News reports on Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong a muslim is a sham !

Dear Borneo Herald team,

We refer to the abovementioned article which you have published on your blog page dated 22 June 2012.

As you may or may not be aware, this article was apparently first published by a blogger named Juslo in his blog page on 30 January 2008.   It has since been copied by many bloggers, communicated through forums on the internet as well as circulated irresponsibly  by many people via emails.  There are many people who are aware that it is a sham and some maybe not certain,  are today still circulating this malicious article bringing curiosity and damage of reputation to a prominent man who has since passed away. 

To put it in perspective, this article as indicated right below Juslo’s article as clearly stated;

[Juslo’s clarification:
This is purely a SATIRE. NOTHING in this post is factually true. DEEP APOLOGIES to the family of the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong. Forgive me for using a real, prominent name in order to try to bring out the real, concrete implications of the stupidity, madness and suffering which are happening in Malaysia right now, and hopefully to raise awareness of the people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, in order to prevent ABUSE AND MANIPULATION. Let's ensure that the above WILL NOT HAPPEN.

For and on behalf of the late Tan Sri Dato Dr Lim Goh Tong, we are writing to you to request your cooperation to remove this article from your blog.  We trust by now you are aware that this article is a sham and there is no reason whatsoever to implicate the late Tan Sri Dato Dr Lim Goh Tong into today’ web sham.

We hope you will remove this article within seven days from the date of this email.  We sincerely hope we do not need to resort to making a police report on this matter bringing your blog site and forum under the Evidence Act under Section 114A to bring this sham to a closure.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely
For & On Behalf of Genting Malaysia Berhad

Mei Ching Lee Yee

PR & Comms Executive
Public Relations & Communications

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