Lajim’s defection is not Umno’s loss

PETALING JAYA: The real reason why Sabah veteran politician Lajim Ukin resigned from all his posts in Umno and threw his support behind Anwar Ibrahim’s Pakatan Rakyat was because of a scandal that is about to explode, popular blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin said today.

He said that Lajim had realised that he had no future in Umno and that he would not be selected as a Barisan Nasional candidate for the coming general election.

“Lajim is carrying too much baggage. And this baggage is going to be revealed immediately after nomination day of GE13,” Raja Petra said in his Malaysia-Today portal today.
Raja Petra added that Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman knew about the scandal and that Lajim was to be dropped as a candidate in the coming general election as a result of the scandal.

“Realising that his future is no longer bright, Lajim woke up one morning and decided to join the opposition to fight for reforms.”

Islamic college project
The scandal, according to Raja Petra, allegedly involved Lajim promising his financial backer – named only as Mr W – a RM50 million contract to build an Islamic college in Beaufort in 2007.

Raja Petra said Lajim wanted Mr W – a Bruneian who had migrated to Sabah – to pay his commission upfront, supposedly as election funds for the 12th general election.

“Over the last five years since 2007, Mr W has paid Lajim a total of RM8 million. However, Mr W never got the project.

“What Mr W received instead was 55 undated cheques totalling RM3 million. But all these cheques are worthless and Mr W is hopping mad and now realises he is not going to get the project, nor his money back,” said Raja Petra, who also posted photographs of the cheques in his blog.

Raja Petra also claimed that the so-called RM50 million Islamic college does not exist, calling it a scam.

He added that Mr W, who had been Lajim’s financial backer for a long time, no longer wants to fund Lajim and wants his money back.

“If he does not get it, he is going to go public on this. And because of that Umno can no longer retain Lajim in the coming general election.

“And because of that, also, Lajim has suddenly woken up and is joining the opposition to fight for reforms – justice, transparency, accountability, good governance, an end to corruption and abuse of power, and all that shit,” said Raja Petra.

Pakatan will get whacked

Raja Petra warned that tainted candidates like Lajim would result in Pakatan “getting whacked in East Malaysia”.

He said that Anwar was making a mistake in hoping that the road to Putrajaya would become clearer with politicians like Lajim with him.

“Having Lajim and those of his ilk as your partners will only ensure that Barisan Nasional will remain in power.

“I know you [Anwar] want to become prime minister. But this type of thing is only going to make your dream become our nightmare.

“As the Malays would say: why would we want to reject ‘penyamum’ and vote for ‘lanun’? We said we want change, meaning change for the better, not change for the worse,” he added.

Raja Petra also revealed that Lajim was asking too much from Anwar – apart from cash, he also allegedly wanted to become one of the three deputy prime ministers if/when Pakatan marches into Putrajaya.

And if he can’t become one of the three deputy prime ministers, then he wants at least the post of Sabah chief minister, said Raja Petra.

“But Lajim can’t be made the chief minister of Sabah – and certainly not one of the three deputy prime ministers. And this is not because those posts have been promised to others, although that is one reason, but because he is carrying too much baggage,” said Raja Petra.


  1. The position of the two former Barisan Nasional (BN) members of parliament who switched allegiance to Pakatan Rakyat is beginning to be questioned by several opposition leaders, claimed Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) information chief Datuk Johnny Mositun. He said Beaufort MP Datuk Lajim Ukin and his Tuaran counterpart, Datuk Wilfred Bumburing prior to this, had also jumped from PBS to Umno and Upko (formerly known as Parti Demokratik Sabah).

    1. What has transpired now appears that their (Lajim and Bumburing) political direction is facing challenges when several Pakatan Rakyat leaders started to question their position even though they were recruited by Datuk Anwar Ibrahim. Opening the PBS Moyog annual general meeting , Mositun said Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sabah chief Ahmad Thamrin Jaini had questioned the authority of Lajim’s Sabah Reform Alliance (PPS) who was leading negotiation for the Umno-held seats in Sabah because he is said to have support in these Muslim-majority areas. Among those present at the meeting were vice president Rakam Sijim, supreme council member OKK William Majimbun and PBS Moyog chief John Masabal.

    2. While Bumburing through his Sabah Reform Movement (APS) had disappointed Star and Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) with his intention of going for the Kadazaundusun Murut (KDM)-majority seats in the coming election.Towards this end, Mositun called on party members to accept with an open heart the decision of the leadership, particularly in the selection of candidates for the general election.

    3. He said they should continue to lend their full support to the BN candidates no matter which party they are from.PBS members must continue to heed the advice and decision of president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, he said. Mositun also noted that in fact this is the secret of our strength all this while.

  2. its true, this incident will just worsen the situation,but it good for BN by letting the frog back to river or maybe the dead road. someone who is lost his creditable not worth to get attention.

  3. keluarnya Lajim dari BN tidak merugikan BN, tapi ia membawa kebaikan kerana tiada lagi parasit dalam parti.

  4. BN akan tetap kukuh.

    1. BN di Sabah akan semakin menerima sokongan rakyat

  5. rupanya si Lajim mempunyai nafsu yang besar.. bukan saja dia mahukan kekayaan, malah mahu jawatan yang lebih tinggi dari yang dia pernah sandang..

    1. sebab itulah juga dia kini berniat mahu tubuhkan partinya sendiri. tidak lama lagi dia akan kemukakan permohonan kepada RoS.

  6. memang banyak kemusykilan dengan tindakan si Lajim keluar meninggalkan BN.. kenapa disaat2 akhir? kenapa selepas beliau tahu yang beliau tidak dicalonkan? kenapa selepas beliau berjumpa dengan Anwar?

    1. Itulah namanya 'mengejar kepentingan sendiri'. sama macam JK.

    2. JK dengan Borneo Agenda tidak akan membawa Sabah ke mana-mana

  7. eloklah jika rakyat Sabah matikan terus karier politik Lajim pada PRU13 nanti.. jangan sekali2 bagi dia peluang mewakili suara rakyat di Parlimen atau peluang memerintah negeri ini..

  8. ya...BN tentu akan kekal berkuasa sekalipun jika Lajim menjadi rakan kongsi mana-mana parti pembangkang

    1. Dengar khabar, ada juga di kalangan pembangkang yang tidak senang dengan kehadiran Lajim.

  9. either Lajim win or lose, his fate is in the hands of Sabah voters

  10. nasib Lajim hanya dapat ditentukan oleh rakyat bila tiba PRU13 nanti

  11. the strength of the Sabah BN still prevails bah ..

  12. setuju dengan tajuk di atas..

  13. Persiapan BN tidak akan terjejas disebabkan Lajim
