“Scorpene Never Dies” Candle Light Vigil 25 Sept Support SUARAM

We, a group of youths who have been participating in the Malaysian democratic movement for the past 10 years, are outraged by the government’s persecution of Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM), the best known human rights organization in the country that is always at the front line to defend the people’s fundamental rights.

The malicious allegations against SUARAM clearly are baseless and hold no water. The Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism, Ismail Sabri Yaakob had abused his power to discredit SUARAM while the investigation was still in progress. It indeed is a trial of SUARAM by the media without going through a proper legal process and an infringement of the freedom of association.

Everyone in the streets knows why the Najib-led government persecutes SUARAM -- it is to sweep the Scorpene submarines scandal and relevant allegations of corruption, as well as the truth of Mongolian Altantuya's death, under the carpet. And it is because SUARAM filed a complaint with the French court in 2009 for an investigation into claims of corruption involved in the Scorpene submarines deal between France and Malaysia. The prime minister, Najib Razak, would benefit the most if the government clamped down on SUARAM to jeopardize the administration of justice.

Therefore, we call upon all Malaysians and civil society to stand by SUARAM by organizing candlelight vigils entitled “Scorpene Never Dies” in places all over the country to show solidarity with SUARAM and protest against the persecution by the Najib-led government. Let us spread the Scorpene submarines issue far and wide to express our solidarity with the human rights defender, thereby warning the government that even if it could keep down SUARAM, the Scorpene submarines issue would never die and we would carry on the struggle to uncover the truth of the Scorpenes scandal and uphold justice for Altantuya.

The first “Scorpene Never Dies” candlelight vigil will be held on 25 September 2012, Tuesday, at 8pm on Dataran Merdaka and we invite all members of the public to take part. Please call the coordinator Ng Yap Hwa at 012-2658448 if you have any queries. More information please visit : http://www.facebook.com/ScorpeneNeverDies

 “Scorpene Never Dies” Action Team

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