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Roger Stimin, AMT SAPP |
Oleh: Mail Mathew
TENOM: Ahli Majlis Tertinggi (AMT) Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP) Roger Stimin (gambar), menafikan sekeras kerasnya khabar angin yang mengatakan beliau telah menyertai Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) serta bersamanya seramai 300 orang adalah tidak benar dan karut semata mata.
Beliau berkata, adalah dipercayai bahawa khabar angin tersebut sengaja direkacipta oleh kumpulan tertentu yang tidak bertanggung jawab bertujuan untuk mencemarkan nama baiknya termasuk untuk memusnahkan masa depan politiknya.
“Saya masih berada dalam SAPP dan terus berkhidmat kepada parti selaku AMT selagi pucuk pimpinan memerlukan khidmat saya...(saya) tiada masalah untuk berjuang dalam SAPP,” kata beliau dalam satu kenyataan disini pada Isnin.TENOM: Ahli Majlis Tertinggi (AMT) Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP) Roger Stimin (gambar), menafikan sekeras kerasnya khabar angin yang mengatakan beliau telah menyertai Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) serta bersamanya seramai 300 orang adalah tidak benar dan karut semata mata.
Beliau berkata, adalah dipercayai bahawa khabar angin tersebut sengaja direkacipta oleh kumpulan tertentu yang tidak bertanggung jawab bertujuan untuk mencemarkan nama baiknya termasuk untuk memusnahkan masa depan politiknya.
Beliau berkata demikian sebagai mengulas desas desus yang tersebar luas dekat sini termasuk paparan dalam laman sosial facebook mengatakan bahawa beliau bersama 300 penyokong setianya menyertai PBS sebuah parti dalam komponen Barisan Nasional (BN).
Tegasnya, beliau percaya maklumat tersebut salah satu strategi pihak tertentu untuk mematahkan semangat pembangkang supaya mengikut jejak langkahnya berhijrah/berpindah ke kem BN secara beramai ramai ketika pilihanraya umum kali ke-13 (PRU-13) sudah sampai diambang pintu.
“ Pendirian saya cukup jelas apabila mula terjun ke dalam arena politik dimana budaya lompat melompat merupakan satu satunya sifat terlarang bagi diri saya,” tegasnya.
Dalam pada itu, Roger yang juga merupakan seorang Profesional (Peguam) ingin menasihatkan pihak pihak yang terbabit dalam kegiatan tersebut agar segera insaf dan memberhentikan kerja kerja yang tidak berfaedah itu kerana budaya tersebut adalah suatu budaya sempit, kejam dan melangkawi batas kemanusiaan.
Who could blame him if he actually wants to hop into any component party in BN. Umno Information chief Ahmad Mazlan is confident that Barisan Nasional (BN) will continue to be in power after the 13th General Election. Ahmad Mazlan, who is also deputy minister in the Prime Minister's Department, rejected the notion that BN would be toppled in the coming general election, based on feedback received. "We are not theorising in an air-conditioned room. We actually meet the people and clearly the people are very happy with the government policies."The people get subsidies, get financial aid, jobs, houses and live in peace. There is no reason why the people want to change the government," he told reporters after a function.
ReplyDeleteHe also rejected rumours that the people's representatives, especially among Sabah BN leaders, would be jumping ship, due to the increasingly shaky position of BN."It Is absurd thinking. The opposition only knows how to play on sentiments. They use psychological warfare, purportedly they can rule Malaysia. But clearly they are lying and their leaders only know how to blow empty promises," he added. Maintenance of racial unity is one of the promises to the people that the Barisan Nasional government has fulfilled, besides ensuring development and economic stability, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said.He said the policies implemented by the government had successfully fostered and strengthened unity among the people of the various races and religions.
Delete"It is our promise to the people, to the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Iban, Kadazan, Dusun and so on .... Our government has to create a situation conducive for good relations among the people."Cooperation and unity have been in place for more than 55 years, most successfully," he said in his address at a gathering in conjunction with the "Promises Fulfilled Tour" programme, here. He said the cooperation and unity among the people of differing backgrounds in the economic, political and cultural sectors had made Malaysia a model for other countries.Muhyiddin said that according to the sociological theory, a country with a multi-racial population would face problems in race relations, but added that this had not occurred in Malaysia.
DeleteHe said the book 'The Plural Society', written by sociologist M.G. Smith, stated that countries with a multi-racial population would face prolonged racial problems."In Malaysia, we have been able to negate this theory despite the fact that Malaysians comprise people of differing customs and cultures and come from varying backgrounds," he said. Muhyiddin said problems arising from religious and cultural differences would have a negative impact on the government's efforts to develop the country and bring prosperity to the people.As such, he said, the government would not allow anyone with vested interests to cause racial uneasiness in the country. "These people can be penalised under laws such as the Sedition Act to stop their actions so that we can live in peace," he said.He said the BN government promised to ensure maintenance of racial unity so that it could implement all its plans for the people's well-being.He also said that the government was committed to implementing its agenda of development for the people regardless of race and background.
DeleteIni kali la ondu bulih sudah ko ni....
Deletefight for the state and the people of Sabah, not for oneself
ReplyDeletedirty tactics usually has become customary in the political world
ReplyDeletebegitulah dunia politik...
ReplyDeletedunia politik yang sukar untuk diramal
Deletewhether people support BN or opposition, that's their rights to vote
ReplyDeleteya, pilihan ditangan setiap pengundi.
Deleterakyat hendaklah pandai menilai
ReplyDeletedia dah perjelaskan, jadi tak perlu ungkit lagi cerita ini.
ReplyDeletebaik fokus pada isu lain yang lebih penting.
Deleteeleh.. jangan perasan la.. PBS pun bukannya berkenan sangat dengan si Roger Stimin ni..
ReplyDeleteya, rasanya PBS bukan mahu pun dia ni.
Deletehari ini boleh la dia cakap kononnya budaya lompat melompat merupakan satu satunya sifat terlarang bagi dirinya.. nanti bila sudah lama dalam politik, sampai juga tu masa dia untuk jilat ludah sendiri..
ReplyDeletedalam politik ada saja isu yang didengar.
ReplyDeletemacam2 cara yang digunakan untuk tarik perhatian. apa pun, rakyat pasti dapat nilai dengan sebaiknya.
ReplyDeletePembangkang akan gunakan pelbagai cara dan isu untuk menarik perhatian rakyat
DeletePBS kini semakin merosot sokongan...dorang buat bermacam macam cara mau kasih pecah pembangkang...Radin dan PBS tatap hangkang pru13 bah! pakan malalap pun mau satu panggal baru ada bunga2 mau bikin...itu pun kasi rabun mata rakyat saja katara betul pambuhungan pbs malalap..
DeleteBah,sama2lah kita tengok betul ka tidak apa yang ko cakap ni lepas PRU. saya dengar2 itu pembangkang lagi tidak bersatu sekarang ni.
DeleteBanyak sangat khabar angin ni. jangan pula sekarang nafikan, esok2 betul2 pula khabar angin yang tersebar ni.
ReplyDeletekalau dia lompat parti pun itu hak dia. mungkin juga sudah hilang kepercayaan dengan SAPP.
ReplyDeletebagus juga Roger tinggalkan sapp sabab sapp pun bukan bagus sangat tatap kalah poru13 silap2 dapat talur!saya dingar kalau bukan Roger kempen masuk kampong sapp teada orang mahu bah, tapi diorang tengok Roger saja sabab dia orang muda dalam sapp...yg lain tu sumua ada panyakit sabab dulu pun suda parna dalam karajaan tapi teada juga diorang buat, kasi kaya sendiri adalah..
ReplyDeletekalau begitu tidak hairanlah kalau Roger Stimin ni betul2 lompat parti.