Musa remains our leader, says Umno man

By Luke Rintod of FMT
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Umno has brushed off claims of a shake-up in the party and that its strongman Musa Aman could well be on the way out ahead of the crucial general election.

Senior Sabah Umno leader, Masidi Manjun, quickly dismissed the news report in FMT as mere rumour, claiming even Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was impressed by Musa’s performance, both as Umno head and chief minister.

“Musa is doing an excellent job leading the party and the state government and the prime minister himself has complimented Musa’s leadership,” he said recently.

“Sabah Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) are fully behind Musa to continue leading the state,” he insisted when reporters asked him on the FMT article that the chief minister was marking time and could be replaced soon.

Local newspapers here yesterday carried Masidi’s denial prominently but party insiders whom FMT contacted insisted that many in Sabah Umno do not subscribe to the party line that Musa is doing an excellent job.

Said one: “If Musa is doing an excellent job as Masidi claimed, how come leaders like Lajim Ukin and Wilfred Bumburing had left? Please explain too why the Kadazandusuns and Chinese and even more Muslims in Sabah are leaving BN?”

According to the report, an increasingly embattled Umno could well be forced to do a rescue reshuffle in its “fix-deposit” Sabah’s party hierarchy and state leadership.

The rationale for the reshuffle getting the go-ahead from Najib is reportedly due to grumbling among the business community in the state as well as a series of high-profile defections from Umno as well as other BN parties.

According to well-placed sources, the shake-up would involve Musa taking leave and either Masidi or Hajiji Mohd Noor acting as Sabah chief minister until the general election.

Serious repercussions

However, talk of a shake-up in Sabah Umno is also being seen as a gambit by those close to another Sabah Umno strongman and Musa rival, Shafie Apdal, the current Semporna MP who is a trusted man of Najib, to eventually pave the way for him to helm the state.

This is plausible but Umno insiders are warning of serious repercussions should Najib refuse to reinvigorate the BN in the state which is reportedly steadily losing the support of almost all the communities in the state.

They claimed that party’s interest must be put first and ahead of personal agenda and failure to do so would result in more defections as the election looms.

“The sooner the PM does something, the better we are prepared for the election. Public perception is just as crucial as reality in an election; we cannot afford to carry baggage in a pivotal election like the coming one,” said an Umno leader who requested anonymity.

He said Masidi’s statement was a stock party reply as “there is no way an Umno leader would go ahead and say yes there is truth in the report on Musa”.

“It is better for the party to be courageous than limp into an opposition vicious attacks. Insiders like Lajim and Bumburing could be dishing out damaging information.

“They are already working with Anwar Ibrahim to bring down the party,” said the Umno leader who claimed to be among its founding members in Sabah.

Just before leaving Umno, Lajim hinted that he had informed Najib about the situation in Sabah for the BN and how in his view it was time to replace Musa as chief minister.

The situation in Sabah, according to party insiders, is not unlike that across the border, where there are efforts to replace long-serving Sarawak Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud.

So far, Taib has shown no sign of leaving the scene before the general election.


  1. kepimpinan Musa sebagai KM amat baik, dia akan terus menjadi Km Sabah.

    1. Datuk Musa membawa banyak perubahan kepada Sabah.. Beliau harus kekal untuk menjadi KM Sabah.

    2. Pentadbiran Musa adalah positif.

  2. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is happy with the cooperation given by the state government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, to the federal government.

    1. Barisan Nasional has proven its capability not only as a political party but also as a government. He said one vital foundation of the success was the close working relation between the federal and state governments and he was thankful for having a Chief Minister like Musa who enhanced state-federal relations.


    2. Good state-federal relations have brought development to the state and any differences in views are always discussed to find solutions that serve the interest of the people of Sabah.

    3. He said that every time he came to Sabah he received an overwhelming welcome and was confident that they would cast their vote to BN when the time comes.

    4. Umno is strong in Sabah. If this is the picture, BN will get resounding support from the people here and urged all partymen to work hard and not look at ethnicity as it would divide and weaken the party.

    5. He said Umno succeeded in uniting everyone and because it chose leaders based on their ability to deliver and not because the person was a Bugis or Javanese or from any other ethnic background.

    6. “We choose him as an Umno leader because of his qualities, we don’t care what ethnic group he belongs to,’’ he said, adding that such methods of divide and rule used by past colonial masters would only weaken the party.

    7. “We must move forward as Umno,’’ he reminded members while urging them to uphold the principles of the party and to be prepared to sacrifice for the party.

    8. “We don’t need selfish members who want to fill their pockets and protect their positions. These people can leave,’’ he said, adding leaders come and go but the party stayed.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. The Prime Minister called on the people to give the Barisan Nasional another five years for it to enhance its development programmes under the Government Transformation Programme.


    11. He said the opposition were just making promises on paper and they will not be able to deliver.

    12. kerjasama yang baik antara kerajaan pusat dan negeri baik untuk pembangunan.

    13. Kerjasama dari semua pemimpin BN akan memastikan BN tetap kuat di Sabah.

    14. Pasti komponen harus sebulat suara memperjuangkan misi dan agenda yang sama.

  3. cakap tidak serupa bikinlah... ada duit semua orang pandai spend laa . no big deal.. so he is just ordinary, tak perlu puji puji melangit..

    1. pencapaian yang baik memang patut dipuji.

    2. Pencapaian Datuk Musa memang patut di beri pujian..bukan macam pembangkang yang hanya tahu bercakap sahaja.

    3. Jangan teramat puas dengan pencapaian terkini, usaha masih eprlu diteruskan.

  4. what is important is Sabah BN should unite rather than be divided

  5. sokongan padu terhadap kepimpinan Musa perlu kukuh jika BN ingin terus kekal memerintah di Sabah

    1. kepimpinan yang baik harus kita sokong.

    2. Sokongan berterusan akan di berikan kepada Datuk Musa yang banyak membantu menbangunkan Sabah.

  6. suara rakyat perlu didengari dan diutamakan jika BN ingin mendapat sokongan penuh di musim PRU13

  7. tanpa sokongan majoriti dari rakyat, tidak mungkin BN akan dapat mempertahankan kedudukannya sebagai ketua parti di Sabah

    1. jika kepentingan rakyat sentiasa dijaga, pasti BN akan terus dapat sokongan.

    2. BN sentiasa memastikan kebajikan rakyat terjaga, itu sebabnya BN masih menjadi kerajaan.

  8. semoga Musa dapat terus kekal sebagai KM Sabah

  9. yes, a strong support for the leadership of Moses is important if BN wants to win again in GE13

  10. voice of the people must be heard too

    1. Suara rakyat sentiasa menjadi perhatian pemimpin BN.

  11. rata-rata menyokong kepimpinan Musa ebagai CM Sabah.

    1. Rakyat tahu kebolehan tahan tahap kepimpinan Datuk Musa..itu sebab mereka sentiasa dan setia menyokong beliau.

  12. yang penting teruskan usaha untk jadikan Sabah lebih membangun.

  13. dalam banyak2 laporan FMT, semuanya berdasarkan khabar angin.. tidak ada yang tepat..

  14. kenyataan Datuk Masidi Manjun sebenarnya cukup untuk membuktikan bahawa peimpin2 BN Sabah menyokong penuh kepimpinan Datuk Musa Aman.. so, mana asas yang kononnya Datuk Musa akan digugurkan dari jawatan KM Sabah??

    1. Pemimpin-pemimpin Bn akan sentiasa menyokong Datuk Musa, khabar angin saja yang mengatakan beliau akan di gugurkan dari jawatan KM.

  15. Pemimpin yang baik akan sentiasa mendengar suara dan masalah rakyat dan mengambil tindakan yang wajar.
