Najib must undo greatest injustice inflicted by his late father to Sabah, says Dr Jeffrey

By Ezra Haganez
KOTA KINABALU : Maverick politician Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said Prime Minister Najib Razak must undo the "greatest injustice" his late father Razak Hussein did in "signing away" Sabah's oil and gas resources to Petronas in 1975.

"How can (then) Prime Minister Razak give away something that does not belong to him as Prime Minister?" Dr Kitingan said at his press conference here Wednesday, showing reporters copies of documents on the issue.

"PM Najib must undo his late father's greatest injustice against Sabah and reverse the vesting of Sabah's oil and gas resources back to Sabah from Petronas.

"The real issue is not whether the then Prime Minister had the authority to sign away Sabah's oil and gas resources to Petronas but why should he sign away Sabah's oil and gas without consultation with or approval from Sabah when the oil and gas belonged to Sabah," he asked.

Showng documents to reporters, Dr Kitingan, who is also Sabah chairman of the Sarawak-based State Reform Party (Star), said Razak had on March 26, 1975 signed away Sabah's oil and gas to Petronas by executing the Vesting Order under Section 2(2) of the Petroleum Development Act 1974.

He said the vesting order granted in perpetuity and conveyed to and vested in Petronas the ownership in and the exclusive rights, powers, liberties and privileges of exploring, exploiting, winning and obtaining petroleum whether lying onshore of offshore of Malaysia.

"The grant, conveyance and vesting was to be irrevocable and shall enure for the benefit of Petronas and its successor.

"But under Section 24(1) of the Land Ordinance (Sabah Cap. 68), petroleum oil and gas in Sabah are, and deemed always to have been reserved to the State Government, together with the right to enter lands and to search for, win, carry away and dispose of the same," he said.

Dr Kitingan further argued that: "Under Section 24(2) of the Land Ordinance, the Minister 9in charge of such resources) is authorised to grant licenses to search for, win, carry away and dispose of the petroleum oil and gas and to grant leases of the same.

"Under the same section, the State is also entitled to impose payment of royalties on the petroleum oil and gas produced. Further, Land and Natural Resources comes directly under the State List under the Inter-Governmental Commission (IGC) Report and the Federal Constitution.

"This action by Tun Razak may well be unconstitutional? How can the PM give away something that does not belong to him as Prime Minister? By signing away Sabah's oil and gas to Petronas, Tun Razak have committed the greatest injustice to Sabah," said the Harvard scholar.

He argued that it is only right that Najib, who was here a few days ago for a two-day visit, undo the injustice by undoing the vesting and getting Petronas to reverse the vesting and restore ownership of Sabah's oil and gas to Sabah.

"It is never a better time for Najib to show his sincerity in resolving Sabah's oil issue by giving back the oil and gas resources to Sabah which will also by a stroke of the pen wipe out Sabah's poverty problems.

"It is also the time for the Chief Minister of Sabah to show that he is truly a Sabahan at heart by not only seeking a review of the "oil royalties" but to ask the federal government to give back the oil and gas resources to Sabah, since he has said that the current state-federal relationship is very good," he added.

At the press conference, the videos of the speeches of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah was played to show the explanations on the imposition of royalties by the state and federal governments as well as on Tengku Razaleigh being asked to leave the ill-fated Nomad airplane before it took off from Labuan in 1976.

Sabah on its part however only signed an agreement with Petronas in June 14, 1976, days after the demise of Sabah's then Chief Minister, Fuad Stephens who perished with most of his senior state ministers in the Nomad air crash on June 6, 1976 after a botched negotiation with federal leaders on oil in Labuan earlier.

Each of the reporters present today were given copies of the CDs containing the video clips. Also present at the press conference were senior leaders of Star from Sarawak, Midi ak Johnek and Alim ak Mideh @ Giovanni Adlim, as well as Sabah leaders of the party.

The duo are here in preparation for Star's one-day National Convention tomorrow (Thursday) at the Star City's convention and events centre here.



    "The real issue is not whether the then Prime Minister had the authority to sign away Sabah's oil and gas resources to Petronas but why should he sign away Sabah's oil and gas without consultation with or approval from Sabah when the oil and gas belonged to Sabah," he asked.

    The real issue is that Malaya stole our oil resources through the betrayal of Sabahans and Sarawakians who actually played an important role in selling out their countries. A colonial master can never pacify the "natives" without the traitor rulers' collaboration- whether peacefully or violently.

    Sarawak's Mahmud Taib as the then Federal Minister for Natural Resources and his uncle A R Yakub then Sarawak CM and the few leaders of the SUPP were the criminals who opened the door and let UMNO in to seize not just Sarawak but Sabah Oil.

    We can now tie up many if not most of the important historic facts. First the few SUPP traitor leaders took the anti-Malaysia SUPP into the UMNO BN in 1971.


    SUPP could have been the kingmaker but it walked over giving UMNO BN the 2/3 majority it lost in the 1969 general elections. UMNO had to create the May 13 1969 Racial Pogrom/massacre and declared emergency rule. The SUPP leaders' betrayal (and MCA MIC) helped to give UMNO the 2/3 majority which led to the amendment of the Malayan Constitution and institutionalization of UMNO Malay supremacist NEP apartheid system. This irony is not seen by most who have been unaware of this aspect of history.

    When Taib became the Federal Minister of Natural Resources (1972 -74) he moved to grab our oil resources by "nationalising" foreign control under the Petronas Development Act.

    In both Sabah and Sarawak the first Chief Ministers Donald Stephens and Stephen K Ningkan had perhaps 90% patriotism to their own countries respectively and they resisted attempts by the new UMNO colonial masters to control their countries' resources especially oil.

    Both Chief Ministers did not last long as UMNO conspired to oust them from power and replaced them with traitors to Sabah and Sarawak. Ningkan's government was removed by a "constitutional coup" engineered by the Razak Cabinet and Stephens was at first exiled as ambassador to Australia but later met his tragic fate- the air crash which has not yet been fully explained.

    Before all these, we must see that the Malayan UMNO leaders had their eyes on our resources especially oil right from the beginning.

    cont' Part 2

    1. Part 2


      The Malaysia formation negotiations with the Brunei government in the 1960s exposed UMNO's colonization agenda when it had the gall to demand 100% control of Brunei oil. Whether the Brunei Sultan saw through this or by a stroke of luck UMNO refused his demand for the right to be Head of State, this led to the sultan's decision not to take Brunei into Malaysia.

      When Brunei became independent from British protectorship in 1984, UMNO tried again but failed to persuade Brunei to join Malaysia. UMNO even tried to persuade AM Azahari (leader of the banned Brunei People's Party and the anti-Malaysia uprising of Dec 8 1962) to conspire with them to seize Brunei. Azahari rejected their Machiavellian plot as he was loyal to his country.

      In 1976 after the PD Act 1974, with political control of Sabah and Sarawak in the hand of UMNO collaborators, Sabah and Sarawak oil rights were signed away.

      This was not for "Malaysian" nationalist sentiments. The game plan was that the participants become the major players is using Sabah and Sarawak as the cashed up petrol stations pumped dry through their proxy companies.

      STAR leaders are aware that there are 6 or 7 so-called favoured private companies which have direct pipelines connected to our oilfields. Mahathir family is a well known exposed example. The others are not fully exposed but it will include Najib/Razak family, AR Rahman/Taib families and Harris Salleh/cronies families.

      Why is Taib Mahmud has such a hold on UMNO and is so feared by Kuala Lumpur?

      He has lots of secret we do not yet know and oil is likely to the most explosive.

      We lost our greatest limited natural resources through the betrayal of local traitors who became instruments of UMNO colonisation of Sabah and Sarawak.

      So on 16 September 2012 we all who can see what it is all about can mull over the real issue- how to free our countries Sabah and Sarawak from Malayan colonial rule?



  2. Najib pasti tau lakukan apa yang terbaik untuk rakyt.

    1. Kalau kita lihat antara apa yang Datuk Najib dapat lakukan sekarang ini memang banyak apa yang terbaik untuk rakyat.

    2. Beliau telah buat yang terbaik. Tapi menjadi masalah sekarang adalah beliau adalah pemimpin yang lurus dan tidak suka berdalih. Maka sebab itulah pembangkang mencari peluang untuk menjatuhkan beliau.

    3. Jangan kita memikirkan yang buruk saja fikirkan juga apa yang telah dilakukan oleh kerajaan kepada kita.

    4. Kita patut percaya dengan pihak yang diamanahkan untuk membantu kita. Suka atau tidak kita patut menyokong demi kebaikkan kita semua. Jangan mementingkan diri sendiri semata-mata.

    5. PM sering datang ke Sabah, harap beliau akan berusaha memenuhi keperluan rakyat.

  3. harris yagn sebabkan Sabah mendapat royalti minyak 5%.

  4. "Maverick politician Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said Prime Minister Najib Razak must undo the "greatest injustice" his late father Razak Hussein did in "signing away" Sabah's oil and gas resources to Petronas in 1975."

    sepanjang 4 tahun pentadbiran Najib, beliau lebih banyak memperbetulkan kesilapan pemimpin2 terdahulu. so tidak perlulah Jeffrey menasihati Najib tentang apa yang perlu dia lakukan sedangkan beliau lebih dulu melakukannya sebelum Jeffrey menasihati beliau..

    1. semoga isu royalti minyak akan diuruskan dengan sebaiknya demi kepentingan rakyat.

  5. ""How can (then) Prime Minister Razak give away something that does not belong to him as Prime Minister?" Dr Kitingan said at his press conference here Wednesday""

    adakah bagi Jeffrey hanya PM Razak yang membuat keputusan berkenaan dengan royalti minyak pada waktu itu??

    1. harap pekara ini akan diselesaikan dengan sebaiknya.

  6. "PM Najib must undo his late father's greatest injustice against Sabah and reverse the vesting of Sabah's oil and gas resources back to Sabah from Petronas."

    sebelum Jeffrey mengatakan bahawa keputusan yang dibuat itu tidak adil, bolehkah beliau jelaskan secara terperinci tentang apa peratusan yang adil untuk Sabah dengan mengambilkira kos operasi serta subsidi Petronas?? setakat ini belum ada pemimpin2 pembangkang yang boleh menjawab soalan ini..

  7. "The real issue is not whether the then Prime Minister had the authority to sign away Sabah's oil and gas resources to Petronas but why should he sign away Sabah's oil and gas without consultation with or approval from Sabah when the oil and gas belonged to Sabah,"

    bukan pemimpin2 Sabah waktu itu yang bersetuju dengan peratusan royalti minyak??

  8. Najib dilihat berani melakukan perubahan..harap beliau akan buat yang terbaik untuk rakyat Sabah.

  9. sebarang isu pasti dapat diatasi dengan sebaiknya asalkan semua memberikan komitmen.
