STAR to Hold 1st National Convention in Sabah

“The State Reform Party (STAR) will hold its 1st national convention outside Sarawak when STAR Sabah hosts the 2012 National Convention on 6 September 2012 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah” announced Guandee Kohoi, the Organizing Chairman of theConvention in a press statement released today.

Objectives of the Convention
In the forthcoming 13th General Elections (GE-13) that is expected to be called within the next 6 months, Sabah and Sarawak are expected to be kingmakers in deciding who will form the next federal government in Putrajaya.

The Convention will provide the key platform and opportunity for STAR’s national leaders from Sabah and Sarawak to convey to the Party’s grassroot leaders the importance of and the roles that STAR are expected to play in the GE-13 given the kingmakers role of Sabah and Sarawak.

The grassroot leaders will similarly have an equal opportunity to contribute their ideas which will attract better support of the electorate and strengthen the Party in the coming elections.

The Convention will also show that STAR is a national political party and put an end to rumour-mongering against the party which indirectly is a compliment to the party’s strength and support.  If the Party had no strength and did not have the people’s support, there would have been no need to spread the false rumours against the party and its leaders.

Unity in the Borneo Agenda for Sabah and Sarawak
The Convention will provide a previously unavailable avenue for the people of Sabah and Sarawak to be united in their common interests under a common Borneo-based party under STAR.

Together with the Borneo Agenda being championed by STAR, the people in Sabah and Sarawak will also have the platform to seek the restoration of the rights of Sabah and Sarawak under the Malaysia Agreement and the 20-Points and the 18-Points respectively.

Biggest Delegates Turnout
The Convention will see its largest delegates turnout of more than 2,000 delegates with some 300 delegates from Sarawak registered for the event.

The Convention will be officially opened by STAR President, Dr. Dripin Anak Sakoi, with a keynote policy speech to be delivered by Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, the Sabah Chairman.  The Convention is also expected to be attended by the founder of STAR, Dr. Patau Rubis, other supreme council members as well as leaders of other parties in Sabah in particular the top leadership of USNO, SAPP and SPF whilst invitations have also been extended to the Pakatan Rakyat parties in Sabah.


  1. rasanya laluan star di Sabah masih sukar.

    1. star baru saja di Sabah ni..bukan mudah untuk mereka mendapat sokongan.

  2. Apa yang kita dapat dengan STAR? Mesti penduduk Sabah juga tertanya-tanya akan perkara ini.

  3. Tidak ada yang hebat dengan parti baru Sabah ini. Setakat ini perjuangan mereka masih sama dengan parti pembangkang di Sabah yang lain seperti SAPP dan PR.

  4. Tidak ada yang menarik pun dengan kehadiran STAR pasal semua perjuangan sama dengan pihak lain lagi. Tidak ada pembaharuan yang dibuat dan diperjuangkan oleh STAR ini. Jadi kita lihat saja setakat mana kebolehan STAR ini. yang pasti STAR masih parti percubaan untuk Jeffrey.

  5. Siapakah president STAR? JK.. JK adalah bekas PBS dan juga BN dan juga PR. Banyak parti disertainya. Adakah begitu juga nasih dengan STAR nanti hanyalah menjadi persinggahan JK.

    1. JK memang sudah menyertai banyak parti sebelum ini.

  6. pandai pula si Jeffrey ni suruh penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak bersatu sedangkan mereka sendiri enggan bersatu dengan pembangkang2 lain..

    1. pembangkang di Sabah masih lagi tidak bersatu sampai sekarang.

  7. saya harap rakyat sabah tidak terpengaruh dengan agenda borneo STAR.. Jeffrey hanya berselindung di sebalik agenda borneo. jika benar beliau pejuang agenda borneo, kenapa bukan beliau saja yang memfailkan saman terhadap kerajaan persekutuan? kenapa dua orang rakyat biasa Sabah pula yang berjuang untuk isu boreonisasi?

  8. star masih baru di Sabah, belum tahu sama ada boleh berjaya atau tidak.

  9. star seperti kurang berjaya di Sarawak.
