Reading the key to making do without the PTI

By Joe Fernandez
Reading is the key to Sabah making do without the PTI.

The Orang Asal -- Murut and Dusun including Kadazan or urban Dusun -- and the other Sabahans like the Bajau, Suluk and Indians/Chinese must take up the reading habit.

They must not go anywhere without a book in hand. One we acquire the reading habit, we will not start yawning and fall asleep the moment we open a book.
The reading habit will help ensure that at least 30 to 35 per cent of the students enter university.

The others can pursue diploma and certificate courses and acquire all sorts of skills needed by a modern economy.

It's not true that foreign labour is a must to run the economy. Sabah should do away with the kind of economy dependent on unskilled labour.

Many countries have managed to develop themselves without relying on foreign labour.

If the Orang Asal in particular don't take up the reading habit, and soon, they will end up losing their country, their land and eventually even their women. That will be the end of the bangsa, agama and negara.

Future generations will urinate on the graves of the present generation when that happens.


  1. What to do, it is a well known facts that majority of our people is not keen to work in a construction site or oil palm plantation as a general worker.

  2. Actually we are all book lovers but due to the advanced tech, we have lots in hand so we don't need to waste too much time seeking books outside. And no need to point out which race and religion deserve much.

  3. Namun PTI ini telah lama terjadi, jangan salahkan orang tempatan la pula.

    1. Masalah PTImengambil masa yang lama untuk di selesaikan.

    2. Sebenarnya masalah PATI ini berlaku di seluruh Negara dan bukannya di Negara Malaysia saja. Jadi kita harap kerajaan akan cuba mengurangkan masalah PATI ini sebaiknya.

    3. bukan mudah untuk menyelesaikan masalah sebegini .tapi kita rasa patut berterima kasih kepada kerajaan Negeri yang cuba sedaya upaya menyuarakan maaslah ini untuk di Selesaikan di Sabah.

    4. isu PATI dan lama berlaku, ia mmg mengambil masa untuk diselesaikan.

    5. namun, usaha menyelesaikan isu PATI kena diteruskan jg.

  4. No need to think about the PTI anymore.

  5. Pupuklah sifat suka membaca untuk masa depan yang cerah.

    1. Membaca itu penting dan lebih penting lagi ialah bahan yang dibaca tu. Jangan salah bahan baca dah lah.

    2. Gunakan bahan bacaan dengan betul, dan jangan salah gunakan.

  6. Why have to compare us with PTI?

  7. Kalau nak maju, ilmu pengetahuan itu penting.

  8. Tidak mustahil suatu masa nanti pati akan diterima secara terbuka di Sabah mcm yang berlaku di barat la kan, orang kulit hitam dan putih akhirnya boleh tinggal satu negara.

    1. Hindari Sabah daripada dikuasai oleh rakyat asing. golongan muda perlu sedar akan ancaman ni.

    2. kehadiran pati menjejaskan kita, jadi masalah ini harus diatasi.

  9. Tak kiralah apa yang perlu dilakukan namun masalah pati patut diselesaikan!

    1. semua harus bekerjasama untuk menyelesaikan masalah pati.

  10. Jadikan membaca amalan kita supaya kita jadi masayarakat yang berpengetahuan luas.

    1. Bermula daripada tahun 2001, bulan Julai diistiharkan sebagai Bulan Membaca Kebangsaan bagi menggantikan bulan Ogos (Sebelum 2001, Bulan Membaca Kebangsaan ialah pada Ogos). Bulan Membaca Kebangsaan yang pertama telah dilancarkan pada 31 Julai 1995 dan bertemakan "Mari Membaca Bersama”.

    2. 23 April, setiap tahun diperingati sebagai Hari Buku Sedunia. marilah sama2 memupuk budaya membaca untuk meluaskan pengetahuan. jangan jadi seperti katak di bawah tempurung yang mudah dipijak oleh orang luar terutamanya PATI yang semakin membanjiri Sabah.

  11. Untuk maju ke hadapan, membaca antara perkara yang dapat membantu.

  12. The Barisan Nasional (BN) government has been able to provide a comprehensive education system coupled with an education philosophy to produce human capital that will propel Malaysia towards achieving developed-nation status by 2020.

    1. Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the government through its education policy had managed to reduce poverty that plagued the country’s rural population, including in Sabah, to below three per cent by implementing various infrastructural and other development projects.

    2. Since 1957 (independence), where the country’s population was about seven million, the poverty rate at 70 per cent then has been gradually reduced. This has also been made possible through the outstanding education policy and quality co-curriculum … now the poverty rate has dropped to below three per cent.


    3. Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, said the challenges today must be shouldered by all quarters, especially the educators who should help raise the quality of education in line with schools’ infrastructural development undertaken by the government since the country’s independence.


    4. In this respect, all teachers are expected to be experts in their field, for instance, English language teachers to be proficient in the language and the Science option teachers, in teaching Science and Mathematics.

    5. Besides that, parents should be told that the curriculum system provided is aimed at producing knowledgeable citizens and that the education received is of high quality, comparable to that of developed countries.

    6. He also stressed the important role of teachers and especially the school heads and principals in enhancing leadership capability in order to take the national education system to a higher level.


    7. On the IAB branch, he said it would help raise leadership quality among the educators through the various courses and programmes conducted.

    8. Muhyiddin said the National Education Dialogue series were held nationwide to gather feedback and views from various quarters as input to further improve the system, besides overcoming its weaknesses.

    9. He said the dialogue series held in each state involved the National Education Advisory Council chairman, Tan Sri Dr Wan Mohd Zahid Mohd Noordin and education experts, with the report expected to be ready by the year-end for theproposed improvements to be made as soon as possible.


    10. Muhyiddin, in his two-day working visit to Sabah, also announced an allocation of RM11.2 million in immediate aid to upgrade various infrastructure and basic facilities in Ranau.

    11. He said the allocation included RM2 million for the Jalan Kibbas-Lipasu road project which would start next year, RM600,000 for the construction of an iron bridge to connect three villages in the Wallou area, RM100,000 to renovate the Al-Kautsar Mosque and a grant of RM10,000 for various associations here.

  13. usaha untuk membanteras pati harus berterusan sampailah ianya selesai.

  14. jika rakyat tempatan sudi mengambil alih kerja2 PATI atau warga asing, pasti negeri ini lebih cepat membangun dan dalam masa yang sama menghapuskan terus fenomena kemiskinan di negeri ini..

  15. untuk kebaikkan masa depan negeri Sabah, eloklah kurangkan kebergantungan terhadap tenaga buruh asing..
