiss bank account in the name of a lawyer in Sabah contained some US$30 million (RM92 million) and was allegedly being held for Musa.
The report claimed that a paper trail showed that millions in euros, US dollars, Hong Kong and Singapore dollars were channeled from several firms to a number of British Virgin Island companies and subsequently to the Swiss account.
The transactions were believed to have been managed by Hong Kong-based timber trader Chia who was later arrested and charged with money laundering after attempting to smuggle S$16 million (RM40 million) back to Malaysia.
(On Aug 14, 2008, Chia, was caught red-handed at the Hong Kong International Airport with Singapore currency worth RM40 million in his luggage before be could board a flight to Kuala Lumpur)
However yesterday Nazri made yet another eye-opening remark in Parliament, claiming that Chia was never arrested by the ICAC in Hong Kong as was reported.
While Malaysia and Hong Kong are reportedly not pursuing the matter anymore from last week, the authorities in Switzerland are still investigating the case for money-laundering.
A powerful NGO, Bruno Manser Fund (BMF), is pressing for full investigations and is hoping that the famous Swiss banking secrecy would be lifted during a full investigation.
What we know that MACC do their responsibility to investigate and announce the report. So the report stated that no corruption element in this accusation.
ReplyDeleteIndeed this matter ws already cleared MUSA of tihese false allegations against him
DeleteSo mean this not this true rumour about Datuk Mus Aman.
DeleteIf we see before this issued just created by opposition to attract supporter.
DeleteMemang isu ini sebenarnya rekaan semata-mata oleh pihak pembangkang.Sekarang terbongkar yang mana isu ini tidak benar sama sekali.
DeleteJika kita lihat sendiri pun masih tidak ada bukti yang dikeluarkan oleh pembangkang untuk mendakwa kebenaran mereka ini.
DeleteMemang kita tidak dapat nafikan kalau ICAC yang ikut campur dalam hal ini. Kerana ICAC adalah suruhanjaya rasuah yang paling tegas di Dunia ini.
DeleteJadi sudah pastilah kita percaya yang mana jika ICAC yang ikut campur pasti isu ini tidak ada menyebelahi mana-mana pihak.
DeleteKalau ada pihak yang meragui kebolehan ICAC maka boleh datang dan tanya sendiri dengan ICAC mengenai perkara ini.
DeleteKita patut berterima kasih kepada SPRM atas siasatan yang dilakukan. Ini membuktikan tidak ada kebenaran dalam tuduhan kepada Kerajaan BN ini.
DeleteAda pihak yang kurang senang dengan keputusan tersebut dan cuba untuk mengelirukan rakyat dengan memutar belitkan cerita mengenai perkara ini.
DeleteSusah untuk kita percaya dengan apa yang pembangkang cuba katakan. Kerana kita sendiri pasti inginkan bukti untuk semua ini.
DeleteMACC sudah habis buat siastan
DeleteLaporan siasatan tidak dapat diterima sebilangan golongan.
DeleteDOn't think ICAC has need to respond to Rafizi.
DeleteIf the SPRM said there is no elements of corruption, will they re-open the case?
DeleteAnd MACC cleared Datuk Musa from corruption to. Datuk Musa already stated that he don't had business with Micheal Chia. So mean MACC do with honestly and MACC cooperation with ICAC to do this investigate.
ReplyDeleteNow they are pointing fingers against MACC just based on false pretext and perceptions that was generated by the opposition.
DeleteNampaknya Datuk Musa telah dibersihkan dengan pelbagai tuduhan rasuah.
DeleteYeah this already announce by MACC that Datuk Musa is free from this case.
DeleteKalau begitu apa yang dikatakan oleh pembangkang selama 4tahun ini cuma permainan politik semata-mata.
DeleteMemang tujuan Pembangkang untuk mengelirukan fikiran rakyat. Dengan memutar belit isu ini untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri.
Deleterakyat perlulah memikirkan sebaiknya akan perkara sebegini. Jika tidak ada bukti rasanya tidak perlu untuk mempercayainya.
DeleteIf MACC not proven that Musa is not guilty, ICAC already reporting the same too. Should respect and accept the fact.
Deleterakyat pasti dapat nilai sendiri isu ini dengan baik dan tidak mudah dipengaruhi.
DeleteMACC is not the only anti-graft agency that responsible to investigate this case.. how about ICAC?? can you say that the ICAC credibility is also under question??
ReplyDeleteMACC based their conclusion of this matter from ICAC's findings. I DON'T SEE WHY THEY SHOULD NOT REFERVTHIS MATTER TO ICAC.
DeleteICAC tidak akan menyebelahi mana-mana pihak yang didapati bersalah.
DeleteICAC telah pun memberikan keputusan yang sama dengan SPRM mengenai kes ini.
DeleteIsu ini sebenarnya tidak ada element rasuah sebenarnya. Itulah yang dinyatakan oleh pihak berkuasa.
DeleteMendapat sumbangan tidak bersalah dan tidak ada dalam undang-undang.
DeleteSumbangan RM40m itu bukannya satu kesalahan dan bukan rasuah seperti apa yang dikatakan oleh pembangkang.
DeleteICAC amat tegas untuk mencegah kes rasuah.
DeleteI trust ICAC already do the best for the case. No prejudice on the result too.
DeleteWhen opposition media used to make allegations of mismanagement and corruption against the BN government, they were regarded as the gospel truth by his fanatical followers. they postings were compulsory reading and even when they imaginations went ridiculously wild, there were enough stupid people who believed in they tales.
ReplyDeletePakatan Rakyat corruptions not cleared yet and still under question
ReplyDelete1. Skandal Talamgate yang melibatkan transaksi hampir RM 1 Billion.
2.Penduduk Selangor juga berhadapan dengan krisis air yang semakin hampir, terbaru Empangan Air Sg Selangor semakin kering dan sekarang hanya mencatat jumlah simpanan air sebanyak 52%, merosot sebanyak 48%.
3. Skandal Pasir Selangor,
4. Skandal PKNS,
5. Skandal Yayasan Selangor,
6. Skandal UNISEL
7. Kecuaian pengurusan sampah di Selangor
8. Rumah urut yang menajdikan Anwar, Khalid dan Ronnie sebagai pelupor industri seks dan rumah urut di Selangor.
9. Geran Selangorku RM300 juta yang dipegang erat oleh MB juga semakin ketara dipertikaikan oleh rakyat.
10. Lapuran Ketua Audit Negara sendiri menyatakan bagaimana TAWAS yang dibiayai oleh MBI Incorporated itu telah gagal kerana tidak diurus dengan sempurna.
11. Janji-janji dalam manifesto pakatan Selangor 2008 bukan lah satu perjanjian
12. Skandal bas mewah Khalid Ibrahim
13. Rampas tanah pertanian
14. Dan lain-lain yang suatu ketika sudah dibentang di DUN Selangor sebanyak 30 isu-isu semua
Pakatan Rakyat leaders and supporters try to cover up their corruption scandals
Pakatan Rakyat corruptions not cleared yet and still under question
ReplyDeleteNga Kor Ming came into power less than 49 days in Perak already gave out the state tailoring contract to his wife . Is this not the world fastest corruption after coming into power?
Pakatan Rakyat leaders and supporters try to cover up their corruption scandals
Pakatan Rakyat corruptions not cleared yet and still under question
ReplyDeleteWhat about all the Selangor Local Council law contract all given to a list of PKR Lawyers ( exposed by Raja Petra ) , what about Selangor Sand Mining scandal after PR take over after Mac 2008 ? What about in Teoh Beng Hock Royale Commission of Selangor DAP Au Yong and Lee Kee Hiong corruptions ?
Pakatan Rakyat leaders and supporters try to cover up their corruption scandals
Pakatan Rakyat corruptions not cleared yet and still under question
ReplyDeleteWhat about On 26 April 2012, Tony Tan, accompanied by Member of Parliament Tan Tee Beng reported Teresa Kok to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and provided documentations that suggested mishandling of the donation funds. For example, half of the RM10,000 donation for the Single Parents NGO by a Sabah businessman, was allegedly channeled into party funds.
Pakatan Rakyat leaders and supporters try to cover up their corruption scandals
Pakatan Rakyat corruptions not cleared yet and still under question
ReplyDeleteWhat about Malaysia Today blog dated Jan 6, RPK has alleged that Johan Taharin – the brother in law of PKR Deputy President Azmin Ali – has approached a developer who was encountering difficulties in getting state approvals with an offer to secure a project in exchange for a fee?
Pakatan Rakyat leaders and supporters try to cover up their corruption scandals
Pakatan Rakyat corruptions not cleared yet and still under question
ReplyDeleteThe list will just goes on and on right after Mac 2008 a list of PR leaders it hit with corruption issues and scandal compare to zero from MCA , MIC , GERAKAN , PPP and other component party in Barisan Nasional after Mac 2008. So is all this that I had just posted is not the facts or is just another illusion ?
Pakatan Rakyat leaders and supporters try to cover up their corruption scandals
Pakatan Rakyat corruptions not cleared yet and still under question
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand , it is PR supporters to chose to defend all the Pakatan Rakyat leaders who is hit with list of corruption. It was PR supporters that close their eyes and shut down their ears in all Pakatan Rakyat wrong doings.
Pakatan Rakyat leaders and supporters try to cover up their corruption scandals
Pakatan Rakyat corruptions not cleared yet and still under question
ReplyDeletewhen we talk about State Mismanagement. Tua Pek Kong temple is being demolished under Lim Guan Eng administration in Penang. What about Selangor Talam scandal? What about Indian temple being demolished under Pakatan Rakyat administration in Selangor? What about all the fake illusion promises and manifesto that Pakatan Rakyat had failed to fulfill in all their states ? What about Kedah the only chinese Pork Abotoir is being removed ? What about in Kelantan there a rule to impose on Buddhist Temple to follow Islamic structure after Mac 2008? The list just goes on and on. Is all those facts that I just stated is not facts or is just another illusion?
Pakatan Rakyat leaders and supporters try to cover up their corruption scandals
Barisan Nasional do have their flaws , weakness and mistake but then what changes are we talking about if Pakatan Rakyat and STAR is as worst as Barisan Nasional in most aspect? Almost every single problems and weakness that you can find in Barisan Nasional it also do happen inside Pakatan Rakyat. When we shouted for UBAH/CHANGE it should be a slogan of changing from bad to good and not from bad to worst or just another same changes ( bad to bad ). Pakatan Rakyat should stop deceiving and manipulating the public with all the false information or lies..
ReplyDeleteBecause the case is closed hence DARD dares to comment about the case.
ReplyDeleteDARD is not the one who control the MACC.. if he wanted to defend Musa Aman, he will do so since 2008..
DeleteHe is making statement on his capacity as bn backbencher.
ReplyDeletehe is making a statement based on the truth as what has been found by ICAC and MACC investigation.. unlike opposition leaders who always making a statement based on their lies..
DeleteWhat is wrong with the opposition, its a normal practice for someone to defend others from his own pack...
ReplyDeleteyup.. its a normal practice especially when the person named in the case already investigated by anti-graft agency and found there is no element of corruption..
DeleteOpposition is good in getting free publicity by voicing out small issue...pretty lame if u ask my opinion...
ReplyDeleteits to cover their big issues like Talam, Falcon Jet, luxury bus and many more..
DeleteI think opposition is freely to voice out too. We should respect too as we are democracy country.
DeleteTeresa Kok Corruption & Personal Assistant ( MPSJ Councillor )obtain a bungalow lot at a huge discount and also a black Toyota Camry from one developer.
ReplyDeleteTeresa Kok’s personal assistant by the name of Gary Chong “going around selling table to major developers in Selangor for a dinner at RM10,000 to RM20,000 per table”
dunno why Pakatan supporters and their media/NGO not urge the government to form RCI to investigate this Teresa Kok corruption scandal..
DeleteOn 26 April 2012, Tony Tan, accompanied by Member of Parliament Tan Tee Beng reported Teresa Kok to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and provided documentations that suggested mishandling of the donation funds. For example, half of the RM10,000 donation for the Single Parents NGO by a Sabah businessman, was allegedly channeled into party funds.
ReplyDeleteAs we all know, DAP has previously held fund-raising events which generated numerous donations from the people. However, the proceedings of the funds are often undisclosed to the public, raising speculation on the recipient of these funds
I think such donation should be open and transparent to avoid any hanky panky transaction.
DeleteAccording to previous media reports, DAP Penang once sparked an “RM500 to RM50” controversy. During its 45th Anniversary Dinner, they pledged to donate RM3000 to 6 individuals from the poor, each of them receiving RM500 respectively. The next day, suspicions were raised as the 6 individuals received RM50 instead of the supposed RM500 as reported by the media reports
ReplyDeletePakatan Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak for failing to explain the issue on the planning of four projects worth almost RM37bil which were alleged to have been done without going through the open tender process.
ReplyDeleteAzizan must take responsibility to explain the issue to the people
The allegation against Nga was that he had pressured councillors and Pakatan Rakyat representatives to accept his wife’s tailoring company Ethan & Elton Sdn Bhd to make their lounge suits in 2008.
ReplyDeleteDocuments purportedly showing communication between a City Hall department head and mayor were also circulated on the Internet, implying that the state government had requested for the tender be awarded to Ethan & Elton
Just after 42 days that the Perak BN State Government was defeated by the Opposition, this tailoring company was immediately set up amongst others by Nga Kor Ming’s wife, Wong Seow Ching to take advantage of the new opportunities that comes with a new state government under the DAP, PKR and PAS loose coalition in Perak then
ReplyDeleteAzmin Ali Brother Corruption
ReplyDeleteMalaysia Today blog dated Jan 6, RPK has alleged that Johan Taharin – the brother in law of PKR Deputy President Azmin Ali – has approached a developer who was encountering difficulties in getting state approvals with an offer to secure a project in exchange for a fee
Corrupted PKR Lawyers
ReplyDeletePKR Vice-President Sivarasa has also organized dinners with developers and at least one dinner, developers decided to boycott because they know they will end up having to pay money
This lawyer, who projects himself as super clean, has also been accused by RPK of getting legal work from the PJ City Council. So have other PKR leaders like Surendran and Lateefe Koya. So has PKR councillor Derek Fernandez.
ReplyDeleteIt is well known in the legal fraternity that MPPJ has been ordered to give these lawyers legal work. These PKR scums talk about Selangor Capability, Accountability and Transparency (SELCAT) but we all know it’s a lot of bullshit
This lawyer, who projects himself as super clean, has also been accused by RPK of getting legal work from the PJ City Council. So have other PKR leaders like Surendran and Lateefe Koya. So has PKR councillor Derek Fernandez.
ReplyDeleteIt is well known in the legal fraternity that MPPJ has been ordered to give these lawyers legal work. These PKR scums talk about Selangor Capability, Accountability and Transparency (SELCAT) but we all know it’s a lot of bullshit.
PKR Mat Suhaimi Shafiei, the State Assemblyman for Sri Muda, and PKR Amirudin Shari, the State Assemblyman for Batu Caves Corruption
ReplyDeleteBoth assemblyman set up a company and worked alongside another company called Double Dignity (M) Sdn Bhd to get illegal sand work contracts from state-owned Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd (KSSB).
DAP Lee Kee Hiong & Au Yong Hian Wah Corruption
ReplyDeleteThis information and bank cheques is involving Lee Wye Wing of WSK Services.
The four cheques is paid for DAP Serdang Aman by Sharideen Enterprise and Sharenna Enterprise.
Sharideen Enterprise is a company set up on 7 July 2008 under the name of Muhammad Liwauddin b Zainal Abidin (No. KP 8704-23-5650-97). Muhammad Liwauddin is a factory worker. While, Sharenna Enterprise is company that started operation on 17 Oct 2008 and is registered under Mohd Jali. b Abdullah (IC No 5912-24-1064-51).
Lee approach them to register a company and promise to secure projects for them. They are offered 10% of contracts, the balance is to be paid to Lee. He will handle the projects and some projects are fictitous. The company must pay a certain amount to DAP Serdang Aman.
ReplyDeleteThe paperwork is handled by Lee and payment approval is by Ean Yong and/or Ronnie Liu. It is the same like how Teoh Beng Hock and Ean Yong process the fake invoice and the fake project paperwork and the money is paid by Selangor State.
DAP Sin Chewwwwwwwe Bribe ?
ReplyDeleteThe DAP has also used wang rakyat Selangor to pay to Sin Chew Media Corporation Bhd owner of Sin Chew Jit Poh newspaper. In just two months September 08 and December 08 there are two times payments made to Sin Chew. From the funds of one ADUN only
WONG CHUAN HOW (in the Kawasan DUN Sungai Pelek) under YB Ronnie Liu who was given 84 projects totalling over RM200,000 (Tarian Cina Persatuan Bahasa, Perayaan Persatuan Buddha Huan Chian Chuen, Kejohanan Bola Keranjang). Other names include Perniagaan Seri Makmur, Era Terbilang Enterprise, Era Gemilang Enterprise and many more. Teoh gave a full list. We have scanned some of the documents (from about 100 pages of documents)
ReplyDeleteHow can one person get 84 different contracts?
The amounts are small but the method they use is very big. This is just in one year. Imagine if the DAP take over the federal govt?
many Pakatan Rakyat supporters who keep closing their own eyes on all Pakatan Rakyat weakness , flaws , mistake , fraud , scandals and problems. For them whatever wrong in Barisan Nasional will forever be wrong and whatever wrong in Pakatan Rakyat will forever be right...
ReplyDeletewe MUST reject Pakatan and other opposition parties to save this country..
Corruption? Nga Kor Ming came into power less than 49 days in Perak already gave out the state tailoring contract to his wife . Is this not the world fastest corruption after coming into power?
ReplyDeleteIt is ridiculous that Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng can sing the praises of Pakatan Rakyat but chooses to turn a blind eye towards the corruption within the Pakatan parties which is happening in the states under their control and tries to cover up the issue.
ReplyDeleteMCA President Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has pointed out that there are elements of corruption in both Barisan Nasional as well as Pakatan Rakyat. This is an indisputable fact. However, Guan Eng tries to ignore the corruption within Pakatan Rakyat and continues to deceive himself that Pakatan Rakyat is clean, but everybody knows that beneath a clear river there are dirt and sediments on the riverbed which pollutes the river.
DeleteGuan Eng is naïve to believe that Pakatan Rakyat is free from corruption, but the fact is that he cannot accept the fact that corruption is prevalent. For example, in Kedah, Pakatan Rakyat representatives had asked for a 30% rebate on allocations to Chinese associations, proving that the Kedah Pakatan state government is guilty of corruption and abuse of power, but Guan Eng chose to ignore this issue.
DeleteRecently, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had also reopened the case involving the Selangor sand mining scandal in 2009 where two PKR state assemblymen were suspected of receiving kickbacks from a sand mining contractor, and in Perak, there was a controversy surrounding a tailoring contract involving the wife of a state assemblyman. Both these examples prove that Pakatan Rakyat is not completely free of corruption.
DeleteKelantan Menteri Besar Dato’ Nik Abdul Aziz is always portrayed as a godly man, but his state government is in a mess. Under his rule, Kelantan has imposed a theocratic Islamic state, making speeches which discriminate against women, prohibiting all activities considered unclean by Islam such as alcohol, gambling and forcibly separating for men and women. All these are elements of poor policy management and administration but yet Guan Eng still chooses to ignore these facts.
DeleteThe opposition must be aware that people are not saints, but if they commit an error then they must own up and admit to being at fault. They should not be fooling around, using all sorts of tactics to get themselves into Putrajaya but should instead live up to the expectations of the people.
DeleteWhat about all the Selangor Local Council law contract all given to a list of PKR Lawyers ( exposed by Raja Petra ), what about Selangor Sand Mining scandal after PR take over after Mac 2008? What about in Teoh Beng Hock Royale Commission of Selangor DAP Au Yong and Lee Kee Hiong corruptions?
ReplyDeleteWhat about On 26 April 2012, Tony Tan, accompanied by Member of Parliament Tan Tee Beng reported Teresa Kok to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and provided documentations that suggested mishandling of the donation funds. For example, half of the RM10,000 donation for the Single Parents NGO by a Sabah businessman, was allegedly channeled into party funds.
ReplyDeleteWhat about Malaysia Today blog dated Jan 6, RPK has alleged that Johan Taharin – the brother in law of PKR Deputy President Azmin Ali – has approached a developer who was encountering difficulties in getting state approvals with an offer to secure a project in exchange for a fee?
ReplyDeleteThe list will just goes on and on right after Mac 2008 a list of PR leaders it hit with corruption issues and scandal compare to zero from MCA , MIC , GERAKAN , PPP and other component party in Barisan Nasional after Mac 2008. So is all this that I had just posted is not the facts or is just another illusion?
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand , it is PR supporters to chose to defend all the Pakatan Rakyat leaders who is hit with list of corruption. It was PR supporters that close their eyes and shut down their ears in all Pakatan Rakyat wrong doings.
ReplyDeleteis there anything we can do...theres nothing much we can do...not us do the investigation....
ReplyDeleteUnder fire for defending?
ReplyDeleteGod has a plan, if Datuk Musa involved to the matter mention above..i am sure he will never get out from this and one day everything will be revealed...
ReplyDeletereport remain a report and we just cant change it...
ReplyDeletethere are many things changed in Sabah...u just cant deny it...can we see the changes if Datuk Musa did not do his job to develop Sabah?
ReplyDeletewhy must we repeating the same issue? we discuss on something which i think seems to be no avail..
ReplyDeletei wish the issue will not going to disturb datuk musa schedule as Sabah CM...
ReplyDeleteseems like difficult time to datuk musa...but be strong bcoz sabahans will always be with you..but dont ever ever betrays the people or else you wont stay in power..
ReplyDeleteThe practice of jumping parties in politics was not uncommon but this would not affect BN's struggle to bring progress for the people.
ReplyDeleteMusa is a great leader with a great vision.
ReplyDeletekepimpinan di bawah Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Musa Aman yang dinamik merupakan antara rahsia kejayaan Sabah mendapat pengiktirafan cemerlang iaitu Sijil Tanpa Teguran selama 12 tahun berturut-turut sejak tahun 2000 mene- rusi Laporan Audit Negara.
DeleteMusa also opined that Sabah in this regard, had a better composition of positive factors, compared to Dubai, and there was no reason to not do better than the Emirate, with commitment and the political will.
ReplyDeleteChief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman has invited investors from Brunei to explore the economic potentials and prospects of the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC).
ReplyDeleteMusa described SDC as the gateway to trade, investment and tourism for all fields of businesses.
ReplyDeleteDon't Worry folks, with God will he will stay in power no matter what happen.
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said among them was the enhancement of the support system, training and facility to get more contributions from women to boost the economy of the State and country.
DeleteSpeaking at the Sabah Women's Day celebration at Magellan Sutera, Wednesday, he noted that women also had assisted in the State's development.
Delete"In fact, women have a strong influence in the economy, social and politics of a country.
DeleteTherefore, the Women's Day celebrated annually marks the appreciation and recognition of the women's contribution, particularly in Sabah," he said.
DeleteMusa said the theme "Women Catalyst of New Economy" clearly showed the government's high hope on the capability of women to contribute towards making Malaysia a developed and high-nation income by 2020.
DeleteHe said the capability of women in leading various departments and corporate companies was proof that they too can do it if given the opportunity.
DeleteThe State Government continues to provide attention and its commitment through various initiatives to ensure women continue to have their role and opportunities to explore and create new wealth.
ReplyDeleteIn this respect, he said various incentives had been introduced in the National 2013 Budget for the benefit of women.
Delete"I support the call by the Prime Minister for more child care centres to be built in workplaces.
Delete"On behalf of the State Government, we have already taken the initiative through the Community Development and Consumer Affairs Ministry to set up a Taska (childcare centre) in Wisma Muis this year for the convenience of parents working in nearby departments," he said.
DeleteHe was also made to understand several places like in Wisma Pertanian and Wisma Perindustrian had also been identified for a similar purpose.
DeleteMusa who is also Finance Minister congratulated all the recipients of this year's Women's Awards and hoped they continue to contribute for the betterment of Sabah in the years to come.
DeleteMeanwhile, Musa presented the 2012 Tokoh Wanita Award to Dr Hjh Suzain Datuk Hj Suhaimi, a private practitioner, who also received a sash from the CM's wife, Datin Hjh Faridah Hj Tussin.
DeleteThe award carries with it a trophy, a cheque for RM10,000, a certificate and special gifts.
DeletePresident cum Chief Executive Officer of Harbour City, Eliza Goh won the Excellent Woman Award (a trophy, a cheque for RM5,000, a certificate and special gifts.
The Most Outstanding Women Organisation Award went to Perkep (Association of Police Families) Sabah Contingent headed by Datin Hjh Alauyah Mohd who is the wife of the State Commissioner of Police.
DeleteShe received a trophy a cheque for RM3,000 and a certificate.
The Most Outstanding Women Organisation Award went to Perkep (Association of Police Families) Sabah Contingent headed by Datin Hjh Alauyah Mohd who is the wife of the State Commissioner of Police.She received a trophy a cheque for RM3,000 and a certificate.
DeleteOpposition gimmick try to more publicity
ReplyDeleteSabahans still support Musa Aman as he bring development to Sabah
Deletedah terang2 Musa tak bersalah dalam kes ini.
ReplyDeletebaik pembangkang pergi tanya ja dgn icac hong kong tentang kes ini untuk dptkan kesahihan.
ReplyDeletejgn pula dah dpt kesahihan diputar belit lagi isu ni.. mcm kita tak kenal pembangkang,
ReplyDeletesarawak report media paling byk buat penipuan.
ReplyDeletesarwak report pernah memberi gambaran palsu tentang lembah danum. mengatakan lembah danum kawasan yg teruk dgn pembalakan. hakikatnya lembah danum adalah kawasan hutan dara yang terpelihara.
ReplyDeleteSarawak Report sudah menasihatkan keluarga diraja Britain supaya membatalkan rombongan ke Lembah Danum, tapi malangnya tidak dilayan.
ReplyDeletesarawak report tergamam apabila penipuannya terdedah,pasangan diraja britain, putera willian dan kate telah melawat lembah danum dan megiktirafnya sebagai kawasan pemulihraan terbaik.
ReplyDeletesarawak report jg pernah di saman oleh taib mahmud kerana melakukan fitnah.
ReplyDeletekini sarawak report byk memfitnah musa aman. sarawak report patut memohon maaf pada musa aman.
ReplyDeleteFitnah terbaru SR, mengaitkan Nazri dgn Chia pla.
DeletePAS dan Subky Latif, tidak perlulah meragui keIslaman FGVH kerana sesungguhnya pihak yang mengurus FGVH juga cukup peka dengan halal-haram sesuatu urusan perniagaan. Jika ada yang terlepas pandang atau kurang jelas, sama-samalah diperbetulkan bukan difitnah atau dijatuhkan kerana yang akan rugi nanti adalah orang-orang kita juga, orang Islam, orang Melayu yang menjadi majoriti peneroka Felda.
ReplyDeleteapa yang jelas haram atau dosanya di sini ialah tindakan menuduh dengan niat memfitnah terhadap orang lain seperti apa yang dilakukan oleh Subky Latif, Harakahdaily dan PAS
ReplyDeleteSaham FGVH adalah bertepatan dengan syariah berdasarkan prospektus dan setakat ini, tiada pemegang saham atas nama Genting yang direkodkan.
ReplyDeleteBagaimanapun, jika Genting yang membeli saham sepatutnya bukanlah satu isu tetapi yang sepatutnya menjadi isu ialah jika FGV yang membeli saham judi Genting. Tetapi ini tidak pernah dan tidak mungkin berlaku selagi ia dipantau oleh kerajaan yang didominasi oleh orang Islam.
ReplyDeleteLainlah jika Pakatan Rakyat yang menjadi kerajaan serta Anwar Ibrahim yang membawa fahaman pluralisme menjadi Perdana Menteri dengan DAP menjadi tulang belakangnya, maka mungkin sesuatu seperti itu boleh berlaku.
ReplyDeleteDengan itu, Subky harus ingat bahawa bukan dia sahaja yang Islam di Malaysia ini. Orang-orang UMNO, majoriti peneroka Felda dan pengurusan FGVH juga Islam. Bezanya, satu pihak gemar mempertikai iman dan ilmu agama orang lain dan satu pihak lagi tidak. Itu saja.
ReplyDeleteWe were told that MACC did their part as a responsibility to investigate this issue.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like this matter is getting really out of hand, deeper and complicated.
ReplyDeleteThe opposition will never let go after all.
ReplyDeleteI thought there is no corruption element as accused.
ReplyDeleteThe opposition are definitely getting supporters out of this.
ReplyDeleteIt is getting confusing day by day as this issue is not true at all
ReplyDeleteWe are aware that ICAC is the most decisive corruption commission in the world.
ReplyDeleteI suggest they should question MACC about the result of their investigation, if not satisfied.
ReplyDeleteIs there anyone who is not satisfied with MACC's investigation?
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious now there is no truth in the allegations to the state government.
ReplyDeleteSome people out there are not happy with the decision made.
ReplyDeleteI can see the opposition are simply trying to distort the story about this matter.
ReplyDeleteWell it is hard to believe what the opposition is trying to say.
ReplyDeleteThe investigation made is not to favor any party.
ReplyDeleteI suppose the opposition do make contributions too...
ReplyDeleteKeputusan tidak memihak pembangkang, itulah mereka bising.
ReplyDeleteKes ini sudah tamat melainkan jika da bukti baru.
ReplyDeleteKe sini akan berlanjutan, pembangkang dapat kesan lebih banyak bukti dan berkait dengan lebih banyak pihak juga.
ReplyDeletekes sudah selesai..pembangkang saja yang tidak boleh menerima kenyataan.
ReplyDeletepihak musuh terlalu banyak muslihat untuk mahu menjatuhkan Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteSemakin hampir PRU semakin terdesak pembangkang.
ReplyDeleteKetiadaan atau kekurangan bahan bukti selepas 16 tahun isu ini dimainkan cukup untuk membuktikan bahawa Datuk Musa Aman tidak terlibat dengan skandal pembalakan atau skandal pengubahan wang haram sebagaimana yang dimomokkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang dan juga NGO tajaan mereka.
ReplyDeleteJika pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang masih terus mendesak SPRM supaya membuktikan yang tidak bersalah sebagai bersalah, kenapa tidak desak SPRM untuk terus mencari bahan bukti bagi kes RM4 bilion Jeffrey Kitingan dan skandal SAS Datuk Yong Teck Lee?
ReplyDeleteatau mungkin MP PAS Kubang Kerian Salahuddin Ayub sendiri perlu arahkan pihak polis untuk terus mencari bahan bukti bagi kes liwat Anwar sekalipun perbicaraan kes itu sudah selesai.
ReplyDeleteSurat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
ReplyDeletePenguatkuasa anti-rasuah Hong Kong menulis secara peribadi kepada Datuk Musa Aman pada Disember lepas untuk memaklumkan Ketua Menteri Sabah itu bahawa beliau tidak lagi disiasat untuk tuduhan rasuah RM40 juta
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
DeleteDalam surat pada 22 Disember 2012, Suruhanjaya Bebas Pencegahan Rasuah (ICAC) menjelaskan kepada ketua menteri itu mereka memulakan siasatan selepas menerima aduan terhadapnya, sambil menambah bahawa ini dikehendaki oleh undang-undang Hong Kong berkenaan dengan rasuah
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
DeleteTetapi agensi itu berkata bahawa selepas melengkapkan siasatan dan memfailkan laporan kepada Jawatankuasa Semakan Operasi (ORC), kedua-dua jawatankuasa dan Pesuruhjaya ICAC bersetuju untuk tidak meneruskan lagi penyiasatan “di atas asas fakta sudah diketahui”.
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
DeleteSurat, yang menggunakan kepala surat ICAC, ditandatangani oleh Ketua penyiasat Tso Wai-Yan dan ditujukan kepada Musa di alamatkan ke pejabat beliau di Kota Kinabalu. Tiada individu lain diberi salinan dokumen itu.
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
DeleteSetiausaha BN Sabah Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan menunjukkan kepada The Malaysian Insider gambar surat tersebut daripada iPad, sambil berkata satu halaman surat-menyurat boleh mempertahankan Musa dan Umno terhadap dakwaan daripada pemimpin pembangkang mengenai skandal tersebut menjelang pilihan raya akan datang.
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
DeleteAbdul Rahman menegaskan bahawa surat itu adalah peribadi dan sulit kerana ianya hanya ditujukan kepada Musa, menunjukkan bahawa agensi telah bertindak secara bebas tanpa sebarang gangguan dari pihak luar.
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Delete“ICAC profesional. Tiada seorang pun diberikan salinan surat tersebut. Mereka menghormati hak tertuduh untuk kerahsiaan,” Abdul Rahman memberitahu The Malaysian Insider.
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
DeleteAhli parlimen Kota Belud pada mulanya berjanji untuk mendedahkan surat pada sidang akhbar Khamis lepas tetapi berkata bahawa nasihat daripada peguam, salinan fizikal dokumen akan disimpan buat masa sekarang dan digunakan sebagai “senjata” Umno Sabah untuk membuktikan Musa tidak bersalah.
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
DeleteBeliau berkata, Ketua Menteri dan Umno Sabah sedang memikirkan tindakan undang-undang terhadap pengarah strategi PKR Rafizi Ramli, yang kembali minggu lepas dari misi dua hari di Hong Kong untuk menggali maklumat mengenai kes Musa.
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Delete“Saya berjanji untuk mendedahkan surat ini tetapi selepas membincangkan perkara itu dengan peguam bagi Ketua Menteri dan Umno Sabah, mereka menasihatkan saya supaya tidak mendedahkan ia kerana akan digunakan jika ada tindakan undang-undang terhadap Rafizi.
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Delete“Ia memang satu pilihan. Rafizi melanggar beberapa undang-undang,” kata Abdul Rahman.
Sebagai contoh, ahli parlimen Sabah itu berkata bahawa selain daripada fitnah, Rafizi melanggar seksyen 29 (4) Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) 2009 yang melindungi identiti seorang tertuduh.
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
DeleteSeksyen tersebut menyatakan laporan yang dibuat terhadap suruhanjaya tersebut, “hendaklah dirahsiakan dan tidak boleh didedahkan oleh mana-mana orang selain pegawai-pegawai Suruhanjaya dan Pendakwa Raya sehinggalah orang yang tertuduh dipertuduh di mahkamah atas suatu kesalahan dibawah akta ini atau mana-mana undang-undang bertulis lain berbangkit daripada aduan itu melainkan dengan persetujuan Pendakwa Raya atau pegawai berpangkat Pesuruhjaya keatas.”
Surat ICAC bukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah
ReplyDeleteLihat betapa terburu-burunya Rafizi membuat kenyataan melalui artikel "Nama Musa Belum Dibersihkan Lagi" seolah-olah beliau tidak membaca langsung laporan portal Malaysian Insider (disini). Samada Rafizi tidak membaca langsung atau mungkin beliau tidak tahu membaca memandangkan banyak kenyataan beliau yang sudah disangkal namun masih terus diputar-putar bagi menegakkan pembohongan beliau.
DeleteDalam kenyataan tersebut, Rafizi juga mempertikaikan tindakan Datuk Rahman Dahlan yang bercakap bagi pihak Datuk Musa Aman. Namun Rafizi lupa yang beliau juga pernah bercakap dan menjawab kepada wartawan bagi pihak Anwar berhubung dengan tuduhan akaun RM3 bilion yang dikawal oleh Anwar.
DeleteMalah dalam kes itu Rafizi bukan setakat menjawab, malah bertindak sebagai Penyiasat Persendirian, dan tanpa segan silu mengumumkan kononnya hasil siasatan beliau mendapati tidak ada elemen rasuah membabitkan Anwar, sebaliknya beliau menuduh Abdul Murad yang memiliki akaun tersebut.
DeleteRafizi - "surat Suruhanjaya Bebas Anti Rasuah Hong Kong (ICAC) mengenai kes RM40 juta melibatkan Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman tidak membersihkan namanya dari skandal itu. Sebaliknya menguatkan pandangan bahawa ICAC terpaksa menghentikan siasatan kerana tidak mendapat kerjasama pihak berkuasa Malaysia."
Laporan MI - "Penguatkuasa anti-rasuah Hong Kong menulis secara peribadi kepada Datuk Musa Aman pada Disember lepas untuk memaklumkan Ketua Menteri Sabah itu bahawa beliau tidak lagi disiasat untuk tuduhan rasuah RM40 juta"
DeleteRafizi - “Surat itu hanya memaklumkan bahawa berdasarkan maklumat-maklumat yang ICAC perolehi setakat itu, ICAC mengambil keputusan untuk tidak meneruskan siasatan terhadap Musa,”
Laporan MI - "agensi itu berkata bahawa selepas melengkapkan siasatan dan memfailkan laporan kepada Jawatankuasa Semakan Operasi (ORC), kedua-dua jawatankuasa dan Pesuruhjaya ICAC bersetuju untuk tidak meneruskan lagi penyiasatan “di atas asas fakta sudah diketahui”."
DeleteRafizi - “jika Musa tidak bersetuju dengan fakta-fakta ini, maka wajarlah beliau mendedahkan kandungan keseluruhan surat tersebut, bukannya menggunakan Rahman Dahlan untuk menyampaikan secara lisan sahaja kepada wartawan.”
Laporan MI - "Abdul Rahman menegaskan bahawa surat itu adalah peribadi dan sulit kerana ianya hanya ditujukan kepada Musa, menunjukkan bahawa agensi telah bertindak secara bebas tanpa sebarang gangguan dari pihak luar. ICAC profesional. Tiada seorang pun diberikan salinan surat tersebut. Mereka menghormati hak tertuduh untuk kerahsiaan."
DeleteSudah banyak kali dijelaskan bahawa pegawai-pegawai ICAC sendiri telah datang ke Sabah untuk menjalankan siasatan terhadap pihak-pihak yang dinamakan dalam kes tersebut. ICAC adalah badan profesional yang tidak sekali-kali bergantung dengan maklumat pihak ketiga tanpa sebarang siasatan dijalankan dipihak mereka.
DeleteJesteru, bagaimana Rafizi boleh berkata bahawa ICAC bergantung sepenuhnya kepada Peguam Negara dan SPRM sedangkan pegawai-pegawai mereka sendiri boleh jalankan siasatan di negeri ini tanpa sebarang sekatan? Jelas sekali Rafizi cuba menjejaskan imej ICAC dengan menimbulkan gambaran bahawa agensi itu hanya bergantung kepada laporan pihak ketiga semata-mata untuk melengkapkan siasatan.
DeleteSebagai badan profesional yang diperakui integriti dan kredibilitinya di peringkat antarabangsa, ICAC tidak akan semudah itu menutup mana-mana kes rasuah jika masih banyak persoalan yang belum terjawab atau dalam kata lain "diragui".