Battle for Tambunan: Pairin unshakable?

Despite views that Joseph Pairin Kitingan
failed as a leader, it is unlikely that
the Kadazandusun community will vote
against him in the 13th general election.
TAMBUNAN: Opposition parties and their candidates are lining up to have another go at toppling Deputy Chief Minister Joseph Pairin Kitingan from a seat that he has held for over a generation.
Others have tried and failed but the times are changing and the opposition is gaining momentum mostly because of the growing perceptions of corruption in high places and the slow pace of development in the resource-rich state.
Now a veteran of Sabah’s murky politics, Pairin, can expect to be challenged by candidates from State Reform Party (STAR) and PKR, to name two, in the Tambunan state constituency in the coming 13th general election.
The Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president can also expect challenges from several independents for the state seat which he has held for well over three decades since 1976 when he won the seat for Berjaya.
The septuagenarian politician who many say has become irrelevant in the Umno-led Barisan Nasional state government recently announced that he intended to defend his state and (Keningau) parliamentary seats, one more time.

The talk in the constituency of mostly Kadazandusun farmers is that the community’s Huguan Siou or paramount chief will easily get what he wants despite having accomplished little during his tenure both as chief minister during PBS reign from 1985 to 1994 and then as current deputy chief minister in the ruling coalition government.
The sleepy town of Tambunan nestled in the valley of the Crocker Range is located 80 kilometers east of Kota Kinabalu and is bordered by Ranau in the north and Keningau to the south.
Lawyer Mozes Iking who contested against Pairin, now 72, in the 2008 general election contrary to the belief of many garnered 2,820 votes to the surprise of many against Pairin’s 5,601 votes. Another contender Francis Koh managed 157 votes.
Iking has told FMT that he will not be contesting under any of the political party banner in the coming election.
A former police officer, he is now a close aide to the Sabah STAR chairman Jeffrey Kitingan who is the younger brother of Pairin.
According to a Tambunan PKR member, Pakatan “will definetly be fielding a candidate”.
John Jinus Sibin – Pairin’s right-hand man since his time in Parti Berjaya 1976-1985 and PBS Chief Minister 1985-1994 who like Pairin is from Tambunan – is likely to be that man.
Pairin will win again
The PBS president has faced numerous challenges for the seat which has become shaky for the BN due to perceptions that the community has been sidelined despite having a deputy chief minister as their representative.
In the 1999 election, Pairin led PBS as an opposition party to a convincing win polling 6,791 votes against BN’s Petrus Francis Guriting’s 2,116 votes. Independent Joseph Jouti Ajun’s 169 votes.
The likely contender from STAR is Nestor Joannes whom the Huguan Siou defeated in the 2004 general election.
Joannes had then contested as an independent and polled 2,017 votes against BN’s Pairin’s 5, 297 votes.
It was in the same year that Pairin won the Keningau MP seat uncontested.
He won the MP seat in 1999 with 12,783 votes just 250 votes more than the BN candidate, Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah’s president Joseph Kurup, who polled 12,533 votes.
The 2008 election saw the Kitingan’s brothers facing each other for the Keningau MP seat with the elder managing to retain the seat for the BN polling 14,508 to Jeffrey’s 10, 334 votes.
Jeffrey was at the time with PKR. Independent Peter Anthony Kodou managed 560 votes.
Observers note that Pairin as the Huguan Siou has an advantage in any elections as the community is unlikely to snub its own paramount chief irrespective of his political stance.
A look at previous election results show that Pairin had contested both as an opposition or ruling coalition party candidate and won comfortably.
However the bigger question being posed is whether he will be able to breath new life into his failing party and its secondary position in the BN.


  1. He is unshakable, for god's sake.

  2. Pairin has confirmed his intention to run in the 13th general election, quashing rumours of his early retirement.

    1. Kalau kita lihat pun sememangnya Datuk Pairin is the best leader in Sabah. Kita perlu support BN to win this PRU13.

    2. Pairin never forget he promise to People. He will implement what had been he promise to Sabahan.

    3. Itu semua terpulang pada pandangan masing-masing. Tapi kalau nak sokong Pairin then bertahanlah sokong dia.

  3. He was also said to be concerned about a possible negative impact on morale within PBS if he withdrew from the state political scene.

  4. The struggle of PBS must continue despite the impending departure of its president, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, after the 13th general election.

    1. Pairin's retirement doesn’t mean that the party shall stop contesting or that PBS candidates will stop contesting.

  5. Pairin reiterated his intention not to contest in the 14th general election to allow for far-sightedness to prevail and for adequate planning to be carried out for the good of the party and its members and supporters

    1. It is necessary to make the decision so that proper planning on the direction of the party would be able to take place.

  6. Pairin added such changes were crucial and he hoped in years to come, there would be more participation from the party’s young turks.


  8. Pairin also likened PBS to a polished gem that has been moulded by the aspirations and dreams of its members and the people in Sabah.

  9. Pairin urged for all members to remain united, steadfast and consistent in their fight as well as to look after the party’s machinery, while calling for senior members of the party to conduct awareness seminars so that the young would appreciate the party’s history, its struggle and fight for the future as well as its objectives for the people.

  10. BN government’s transformation programme for Sabah and Sarawak reflects the importance of the two states to the federal government.

  11. Wow famili Iking beraksi.. hehehe.. Kita lihat sajalah nanti siapa yang rakyat pilih.

  12. All the best kepada Pairin. Dia perlu buktikan pada rakyat dia berhak dapatkan sokongan ramai.

  13. Menang atau kalah Pairin nanti, semuanya terletak pada undi rakyat. Kita cuma perlu mengundi dengan bijak.

    1. Segala usaha Pairin selama ini harus dihargai dan dikenang.

  14. Jadi kita lihat sajalah adakah Pairin masih jadi pilihan rakyat atau tak.

    1. Pairin masih relevant dan ramai rakyat masih menyokong beliau

    2. Pairin adalah huguan siou dan pasti akan terus menjadi pilihan rakyat.

  15. The Bingkor and Liawan divisions of PBSslammed the statement issued by Amanah Keningau requesting party president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan not to contest in the forthcoming general election. They described the statement as disrespectful towards Pairin, who they claimed has done a lot for Keningau.

    1. the decision who will and who will not contest in the elections is the prerogative of Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

    2. The fact that Keningau still need Pairin’s leadership and service, the party members and the people in Liawan and Bingkor will give him strong support

  16. Two Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) youth leaders here said the leadership of party president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan is still needed by the people, including the younger generation.

    This was expressed by PBS Liawan Youth chief Augustine Nain. he noted that the younger generation, especially those from the Keningau parliamentary area, still need Pairin’s leadership.

    Of late ot is obvious that Pairin had brought many changes to Keningau. and I believe that the support for Pairin from the younger generation has not changed and his efforts to develop the interior, together with other Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders, are very much appreciated.

  17. Pairin as the Huguan Siou (paramount leader) has done a lot, serving the state and country.

    Liawan PBS Youth would continue to support the leadership of Pairin and wanted the Infrastructure Development Minister to continue his services to the people who still needed him in Keningau.

    I think that it is evident that the young people in the interior are very respectful and appreciative of Pairin’s leadership and services. His leadership should be emulated.


  18. Meanwhile, Bingkor PBS Youth chief Tinus Majis said young people in Keningau were not what was described in the statement made by Amanah.

    “Young people are supporters of Barisan Nasional (BN) and there is no reason to reject worthy leaders. We respect Pairin’s leadership and to ask him (Pairin) to step down is not appropriate because we believe the president has his own plans,” he said.

    Majis called on all parties to respect his (Pairin) decision to contest
    in the coming election, adding that youths would give their full support to the party.

    According to him, the young people, especially from Keningau and the interior, could see the progress and changes brought by Pairin, and pledged that Bingkor Youth would continue to support the struggle of Pairin for the continuity.

    On Pairin’s statement that the 13th general election would be his last,I believe that this was a clear message to warn and prepare youths to be responsible for their future.
