Sabah civil service: ‘Chief secretary is lying’

KOTA KINABALU: Chief secretary to the government Dr Ali Hamsa’s credibility has come under question following his latest statement that “almost” all federal departments and agencies in Sabah are headed by Sabahans.

Sabah STAR chairman Jeffrey Kitingan said in statement here that the announcement sounded very much like another unsubstantiated pre-election lie.

“It sounds like a lie, part of the [Barisan Nasional] strategy to placate Sabah voters.
“Just recently a survey of 50 federal departments in Sabah showed that more than 85% of departments were headed by Peninsular Malaysians.

“In fact, many posts, even in the lower ranks such as systems analysts, clerks and even office boys, were from the Peninsula,” he said.

Jeffrey said that if Ali was sincere, he would have listed out all the departments and agencies headed by Sabahans instead of just four.

“It must be remembered that there are more than 50 federal departments and around 70 federal agencies in Sabah.

“Why did chief secretary [Ali] mention only four departments and no agency headed by Sabahans?

“The issue of Borneonisation has been a bone of contention since 1963, which was 49 years ago – almost half a century.

“But it seems the federal government has little interest in resolving the problem,” said Jeffrey.

Rampant discrimination

He also pointed out that there was an imbalance in Sabah and Sarawak representations at federal level.

“There is also the serious issue of gross imbalance in the roles given to Sabah and Sarawak at the federal level, which is again heavily dominated by Peninsular Malaysians.

“Just look at the federal Cabinet which has 30 to 34 ministries, but Sabah and Sarawak are given very few ministerial posts, which, if combined, do not even reach one third of the total.

“This discrimination against the Borneo states is even more glaring in the case of appointment of commissioners and ambassadors.

“Out of 80 foreign nations with which we have diplomatic relations only one each is given to Sabah and Sarawak.

“It is a clear case of taking the Borneo states for granted, and treating us with a very condescending attitude.

“For this, the Sabah and Sarawak BN leaders should be speaking up for rights and justice but they continue to keep quiet.”

“The Malaysian partnership must be based on shared roles and responsibilities, with fair and equitable participation from all states.

“If this continues to be ignored, I am afraid it will lead to rising dissatisfaction and eventually to political instability,” he said.


  1. Apa bukti yang beliau menipu? Saharusnya setiap yang dikeluarkan untuk umum tidak sepatutnya timbul isu seperti ini.

    1. Memang ramai penjawat awam tertinggi di Sabah sekarang ini diberikan kepada Penduduk Sabah sendiri. Semua ini dilaksanakan secara berperingkat. Jadi mungkin ada sesetengah jawatan masih belum dipindahkan kerana masih menunggu giliran yang sepatutnya.

    2. Kerajaan akan memastikan yang mana perkara ini akan dapat dilaksanakan secepat yang boleh. Namun kita harap biarkan dilakukan dengan terancang dengan baik.

    3. ya, setiap dakwaan perlulah ada bukti.

  2. Kalau penipuan berlaku pasti ada yang mereka ingin selindungkan!

  3. @pun ini hanya lah hasutan yang dilakukan untuk mendapat perhatian dan dengan sengaja ingin membuat fitnah!

    1. sekarang ini semua pun mahu tonjolkan diri untuk dapat perhatian.

  4. Pastikan apa yang dikatakan ada berserta dengan bukti yang kukuh.

  5. Harap ada statement balas dari pihak yang bertanggungjwab terhadap kes ini.

  6. Somethings need to be done and well organized.

  7. Who can really tell if he is lying or not?

  8. I wonder what other evidences they have against him.

  9. Evidence of fundamental ground should be provided to prove his guilt.

  10. I wonder what next after this.

  11. ini yng mengelirukan rakyat.

  12. Let Sabahans hold the post. End of discussion.

  13. can Jeffrey at least show the statistics together with the name of the department and also who headed the department..

  14. for me, the issue raised by Jeffrey is not a critical one.. why not he encourage Sabahan to involve in business instead of depend on government depts?? the best way to boost Sabahan economy is, by involve in business, not "makan gaji"..

  15. entah mana satu lah yang betul ini.

  16. paling bagus tunjukkan fakta atau bukti, jangan main tuduh saja.

  17. bila mahu dekat pru ni ada saja bah isu yang mahu dimainkan.
