September 16th Is Historic But A “Black Day” For Sabah/Sarawak: STAR

“September 16th could have been more than a historic day for Malaysia had the Malaysia Agreement, 1963, the promises, assurances and undertakings by the senior partner to the Federation had been fulfilled but, alas, this was not the case, thus making September 16th as a Black Day for Sabah and Sarawak” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah in response to the various comments on Malaysia Day.

Sabah’s founding fathers of Malaysia had great hopes of and expectations for Malaysia.  They were even prepared to sacrifice Sabah’s new found independence in favour of a new federation in the hope that this partnership would bring far more (than) benefits, in terms of security, economic prosperity and development without compromising too much of their rights as a sovereign nation.
Little did they realize that 49 years later their hopes and expectations had become nightmares and shattered dreams to their children and grandchildren of Sabah.

Far from being realized, the Malaysia Agreement, the Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC) Report, the 20-Points as well as the assurances and undertakings were cast aside and ignored.  In some cases, the contrary position were implemented to the detriment of Sabah.  Worse, anyone raising them would be detained and punished under the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA). 

These documents seemed only good for the archives (and not even good for display in museums) and the young generations will not be taught about the true Malaysian History as this would not be taught in the schools.

Mahathir himself, a powerful Prime Minister for 22 years warned this writer thus: “Jeffrey, don’t teach the people what they don’t know….!” before throwing him in jail under the ISA for raising the 20-Points and the Malaysia Agreement as the basis for federal-Sabah relationship.

This also explained why Malaysia Day, 16th September, was never recognized or celebrated by the nation until 2010 when the new generation of Sabahans and Malaysians demanded its recognition and the federal government finally gave in under the weight of a strong opposition.

In Sabah, 16th September was marked as the official birthday of His Excellency, TYT Yang DiPertuaNegeri, without any mention of it being Malaysia Day.

Malaysia Day was officially forgotten and relegated to the archives.  Malaysia Day is not even defined in the Federal Constitution.  One wonders what the motives of the Sabah BN leaders when they all now rush to state that Malaysia Day is a historic day.   Could it be because the general elections are to be held soon?

The young generation, who now have access to information, are now demanding for answers and not accepting blindly the twisted government propaganda.

Why are we celebrating 55th year and not 49th year of Malaysian independence when Malaysia was only born on 16 September 1963?

Isn’t 31st August 1957 Malayan independence?  Why are Sabahans and Sarawakians asked to celebrate Malayan independence which has no relevance to them?

It is also not right for the main-stream media to report that Malaysia was similar to the USA and gave the example of Hawaii joining USA in 1959 and still celebrated 4th July as its independence day.  Sabah never joined Malaysia or the Federation of Malaya and in fact the Federation of Malaya formed Malaysia with Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore in 1963.  There would have been no Malaysia without Sabah, Sarawak or Singapore.

Some even asked whether the Malaysian federation was ever colonized and later given independence?

How is it possible for Malaysia to be colonized or to gain independence when Malaysia only existed from 16 September 1963?

Discerning and curious Malaysians are now discovering that we have all been duped by the powers that be into believing their manipulated and twisted version of history. 

The powers that be even want us to believe that their slogan “JanjiDitepati” and “Promises Fulfilled, People Prosper” despite knowing that the Malaysia Agreement 1963, the IGC Report, the 20-Points/18-Points are far from being “ditepati” or fulfilled and have instead turned Sabah into the poorest State in Malaysia, their electoral “fixed deposit” capitalizing on foreign illegal immigrants to remain in power and controlling Sabah more or less as a Malayan colony and taking away its oil resources and revenue.

The word “Malaysia” is nothing more than a methaphor and an excuse for a Malayan takeover.  What is there to celebrate when:-
-     Sabah is now controlled/colonized by Malaya?
-     Sabah’s revenues are collected and controlled by the Malayan federal government?
-     Sabah’s oil has been unfairly taken over by Petronas/Malaya?
-     Sabah’s political franchise and future are decided by foreigners given dubious MyKads?

Celebrating Malaysia Day on 16th September would be meaningless, hollow and empty unless the special rights and autonomy of Sabah and Sarawak as agreed, promised and assured by the Founding Fathers of Malaysia are fulfilled.

Our State political leaders should use this occasion to rise above partisan political interest, fighting for self-interest in the name of development to one committed to the larger interests of Sabah and Sarawak and for the future well-being of Sabahans and Sarawakians and to put a stop to the nonsense of the powers that be and start putting things right. 


  1. Why do we need to keep on bringing up this old issues again & again? As if we can undo what has been done earlier?

    This kind of issues will going to make the gab between Borneo states & peninsular even deeper.

    1. continue the co-operation with both of government. To people to don't to believe with other try to make politic our national day and independent day.

  2. Isu ini makin diperkatakan maka makinlah tegang atmosfera Sabah nanti.

    1. Rasanya perkara yang paling penting sekali adalah keamanan Negara kita ini. Itulah yang perlu kita jaga sebaiknya.

  3. Janganlah politikkan perkara ini lagi, cukuplah kita hidup dengan aman itu yang lebih penting.

    1. Jangan cuba menganggu keamananan yang ada di Sabah.

    2. kemerdekaan pun dah dijadikan bahan politik.

  4. Cuma memang ada a few things yang kerajaan perlu bagi perhatian bagi memastikan Sabah membangun dan harmoni.

  5. Apa sebenarnya agenda Jeffrey memperbesarkan isu ini. Sudah berlalu tapi masih juga kena ungkit.

  6. Semoga rakyat tidak mudah terpengaruh dan buatlah penilaian yang matang mengenai hal ini.

    1. jgn terpengaruh, kita harus jaga keharmonian kita.

  7. Najib Tun Razak said the young generation should evaluate the achievements of the government from all aspects and not based on political perception and rhetoric. In this regard, the Prime Minister said the young generation must be trained so that they had higher thinking skills to enable them to differentiate between the perception deliberately created by certain groups, particularly through the internet and social media which were not based on the truth.This is the generation that should be able to evaluate all this...not a matter of perception. Don't think that just because we are the government, we are not right.

  8. "If the ruling Barisan Nasional is not right, Malaysia would not have developed as it is now : Malaysia will achieve the developed nation status in a few more years," Najib said.He said this when delivering his speech at the opening of the Malaysian Young Thinkers Convention organised by Malaysian Young Thinkers Youth Organisation (PPM) in collaboration with the Youth and Sports Ministry, Malaysian Youth Development Research Institute and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) here.


  9. Najib said not all countries had detailed planning as Malaysia had in order to achieve the developed nation status because the government was capable of leading the nation to carry out massive transformation.The Prime Minister said the fact was that Malaysia was not a failed state because if one looked back at the progress the country had made under the present government for the past 55 years, there had been many achievements to the extent that the country could now be interpreted as a successful nation.


  10. He said that most young people emphasised on what was happening today and in future, but the fact was that they had no historical perspective, thus they would be at a loss as to where they had originated from or their past history.Thus, he said, some of the young generation did not know the difficulties suffered and the sacrifices made by the past leaders so that their children would inherit a much better nation.


  11. "Thus, as a young generation, we cannot be blind to history and we cannot become a generation that does not appreciate the struggles of our forefathers," he said.The Prime Minister said a young generation that had historical perspective would be appreciative and would not live as part of history, instead they would have the determination to take the country to greater heights.

  12. "This is the young generation that we can depend upon. It means that as a young generation, we must have the capability to contribute, and the ability to to be critical, innovative and creative in our thinking," he said.As leaders, Najib said, providing educational opportunities for the young generation to possess academic qualification alone was insufficient because they must be prepared to face the challenges of the 21st century, including attacks on the leaders through the social media instead of the 'poison pen' letters as was the case in the past.


  13. "They must be given the skill to think in depth so that they will not accept in toto what is being published in the social media."We don't want leaders who are good actors. We don't want leaders who are good in oratory skills but are not truthful," he said.


  14. "We don't want leaders attacking other leaders, but they themselves are not prepared to swear giving the excuse that it is a political conspiracy, everything is political conspiracy and they are not prepared to defend themselves based on facts," Najib said.He said the Barisan Nasional (BN) emphasised on the need to make real transformation instead of merely political rhetoric.

  15. Real change could also not be achieved through improper street demonstrations with some of the demonstrators jumping 'like monkeys' and kicking policemen, he said.Street demonstrations would not strengthen democracy, instead Najib described them as 'democrazy' for creating chaos which did not benefit Malaysia.

  16. "Chaos in the country would benefit no one, but if one does not agree with anything, then voice it in a proper manner," he said.Najib said Malaysians, including the young generation, must do what was best for the country and at the same time, the government provided aid such as the 1Malaysia People's Aid and several other programmes for the young which would be announced later.


  17. "There is a suggestion that soon I will launch the 1Malaysia book shop that will sell books cheaper than the other shops for the young generation so that they can develop a reading habit. Then, we want to set up 1Malaysia textile shop, much cheaper," he said.He called on the young generation to acquire skills and to take note that some of them were earning an income of RM3,000 by selling cup cakes.

  18. 16 september sepatutnya hari gilang gemiling untuk Malaysia tapi bertukar jadi 'black day' sebab pembangkang menggunakan kesempatan itu untuk melakukan demonstrasi jalanan..

  19. tidak cukup berkempen setiap hari, pada hari sambutan Hari Malaysia juga dimanfaatkan oleh pembangkang untuk menyebarkan agenda politik mereka..

  20. layakkah pembangkang bercakap soal sejarah jika tidak ada dikalangan mereka merupakan pakar sejarah?? lebih2 lagi setelah Malaysia terbentuk dan sekian lama menyambut kemerdekaan..

  21. "Sabah is now controlled/colonized by Malaya?"

    jika pakatan memerintah, Sabah tetap akan dijajah oleh Malaya..
    jika Star memerintah, giliran sarawak pula menjajah Sabah..

  22. "Sabah’s revenues are collected and controlled by the Malayan federal government?"

    all states revenue are also controlled by federal government.. and if pakatan menages to take over Puterajaya, they are also will continue to control our revenue..

  23. "Sabah’s oil has been unfairly taken over by Petronas/Malaya?"

    kalau tidak adil, kenapa tidak saman petronas?? adakah bagi pembangkang adil memberikan 100% royalti minyak kepada sabah ketika petronas menanggung 60% kos carigali dan 30% untuk subsidi??

  24. dibawah pentadbiran Najib, beliau bersugguh2 menyelesaikan masalah2 di sabah.. dalam masa hanya 4 tahun, banyak pembaharuan telah dilaksanakan oleh beliau.. malah beliau satu2 PM yang berani menubuhkan RCI dan juga jawatankuasa khas mengkaji royalti minyak sabah..
