Collapse floor at Likas Bay 21

Dear Dato’/Datin/Sir/Madam/Mr/Mrs

of Department of Occupational Safety And Health

Only ConstructionBoard that do not show project name or company involve.
I understand that your department is working towards a safe and healthy culture.

I work at Wisma Perindustrian. On 29th August 2012 8.30am when i arrived at my office i saw the building next to us collapsed. This is a building plan to build up to 28 floor height i believe. This is on their 5th floor and the collapse went through 3 floors down.

I took pictures as it was my first time to see collapse building right in front of me. The next day it still remain collapse in the morning, but late afternoon found covering with blue construction cloth.

It amazed me that the construction was not stop at all for investigation after the incident. I believe it is not safe for the workers to continue working in a collapsed building without knowing what actually caused the problem. So i walked around the building, and was surprised that there is no construction board put up. The only sign i find is the health and safety signboard at entrance. According to my architect friends, it is illegal to not have a construction board with project details, is that correct?

On 3rd of Sept 12.30pm. The collapsed hole was completely covered by boards. I assume that means they do not plan to investigate.

It's very unfair to buyers as well as investor,this could cost life in the future. And for me, is it safe to go to work at the building so near to the collapse building? Will it fall to our side in the future?

I beg you to take appropriate action towards a safe and healthy culture for us.

If you need further information please feel free to contact me.
29th August 2012
30th August 2012

3rd Sept 2012


  1. Belum siap sudah ada masalah. Perlu dielakkan perkara ini.

    1. nasib baik masalah dikesan sebelum siap.. jadi boleh lagi diperbaiki. jika sesudah siap.. lagi teruk.

  2. Pastikan mutu kualiti sesuatu pembangunan perlu diambil kira sebaiknya. Jangan mementingkan diri hanya untuk keuntungan saja.

    1. buat kerja tu biarlah berkualiti, jgn cincai.

    2. kualiti kerja yang baik akan menjamin keselamatan.

  3. ada nampak news ni di FB tapi perlu subscribe a properties company yg perlu bayar duit....masalah betul construction site ni,jangan-jangan nyawa dirugut kerana pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

  4. pembinaan ni perlu kerap dipantau bagi memastikan ia siap mengikut piawaian yang ditetapkan. ini juga untuk mengelakkan pembaziran di kemudian hari.

    1. pastikan tiada masalah dalam projek ini.

    2. pemantauan perlu sentiasa dibuat dari masa ke masa.

  5. Implement 'safety first' in construction sites.

    1. ya, keselamatan harus menjadi keutamaan semua.

  6. harap pekara ini akan diberikan perhatian.

  7. langkah yang sewajarnya perlu diambil berhunug dengan pekara ini.

  8. kalau betul sangat bahaya, kenapa pekerja2 disitu masih boleh bekerja macam biasa?
