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Swiss bank UBS is being investigated in connection with its relationship with Musa Aman. |
KOTA KINABALU: A Swiss investigations into a money-laundering trail with its roots in the rainforests of Sabah is threatening to embarrass Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his Barisan Nasional coalition government.
Najib who is on a two-day visit to Sabah to bring a fractious state Umno headed by Chief Minister Musa Aman into line ahead of general election, is faced with discomforting international exposure that his government is corrupt to the core.
The timing of Swiss investigations into links between UBS, Switzerland’s biggest bank, and the proceeds from illegal logging in Sabah couldn’t be worse for the premier who is hoping to mollify the state which has increasingly shown signs that it is swinging over to the opposition.
Najib and his entourage will be visiting the Kg Rampayan Laut in Kota Belud today for a carnival-like political event where he hopes to prop up shaky support for his Barisan Nasional coalition government.
The premier who is also Umno president was in Sandakan on Saturday for a meeting with his state party officials.
Talk of a shake-up in Sabah Umno has been quashed by party officials close to Musa and spun as a gambit by his rival, Shafie Apdal, the current Semporna MP who is a trusted man of Najib, and is said to being eyeing the post of Sabah chief minister.
Umno insiders are warning of serious repercussions should Najib refuse to reinvigorate the BN. They claimed that party’s interest must be put first and ahead of any personal agendas and failure to do so would be disastrous for the BN.
Reuters news agency yesterday reported that Swiss prosecutors have opened a criminal money laundering probe into UBS after environmental campaign group, Bruno Manser Fund, filed a complaint accusing it of links to the proceeds of alleged illegal logging in Malaysia.
The investigation could be a new embarrassment for the Swiss bank, fined for helping clients dodge US taxes in 2009 and facing similar accusations – which it denies – in Germany. It comes as Switzerland is trying to clean up its image as a haven for ill-gotten gains.
A spokeswoman for federal prosecutors said they had opened a criminal investigation into allegations of money laundering.
She confirmed that UBS was being investigated in connection with its relationship with Musa Aman.
Musa was accused in the complaint brought by Switzerland’s Bruno Manser Fund in May of links to illegal logging in Borneo. The chief minister has previously dismissed graft allegations as a political conspiracy.
UBS has said it was cooperating with the investigation.
“UBS complies with the rules and regulations in all the markets where it operates,” a spokesman who noted the bank is obliged to report to authorities fighting money laundering if it finds evidence it is holding assets of criminal origin, was quoted as saying.
In its complaint, the Bruno Manser Fund, which campaigns to save tropical rainforests in Borneo and the people who inhabit them, accused UBS of breaching its duty of care by accepting more than $90 million it said was earned from logging in Sabah. Citing documents it presented to Swiss prosecutors, it said the money was banked at UBS in Hong Kong and Zurich.
Najib who is on a two-day visit to Sabah to bring a fractious state Umno headed by Chief Minister Musa Aman into line ahead of general election, is faced with discomforting international exposure that his government is corrupt to the core.
The timing of Swiss investigations into links between UBS, Switzerland’s biggest bank, and the proceeds from illegal logging in Sabah couldn’t be worse for the premier who is hoping to mollify the state which has increasingly shown signs that it is swinging over to the opposition.
Najib and his entourage will be visiting the Kg Rampayan Laut in Kota Belud today for a carnival-like political event where he hopes to prop up shaky support for his Barisan Nasional coalition government.
The premier who is also Umno president was in Sandakan on Saturday for a meeting with his state party officials.
Talk of a shake-up in Sabah Umno has been quashed by party officials close to Musa and spun as a gambit by his rival, Shafie Apdal, the current Semporna MP who is a trusted man of Najib, and is said to being eyeing the post of Sabah chief minister.
Umno insiders are warning of serious repercussions should Najib refuse to reinvigorate the BN. They claimed that party’s interest must be put first and ahead of any personal agendas and failure to do so would be disastrous for the BN.
Reuters news agency yesterday reported that Swiss prosecutors have opened a criminal money laundering probe into UBS after environmental campaign group, Bruno Manser Fund, filed a complaint accusing it of links to the proceeds of alleged illegal logging in Malaysia.
The investigation could be a new embarrassment for the Swiss bank, fined for helping clients dodge US taxes in 2009 and facing similar accusations – which it denies – in Germany. It comes as Switzerland is trying to clean up its image as a haven for ill-gotten gains.
A spokeswoman for federal prosecutors said they had opened a criminal investigation into allegations of money laundering.
She confirmed that UBS was being investigated in connection with its relationship with Musa Aman.
Musa was accused in the complaint brought by Switzerland’s Bruno Manser Fund in May of links to illegal logging in Borneo. The chief minister has previously dismissed graft allegations as a political conspiracy.
UBS has said it was cooperating with the investigation.
“UBS complies with the rules and regulations in all the markets where it operates,” a spokesman who noted the bank is obliged to report to authorities fighting money laundering if it finds evidence it is holding assets of criminal origin, was quoted as saying.
In its complaint, the Bruno Manser Fund, which campaigns to save tropical rainforests in Borneo and the people who inhabit them, accused UBS of breaching its duty of care by accepting more than $90 million it said was earned from logging in Sabah. Citing documents it presented to Swiss prosecutors, it said the money was banked at UBS in Hong Kong and Zurich.
Quoting their spokesperson, UBS complies with the rules and regulations in all the markets where it operates.
ReplyDeleteIf they think the money is from suspicious source, they wouldn't accept the money.
No evidence till today for this accusation.. So maybe no need to say and support this accusation..
Deletejadi kalau macam itu tidak perlulah risau pasti tidak akan disabit bersalah juga kerana tidak ada bukti yang kukuh untuk mendakwa seseorang itu.
DeleteDatuk Musa sememangnya seorang yang berkebolehan. Tidak dinafikan lagi mengenai perkara ini. Kebolehan datuk musa dalam pengurusan dan pentadbiran membuat ada pihak yang cemburu dan cuba menjatuhkan beliau dari jawatan KM tesebut. Yang pasti itu adalah faktanya.
DeleteJadi tidak hairan dengan pelbagai isu yang dipermainkan oleh pihat tertentu yang mengaitkan Datuk Musa. Yang pasti Datuk Musa adalah pemimpin yang berjiwa rakyat dan prihatin. Mari kita terus bersama-sama menyokong usaha yang dibuat oleh beliau.
DeleteMainan Pembangkang sebenarnya semua ini. Faham-fahamlah sekarang usaha bagi menjatuhkan seseorang dengan cara yang tidak baik.
DeleteSaya tidak pasti kenapa tapi bagi pendapat saya sendiri ini adalah mungkin hanya strategi pihak tertentu untuk menjatuhkan Datuk Musa Aman. Datuk Musa dikaitkan dengan RASUAH.
Kerana kita tahu Datuk Musa adalah bersih dengan segala masalah peribadi. Sebab itu isu rasuah dikaitkan dengan Datuk. Kerana isu ini senang direka-reka oleh mereka yang pentingkan diri sendiri.
DeleteNamun rasanya perkara ini tidak akan menggugat sokongan rakyat kepada beliau. Sebelum ini pun pelbagai isu rasuah dikaitkan.
Namun sehingga sekarang penduduk Sabah sendiri tetap memberikan sokongan kepada beliau.
DeleteIni bermakna isu rasuah yang dikaitkan dengan beliau tidak ada kesan dan menggugat sokongan penduduk Sabah.
Betul itu..Tambahan lagi beliau yang terbaik dan mendapat sokongan daripada penduduk Sabah. Sebab itu ada pihak yang tidak senang akan semua ini dan mencari langkah untuk menjatuhkan beliau.
DeleteKita tidak pasti adakah ini rasuah atau bukan. Kerana kita juga perlu ingat apa rasuah sebenarnya. Kerana setiap orang ada pandangan mereka sendiri mengenai rasuah. Maka kita tidak pasti adakah kes ini boleh dikatakan rasuah atau bukan.
DeleteNamun itu semua tidak penting sekarang yang penting kalau benar itu rasuah buktikan dengan bukti kukuh. Tidak ada guna hanya cakap kosong semata-mata.Kita tunggu saja apa penjelasan dari Datuk Musa dan juga Datuk Anifah mengenai perkara ini. Kita tunggu apa siasatan daripada SPRM mengenai perkara ini. Jika tidak ada bukti kukuh rasanya pihak mahkamah tidak akan menerima pendakwaan tersebut. Kerana ini cuma membuang masa. Tidak ada guna mendakwa seseorang itu jika tidak mempunyai bukti.
DeleteTapi ada pihak yang mengatakan SPRM telah menutup kes ini kerana tidak ada kebenaran. Maka sebab itu ada pihak sengaja mengulangi semula, kitar semula isu ini.
Memang sudah lumrah sebagai seorang yang berkebolehan ini. Pasti akan mendapat pelbagai halangan dan dugaan. Jadi tidak perlu risau yang pasti kita dengan pendirian sendiri.
DeleteMaka teruskan menyokong pemimpin yang benar-benar mampu memberikan yang terbaik.
DeleteYang pasti Datuk Musa menafikan semua ini. Semua ini tidak ada kebenaran langsung. Jadi kita harap jangan ada pihak yang cuba memfitnah yang bukan-bukan tetang Datuk Musa.
DeleteSelagi tidak ada bukti yang sah atau sahih rasanya selagi itulah kita tidak patut mempercayai semua ini. Tidak ada guna cakap kosong tanpa ada bukti. Siapa-siapa pun boleh buat macam itu.
DeleteKetua Menteri Sabah memang kerap kali kita dengar keburukkan dihebohkan. Betulkan. Tapi kenapa mereka tidak hebohkan kebaikan dan kejayaan beliau membantu Sabah. Kenapa? Mesti terlalu banyak sehinggakan tidak terkira bukan.
DeleteWhy now to much the issued about Datuk Musa with corrupt? The answer is because now opposition no issue can topple Datuk Musa that why more rummour about corruption to Datuk Musa.
DeleteBila agaknya PRU13 ini akan diadakan? Tidak sabar sudah menantikan kehadiran PRU13 ini. Teruskan mengundi dan menyokongn BN.
DeleteSemoga isu sebegini akan tamat selepas ini yang asyik dipermainkan oleh pihak pembangkang.
DeleteBuatlah yang terbaik..Datuk Musa ada mengatakan yang mana lebih baik menumpukan usaha untuk membantu rakyat daripada pelbagai khabar angin yang tidak tahu darimana mereka perolehi ini.
DeleteMengenai mengubahan wang haram ini rasnya Micheal chia yang tahu dan dia yang patut dikenakan tindakkan undang-undang. Bukti sudah ada tertangkapnya dilapangan terbang Hongkong. Jadi memang dialah yang salah.
DeleteAnybody can make up a story ahout this.
DeleteNow another issue emerged again. I just don't understand.
DeleteSpeculation said november will be having the poll.
DeleteTidak tahu juga apakah sebab Musa serign dikaitkan kes rasuah?
DeleteHope the people make a right good choice for coming election.
Deletekali nilah kita menyokong BN,sokong Musa..
DeleteTanpa bukti, tak ke mana juga isu ni. hehe
DeletePasti ramai yang undi BN juga tu nanti. All the best kepada BN.
DeleteI wonder what the Swiss prosecutors is able to discover after investigating UBS?
ReplyDeleteLet Swiss to run the investigation. if any, hope action will be taken.
DeleteIf the Swiss prosecutors really have something about it, I don't think it would have to wait until today.
Deletekalau ada,kalau tidak cuma nama Musa yg dicemar...
DeleteEntahlah... Kita cuma mampu tunggu dan lihat sajalah apa kejadiannya nnati.
DeleteMusa was accused in the complaint brought by Switzerland’s Bruno Manser Fund in May of links to illegal logging in Borneo. The chief minister has previously dismissed graft allegations as a political conspiracy.
ReplyDeleteWe should wait and see what the authorities find out after the investigation on UBS and Datuk Musa Aman. Maybe it is indeed political conspiracy? Who knows, just wait and see.
The UBS accepted the transaction because the money is for the Bruno Manser Fund which campaigns to save tropical rainforests in Borneo and the people who inhabit them.
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman don't see discomforted by the international probe. He said before:
ReplyDelete” You can ask me… you can even repeat it outside the house. I won’t sue you because I am not worried at all."
“To me there is no such thing. You think if I am wrong I would be standing here.
“I am open anytime to be investigated. I am ready to face it anytime.
“What we are going to do now is to tell the truth. I am innocent until proven guilty.”
This was after Luyang assemblywoman Melania Chia’s queries regarding the alleged hundreds of million of ringgits in his Swiss bank accounts.
It is true. Datuk Musa Aman is not guilty until proven.
Deleteyeah not guilty until proven. get your fact right haters
DeleteSelagi tidak menjatuhkan hukuman, beliau masih tidak bersalah.
Deletebagus sekali respon Musa,steady dan calm.Musa sy sokong kau!!
DeleteTakkan didapati bersalah pun. Jangan risau dari sumber-sumber yang boleh dipercayai semua pun cakap takda bukti jadi macam mana? hehe
DeleteMusa tak patut risau pun sebab bukan salahnya.
DeleteThis is just an unproven accusation!
ReplyDeleteJust wait till the authorities can find any shred of evidence to prove Musa Aman guilty, until then, stop making speculations.
DeleteIf this time the Swiss authorities also cannot find anything wrong, people should start accepting that Musa Aman is really innocent after all.
Deletekita tidak perlu terpengaruh dengan pekara yang tidak diketahui kebenarannya.
DeleteMusa pun sudah warn rakyat,jgn biadah terhadap pemimpin krn ini bukan budaya kita,nilai murni ni penting!
DeleteIsu ini telah mengakibatkan banyak andaian yang negatif terhadap Musa. Kebenaran akan diketahui dengan siasatan yang terperinci.
DeleteBanyak spekulasi dibuat terhadap Musa. Semoga pihak berkuasa dapat membuktikan kebenaran.
DeleteKita biarkan rakya buat pilihan nanti. Siapa yang layak mengundi tu tunaikanlah tanggungjawab anda.
DeleteThis is just another baseless allegation. Datuk Seri Musa Aman is the best Chief Minister by far. Even past Chief Ministers and public figures has given him a lot of affirmation of the positive progress Sabah had undergone under his tenure as Chief Minister of Sabah.
DeleteUniversiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Sabah recently awarded Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman received a special award in recognition of the socio-economic development in the state.
DeleteThe association's vice-chairman, Azhar Matusin, said the award was to recognise Musa's contribution as a leader of the state, which had witnessed socio-economic transformation.
Datuk Gordon Leong said it was evident that Sabah had achieved tremendous development under BN and Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman's leadership. No doubts about Sabah being developed under him.
DeleteDatuk Japlin Akim said the state government under Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman had fulfilled the aspirations of the people who wanted to see such political and economic stability in the state, Sabah's prevailing strong financial reserves compared with earlier situations will spur development programs to benefit the people.
DeleteDatuk Herman Luping said Musa, who has helmed the state government since the past nine years, had not only ensured the state government prospered, but had also given more political stability, prosperity and infrastructural development in the state.
Deleterakyat pasti dapat melihat sendiri kualiti kepimpinan yang ada sekarang ini.
DeleteKepimpinan akan dinilai dengan hasil usahanya. Tidak dapat direkan sebenarnya.
Deletebelum ada bukti pun yang menunjukkan Musa terlibat.
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman said he is innocent until proven guilty, until there are evidence to prove the allegations, these are only rumors.
Deleterumours spread by opposition to bring him down
Deletetuduhan macam ini hanyalah untuk jejaskan imej Musa.
DeleteMusa mengatakan sedia memberi sepenuh kerjasama dalam kes ini, dia tak perlu takut jika tak bersalah.
Deleteboring sy tengok article mcm ni, nak cemar nama baik Musa je...
DeleteThe case is closed, the Hong Kong investigation already close. That why the opposition keep using the same points.
ReplyDeleteno one, even the worst crook, would admit wrongdoing if he knows the consequences.. so take it from me that musa aman is same level here. And it is true he is not guilty until proven so... but then do you really expect the AG to prosecute musa kah ? Think
ReplyDeleteMusa doesnt even bother to worry about this because he know he is innocent
ReplyDeletefalse news same tactis, I heard of these type of news everyday, and CM Musa still contributing to Sabah, so pls stop such accussation!
ReplyDeleteasyik buat tuduhan saja, tapi tiada pun fakta yang boleh dipercayai.
ReplyDeleteisu ini dimainkan hanya untuk kepentingan pihak tertentu saja..mereka kata mereka ada bukti tapi sampai sekarang semuanya hanya dimainkan di alam maya saja.
ReplyDeleteSama ada main atau benar, serahkan kepada Swiss untuk membuat siasatan.
Deleteini hanyalah khabar angin yang tidak terbukti pun kesahihannya...
ReplyDeleteRumors are carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots....
ReplyDeleteIf you think you are not an idiots, you should not believe this article!
For sure they are idiots.
DeleteKebodohan memang terserlah jika kita lihat dengan jelas.
DeleteBiar readers buat penilaian sendiri dan paling penting jangan tersalah nilai:P
DeleteAs of last year, a total of 1,780.1 km of rural roads have been completed, 108,679 rural houses provided with clean water supply, 31,327 houses built or restored for the rural poor under the Rural Infrastructure NKRA, he said, adding that these improvements have touched the lives of more than 3.2 million people or about 30 per cent of the rural population.
ReplyDeleteUnder the Education NKRA, some 77,225 children currently benefit from the additional 3,089 pre-school classes made available between 2010 and last year.
The introduction of the School Improvement Toolkit has also improved the academic performance of students at primary and secondary schools nationwide.
Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, nd accepted by idiots...So be careful folk!
sedangkan siasatan ICAC pun fail, inikan pula siasatan pihak Swiss..
ReplyDeletetuduhan yang bermotifkan politik tidak akan sampai kemana.. last2 jadi macam siasatan ICAC juga..
ReplyDeleteI think almost all of these comments are made by Umno cybertroopers which is great, unlike opposition Star and SAPP's cybertroopers lazy and spend their time looking only at their FB accounts and naked girls. Congrats to BN boys !
ReplyDeleteThis case has been repeated for thousand times and I don't think it is necessary to make lots of feedback about it.
ReplyDeleteThe Forestry Department acknowledges that illegal felling does exist in Sabah but no way near the scale and extent as allegedly reported. The allegations are therefore 'baseless and made with bad intention's (Mal fide) to discredit and lessen the effort and sacrifices made by the state government of Sabah, to achieve good forest governance and SFM (Sustainable Forest Management) in the shortest time possible, despite the economic financial and social challenges.
ReplyDeleteThe enormity of the alleged extent of illegal felling (1 million m3) could not have escaped the attention ofthe world at large. A well stocked forest of 20,000 hectares badly logged because of illegal felling would have been easily detected by satellites and attract the attention of NGOs, environmentalists and the communities living nearby. No way could have such acts be committed and passed without notice. Unless and until the burden of strict proof is shown the allegations are baseless and untruths.
ReplyDeletelf 50% ofthe annual production oftimber from Sabah was alleged to be illegal world markets especially sensitive ones like Europe, North America and Japan, would have long ago stopped buying timber from Sabah, and the enormous economic and financial implications would have been dire to the state as a whole. This never occurred because the alleged large scale alleged illegal logging never happen.
ReplyDeleteSabah’s long term licences have been subjected to third party auditing (independent audit) since 2010, under the Ma|aysia—ECTLAS) Timber Legality Assurance Programme) the independent auditors would have detected such large scale illegal felling. On the contrary Sabah has always been transparent and letting her forest manager be opened to public scrutiny and third party auditor in wanting to attain world recognition an credibility.
ReplyDeleteRIL (Reduced Impact Logging) has been introduced in 2009 with full implementation in 2010, again verified independently by third party auditors such an allegation of rampant illegal felling (20,000 ha at least) would have been impossible to escape the attention of the auditors who are well renowned international players.
ReplyDeleteMusa has been making so much effort to put Sabah in a highest ranking of all.
ReplyDeleteThis money laundering case has been closed.
ReplyDeleteIsu ini menjadi hangat dek hasutan orang lain.
ReplyDeleteSam Mannan already said that most of the forests are under his management.
ReplyDeleteApa pun yang berlaku, KM tetap terbaik!
ReplyDeleteThis is absurd. Money laundering is everywhere and he is the only one been convicted? Bias and no etiquette at all.
ReplyDeleteMusa dituduh berasuah sejak bertahun-tahun lalu, sehingga kini masih tiada bukti yang sah.
ReplyDeleteKhabar angin ini akan menjadi kebenaran jika dibuat berulang-ulangi.
ReplyDeleteWhat we can do now is, to stop being so cynical towards the state government. They shouldn't accuse him for such thing.
ReplyDeleteRakyat tidak harus terikut2 dengan keadaan semasa. Mereka harus bijak.
DeleteApa yang membimbangkan ialah pembangkang ini terus menghasut kerajaan dengan lebih teruk.
ReplyDeleteLet's work together to make sure that Sabah is free from nasty oppositions who try to split us.
ReplyDeleteYes let's work out.
DeleteMarilah kita sama2 memajukan diri .
ReplyDeleteSatu nasihat yang baik.
DeleteI don't think by accusing him will make us be a better voter.
ReplyDeleteFikirkan masa depan yang cerah untuk orang Sabah.
ReplyDeleteI agree with that.
DeleteThe election is just around the corner, what will happen is so hard to predict.
ReplyDeleteUndilah parti yang betul memperjuangkan hak rakyat.
DeleteNo evidence till further investigation.
ReplyDeleteMusa is not guilty untill proven otherwise.
ReplyDeleteHe is capable but the opposition are simply against him based on political issues.
ReplyDeleteCM is a leader who has the people in his heart.
ReplyDeleteThey is need for us to support the State Government and make Sabah a better place for all.
ReplyDeleteThese are only strategies used as a plot against Musa Aman.
ReplyDeleteIs there anyone amongst themselves without corruption?
ReplyDeleteThe people will continue to support Musa regardless of what they say about him.
ReplyDeleteWhy sudden links with corruption and all that?
ReplyDeleteThere are all false complaints against the Chief Minister.
DeleteHe has given them the go ahead to prove him guilty by investigating these issues.
ReplyDeleteWe need concrete evidence if at all he is guilty not mere words of complaint.
ReplyDeletePlease stop this selfish act.
ReplyDeleteAre they really concerned about the people and their needs?
ReplyDeleteOld stories already we need new points lah.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless Musa is still supported by the people.
ReplyDeleteSampai bila-bila pun isu ini kan terus diperkatakan. Susah juga oo kalau mcm ni.
ReplyDeleteTak payah layanlah cerita ini. Dari dulu sampai sekarang masih juga takda bukti.
ReplyDeleteRamai juga yang benci dengan Musa ni tapi apa boleh buat Musa masih banyak penyokong juga. hehe
ReplyDeleteMusa isn't associated with corruption in any way.
ReplyDeleteThis accusation is simply fabricated by the opposition.
ReplyDeleteMusa isn't associated with corruption in any way.
ReplyDeleteI hope this matter is properly investigated.
ReplyDeleteWhat other prove do they have?
ReplyDeleteThe oppositions are really trying their best to bring Musa down.
ReplyDeleteDo you think all their plans would ever work?
ReplyDeleteActions to bring down Musa Aman.
ReplyDeleteSabah has so far being developed by Musa.
ReplyDeleteBetter plans he has for Sabah if only he is re-elected.
ReplyDeleteMusa remains the most respected chief minister in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteAll about power and influence. When somebody in the higher place than others trying to distract their position and reputation. Do not belive this rumor.
ReplyDeleteit was acknowledged by the media and also state government but people enjoy their own public holiday insted goin to celebrate it.
ReplyDeleteTimbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menggariskan beberapa faktor dan kelebihan yang menunjukkan Barisan Nasional (BN) kini berada dalam kedudukan yang memihak parti itu bagi menghadapi pilihan raya umum ke-13 yang dijangka amat mencabar
ReplyDeleteMuhyiddin yang juga Timbalan Pengerusi BN berkata kelebihan yang dilihat menyebelahi BN, berbanding 2008 itu, adalah apabila rakyat terus menerus memberi sokongan kepada BN selepas kerajaan memperkenalkan pelbagai program transformasi menyeluruh yang memberi faedah kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat berbilang kaum di negara ini.
ReplyDeleteBeliau berkata inisiatif dan pendekatan kepimpinan negara yang diterajui Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang memfokuskan usaha membela nasib rakyat amat serasi diterima dan diterjemahkan dalam bentuk dasar-dasar baru dalam Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP), transformasi politik serta tranformasi luar bandar.
ReplyDelete"...pelbagai bentuk program yang menjurus kepada masyarakat dengan 111 inisiatif dalam perbentangan Belanjawan 2013 yang menyenaraikan semua lapisan masyarakat mendapat semua faedah," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan persidangan perwakilan Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) ke-15 di Dewan Masyarakat Keningau, di sini, Sabtu.
Beliau berkata usaha itu turut disokong menerusi soal perpaduan kaum yang menjadi teras pembangunan nasional negara yang sentiasa diperkukuhkan malahan tiada perpecahan berlaku walau pun terdapat usaha pihak tertentu merosakkan semangat perpaduan kaum.
ReplyDeleteBeliau berkata situasi turut jelas positif di mana tiada masalah dalaman antara parti komponen BN yang tidak dapat diatasi dan diselesaikan secara baik.
Antara faktor selebihnya, Muhyiddin berkata pencapaian luar biasa kedudukan ekonomi negara yang berkembang sebanyak lima peratus menerusi program GTP dan peningkatan hasil pelaburan domestik dan antarabangsa.
Katanya, jumlah pelaburan dalam negara lebih besar dan kukuh berdasarkan perkembangan pelaburan domestik dan antarabangsa selain pendapatan perkapita negara meningkat kepada US$9,700 berbanding USS$7,500 pada dua tahun lepas.
ReplyDelete"Kalau kita senaraikan, inilah perkara asas yang menunjukkan parti kita bertambah kukuh dan penerimaan rakyat terhadap Perdana Menteri agak jelas dan mendapat respons positif. Bagi saya suasananya amat baik (berbanding 2008)," katanya.
Terdahulu, ketika berucap, beliau berkata kedudukan BN yang kuat itu harus didorong oleh semangat yang kental bagi kesemua 13 parti komponen BN termasuk parti 'kerdil' seperti PBRS yang harus memainkan peranan besar seumpama parti besar lain.
"Kita harus bertekad BN tidak boleh boleh kalah, sebab itu kita harus bangun dari tidur selepas leka dengan kejayaan-kejayaan dan mungkin sebab kita kerajaan, kita tidak beri perhatian hal-hal rakyat, tetapi kini kita telah turun padang dan membantu masyarakat.
ReplyDelete"Tuhan beri kita isyarat dan kita sedar, isyaratnya kalau tidak berusaha, mungkin juga boleh kalah, jadi Umno bangkit dan semua komponen-komponen parti sedar, jumpa, berbincang soal perkukuh parti dan usaha kembalikan keyakinan rakyat," katanya sambil menambah kerajaan berada pada 'lokomatif' betul yang dipandu Najib ke arah mencapai negara maju menjelang 2020.
Muhyiddin turut mengingatkan anggota parti komponen BN agar jangan 'berperang' sesama sendiri, sebaliknya membantu menjaga hati pengundi, tidak melakukan sesuatu yang menyentuh kehendak mereka, sentiasa mendengar dan menyelesaikan setiap permasalahan pengundi kawasan mereka.
ReplyDeleteSambil mengakui beliau di samping Najib dan pemimpin negara lain yang mengamalkan sikap turun padang berjumpa rakyat atas faktor kepastian " kita kekal (sebagai kerajaan) adalah kerana rakyat jelata".
"...sebab itu apa saja kita dengar (peringkat akar umbi) kita beri perhatian. Najib sendiri selepas balik dari lawatan kerja ke negeri-negeri dari Johor mahupun Sabah atau Kedah, beliau akan membuat keputusan dengan cepat," katanya.