Remove Tan Sri Herman Luping from Royal Commission - BERSIH Sabah

KOTA KINABALU:Bersih Sabah calls on the government to 'kick out' Tan Sri Herman Luping out of the panel in the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) and the demands the re-drafting of the Terms of Reference (TOR) with immediate effect.

According to Bersih Sabah spokesperson Andrew Ambrose (also known as Atama), "While we welcome PM Najib's announcement, we believe that the government is not sincere with appointments of panel members of the highest integrity. We demand that Tan Sri Herman Luping be disqualified and immediately removed as a panel member due to his highly publicized corruption case in the 1980's during which he was accused with soliciting RM1million from timber tycoon Victor Wong Chet Sing on April 25th 1985. During this time he was the State Attorney General and a legal advisor of a political party. We find him simply not clean so appointment of a panel of low integrity is a face palm to the government."

Andrew stressed further that "Sabahans have been fooled for far too long by misleaders of low integrity. It's time that the government step up with real and impactful actions and solutions to solidify the promises they have made to the people in the name of justice & fairness for all. Sabahans should not settle for less in the Terms of Reference (TOR) of RCI and therefore must exercise their Constitution Rights to freedom of expression."
As such, Bersih Sabah calls on the people of Sabah to reject the TOR and demand additional terms of allowing amnesty for witnesses to protect those who testify in court, culprits must be charged in court and punishable by law, and finally international and impartial observers into the RCI to ensure better transparency because the RCI involves investigation of foreigners granted citizenship. In this turn of event, Bersih Sabah now calls the government to set up a Referendum to find out wether Sabahans are happy with the findings and conclusions of the RCI.

On a related note, Andrew further emphasised that as concerned members of the public, Bersih Sabah would like to see the 8 Demands of Bersih to be fulfilled - including the cleaning up the electoral roll, usage of indelible ink, free and fair access to the media, postal voting, the setting of minimum campaign period of 21 days, and strengthening public institutions such as the Election Commission to function independently of government. He added that an announcement of a massive rally in Sabah will be done very soon.  


  1. In relation to the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Illegal Immigrants, further investigation was also needed in matters pertaining to the standard operating procedures, methods and regulations on the issuance of the blue identity cards or citizenship to immigrants in Sabah by taking into account international standard and norms used in Malaysia, he added. It will recommend amendments or changes to strengthen or improve the standard operating procedures, methods and regulations.

  2. Jadi mahu ganti dengan siapa? Atau si Atama mahu jadi panel RCI ni? Belum cukup pengalaman..

    1. Aii takan dia mau calon diri sendiri, sandi juga tu...

    2. Sudah kena tubuh RCI, tapi masih juga tidak puas hati pembangkang ni...

    3. atama tidak payahlah mau jadi panel..hehehe

  3. Better to have TS Simon Sipaun as one of the panel.

    1. Ya i am thinking too, best candidate to be considered.

    2. boleh dipertimbangkan untuk memilih dia.

    3. mungkin juga dia boleh dipertimbangkan.

  4. Is he proven guilty ka?

  5. panel RCI boleh disemak semula.

  6. Who is going to replace him afterwards?

  7. I suggest proper investigation is carried out.

    1. harap mereka akan menunaikan tugas dengan penuh tanggungjawab.

  8. How sure about him been guilty?

  9. The panel needs to be reviewed.

  10. Proper consideration is highly recommended.

  11. who might be the next ideal candidate?

  12. Siapa calon yang sesuai.mungkin boleh di pertimbangkan semula.

  13. bila sudah ditubuhkan ada lagi yang masih tidak puas hati.

  14. susah mau puaskan hati semua orang, yang penting RCI ini mencapai matlamatnya nanti.

  15. jika Herman Luping tidak layak menganggotai RCI disebabkan isu rasuah beliau, bagaimana p[ula dengan Anwar yang berhasrat mahu menjadi PM? Anwar juga tidak layak menjadi PM kerana imej beliau sudah tercemar dengan sakandal rasuah ketika beliau memegang jawatan TPM, kes liwat dan juga skandal seks..

  16. Yong Teck Lee juga tidak layak menjadi CM kerana hampir membankrapkan Sabah, gagal membawa pebangunan, merampas tanah penduduk kapung dan menjual hutan seluas 300000 hectar kepada kroni2nya..

  17. jika pemimpin2 pembangkang yang sudah tercemar imejnya boleh diterima oleh si Atama, kenapa tidak Herman Luping yang tugasnya hanya menganggotai RCI, bukan memimpin negeri atau negara ini??
