Joe Fernandez writes

Recently, a sex blogger bared her private parts on You Tube and ventilated her thoughts on Malaysian women being sexually repressed ...

Ideally, it doesn't matter whether publicity is good or bad as long as one gets it.

Publicity, whether good or bad, is an inexpensive way to translate into influence and power to make a difference, for the better or worse.

I am sure Jaclyn Victor's career, for example, will skyrocket following the Perkasa-inspired controversy over her singing a Christian song -- Harapan Bangsa -- in Malay.

She has made headlines around the world.

Meanwhile, the so-called Malays are destined for extinction.

There's no Malay ethnic group despite the existence of the language which was in fact developed by the Hindus and Buddhists from its Cambodian dialect roots to become the lingua franca of the Archipelago. The so-called Malays are at best a nation, for want of a better term, without territory. It was the Malayalee Muslims from Kerala (Southwest India) in Singapore who created the concept of Malay nationalism.

I am sure Dr Jeffrey Kitingan and Star, another example, are better off after I penned some rare pieces criticising them. On my part, I maintained my credibility.

Did his politics collapse just because he was referred to as the King of Frogs and Mahathir mentioned that Sabah Foundation lost RM 4 billion during his (Jeffrey's) term as Director? People are flocking to support him more than ever.

The morale of the story is that if you don't get good publicity, get bad publicity.

The idea is to get publicity, whether good or bad.

Bad publicity would not be a problem as long as you know how to manage it and turn the tables around.

Still, there are some bitter people like Sapp who become very personal and offensive whenever anyone writes anything critical of them. That's because they tend to get carried away by their own bullshit. That's why they lack credibility.

Hindraf Makkal Sakthi, another example, has become stronger than ever despite all the negative publicity.

Is Anwar Ibrahim stronger or weaker after all the scorn heaped on him by Mahathir, Perkasa, Umno and me? He should thank all these people.

Nevertheless, I am eternally pledged to be against Anwar because he's bad news for the Orang Asal and the 3rd Force in the M'sian Parliament.

Anwar, like the Sapp samsengs, is a bad smell -- indeed even a stink at times depending on which way the wind is blowing -- and which keeps following the politics of Sabah and Sarawak in general, and the Orang Asal in particular. Anwar, like the other parti parti Malaya, have no business stepping foot in Borneo.

Hate and love are not worrisome problems because they are equally strong passions, like two sides of the same coin, and one can easily turn into another.

The problem is indifference.

The bottomline is that no news (for the Press)is bad news. Good news is bad news (for the Press). Bad news is good news (for the Press).

What we need is more Bad News in the papers.

It's up to the targets of such Bad News to turn the tables around.

A man is measured not by the manner of his fall but by the manner in which he rises after each fall. Here, we may be forgiven, if we make reference to Dr Jeffrey Kitingan or Anwar Ibrahim

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