RANAU : A group of 60 representatives from four kampungs in Ranau today staged a 15-minute sit-in peaceful demonstration near here in a protest of what they called the ruling party's "Janji Tak Ditepati" or "false promise" on providing water supply to them.
They claimed the kampung folks had been without supply of clean water for years and things got messier as the only iron water tank that used to store water from Mesilau river has rusted with knee's deep mud and rust inside it, having never been maintained or cleaned.
Ly J. Sya Welliam (ed: Ly J. Welliam), the spokesman for the group said, the water tank could no longer store water and that many of about 3,000 in the four kampungs had always been without clean water.
"We are forced to use rain water... some of us have to buy raw water and bring home every now and then for our domestic chores. Until when must we wait for clean water supply? It is almost 50 years of independence this month..." he said.
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The group spokesman, Ly J Sya Welliam |

They held their peaceful sit-in demonstration under the watchful eyes of a group of policemen from the district police.
They had earlier marched from Kibbas Siba carrying three big banners and various placards that register both their frustration and queries at the government of the day.
Meanwhile a protestor from Kg Kibbas, John Gilong, 43, claimed various efforts had been made to get Keranaan Assemblyman, Datuk Masidi Manjun, to resolve their plight but to no avail until now.
"We urge our assemblyman Masidi to come and resolve our problem of no water supply... We are only about a few kilometres from Ranau town but this problem has been going on for years," he said adding that there are estimated to be about 1,200 registered voters from the areas.
The State Reform Party (STAR)'s Ranau Head, Jalibin Paidi, who was at the scene with the protestors, also called on the government especially Masidi to really look into solving the water problem in the four kampungs as the area is not without natural raw water supply nearby.
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STAR Ranau chief, Jalibin Paidi |
"The least the ruling leaders could do is identify the problem and push for immediate and long term solution. The situation right now is unacceptable as these kampungs are near the town and many of the houses are just near the main road.
"STAR is symphatetic with these kampungs' folks, and we are trying our best to get their voices and plight heard by the authorities," he said adding that some muslim families in the kampungs face a gloomy Aidilfitri with the continuously no water problem.
They also wanted the visiting Prime Minister Najib Razak to be enlighten about their problem which they believe is not unique to Ranau.
Ni demo siok sendiri ka? Pihak bertanggungjawab sedia maklum dengan demo ini?
ReplyDeleteDemo siap jemput reporter?
Deletelebih baik mereka suarakan pandangan mereka ke pihak yang berkaitan.
DeleteGovt must provide basic facilities for the people.
ReplyDeleteThe Government channelled a total of RM200 million for clean water supply in rural areas. State Rural Development Minister Datuk Ewon Ebin said such funding was allocated under the National Key Results Area (NKRA) funding. He said development in rural areas has become the priority of the Government as almost 75 per cent of the State's population are residing in the interior.
DeleteHowever, Ewon also acknowledged that there are still many rural areas in Sabah that have yet to get complete basic infrastructure like roads, supply of water and electricity.Ewon ensures that the government we will make sure residents in those concerned areas will able to enjoy equal development like urban areas. Apart from providing basic facilities, the Government also channelled various aid to underprivileged people, old folks and disabled people, among others.
DeleteWoow good info. but how on earth that the people still having problem? Is there any possibility that the fund was there but they did not do anything for the people...what do you think...
Deletemasalah bekalan air tersebut harus diselesaikan segera.
ReplyDeletetindakan segera perlu dibuat berhubung dengan pekara ini.
DeleteHarap mereka tidak dipergunakan untuk kepentingan orang lain.
ReplyDeleteya,semoga pekara ini akan cepat selesai.
DeleteJika keadaan ini masih lagi berterusan pasti akan memberi kesan kepada pilihanraya yang akan datang.
ReplyDeleteMasalah kecil sahaja ni, tidak payah buat demo, boleh selesaikan dengan cara berbincang.
Deletejanganlah picaya klau cakap umno tau bn...penipu besar tu.. beribu kampung di sabah dan srawak tiada bekalan air...
ReplyDeleteKerajaan berusaha untuk memastikan rakyat menerima bekalan asas seperti kemudahan air dan lektrik..
DeleteIt is the duty of the government to provide such basic amenities for the people.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what happened to the funds provided by the government.
ReplyDeletePeruntukan yang diberikan sepatutnya sampai kepada rakyat dan tidak diselewengkan.
DeleteI suggest this problem is resolved immediately considering the lives of the people in need of water.
ReplyDeleteBetter to serve the interest of the people.
ReplyDeleteThe government has to come to the aid of these people.
ReplyDeleteWater is essential thus needs to be provided to the public.
ReplyDeleteAt least for the kids living in these areas.
ReplyDeleteHopefully something will be done soonest.
ReplyDeleteJangan percaya dengan janji pembangkang, apa lagi Star.
ReplyDeleteBuktikan dulu baru rakyat akan percaya..
DeleteHope government will do something about this matter.
ReplyDeletesebarang permasalahan perlulah diberikan perhatian.
ReplyDeleteharap pekara ini akan diselesaikan dengan sebaiknya.
ReplyDeletependuduk dari 4 buah kampung, tapi yang hadir berdemo hanya 60 orang.. malah majoriti yang hadir itu adalah belia2 muda, bukannya golongan ibubapa yang sepatutnya lebih tertekan dengan masalah air ini.. kenapa?
ReplyDeleteprotest ini juga nampak macam tidak bersungguh2 melainkan sekadar menurut perintah si Jalibin yang kemaruk mahu jadi wakil rakyat di kawasan Ranau..
ReplyDeleteKira2 350 penduduk Kampung Sumalang berhampiran Jalan Ranau-Tambunan, mendapat kemudahan bekalan air setelah bertahun-tahun bergantung kepada sumber air hujan.. kenapa Jalibin tidak bangkitkan isu ini?
ReplyDeleteuntuk menyalurkan bekalan air bersih ke semua pelusuk di negeri ini bukanlah satu kerja yang mudah.. ianya memerlukan masa dan dana.. kalau Star memerintah negeri ini pun, jangan harap masalah air bersih boleh selesai dalam tempoh 20 atau 30 tahun.. negara maju seperti China juga masih berhadapan dengan masalah bekalan air bersih, inikan pula negara membangun..
ReplyDeleteapa2 la kamu urang... yg pnting bahagiaaa... "INI KALI LAAA...."
ReplyDeletePrestasi Kewangan negeri Sabah Kekal Cemerlang
ReplyDeleteKetua Audit Negara telah mengiktiraf negeri Sabah sebagai salah sebuah negeri yang mempunyai rekod terbaik dalam pengurusan kewangan. Dengan kecemerlangan ini, bagi tahun 2011, negeri Sabah sekali lagi telah dianugerahkan “Sijil Tanpa Teguran” (Clean Bill) yang menjadikan penganugerahan ini mencatatkan rekod selama 12 tahun berturut-turut.
Dengan mengambilkira kekayaan Sabah serta kedudukan fiskal negeri yang mantap serta kapasiti untuk melaras kutipan hasil negeri, RAM Rating Services Berhad sekali lagi telah memberikan penarafan “AAA” ( Triple A ) kepada negeri Sabah untuk 4 tahun berturut-turut. Manakala, untuk pengurusan dan proses bajet negeri yang teratur dan mematuhi peraturan, Moody International pada tahun 2012 ini telah sekali lagi memberikan pensijilan MS-ISO 9001:2008 yang mana ini merupakan pencapaian cemerlang selama 4 tahun berturut-turut.
Borneo Bullet