Written by Joe Fernandez, Malaysia Chronicle
The insensitive ignoramuses have done it again! The buntings and billboards, shipped in from Putrajaya, brazenly proclaim 55 years of Merdeka throughout the length and breadth of Sabah and Sarawak. This is the Mother of All Bullshit in Sabah and Sarawak.
Whose Merdeka?
Obviously, it’s Merdeka for Peninsular Malaysia or Malaya which became independent of British colonial rule of a sort on 31 Aug, 1957. The revisionists are claiming that the British never really colonised Malaya – the land of the Orang Asal i.e. the Orang Asli -- which they in fact hacked away from the Thai kingdom, after two wars with Bangkok, to plant rubber and mine tin. But that’s another story.
That i.e. 1957 being the case, why flaunt it in Sabah and Sarawak and expect the long-suffering people there to share in the joy of the people of Malaya in being free of colonialism and imperialism?
Putrajaya maintains the fiction that Sabah, Sarawak free in 1957
Putrajaya wants to maintain the fiction that Sabah and Sarawak too
became free on 31 Aug, 1957, the history books tell us otherwise.
Sabah in fact became independent only six years later i.e. on 31 Aug, 1963 while Sarawak a little earlier than its neighbouring sister country in Borneo i.e. on 22 July, 1963. This was in line with the recommendations of the 24-Nation UN Decolonization Committee.
Both countries wanted to enjoy a period of freedom before considering again the idea of a new Federation including Malaya, Singapore, Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak. The idea was being relented pushed in their faces by the British and the Malayans acting in cahoots to protect the former’s commercial empire in the territories.
On 16 Sept, 1963, a Black Day known as Malaysia Day, the two Borneo states were dragged into a so-called Malaysia without a referendum being held to ascertain the wishes of the people.
The history books have subsequently gone on to claim that “Sabah dan Sarawak mencapai Merdeka melalui Malaysia”. How can that be the case when both states were already independent on 31 Aug, 1963 and 22 July, 1963 respectively before the advent of Malaysia?
Singapore became a member of this so-called Malaysia as well but apparently willingly since it was already a part of Malaya in every sense of the term and divided only by a narrow causeway.
Brunei stayed out at the 11th hour, insisting on genuine independence first, before considering if at all the idea of the Malaysia concept.
Sabah, Sarawak not allowed to leave “Malaysia” like Singapore
only became independent on 1 Jan, 1984 after much pushing by Putrajaya
who, eyeing the oil and gas riches of the sultanate, hoped it would
became a member of the Malaysian Federation. Bandar Seri Begawan would
have none of it, considering the tragic fate of Sabah and Sarawak in
“Malaysia”, and began holding regular joint military exercises with
Singapore which was allowed to train for jungle warfare in the
The fate of Sabah and Sarawak, briefly, were sealed in 1965 when Singapore left the Federation. The two states were not allowed to exercise any option like Singapore on whether to stay or leave the Federation. Sabah Chief Minister Donald Stephens, who raised the issue, was packed off into exile in Australia as High Commissioner to that country.
The 1965 exit of Singapore from the enlarged Malayan Federation, masquerading as Malaysia, confirmed to the world that Sabah and Sarawak were colonies of Malaya.
The British abandoned Sabah and Sarawak to Malayan colonialism after Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first Malayan Prime Minister, publicly pledged in 1963 that Malaya would not colonize Sabah and Sarawak after the British left. Janji Janji Manis! Janji Janji Kosong!
In fact, re-colonisation is what happened. Internal colonisation is going on. Janji Tidak DiTepati! Janji DiTepikan.
The promise of a written Constitution for Malaysia – an equal partnership of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak – never materialized.
Instead, Sabah and Sarawak are lowly states, the 12th and 13th states, in the enlarged Malaya – Singapore having left – as Malaya Raya went on to masquerade as Malaysia with an unwritten Constitution based on the written Malayan Constitution.
The unwritten Constitution is supposed to include five constitutional documents and/or conventions on the Malaysia concept as it was originally envisaged but Putrajaya has been in non-compliance.
The basis for Sabah, Sarawak to be in Malaysia in the dustbin
said five documents/conventions which were supposed to be the basis for
Sabah and Sarawak to be in Malaysia as originally envisaged: the 1963
Malaysia Agreement; the Inter-Governmental Committee Report; the Cobbold
Commission Report; the 20/18 Points (Sabah, Sarawak respectively); Batu
Sumpah in Keningau, Sabah.
Therein the matter lies!
Non-compliance! No Constitution written especially for Malaysia.
So, Putrajaya should not shamelessly proclaim to the whole world that Sabah and Sarawak have been independent for 55 years.
Stop lying to the schoolchildren learning history, Malaysian Studies
cannot tell such blatant lies to the schoolchildren studying history
and Malaysian Studies in the schools, colleges and universities.
The fact is Sabah and Sarawak lost their self-determination status of 31 Aug, 1963 and 22 July, 1963 respectively on 16 Sept, 1963 when they were colonised by Malaya after the British left.
The proof lies in the fact that Sabah and Sarawak are not equal partners of Malaya as envisaged under the original Malaysia concept but the lowly 12th and 13th states respectively in an enlarged Malaya which continues to masquerade as Malaysia.
The proof lies in the fact that Sabah and Sarawak are today the poorest and 2nd poorest states in Malaysia respectively as announced at the end of 2010 in Kota Kinabalu by the World Bank in a Report. Meanwhile, Brunei which produces even less oil and gas than Sabah and Sarawak has became richer than ever and Singapore will soon proclaim itself as the richest country in the world on a per capita basis.
So, what next?
The 24-Nation UN Decolonization Committee has been disbanded.
Class action suit to make British pay, suffer for their sins
Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPi MaFo), a Trust set up this week in
the United Kingdom, intends to file a class action suit in London
against the British Government for abandoning Sabah and Sarawak to
Malayan colonialism in 1963.
The imminent class action suit will press for the payment of compensation and damages equivalent to Sterling one million pounds for each man, woman and child in Sabah and Sarawak who are citizens of the two states.
The suit will also enable the British Government to make the Government in Putrajaya a party to the suit to resolve the internal colonisation of Sabah and Sarawak.
The insensitive ignoramuses have done it again! The buntings and billboards, shipped in from Putrajaya, brazenly proclaim 55 years of Merdeka throughout the length and breadth of Sabah and Sarawak. This is the Mother of All Bullshit in Sabah and Sarawak.
Whose Merdeka?
Obviously, it’s Merdeka for Peninsular Malaysia or Malaya which became independent of British colonial rule of a sort on 31 Aug, 1957. The revisionists are claiming that the British never really colonised Malaya – the land of the Orang Asal i.e. the Orang Asli -- which they in fact hacked away from the Thai kingdom, after two wars with Bangkok, to plant rubber and mine tin. But that’s another story.
That i.e. 1957 being the case, why flaunt it in Sabah and Sarawak and expect the long-suffering people there to share in the joy of the people of Malaya in being free of colonialism and imperialism?
Putrajaya maintains the fiction that Sabah, Sarawak free in 1957
Sabah in fact became independent only six years later i.e. on 31 Aug, 1963 while Sarawak a little earlier than its neighbouring sister country in Borneo i.e. on 22 July, 1963. This was in line with the recommendations of the 24-Nation UN Decolonization Committee.
Both countries wanted to enjoy a period of freedom before considering again the idea of a new Federation including Malaya, Singapore, Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak. The idea was being relented pushed in their faces by the British and the Malayans acting in cahoots to protect the former’s commercial empire in the territories.
On 16 Sept, 1963, a Black Day known as Malaysia Day, the two Borneo states were dragged into a so-called Malaysia without a referendum being held to ascertain the wishes of the people.
The history books have subsequently gone on to claim that “Sabah dan Sarawak mencapai Merdeka melalui Malaysia”. How can that be the case when both states were already independent on 31 Aug, 1963 and 22 July, 1963 respectively before the advent of Malaysia?
Singapore became a member of this so-called Malaysia as well but apparently willingly since it was already a part of Malaya in every sense of the term and divided only by a narrow causeway.
Brunei stayed out at the 11th hour, insisting on genuine independence first, before considering if at all the idea of the Malaysia concept.
Sabah, Sarawak not allowed to leave “Malaysia” like Singapore
The fate of Sabah and Sarawak, briefly, were sealed in 1965 when Singapore left the Federation. The two states were not allowed to exercise any option like Singapore on whether to stay or leave the Federation. Sabah Chief Minister Donald Stephens, who raised the issue, was packed off into exile in Australia as High Commissioner to that country.
The 1965 exit of Singapore from the enlarged Malayan Federation, masquerading as Malaysia, confirmed to the world that Sabah and Sarawak were colonies of Malaya.
The British abandoned Sabah and Sarawak to Malayan colonialism after Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first Malayan Prime Minister, publicly pledged in 1963 that Malaya would not colonize Sabah and Sarawak after the British left. Janji Janji Manis! Janji Janji Kosong!
In fact, re-colonisation is what happened. Internal colonisation is going on. Janji Tidak DiTepati! Janji DiTepikan.
The promise of a written Constitution for Malaysia – an equal partnership of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak – never materialized.
Instead, Sabah and Sarawak are lowly states, the 12th and 13th states, in the enlarged Malaya – Singapore having left – as Malaya Raya went on to masquerade as Malaysia with an unwritten Constitution based on the written Malayan Constitution.
The unwritten Constitution is supposed to include five constitutional documents and/or conventions on the Malaysia concept as it was originally envisaged but Putrajaya has been in non-compliance.
The basis for Sabah, Sarawak to be in Malaysia in the dustbin
Therein the matter lies!
Non-compliance! No Constitution written especially for Malaysia.
So, Putrajaya should not shamelessly proclaim to the whole world that Sabah and Sarawak have been independent for 55 years.
Stop lying to the schoolchildren learning history, Malaysian Studies
The fact is Sabah and Sarawak lost their self-determination status of 31 Aug, 1963 and 22 July, 1963 respectively on 16 Sept, 1963 when they were colonised by Malaya after the British left.
The proof lies in the fact that Sabah and Sarawak are not equal partners of Malaya as envisaged under the original Malaysia concept but the lowly 12th and 13th states respectively in an enlarged Malaya which continues to masquerade as Malaysia.
The proof lies in the fact that Sabah and Sarawak are today the poorest and 2nd poorest states in Malaysia respectively as announced at the end of 2010 in Kota Kinabalu by the World Bank in a Report. Meanwhile, Brunei which produces even less oil and gas than Sabah and Sarawak has became richer than ever and Singapore will soon proclaim itself as the richest country in the world on a per capita basis.
So, what next?
The 24-Nation UN Decolonization Committee has been disbanded.
Class action suit to make British pay, suffer for their sins
The imminent class action suit will press for the payment of compensation and damages equivalent to Sterling one million pounds for each man, woman and child in Sabah and Sarawak who are citizens of the two states.
The suit will also enable the British Government to make the Government in Putrajaya a party to the suit to resolve the internal colonisation of Sabah and Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteTo us in Sabah and Sarawak “Malaysia Day” will always be “Malayanisation Day” or “Colonization Day”!
The proposed “class action suit” in London against the British Government for abandoning Sabah and Sarawak to Malayan colonialism in 1963 will be a most unique case and significantly, will draw world attention to this unresolved burning issue of independence.
What arguments will be put forward in support of this case?
The article has summarised most of the arguments. But some historic facts must be emphasized here as their significance is often downplayed or ignored by many especially Malayans who claim that the Borneo people supported the “Malaysia idea”. This is to cover up the fact that the people's views and aspirations were ignored by the British in their haste to “form Malaysia”.
Even the British engineered Cobbold Commission (led by a banker) found only “one-third” of the people in Sabah and Sarawak supported the idea after a “poll” of a couple of thousand people. Yet the British compelled Sabah and Sarawak into Malaysia. This hardly reliable poll would never have complied with the UN De-colonisation Committee's requirement for a proper referendum!
1. Before the British/Malayan "Malaysia Proposals" the people of "British North Borneo" or North Kalimantan had already started to discuss the concept of unifying Brunei Sabah and Sarawak as a unitary state called "North Kalimantan".
2. The British ignored this local demand for independence and forced their "Malaysia Plan" on the colonies. This Plan was first brought up in 1942 as the “Malayan Union” to maintain colonial control of their economic interests in Malaya Singapore and the then Borneo Protectorates (colonies from 1945). Sarawak's Third Rajah Vyner Brooke refused to accept this plan as Sarawak was then an independent state.
It should be remembered that the anti-cession independence movement in Sarawak also saw the assassination of the second British Governor in 1949. Sarawak was in fact an independent state from 1841 to 1941 before colonization by Japan (1942) Britain (1945) and Malaya (1963). The post war period also saw a rise of the local left-wing independence movement.
In their attempt to thwart the people's aspirations for independence the British brought out their “wartime “plan” dusted and renamed it the “Malaysia Federation Plan”.
(on this point see “Second Colonial Occupation’: The United States and British Malaya
1945-1949 ” by Sah-Hadiyatan Ismail School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia)
3. In general the Borneo colonies were surprised by the speed of the Malaysia agenda. Contrary to the UN De-colonisation requirements, the British allowed the Sarawak and especially Sabah people hardly anytime to consider "Malaysia". Even the British governors of Sabah and Sarawak concurred that the 2 colonies needed more time to consider- say 10 year down the road.
4. On Dec 8 1962 an armed independence uprising broke out in Brunei to oppose Malaysia. The independent state of North Kalimantan was proclaimed. The fighting spread to Sarawak where the independence movement started a guerrilla war of independence against the imposition of Malaysia. This ended in 1990. But the aspiration is still very much alive.
The above is the part of history that has been left out.
The people's anti-Malaysia resistance both peaceful and by armed resistance for independence have been ignored although the UN De-colonisation ruler recognized local armed independence resistance as legitimate.
end of Part 1
1. The British rationale was a cold war ideological argument for a secured base against perceived "communist takeover" in South East Asia and also foreign invasion threat conveniently provided by Indonesia and the Philippines. It was a psychological trick argument to plant fear in the people.
2. The Malayan UMNO agenda was more clearly expressed in its "racial balance" argument that is to use the Borneo native population as a counterweight against the Singapore majority Chinese. Today we have the UMNO Malay supremacist ideas transformed into a legal apartheid system (not condemned by the UN) under the NEP. Racial balance implies racial equality not discrimination!
3. Britain and UMNO sold “Malaysia” as the best plan for the Borneo people to achieve peace progress and economic prosperity. This was the biggest of all their falsehoods to dress up “Malaysia” an attractive deal.
The British/Malayans rationales and tactics used to justify “Malaysia” were self-serving and highly questionable as they were used to aroused the people's fear and intimidated them into accepting the “Malaysia” idea as the best way out for them .
In the end despite their red scare and invasions threats Brunei did not "join" and Singapore left Malaysia by 1965. Neither Singapore nor Brunei were invaded and taken over by any country.
The exclusion of these two countries also totally demolished UMNO's racial balance arguments. It turned out that Malayan Malays became the majority over time by natural increases and inflation of illegal migrants. So where is the logic of racial balance?
Singapore and Brunei now stand out as testimony that they are better off as independent states than Sabah or Sarawak are as the “richest and poorest” colonial territories in Malaysia.
Many Malayans become HYSTERICAL when ever the issues of Sabah Sarawak breakaway from Malaysia is raised. To all Malayans who insist SS are part of Malaya please give good reasons that hold water why we should be Malayan colonies?
Malayans have a totally irrational possessiveness over the 2 colonies despite the fact that Malaysia was only created in 1963 and prior to that Malaya and the Borneo colonies existed quite separately and even as an independent state in Sarawak's case!
It is however hard to imagine that the Malayan UMNO government could be compelled to compensate each and every citizen one million dollars even if the government were a party to the case. It is even harder to imagine that a court case will restore Sabah and Sarawak independence although this should be made a part of the Statement of Claim.
What if the case is rejected? What would we stand politically as this would be interpreted a political decision.
If our compatriots have worked hard and long to get to this stage, then they should throw in every thing. Sue for independence and compensation and seek a declaration that Malaya to withdraw its occupation army from our land!
On 31 August and 16 September we also join in the call to fly the Malayan flag upside down or at half mast as a protest for the Malayan infringement of our right to real independence!
This Straits Time news report supports comments made on origins of "Malaysia", UMNO's racial balance rationale,cold-war anti-communist fears,
(Excerpt from:
North Borneo History Enthusiasts
Our History.Our Heritage
Malayans angry over BBC report on Malaysia)
Posted on July 28, 2012
Reproduced from The Straits Time – 11 May 1963
Malayans angry over BBC report on Malaysia
From London, Friday
MALAYANS here have reacted sharply to a BBC television report purporting to analyse Malaysia.
Typical comments (and all of it was acid) : “Not properly balanced,” “a distorted picture,” “British viewers are given the impression that Malaysia is a British idea and not the inspiration of Tengku Abdul Rahman.”
Mr G. K. Rama Iyer, principal assistant secretary in the Treasury in Kuala Lumpur and a member of the Malayan mission in London for the Commonwealth trade talks, felt that audiences here would be misled into believing that Malaysia was being formed to suppress the Chinese in the Federation and Singapore.
He said, “The commentary strongly suggested that the Tengku had included the Borneo territories in the Malaysia plan so that the Malays would outnumber the Chinese.
“But, as all informed people are aware, the whole idea of Malaysia is to create a bastion against Communism – and the Communist threat was barely mentioned.
ReplyDeleteThe article does not mention the major burning colonisation issue on how UMNO Malaya stole our oil and gas rights.
And this is the recent statement from CM
Delete“Therefore, I am confident and I believe this issue (oil royalty) is open for discussion and what is important is that we study the matter thoroughly so that it will benefit all the parties concerned”
We can see there's a light at the end of the tunnel, they going to have a discussion over the oil royalty issue. Hopefully, CM manage to bring more positive effect to Sabah.
DeleteWhatever happen for a reason and i hope the people in Sabah never stop praying to get the best for Sabahans.
ReplyDelete"Sabah, Sarawak not allowed to leave “Malaysia” like Singapore"
ReplyDeletePerkara 7di dalam “20 Perkara Sabah” bermaksud Perkara 7 tidak boleh diubah oleh Kabinet Negeri mahupun Persekutuan kerana di dalam perjanjian tersebut telah dipersetujui syarat bahawa apabila Sabah telah memasuki Malaysia, Sabah mensyaratkan agar tidak dikeluarkan daripada Kerajaan Malaysia. Ini kerana semasa rundingan ini dilakukan oleh Ketua-Ketua Pemimpin Negeri Sabah ketika itu, berasa khuatir sekiranya Sabah dipisahkan daripada Malaysia setelah diberi kemerdekaan, kerana pada masa tersebut Negeri Sabah juga dituntut oleh Kerajaan Indonesia dan Filipina dan berlakunya kacau bilau kerana ingin merebut Sabah untuk dijadikan jajahan takluk mereka.
"The two states were not allowed to exercise any option like Singapore on whether to stay or leave the Federation."
ReplyDeletePenarikan diri oleh Singapura daripada Malaysia adalah atas persetujuan bersama antara Parlimen Malaysia dan Parlimen Singapura. Ini disebabkan oleh desakanPeople Action Party (PAP) Singapura yang ingin menunjukkan kuasanya di seluruh pelosok Malaysia dan ingin mendominasi pengundi Cina seterusnya mengambil alih peranan MCA. Dan perkara ini telah melahirkan rasa tidak puas hati MCA yang berada di dalam Parti Perikatan pada masa itu. Oleh kerana ada perselisihan dalam perkara tersebut, Parlimen Malaysia pada masa itu secara majoriti bersetuju untuk mengeluarkan Singapura daripada Malaysia. Pada masa yang sama Parlimen Singapura juga telah bermesyuarat dan memutuskan keluar daripada Penubuhan Malaysia pada tahun 1965. Maka dengan itu, penarikan diri Singapura adalah Sah dari sisi undang-undang atas persetujuan bersama antara Malaysia dan Singapura.
Hari yang bermakna ini tidak harus dipolitikkan. Sambunglah dengan hati yang terbuka.
ReplyDeletehari kemerdekaan tak patut dipoliitkan. bersama kita menyambutnya dgn penuh patriotik.
ReplyDeleteMaintaining a close relationship and work ties between federal and state officers is vital towards ensuring a more effective and efficient implementation of federal development projects in Sabah. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman assured that the State Government under his leadership will continue to give the fullest co-operation to federal department and agencies in implementing projects entrusted to them.
ReplyDeleteTherefore the Chief Minister stressed that it is crucial to have a good collaboration because this is important to ensure that every project implemented yields a maximum result for the people. It is a collective responsibility to carry out the task that is being entrusted by the national leadership effectively and efficiently, and the only way to do this is by working closely together.
Musa also commended the outgoing federal secretary for his excellent service in the State and congratulated him for his appointment as the new director general of the Malaysian Customs Department. He also expressed satisfaction on the quality of services given by federal top officers posted to Sabah, saying the officers in general showed commendable ability to adapt to local culture and environment and therefore able to perform their duties effectively.
Meanwhile, Khazali said among the things he wanted to do as the new DG of Customs was to build a new Customs complex and provide better housing facilities for the department’s officers and staff in Sabah. He noted that the department is currently operating mostly from rented properties in Kota Kinabalu and other districts in the State and it is time for the agency as a major income collector for the nation to have a better infrastructure in Sabah.
In this regards, Khazali would like to request for support and cooperation from the State Government, in particular the Chief Minister and the State Secretary towards realizing this ambition. Khazali also expressed confidence that Abu Bakar would do a great job as the new State Federal Secretary given his extensive experience from serving in various agencies in several states prior to his appointment in Sabah.He also noted that Abu Bakar is not new to Sabah as he had worked with officers and leaders from the Sabah, especially in managing matters pertaining to housing projects in the State. Abu Bakar was previously the Director General for National Housing Department.