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Jeffrey Kitingan claims the vesting order signed by then prime minister Abdul Razak on March 26, 1975 granting ownership rights to Petronas is unlawful, unconstitutional and nvalid. |
“The Sabahgovernment need to take immediate actions to restore ownership rights of Sabah’s oil and gas resources as the legal opinion is that the vesting order signed by Tun Abdul Razak on 26 March 1975 granting ownership rights to Petronas is unlawful, unconstitutional and invalid” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah at a press conference regarding proposed legal action on the vesting of Sabah’s oil and gas resources to Petronas.
As a re-collection, Tun Abdul Razak, the then Prime Minister of Malaysia, had on 26 March 1975 signed away Sabah’s oil and gas resources to Petronas by executing the Vesting Order under Section 2(2) of the Petroleum Development Act, 1974 and granted in perpetuity and conveyed to and vested in Petronas the ownership in and the exclusive rights, powers, liberties and privileges of exploring, exploiting, winning and obtaining petroleum whether lying onshore or offshore of Malaysia.
Based on legal opinions received, Tun Abdul Razak had no authority to sign away Sabah’s oil and gas resources to Petronas as the oil and gas belonged to the Sabah government.As a re-collection, Tun Abdul Razak, the then Prime Minister of Malaysia, had on 26 March 1975 signed away Sabah’s oil and gas resources to Petronas by executing the Vesting Order under Section 2(2) of the Petroleum Development Act, 1974 and granted in perpetuity and conveyed to and vested in Petronas the ownership in and the exclusive rights, powers, liberties and privileges of exploring, exploiting, winning and obtaining petroleum whether lying onshore or offshore of Malaysia.
Based on Datuk Harris Salleh’s own admission, it appeared that he was coerced into signing the 1976 Oil Agreement agreeing to accept 5% cash payment as compensation for the surrender of ownership rights of the oil and gas vested to Petronas and further agreeing to waive or reject the collection of royalties that were the rights of the State government under Section 24(2) of the Sabah Land Ordinance.
Harris ought not to have signed the 1976 Oil Agreement as the 1975 Vesting Order was invalid and should not have been binding on Sabah and Harris.
Challenge on Federal Government’s Deal on Blocks L & M with Brunei
On 16 January 2003 Murphy Oil Sabah Co. Ltd.,a subsidiary company of Murphy Oil Corporation, USA) announcedthat it signed Production Sharing Contracts with Petronascovering Block L and M, offshore Malaysia.
Murphy Oil had a 60% interest in Block L and 70% in Block M with PetronasCarigaliSdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of Petronas, holding the remaining 40% and 30% respectively. Each block covered an area of about 1.5 million acres, totaling 3 million acres for Blocks L & M.
Blocks L & M are located within Maritime District 14 (MD-14) and within the boundary and territorial waters of Sabah.
On 16 March 2009, 3 weeks before stepping down as prime minister, Datuk Seri (now Tun) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, executed by way of exchange of letters with Brunei ceded Blocks L & M to Brunei purported in exchange for Brunei dropping its claim to Limbang, Sarawak. Brunei subsequently denied the alleged dropping of its claim over Limbang.
This arrangement was only disclosed by Petronas to Murphy Oil Corporation on 21 April 2010 and in turn Murphy Oil made a public disclosure on 22 April 2010 that their production sharing contracts were terminated by the exchange of letters and ceding of Blocks L & M to Brunei by the Malaysian government.
Tun Dr. Mahathir and Tan Sri Harris Salleh had stated that it was within their knowledge that the oil reserves in Blocks L & M were worth at least USD100 billion. Even based on the 5% cash payment payable to Sabah, Sabah would have lost at least USD5 billion or USD30-40 billion if the 40% of Block L and 30% of Block M had belonged to Sabah instead of Petronas.
Naturally, as a direct consequence of the invalidity of the 1975 Vesting Order, the ceding of Blocks L & M to Brunei is invalid. In the proposed action, the Sabah government should also challenge the ceding of Blocks L & M and if it cannot be recovered from Brunei, the federal government ought to compensate Sabah at least USD30-40 billion for the loss of Blocks L & M.
Sabah Government Urged to Annul 1975 Vesting Order and Regain Oil Rights
“In the best interests of Sabah and its people, I call upon and strongly urge the Sabah government and the Sabah BN leaders to act truly as patriotic Sabahans and take all appropriate action to annul the 1975 Vesting Order as well as the 1976 Oil Agreement which will restore and return the oil and gas resources to Sabah” pleaded Dr. Jeffrey.
Letters have been prepared to be sent to the Sabah government and the Sabah BN parties and their leaders to take the necessary action.
The Sabah Chief Minister and his Sabah BN leaders have been trumpeting that the Sabah BN enjoys a very good relationship with the federal government.
If what is said by the Chief Minister and his Sabah BN leaders are true, it would appear to be a simple task for them to get the Prime Minister to give back and restoreSabah’s oil and gas resources to its rightful owners.
Along with the annulment of the Vesting Order, the Sabah government can negotiate on a win-win situation for the restoration of the losses sustained by Sabah since 1975 including the returns of the windfall gains wrongfully obtained by Petronas.
If diplomatic discussions cannot resolve the annulment of the vesting and restoration of the oil and gas ownership rights, then the Sabah government should not hesitate to take legal action and bring the matter before the courts.
On our part, we have made all preparations and are ready to file the court action against the federal government, state government (if needed), Petronas and the various parties to annul the 1975 Vesting Order and to seek the necessary consequential orders for compensation and damages and return of the wrongly obtained gains from Sabah’s oil and gas over the years from 1975.
Letters have been prepared to be sent to the Sabah government and the Sabah BN parties and their leaders to take the necessary action.
The Sabah Chief Minister and his Sabah BN leaders have been trumpeting that the Sabah BN enjoys a very good relationship with the federal government.
If what is said by the Chief Minister and his Sabah BN leaders are true, it would appear to be a simple task for them to get the Prime Minister to give back and restoreSabah’s oil and gas resources to its rightful owners.
Along with the annulment of the Vesting Order, the Sabah government can negotiate on a win-win situation for the restoration of the losses sustained by Sabah since 1975 including the returns of the windfall gains wrongfully obtained by Petronas.
If diplomatic discussions cannot resolve the annulment of the vesting and restoration of the oil and gas ownership rights, then the Sabah government should not hesitate to take legal action and bring the matter before the courts.
On our part, we have made all preparations and are ready to file the court action against the federal government, state government (if needed), Petronas and the various parties to annul the 1975 Vesting Order and to seek the necessary consequential orders for compensation and damages and return of the wrongly obtained gains from Sabah’s oil and gas over the years from 1975.
The patriotism of the Sabah BN leaders and the sincerity of the federal and Sabah government are now laid before the people of Sabah and we let the people judge on their actions and make their votes count in the forthcoming general elections.
ReplyDeleteSabah ini kita punya,
Bukan Umno/BN bukan PR punya,
Bukan Malaya punya.
Untuk kamurang Umno/BN dan PR Sabah
Yang masih sokong Umno/BN dan PR
Dan mahu bantu BN/PR menguasai Sabah,
Berhijrahlah ke Malaya.
Sabah tiada tempat untuk pengkhianat,
Sabah ini kita punya.
Kita ambil balik Sabah.
Memang pun kita yang punya bro.. umno atau pr tidak pernah cakap sabah ini hak milik dorang.. kalau star mahu cakap sabah ini dia yang punya, bermakna star la parti paling tamaha di dunia..
DeleteBro, kena ingat juga bahawa siapapun yang akan memerintah sabah, parti itu tetap akan merujuk kepada kerajaan pusat..
Jeffrey sudah banyak kali lompat parti.. sudah banyak kali sikap tamaknya menjadi bualan rakyat.. kenapa perlu sokong jeffrey yang sikapnya sama saja macam anwar? Tidak ada sudah ka pemimpin2 sabah yang lebih bersih dan berkredibiliti dari si JK?
ReplyDeleteJK raja katak kini memanggil hujan.
DeleteSi jeffrey kononnya mahu menjanjikan royalti minyak kepada sabah sebanyak 50%.. tapi sampai sekarang dia dan macai2nya gagal menjelaskan secara terperinci bagaimana royalti minyak itu boleh ditingkatkan ke paras yang mereka janjikan..
ReplyDeletejgnlah percaya pada raja katak.
DeleteKalau betul si jeffrey berjuang untuk rakyat sabah, kenapa bukan dia saja yang saman kerajaan persekutuan? Kenapa rakyat biasa pula yang bertindak?
ReplyDeletePerjuangan Jeffrey Kitingan hanya untuk diri sendiri saja
Delete“Today, is a historic day for Sabah. It marks the beginning of self-government and independence and the end of colonialism”.
ReplyDelete(Re: Sir William Goode, outgoing Governor of North Borneo, Sabah Times, Jesselton, August 1, 1963)
The Tunku naturally uttered several historic statements on the matter:
“The granting of self-government too would enable Sabah to stand on its own feet as equal with Malaya, Sarawak and Singapore.”
(Sabah Times, Jesselton, August 30th, 1963)
“The important aspects of the Malaysia Ideal, as I see it, is that it will enable the Borneo territories to transform their present colonial status to ‘self government’ for themselves and absolute independence in Malaysia simultaneously...”
“The days of imperialism are gone and it is not the intention of Malaya to perpetuate or revive them. When the Borneo territories become part of Malaysia, they will cease to be a colony of Malaya, they will be partners of equal status, no more or less.”
(RE: Strait Times, October 2nd 1962) The “other States” refer to the other States entities of Malaya, Singapore and Sarawak.”
Refer also Article 1 and article viii of the Malaysia Agreement.
Hanya Dr Jeffrey saja yang konsisten dalam memperjuang hak Sabah yang pemimpin dalam BN adalah, traitor, stooges and proxiy of Malaya.
Minyak Sabah adalah 100% milik rakyat Sabah dan Malaya sepatutnya tidak layak mendapat 1% pun.
The class action suit to nulify the oil and gas agreement will be filed latest before christmas surely the plaintiff will be from senior Star leaders. Just wait.
Jangan mudah percaya dengan cakap2 Jeffrey Kitingan, sekarang saja perjuangan panas membara. lepas PRU13 malap lagi tu
ReplyDeleteBn tetap kalah dalam PRU13 dan banyak pemimpin Bn akan lompat kalau tidak masuk lokap sebab terlalu banyak makan rasuah.
ReplyDeleteSecara jujurnya tidak ada negeri (pengeluar minyak) di Malaysia yang tidak mahu royalti minyak dinaikkan 100%. Jika dihitung jumlahnya, cukup untuk mengubah landskap sesebuah negeri daripada hutan kepada bangunan pencakar langit.
ReplyDeleteNamun apakan daya, minyak dan gas itu bukan dikorek menggunakan sudu di lopak-lopak berair di tepi-tepi jalan. Sebaliknya ia memerlukan sebuah pelantar minyak yang dilengkapi dengan alat menggerudi lapisan batu di dasar laut, bangunan mini untuk penginapan para pekerja, tempat pendaratan helikopter dan tempat pemprosesan minyak mentah.
DeleteBukanlah niat saya untuk bercerita mengenai pelantar minyak secara panjang lebar, melainkan sekadar untuk memberikan gambaran bahawa royalti minyak tidak boleh dinaikkan sesuka hati tanpa mengambilkira kos carigali dan kos subsidi yang ditanggung oleh Petronas.
DeleteSeperti yang kita sedia maklum, sejak akhir-akhir ini banyak pihak yang mencadangkan supaya royalti minyak Sabah dinaikkan dari 5% sehingga 20%, malah ada yang tanpa segan silu menjanjikan royalti sebanyak 50%-70%. Berbagai-bagai pandangan pro dan kontra dari pelbagai pihak mengenai isu tersebut. Namun kebanyakan pandangan ini tidak disokong dengan fakta tentang bagaimana royalti minyak ini boleh ditambah sehingga ke paras tertentu.
DeleteMemang benar Petronas telah memperolehi pendapatan berbilion ringgit daripada usaha carigalinya di Malaysia termasuk di Sabah, tetapi mungkin pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang lupa bahawa Petronas juga menanggung kos carigali sebanyak 85% di 46 buah negara di dunia, tidak termasuk Somalia dan Kazakhtan. Selain daripada itu, Petronas juga membiayai subsidi minyak kepada rakyat Malaysia serta membayar cukai korporat dan zakat perniagaan.
DeleteBerdasarkan fakta ini, agaknya dari mana angka 20% dan 70% itu boleh dijana?
Sebab itu DS Najib perlu menubuhkan jawatankuasa khas untuk mengkaji dan menyemak semula royalti petroleum ini sekaligus menentukan paras peratusan yang boleh ditingkatkan. Oleh sebab itu juga, tidak perlulah rakyat dan juga pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang "mewajibkan" nilai 20% atau 70% royalti minyak itu diberikan kepada Sabah kerana semua itu tetap akan dipertimbangkan melalui proses kajian yang terperinci lagi adil.
Deletememang betul janji pakatan itu tidak rasional setelah mereka gagal mengemukakan fakta tentang bagaimana mereka mampu memberikan royalti sebanyak itu kepada Sabah.
DeleteHasil Negeri Sabah dianggarkan berjumlah RM3.828 bilion pada tahun 2013 yang menunjukkan peningkatan sebanyak 3.73 peratus dibandingkan dengan anggaran asal tahun ini berjumlah RM3.690 bilion.
ReplyDeleteDengan mengambilkira bahawa hasil purata Negeri Sabah bagi tempoh tiga tahun yang lalu (2009-2011) yang berjumlah dalam lingkungan RM3.8 bilion setahun, maka Kerajaan Barisan Nasional Negeri yakin bahawa sasaran kutipan hasil yang ditetapkan pada tahun hadapan adalah munasabah. Oleh yang demikian, Kerajaan tidak berhasrat untuk memperkenalkan cukai baru atau meningkatkan kadar cukai sedia ada.
DeleteBerdasarkan prestasi kutipan hasil negeri setakat ini, anggaran hasil disemak bagi tahun 2012 dijangka mencapai RM4.022 bilion iaitu meningkat sebanyak 8.97 peratus berbanding anggaran asal. Royalti Petroleum yang merupakan salah satu sumber utama hasil negeri telah merekodkan penerimaan berjumlah RM941.25 juta berbanding anggaran asal berjumlah RM774.6 juta.
DeleteDi samping itu, beberapa sumber hasil yang dijangkakan dapat menyumbang lebih daripada anggaran asal termasuklah Cukai Jualan, Hasil Tanah, Terimaan Daripada Pejabat-pejabat Daerah dan Pemberian daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan. Sekiranya keadaan seperti ini berterusan ke tahun hadapan maka kerajaan berkeyakinan penuh bahawa Kerajaan Negeri akan terus menikmati kutipan hasil negeri pada tahap RM4 bilion.
DeleteHasil Negeri Sabah diklasifikasikan kepada tiga kategori iaitu Hasil Cukai, Hasil Bukan Cukai dan Terimaan Bukan Hasil. Hasil Cukai dijangka menyumbang sebanyak RM1.225 bilion atau 32 peratus. Sumber utama dalam kategori ini ialah Cukai Jualan atas Minyak Sawit Mentah yang dijangka menyumbang sebanyak RM1.05 bilion atau 27.43 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan hasil negeri pada tahun 2013.
DeleteHasil Bukan Cukai dianggarkan berjumlah sebanyak RM2.26 bilion atau 59 peratus. Dua penyumbang utama dalam kategori ini ialah Royalti Petroleum dengan anggaran sebanyak RM1 bilion atau 26.2 peratus serta Faedah dan Perolehan dari Pelaburan sebanyak RM691.56 juta atau 18.06 peratus daripada jumlah hasil.
DeleteSelebihnya sebanyak RM343.28 juta atau 9 peratus lagi adalah dari kategori Terimaan Bukan Hasil yang sebahagian besarnya adalah Pemberian dan Sumbangan daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan.
DeleteSejak tahun 2008, penyumbang utama kepada hasil negeri Sabah adalah Cukai Jualan atas Minyak Kelapa Sawit dan Royalti Petroleum yang mana kedua-dua sumber ini dijangka menyumbang sebanyak 51.33 peratus pada tahun ini dan 53.63 peratus daripada jumlah hasil pada tahun hadapan.
DeleteUsaha Kerajaan Negeri memberi lebih fokus dalam pengurusan pelaburan agar tidak terlalu bergantung kepada kedua-dua sumber tersebut, sedikit sebanyak telah membuahkan hasil. Ini terbukti dengan kutipan hasil sebanyak RM928.03 juta pada tahun 2011 melalui "Faedah dan Perolehan dari Pelaburan".
DeleteUntuk tahun ini pula, hasil melalui sumber ini dijangkakan dalam lingkungan RM820 juta diikuti dengan anggaran sebanyak RM691.56 juta pada tahun hadapan.