Sabah billboard Merdeka 49 splashed with black paint

KOTA KINABALU, August 27, 2012: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has lodged a police report against the unscrupulous act of splashing black paint on the billboard on ‘Sabah Independence 49 years’ in Luyang here.

The report was made at the police headquarters in Kota Kinabalu districts Karamunsing here this afternoon.

Francis Mojikon, who is the organising Secretary of the Sabah Independence Day Celebration has filed the report.

"Despicable act of splashing black paint was a coward deed by one who fears the truth about the actual date of Sabah gaining independence made known.

"Why should I fear when in fact history cannot be changed. The truth about the age of Sabah's independence will definitely be known in the end.

"I am certain immoral acts committed by parties do not want to totally uncovered the truth," he said.

He said SAPP hope the police will be able to trace the culprit behind the irresponsible act.

He said SAPP efforts awaken a people about the actual date of Sabah gained independence from Britain should be supported all parties in the state and is not blocked or sabotaged.

He said, it is not unlawful when historical facts upheld because while Malaysia especially in Sabah has bribed with false facts by the Federal Government.

He said Sabah gained independence from the British on August 31, 1963 while the country comprising Malaysia Sabah, Sarawak, Malaya and Singapore formed on 16 September 1963.

He said, Malaya gained independence from the British on August 31, 1957.

"Therefore, the actual age is 49 years independence of Sabah as well as Malaysia while Malaya 55.

"Celebration of Independence Day, which is celebrated throughout the country during the August 31, 1957 This is the anniversary of Malaya and has nothing to do with Sabah or Malaysia.

"Was it wrong for the truth is upheld," Francis said, adding that the Federal Government should correct the mistakes they have done over the years.


  1. Ini mesti kes benci dengan SAPP ini. Apa pun kita patut mengikut kemerdekaan Negara kita.

    1. Itupun kalau yang benci SAPP. Kalau orang SAPP yang buat sendiri macam mana?

  2. Kalau dilihat ini bukannya Board Kemerdekaan SAbah. Tapi Kemerdekaan SAPP. Tengok saja siapa dalam gambar ini. SAPP saja yang lebih-lebih ini. Tidak ada yang lebih penting untuk diperjuangkan selain daripada ini.

    1. Tu lah pasal. Nampak sangat mereka ni nak popular.

    2. Biarlah SAPP ni. Rakyat sudah cukup matang dan tahu membuat penilaian.

  3. siasat siapa yng lakukan perkara tersebut.

  4. Hal ini patut disiasat dan sebelum siasatan dilakukan janganlah kita mudah membuat kesimpulan.

  5. Ini baru 31/8... Entah apa akan jadi 16/9 pula. hahaha
