By a Sarawakian 

The attacks by the Semenanjung Anti-Sarawak (SAS) Facebook on Sarawakians especially Dayaks has angered and aroused thousands as well as raising their nationalism if not heightened their desire for independence from Malayan rule. Another blogger under the name of Suara Pakatan Rakyat has also ridiculed Sabahans as uncivilised! Dr. Mahathir's two cents worth remarks on development has made more angry with Malayan arrogance. So between these few bloggers, they have done a better job than all the independence advocates combined to unite Sabahans and Sarawakians who desire to take their countries out of Malaysia.
The timing is excellent with the approaching Malaysia Day when Sabah and Sarawak were integrated as 12th and 13th states of Malaya on 16 September 1963!

Dr. Mahathir's recent remarks that Sabahans and Sarawakians should wait for development after waiting for 49 years reinforces the sad reality that Sabah and Sarawak have remained just colonies (despite being given “independence” before incorporation into Malaysia) and plundered by Malaya for its own development! How arrogant and patronising of Mahathir but what he said is accurate- as colonies we can keep waiting for development!

Mahathir personally benefitted from this development. He resurrected the all but dead Bakun Dam project in the 1990s and made billions through his family companies with Taib and cronies in stealing NCR land and made destitute over 10,000 native people who are being part of those abused on Facebook and by Mahathir's comments.

Is there a more effective mouthpiece for Sarawak or Sabah Independence than Malayans in Facebook telling us to get out of Malaysia and Mahathir practically admitting we are still colonies since 1963?

It seems ridiculous that Pakatan wants to "integrate" Sabah Sarawak - despite their already being "integrated" as 12th and 13th Malayan states and our economy and civil society dominated and run by UMNO dictates, whims and fancies!

DISINTEGRATION OF ORIGINAL MALAYSIA FEDERATION CONCEPT OF 5 COUNTRIES “Malaysia” was based on a 1942 British colonial concept to consolidate the colonial administration of 5 countries as “Malaysia" -Malaya, Singapore, and the 3 British Borneo protectorates- Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak. The idea was revived in the 1960s as the British Empire crumbled under the stress of many anti-colonial independence struggles. “Malaysia” was promoted by both Britain and Malaya using many false rationales and assumptions to justify its artificial creation.

Brunei did not want to be part of the British/Malayan scam and wisely stayed out after seeing through the UMNO Malayan expansionist agenda to grab Brunei territory and oil. Singapore left Malaysia and Malayan grip in 1965 mainly because Malaya wanted to be the top dog in charge!

Despite popular Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak opposition and 2 armed uprisings in the 1960s against the "Malaysia Merger Plan" they were "federated" under coercion and pressures on Sabah and Sarawak with false arguments/ rationales of invasion scares, racial balances etc and false promises of economic and social advancement.

16 September marks 49 years of failed and broken promises and the falseness of the scare tactics used to coerce Sabah Sarawak into Malaysia. Tiny states like Brunei and Singapore never got invaded...Racial balance became tilted towards 70% Malayan Malays and the pretend and instant "bumiputras".

And comparing the 49 years, Sabah and Sarawak have been developed backwards while Brunei and more so Singapore have developed in stable healthy economies and states. Resource rich Sabah and Sarawak would have been in better position to achieve his as independent countries if they had never become Malayan states.

There were however 2 invasions- 
  1. Malaya invaded Sabah and Sarawak in 1962/1963 assisted by 60,000 UK Commonwealth forces to suppress the anti-Malaysia Brunei Uprising and Sarawak guerrilla independence war.
  2. UMNO Malaya dumped their racial argument by allowing the invasion of Sabah (and also Sarawak) with illegal Indonesian and Filipino migrants to bolster the UMNO Malay supremacists/pseudo religious apartheid agenda to strengthen their colonial domination of Sabah Sarawak under the NEP.

The sorry part of the whole "positive discrimination" for "bumiputras" programme is that Sabah Sarawak "bumiputras" are treated as second class citizens with preferences given to Malayan Malays. This is seen in the SAS attacks against Sarawak native people.

Borneonisation became "Malayanisation" of our civil service- the strongest proof of UMNO's (supported by Pakatan?) colonization programme.

The SAS Facebook attacker has done a better job for us. It also reflects Malayan attitudes towards Sabah and Sarawak. Malayan UMNO with their local proxy regimes raped and looted the two


  1. Kita berbangga dengan adanya kerajaan BN yang sekarang ini. Seperti di Sabah sendiri kita dapat lihat keamanan dan kebahagian penduduk dengan kehidupan mereka. Ini semua hasil usaha daripada Kerajaan Datuk Musa dan juga pemimpin BN Sabah yang lain. Maka tahniah kepada kerajaan BN mampu memberikan yang terbaik kepada rakyat dan Negera.

    1. keamanan yang dikecapi harus dikekalkan.

    2. masih banyak yang perlu dibuat..harap pembangunan akan terus dibuat dengan bersungguh-sungguh.

  2. Betul seperti apa yang dikatakan oleh Saya Orang Sabah itu. Kalau kita lihat sekarang ini. Kekacauan hanya kerap dilakukan oleh pembangkang. Ini tidak dinafikan lagi. BERSIH sebagai contoh yang didalangi oleh pembangkang. Inikah kerajaan Pembangkang yang kita mahu? Kalau ini yang berlaku maka pasti kemerdekaan Negara kita ini akan hilang di tangan Pembangkang Pakatan Rakyat.

    1. semua harus berfikir dengan matang untuk kebaikan bersama.

  3. Kita tidak patut membuat kehuru haraan di Negera kita ini. Kerana kita tahu apa yang penting sekali keamanan dan kemakmuran Negera kita ini. Itu yang penting bukan. Tidakkan kita mahu rakyat berbunuhan sama sendiri hanya kerana untuk kepentingan Kerusi Anwar Ibrahim inginkan Jawatan Perdana Menteri. Tidak patut. Jauhkan perkara ini.

  4. saya percaya kerajaan BN akan buat yang terbaik di sabah kerana ini adalah untuk kepentingan rakyat sabah.

    1. usaha kerajaan perlu berterusan untuk membangunkan Sabah. semoga peruntukan untuk Sabah dalam bajet 2013 adalah besar berbanding tahun2 sebelumnya.

    2. Sabah perlukan peruntukan yang lebih besar untuk pembangunan.

    3. teruskan usaha untuk menjaga kepentingan semua rakyat.

  5. The extremists doesn't represent our nation,there is always a bad egg in basket,as a rational person we should understand their defect.

    1. we hope they are just 1 in thousands or billion. many extremist will only destroy our unity.

    2. We should reject extremism in this country!

  6. Those who cannot live in a multiracial country better leave this country.

  7. semua harus saling menghormati dan berusaha untuk mengekalkan perpaduan.

  8. pembagunan dan ekonomi yang semakin baik adalah hasil komitmen daripada semua pihak.

  9. tidak ada apa2 masalah pada 16 sepetember.. kenapa pembangkang asyik mempolitikkan isu ini? kalaupun mahu merapas kerajaan, tunjukkan kemampuan pembangkang dalam membangunkan negara, bukannya kemampuan mempolitikkan sejarah..

  10. yang penting hari ini 16 september disabut setiap tahun.. dan pemerintahan Najib sangat berjaya dalam masa 4 tahun ini yang bagi saya bukan sahaja mampu memajukan negara ini malah mampu memperbaiki kesilapan2 pemimpin2 terdahulu..

  11. Malaysia is one of the world's most progressive, peaceful, successful and prosperous nations.This is possible because of a number of factors, including our founding fathers' hard work, determination and success in securing self-rule from the British, capable and responsible elected governments, patriotic citizens and the support of friendly nations.As we remember and celebrate Malaysia Day, it is timely of us to reflect on the true meaning of Malaysia Day.Malaysia was formed to become stronger and better so that it could rise higher in obtaining success and a good standing internationally.


  12. It is imperative that we recognise our strength as a multiracial nation. Our people are the most potent force and valuable asset.That is why true patriotism that comes from the heart is essential. Being patriotic means not only waving the national flag, singing Negaraku or buying locally made products.It means we must be law-abiding, peace-loving, forward-looking and right-thinking citizens.It means we must have the mindset to excel and be successful, develop a thinking mind, and be emotionally mature and spiritually strong.

  13. All Malaysians must work hard to promote love, harmony, tolerance, compassion, justice and equality to co-exist peacefully and happily.Being patriotic is also to serve the nation to one's best ability. This is why, in a plural society like ours, there is no room for extremism, terrorism, fanaticism and racialism.To create more patriotic citizens, the government and leaders in politics, civil service, business, religious, cultural, sports and education must lead by example.They must respect and practise what is in the Federal Constitution and Rukun Negara.
