Sabah BN confident of retaining Kota Belud seats

The State BN says judging from the progress the party
has brought and the sentiments of the people, it can
keep all three and one parliamentary seats.
By Luke Rintod of FMT
KOTA BELUD: Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) is confident of retaining all four seats in the Kota Belud area in the coming general election.

The four seats are the three state constituencies of Tempasuk, Usukan and Kadamaian, and the sole parliamentary seat of Kota Belud. They are currently held by Sabah Umno and its strongest ally Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS).

Chief Minister Musa Aman, who was here for the BN Hari Raya open house celebration on Saturday, said he was happy to see the show of support here led by state Umno deputy chief, Salleh Said Keruak, who is also Umno divisional head for Kota Belud.

“I’m touched by the show of support here, the very place where Umno was born in Sabah,”
Musa said, recalling how the late Mustapha Harun won Usukan for Umno in a by-election in 1991.

Mustapha was then forced to vacate the seat under the now-repealed state anti-hopping law, for joining Umno, barely months after he won it under the Usno ticket in the 1990 general election.

“I believe if we work harder, we will be able to increase the people’s support and ensure all seats in the Kota Belud district be permanently in BN hands,” Musa told thousands of well-wishers.

He also recalled his days helping Mustapha win in the by-election. “I was then helping with
house-to-house campaign for Umno. I was a nobody then, but we worked hard for victory, and so we must ensure we win again here,” he said.

Musa also hit out at the opposition in Sabah, describing it as mere “penjual ubat” (street-peddlars), who are day-dreaming to overthrow a strong BN government.

“They can continue day-dreaming. They are good only in promising the moon and the stars, but BN under the leadership of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak delivers real progress,” he said.

He later cut a huge cake witnessed by all BN component parties.

Earlier, Salleh said under the current scenario, BN would win all four seats in Kota Belud judging from the progress the party has brought here and also the sentiments of the people.

“We can win all these four seats in Kota Belud,” he said to applause from the crowd who also came to have a closer look at artistes like Stacy, Adam and Salwa Abdul Rahman who belted out some of their favourite songs.

Salleh also paid tribute to Musa’s leadership, saying he is the best person to bring development and progress to Sabah and the people regardless of colour, religion and political affiliation.

“We in Kota Belud are fortunate to have a chief minister who loves this place and always made it a point to come here to see and listen to us even though he has a very tight schedule,” he said.


  1. KB is another BN stronghold, there is no doubt that BN will win big at the district.

    1. And Beaufort as well because this is his birthplace.

    2. Beaufort? his? Bukan Sandakan ka Musa? Tapi pedulilah yang penting BN menang besar. hehe

    3. KB adalah kubu kuat BN, pasti BN akan terus menang di sana.

  2. BN is the only party who helps Sabahan!

    1. Bantuan yang disalurkan oleh BN memang itu la caranya.

    2. Jadi rakyat kenalah undi BN supaya kebajikan kita kekal terjamin.

  3. keep going Musa and BN are able to enhance Sabah development.

    1. Yes, more development projects will come along and I'm sure it will bring Sabah into another level.

    2. Pembangunan adalah seiring dengan usaha kerajaan untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat.

    3. Musa byk bangunkan negeri Sabah.

    4. semasa Musa dilantik sebagai Menteri Kewangan Sabah, simpanan Sabah hanya RM200 juta. Sejak itu, dari tahun ke tahun simpanan negeri terus bertambah, sehinggalah mencapai RM3bilion.

    5. KB bakal menjadi jelapang padi.

  4. Bagi saya semua ini akan menjadi kenyataan untuk BN. Semoga BN akan terus mengekalkan kerusi yang ada di Sabah ini.

    1. Let's hope for a better future.

  5. Jangan mudah putus asa untuk memberikan yang terbaik kepada Sabah.

  6. yang perlu kerajaan tahu adalah usaha yang dibuat oleh kerajaan kepada mereka. Itu yang akan menentukan dan membuat penilaian oleh Rakyat kepada BN.

  7. Kalau kita lihat sekarang pun BN di Sabah tetap mendapat sambutan yang baik. Semua itu tidak dinafikan lagi. Kerana itulah yang sebenarnyan berlaku.

    1. Banyak manapun perkara buruk yang dikaitkan dengan umnobn, parti ini tetap akan ajdi pilihan ramai sebab pemimpin parti iniu semuanya terbaik.

  8. Kerajaan BN adalah kerajaan yang terbaik untuk rakyat Sabah dan juga Negara, Jadi seharusnya teruskan usaha menyokong kerajaan yang mampu memberikan sesuatu kepada rakyat.

  9. Sokong BN ambil balik Kota Belud,hanya Musa yang dapat menangani KB!

  10. Well said Musa, opposition tu “penjual ubat” , who are day-dreaming to overthrow a strong BN government.

  11. Musa Aman mesti boleh!! Kota Belud sokong kau !

  12. Pasti menang ni BN di KB, tengok sajalah nnati.

  13. All the best kepada Musa pastikan anda terus berdiri kukuh menjalankan t/jawab sebagai CM.

  14. walaupun dilanda pelbagai kontroversi namun beliau tetap yakin dengan keutuhan Umno BN negeri dapat menghadapi apa juga cabaran.

  15. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Umno was formed to break the racial barrier in the country, and in Sabah, where it first set foot in Kota Belud.

  16. Umno originated from Peninsular Malaysia, but it broke the racial barrier in Sabah, the Prime Minister said.


  17. Umno and BN became the government, replacing Usno and Berjaya. It also successfully brought together the Usno and Akar members, after the party was dissolved by Pandikar to join Umno.


  18. The Prime Minister reminded that there is a need to respect one another, as we all come from different backgrounds, but politically, all must stay united under one flag, BN.

  19. The people, he added, should stay focus to move along with BN, by practising justice as a whole.

  20. Only BN can shape the nation’s future towards greater heights, and not opposition who only know how to make promises.

  21. Najib said Malaysia, especially Sabah, is unique with its cultural and racial diversity, and its ability to live together.


  22. “I am impressed with Sabah’s uniqueness. What I am trying to say is that it is alright to have different cultures, for as long as we are united politically." said Najib

  23. “We must stay united under Umno and Barisan Nasional so Sabah would remain as BN stronghold,”


  24. He said the people should take into account national and rational interests, and set aside the ethnicity differences to avoid weakening the existing ties.

  25. Najib, meanwhile, urged the people to uphold the country’s transformation agenda to lead Malaysia towards becoming a developed nation by 2020.


  26. “I would like to advise the people not to be enticed by the opposition’s propaganda and incitement, not to be easily disturbed when ‘tickled’ by those who only know how to give promises, and in the end fail to fulfil them.

  27. “When one or two people leave (BN), it is alright because what is important for us is to realise that we remain loyal to Umno and BN, as these will ensure better future compared to opposition.

  28. “They (opposition) do not have the means and are only good at telling lies, and in fact, the Selangor Menteri Besar (Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim) stated that a manifesto is not an agreement. But BN is different, we always fulfil our promises,” said Najib.

  29. tiga kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri iaitu Usukan, Tempasuk dan Kadamaian dalam Parlimen Kota Belud akan kekal dalam genggaman BN pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.

    Sabah World Heritage
    Borneo Bullet

  30. Sebenarnya, sejarah Umno Sabah bermula dari Kota Belud selepas parti itu dibawa masuk oleh Tun Datu Mustapha (Datu Harun) (bekas presiden Usno) yang mana beliau sendiri membubarkan Usno.

    Sabah World Heritage
    Borneo Bullet

  31. sepanjang pentadbiran BN, Kota Belud semakin membangun.. banyak projek2 pembangunan ekonomi dilaksanakan di daerah itu.. seperti projek agropolitan, jelapang padi, pelancongan dan banyak lagi..

  32. kalau ikutkan projek oil and gas juga pada mulanya ditempatkan di KB.. namun ada beberapa halangan yang menyebabkan projek itu dipindahkan..

  33. jika bukan kerana pemimpin2 pemabngkang yang asyik membantah projek2 pembangunan ekonomi oleh kerajaan, saya yakin Kota Belud dan seluruh negeri Sabah pasti jauh lebih baik dari hari ini..
