Students disappointed with local political leaders

KOTA KINABALU: Students disappointed with local political leaders

Solidariti Anak Muda Sabah (SAMS) had to postpone indefinitely the earlier planned Tawau Forum titled "Talk to our Leaders - What is the best way to develop Tawau?” to date yet to be confirmed.

According to organising chairperson Jan Chow, “We’ve done all that we can within our power to accommodate them - we have compromised on the date, and we have even changed the originally planned debate format to a Forum, all for their convenience. And yet they still hide behind their pride and fear.”

“One politician even showed deep interest to participate but was stopped by his own party. Respective leaders should be able to make their own decisions, and should be daring enough to express their interest. If they cannot even exercise their own right due to restrictions placed by their own party, what does this mean for the Rakyat who will vote for them? What are our chances to claim our rights through them?” She continuted.

SAMS would like to remind all politicians that the younger generation is no longer as complacent as the younger generation was 20 or even 10 years ago. Our youths are are growing up, and better educated in voters rights. If politicians refuse to improve, they may be replaced. If politicians do not have eyes to see, SAMS implores them to listen.

“If you can’t hear us, feel it! Change is knocking at your door!” asserts Jan.

“Malaysia is a beautiful country. It has abundant natural resources. It has a blessed geographical location. There is no reason for poverty! This is the land we call home, this is a country we are proud of. All we need is people who start thinking what they could do to change the situation. Look at US, depending on political to bring change is the dumbest idea. How can the country benefit from your skill? If you see problems, solve them! If you do not know how, find the solutions! If you cannot do it alone, let us do it together!”


  1. Kekecewaan sekarang yang perlu kita lihat ada pihak yang asyik cuba untuk memberikan pelbagai fitnah kepada orang lain dalam politik ini.

  2. Rakyat inginkan politik Negara kita berada dalam keadaan yang bersih, baik dan mementingkan kepada keamanan. Janganlah bawa rakyat kepada kehancuran seperti Pakatan lakukan sekarang ini.

    1. jagalah keharmonian kita.

    2. ya, semua harus berpolitik dengan baik dan bersih.

  3. Ganas chairman ni tapi adanya kenyataan yang perlu ditimbang oleh semua pihak.

  4. Students are future hope for the nation but restrictions are needed.

    1. pelajar perlu nilai baik dan buruk sesuatu pekara agar tidak mudah terpengaruh.

  5. Jangan libatkan pelajar2 dalam urusan politik yang tidak memanfaatkan semua pihak.

    1. para pelajar tidak diberi kebebasan untuk berpolitik. biar pelajaran dahulu yang diutamakan.

    2. para pelajar baik utamakan pada pelajaran.

    3. pelajar harus fokus kepada keutamaan mereka untuk belajar.

  6. Hampa dengan keadaan politik yang tak menentu.

  7. Let's see what are the changes in politics.

  8. Generasi muda sekarang ni makin sedar akan hak dan kepentingan mereka sebagai sebahagian komuniti.

  9. golongan muda harus jangan mudah terpengaruh dengan hasutan pihak tidak bertanggungjawab.

  10. sekarang ini semua parti politik mahu sokongan dari rakyat Sabah. jadi harus bijak menilai.

  11. pelajar2 pun tidak terlepas dijadikan mangsa oleh pemimpin2 politik yang tamakkan kuasa.. bagi pemimpin2 politik pembangkang, masa depan politik mereka lebih penting berbanding dengan masa depan pelajar2 ini..

  12. apa gunanya parti2 politik pembangkang yang berlambak di Malaysia, jika pelajar2 ini masih terpaksa turun kejalan raya melakukan tugas2 pembangkang?

  13. patut la pencapaian pelajar2 Malaysia sentiasa menurun jika dibandingkan dengan pelajar2 negara lain.. sebab pelajar2 kita dijadikan mangsa oleh pemimpin2 pembangkang untuk kepentingan politik mereka..

  14. Students of higher learning institutes in Sabah have once again been reminded not to be sidetracked from their education and get carried away by unhealthy political sentiments. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said students should focus on their studies and be mindful of their duties as students as they are the future of the country.

  15. “Focus on your education, don’t be deceived by irresponsible elements that could derail you from realising the hope and expectation of your family and your country,” he said.Musa, who was speaking at the Universiti Teknology MARA (UiTM) Sabah Hari Raya celebration here yesterday, said students should take full advantage of the opportunity they have to complete their studies.

  16. Students, he added, have a duty to develop themselves into a knowledgeable, competitive human capital that can contribute to the development of the country.In this relation, he said they must be mindful not to be influenced by irresponsible parties seeking to exploit them as this would only distract them from fulfilling their task.

  17. “It is our hope to ensure that students could commit themselves fully to their education in line with efforts to produce excellent graduates.“Barisan Nasional (BN) is always concerned and sensitive towards the interest of the Rakyat. Whatever is done is for the good of the people, including the students.


  18. “Everything we do are often related to the development of education and the students themselves,” he added.Musa, who is also UiTM Alumni patron, said the institution is among the best universities in the country and have produced thousands of graduates, many of whom have become leaders and well known figures in their respective fields today.


  19. In this regard, he called on the students to commit themselves to their studies and take it as a challenge to follow the footsteps or even do better than their successful seniors.At the event Musa also presented Hari Raya contribution to students and orphans.

  20. Musa earlier this week criticised the youths’ involvement in the recent Janji Demokrasi rally in Peninsular Malaysia and advised students to focus their attention on their study instead of wasting their time indulging in non-beneficial activities.He also advised them to maintain their Malaysian culture of being respectful towards other people and not adopt the culture of the ‘uncouth’ and ‘rude’, referring to trampling of national leaders’ pictures by some youth at the rally.

  21. Meanwhile, Kinabatangan member of parliament Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin in his welcoming speech at the open house, said the Merdeka eve incident which also saw rally supporters disgracing Jalur Gemilang by “unveiling” a new “Malaysian flag” was extremely regrettable.He said such ‘uncivilized’ act was not rational in anyway and could not be accepted by any rational Malaysian.


  22. “We do not always agree with our leaders but there are other ways to express our disagreement,” he said, urging students to refrain from getting involved with the kind of Janji Demokrasi group.Bung, who is also the BN Backbencher Club (BNBBC) deputy chairman, said students should be grateful that the government has always emphasized on education development and provided ample education opportunities and assistance for them.

  23. The youth he added must not be persuaded by the ‘janji terang bulan’ from certain quarters who claimed they would get rid of education loan to provide a totally free education for all Malaysians.The open house was jointly organized by UiTM and BNBBC as a platform to engage the youth group, especially students at the campus and from the surrounding areas.Also present were Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister cum education exco Datuk Masidi Manjun, UiTM Sabah rector Dr Hj Abdul Kadir Hj Rosline and other BN leaders
