Money-laundering: Musa under pressure

What portion of the S$38 trillion transacted and transferred
across several countries belonged to Sabah?
By Calvin Kabaron
KUALA LUMPUR : As Malaysia faces a looming general election, Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman, an important ally of embattled Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, is increasingly being engulfed with questions of integrity and leadership issues.
Musa already lost two Members of Parliament from Sabah last week, and now the ongoing investigations on his own involvement in allegedly money-laundering activities are increasingly affecting his integrity and performance as leader of the poverty-stricken Sabah.
Observers both in Kota Kinabalu and here are of the opinion that the embattled Sabah kingpin would have no avenue to redeem his reputation as more in Sabah are joining the opposition and that incriminating data on the money laundering kept pouring out in websites, blogs and leaflets.
The parallel investigations going on in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Switzerland on the money-laundering case have proven to be too much to Musa and the state leadership.
Musa lost his temper during a recent Sabah State Legislative Assembly meeting when there were repeated mentions of “the Hong Kong/Swiss money”. He said he was not afraid of the case and is prepared to tell the “truth”.
“The truth” so far from Musa, as revealed by PKR vice-president Tian Chua recently, was that the money in certain bank accounts was not his but held in trust for Umno.
According to Tian Chua, this piece of information was “leaked” to him by someone who claimed that Musa told the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) officers earlier this year to “ask Najib and that the money was not his but Umno and Najib’s”.
Tian Chua has since challenged Najib to comment on the information but so far the premier, who is also Umno president, has refused to respond.
Observers claim Najib is cornered and now held to ransom, and could be planning Musa’s exit either ahead or after the general election, which is due anytime now.
Lajim Ukin, one of the two MPs who defected from Umno and pledged allegiance to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, Najib’s nemesis, had cited dissatisfaction against Musa’s integrity, and Najib for not acting to replace the state party leadership.
Lajim had also implied in his speeches across Sabah that Najib indeed had promised to look into his reports against Musa and the cases that he believed warranted Musa’s replacement ahead of the general election.
Lajim is incidentally allied to another Sabah strong Umno kingpin,Shafei Apdal, an Umno vice- president, who is said to be not in very good relationship with Musa and harbouring the ambition to lead the vast state after the general election.
Allegations of money laundering
Meanwhile, the simultaneous investigations in four countries on Musa’s money, said to be in the hundreds of millions dollars in his accounts with Swiss UBS, one of the world’s three largest banks, had also taken a toll on others.
About 10 days ago, the credible Sarawak Report, an online investigative portal dedicated to Sarawak and Sabah matters, carried a report that the HSBC’s global head of compliance had resigned, acknowledging the bank had turned a blind eye to the staggering S$38 trillion of suspect transactions.
Those in the industry claimed that even the United States Senate committee on Homeland Security is now interested in the case as it involved a very huge amount transacted and transferred across several countries over several years.
“We are already aware of the issues but this staggering figure of S$38 trillion has really hit us hard… whether portions of this money did come from Sabah or Malaysia.
“If true, then indeed only God knows what these Malaysian politicians and their associates had been doing back home and abroad with such money,” said an observer in Kota Kinabalu, adding that it could be the reason why Sabahans remain the poorest in Malaysia despite the fact that the state is the richest in term of resources.
According to the online portal, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigation report into timber kickbacks contains a great deal of information about HSBC’s alleged involvement in processing the millions of dollars that ended up in Musa’s bank accounts. The HSBC accounts were eventually closed in 2006.
The money-laundering case implicating Musa started soon after the arrest of Sabah businessman Michael Chia in Hong Kong in 2008. He was allegedly carrying S$16 million in cash at the time of arrest.
Chia reportedly told the powerful Hong Kong ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) that the money belonged to Musa.
It was later rumoured that the cash was meant to help Umno in a by-election in Peninsular Malaysia with the knowledge of then premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Money needed in Sabah
In Europe, the Bruno Manser Foundation has been actively pursuing this matter, together with cases involving neighbouring Sarawak’s Chief Minister Taib Mahmud.
The foundation is pressuring the Switzerland authorities to investigate UBS for being an accessory to an allegedly international money-laundering case, claiming that this money was derived from timber kickbacks and other loots of Borneo’s resources.
Meanwhile, a US-based Borneo rights advocate, Dr Libin Rampasan, said Sabah and Sarawak would continue to be at the losing end as long as a corrupt and greedy leaders are helming the states.
“The ill-gotten money… would have done wonders to improve the livelihood of the natives and provide better basic infrastructures in the two states.
“The people of Sabah must ask the Swiss authorities to disclose all the details. We should be suing and shaming the Swiss authorities for being an and accessory to corruption in the third world where the money is most needed for development,” Rampasan told FMT.


  1. Selagi belum terbukti wang tersebut milik Musa, selagi itu beliau tidak bersalah. baik tunggu saja hasil siasatan.

    1. Still it's about the investigation. Fed up with those opposition bad people.

    2. tidak perlu buat spekulasi atau andaian sendiri. baik tunggu dan lihat ja.

    3. this case is still under investigation. Best to wait for the investigation outcome. No point making assumption.

    4. The case is yet to discover who's the main culprit.

    5. Dalam fikiran saya, adakah Ghapur turut akan keluar?

    6. Selagi belum ada keputusan, Musa tidak bersalah.

    7. baik tunggu ja hasil siasatan.

    8. baik tunggu ja hasil siasatan.

    9. baik tunggu ja hasil siasatan.

    10. tunggu ja hasil sisatan.

    11. SPRM harus menjalankan siasatan yang sepatutnya, supaya rakyat juga beryakin dengan SPRM dan kerajaan.

    12. Susah juga kes Datuk Musa Aman ini. Bukan susah kenapa susah dipermainkan oleh pembangkang selalu. Tapi tidak ada pula pembangkang berikan bukti kepada pihak berkuasa. ICAC sendiri pun tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa lagi. Ini kerana tidak ada lagi bukti yang boleh membuat siasatan yang tepat. Tambahan lagi ini cuma mengaitkan individu tanpa ada bukti.

    13. Pembangkang yang suka kitar semula isu yang lama-lama sudah. Sengaja dibawa sekarang ini untuk menjatuhkan Datuk Musa. Tidak ada isu barukah lagi selain isu ini. Tidakkan ini yang pembanakgn mampu buat saja. Tapi rasanya rakyat tahu menilai sendiri mengenai perkara ini.

    14. Apa pun memang tidak tahu setakat mana kebenaran dalam hal ini. Masih menjadi persoalan sekarang setakat mana kebenaran dalam laporan ini. Kita sendiri tidak tahu adakah benar atau tidak mengenai perkara ini.

    15. Buat apa mahu tertekan dengan isu ini. Kerana tidak ada kebenaran pun. Yang memberikan tekanan adalah pembangkang yang suka kitar semula isu yang lama-lama sudah. Tapi kata musa dari melayan isu ini bagus lagi dia melayan kepentingan penduduk Sabah. Ada lagi hasil pada PRu13.

    16. DUlu dan sekarang. Sama saja isu ini. Sengaja dibawa sekarang ini untuk menjatuhkan Datuk Musa. Tapi rasanya rakyat tahu menilai sendiri mengenai perkara ini. Nilai dan lihat sendiri permainan pembangkang.

    17. Apa yang kita tahu. Tuan punya banda sendiri telah memberikan kenyataan yang mana Datuk Musa menafikan semua tuduhan yang tidak berasas ini. Kerana beliau sendiri pun tidak tahu dari mana sumber yang mereka perolehi.

    18. Datuk Seri Musa Aman mengingatkan rakyat Sabah supaya tidak terpengaruh dengan taktik pembangkang yang cuba memberi bayangan seolah-olah Barisan Nasional (BN) negeri mula goyang dan berpecah. Sedangkan semua itu tidak berlaku pun. Ini berkaitan dengan MPs yang keluar parti itu. Memang pembangkang rasa bangga dan terlalu yakin dapat menang PRU13 ini.

    19. Betulkah? Adakah Datuk Musa dalangnya? Jawapannya semua itu tidak ada yang benar. Kenapa? Kerana bukti tidak ada dalam hal ini. Jadi kalau cakap saja tanpa bukti rasanya beratus kali pun cakap tidak ada guna bukan. Betul tau tidak. Tidak ada guna cakap sana sini, itu inilah, tapi bukti tidak ada.

    20. Usah sesakkan fikiran kita dengan tuduhan2 yang tidak berasas ini.

  2. Musa could at least provide convince explanations regarding this matter.

    1. Memang betul. Takkan nak burukkan nama sendiri pula.

    2. He would rather be investigated than to provide a convincing explanation.

    3. Makin di jawab makin pula jadinya pembangkang.

    4. Better let the matter cold down and let the in charge person to handle necessary investigation.

    5. Pembangkang akan sentiasa memainkan isu ini.

    6. Ada komplot yang sengaja mahu sabotaj Musa Aman.

  3. CM has tried for the people of Sabah.

    1. He has done a lot for Sabah.

    2. Sokong sokong!

    3. We seen many positive changes in sabah under his leadership. Long live Musa.

    4. Musa Aman is the only man who can protect Sabah’s last virgin forests, wildlife and bio-diversity and keep global warming in check. He is the chief minister who has stopped logging in the Ulu Segama Malua and Maliau basin and created a forest buffer three times the size of Singapore to protect Danum valley from logging, mining and opening up land for agriculture. Without him, the forests and minerals such as gold there in the east coast of Sabah would have disappeared.. we should be glad that Sabah monitored by those who interested in sustainable development unlike the previous CM who damaged a forest buffer five times the size of Singapore..

    5. He definitely has done very much in Sabah.

    6. Ada yang berasa syukur dengan usaha Musa terhadap economy di Sabah. Ada juga tidak.

    7. Sabahans know Datuk Musa Aman is try so hard for Sabah and people in Sabah.

    8. Bukan mudah jadi KM ni. Banyak pihak yang ingin menjatuhkan pemimpin sedia ada supaya mereka boleh naik dan gantikan pemimpin tersebut.

  4. Other things are yet to be disclosed....let's wait and see.

    1. Really really pray hard to let this thing passed.

    2. Jangan biarkan KM terus menjadi mangsa keadaan.

    3. Dont mock on CM. Enough is enough.

    4. CM is able to maintain calm all this while. Hopefully we will know the truth behind this.

    5. Hopefully it turned out to be the biggest revelation.

  5. I advise for further investigations in this matter.

  6. We need substantial information as evidence.

  7. I thought this issue has been settled already lah.

    1. walau pun tiada bukti, pihak yang tidak bertanggungjwab akan tetap mainkan isu ini.

    2. I thought so too.

  8. We all have to put somethings into consideration.

  9. There is no point making conclusion just yet.

    1. True...let's wait until it is proven.

    2. diorang kasi main ini isu sebab PRU sudah dakat...

    3. There is no conclusion after all.

    4. Makin menjadi jadi isu ini.

    5. conclusion is nothing if there is no evidence to support it.

  10. They don't have anything strong against him.

    1. What do you expect? The oppositions are trying to bring him down.

    2. What do you expect? The oppositions are trying to bring him down.

  11. isu ini saja kana main, kalau ada bukti tunjuk depan umum bah.

    1. maklumlah, pru13 kan akan datang tidak lama lagi.

    2. Sarawak Report pun tidak berani tunjuk depan umum sebab sebelum ini dorang pernah kantoi menipu menggunakan dokumen SSM palsu untuk buat tuduhan terhadap CM Sarawak.. sebab itulah sekarang Sarawak Report beralih kepada CM Sabah..

    3. berita dari Sarawak Report tak boleh diprcayai. sebelum inipun byk cerita dari Sarawak Report.

  12. jau, mereka tidak akan tunjukkan bukti kepada umum kerana mereka tiada bukti pun.

  13. isu ini hanya berlegar di internet saja dan selagi tidak terbukti tidak perlulah kata seseorang itu bersalah.

  14. Tunding jari terhadap Musa tapi mcm mana nak salahkan beliau kalau bukti pun tak cukup makan. huhuhu

  15. Biar pihak yang berkaitan siasat hal ini barulah kita buat kputusan.

  16. Orang sabah ..orang sabah bangunlah apa yg sudah musang buat ? Kenapa sabah Boleh Jadi negeri termiskin?kalau mahu tahu kita Tanya bekas menteri kewangan Di dialog yang dianjurkan oleh sapp minggu ini jam 2 petang Di port view restaurant dekat waterfront supaya satu rakyat sabah tahu .

    1. pehh!! kenapa kau tidak tanya apa sudah si Yong Teck LIES buat selama 2 tahun?? siapa yang jual hutan 300000 hektar kepada 265 syarikat kalau bukan Yong Tck LIES?? siap mau bagi tempoh pajakan 999 tahun lagi..

    2. Pemimpin Sabah sudah buat yang terbaik untuk bangunkan negeri ini. Bukan semua keputusan kerajaan negeri yang buat. Sebahagiannya dikawal oleh kerajaan persekutuan.

  17. Selagi Musa belum disabitkan bersalah, selagi itulah Musa tak bersalah. Ok!

  18. To those ignorant supporter of musang .I don't blame you all for your ignorant attitude but try to ask yourself if he really fight for our sabahan right ? And ask yourself what is sabahan right ?

    1. so please list down who politicians in your mind that really fight for Sabahan.. King of Frog (Jeffrey Kitingan) or Mr. chameleon (Yong Teck Lee)??

  19. Orang yang cakap Musa tak layak jadi CM Sabah ni, rasa-rasanya layak kah ganti tempat Musa???

    1. tidak layak langsung.. dari sikap dorang saja boleh tahu yang mereka sama sekali tidak layak..

    2. Musa harus terus jadi KM.

  20. Entah-entah, lagsung tak layak pun berdiri di sebelah Musa. hahahhaa

  21. Kalau ini pemimpin betul betul berani dan peduli tentang sabah ..pergilah itu dialog Dan cabar ini parti pembankang sapp jangan hanya pandai saja bercerita Di newspaper..bikin panas saja

    1. kalau ini pemimpin2 politik peduli tentang sabah, lama sudah tu Sapp gulung tikar..

    2. SAPP? Yang presidennya sendiri kalah di Batu Sapi tu?

  22. Musang yg Layak Jadi CM ..Jadi dia pun Layak bikin sabah Jadi negeri termiskin ?

    1. sejak sabah bergabung membentuk Malaysia, bukan Musa seorang saja yang duduk kerusi KM Sabah.. macam mana pula dengan YTL bro?? YTL lagi terus, sudah la buat rakyat Sabah bankrap, dia jual lagi hutan sabah seluas 5 kali ganda keluasan singapura kepada kroni2 dia.. kenapa tidak tanya dia di mana dia simpan duit2 itu??

  23. Time-time puasa pun masih juga tegang ni isu kan. hehehe.. Sabar kamurang ya:)

    1. selagi belum limpas general election, selagi itulah tegang.. saja ba ni.. takut rakyat lupa.. so terpaksa la ulang balik isu yang sama walaupun tiada tindakan undang2 terhadap Musa..

    2. Sabarlah, isu ini pasti ada kesudahannya, jangan kamurang bimbang.

  24. Isu ni balik-balik kena cakap tapi takda pun perkembangannya. Balik2 putar tempat yang sama.

  25. Baik cakap benda lain, ada manfaat lagi. hihihi

  26. Kalau Musa bagi penjelasan, kamurang rasa hal ini akan reda ka?

  27. Tapi dengan senario tegang sekarang ini, pasti setiap penjelasan yang dibuat akan dibalas lagi oleh pembangkang. hhmmm... Jadi mungkin bagus juga kalau dibiarkan saja.

  28. In an article carried by Asia Sentinel, the ICAC when asked to verify Sarawak Report's mass of transactions and documents on claim of Musa Aman misdeeds said "We would not comment on questions on operational matters." and UBS has responded in similar fashion as well.. only politicians in Malaysia who keep bringing this up in order for them to face the general election..

  29. The real culprits would be exposed in no time.

  30. We still have to wait and see what the final result would be about this case.

  31. Who exactly is worth to be placed in his position?

    1. No one besides him at least for now.

  32. How can some people think he has only made Sabah poor?

  33. There are better ways out of this issue other than trying to bring him down through these allegations.

  34. The oppositions are trying to win the heart of the people simply by putting this into act.

    1. The people are better of deciding for themselves.

  35. Musa remains the best CM for Sabah.

  36. Musa is Sabah's CM thus he deserves some respect.

    1. I agree...lets show him how much we appreciate what he has done so far.

    2. I'm certain the people of the oppositions wouldn't agree to this notion of fact.

    3. Well then let them handle the position and lets see what would become of them and their possible efforts trying to support the people.

  37. Datuk Musa said he is innocent and he is willing to cooperate when being investigated by the authorities, hopefully further investigations will be done.

  38. Datuk Musa said he is innocent and he is willing to cooperate when being investigated by the authorities. Thorough investigation is needed.

  39. baik tunggu ja hasil siasatan.

  40. Under pressure? tidak nampak pun CM macam stress...malah beliau sibuk turun padang untuk melihat progress penduduk Sabah.

  41. Kalau kes ini benar2 berlaku, kenapa tidak ada pendakwaan terhadap Datuk Musa?

  42. Kes ini akan menjejaskan prestasi Musa.

  43. jika tiada bukti, harus menghentikan tuduhan yang tidak munasabah ini.

  44. Selagi tiada bukti, Musa harus diberi kebebasan yang seharusnya.

  45. Laporan yang dikemukakan harus dikaji sejauh mana kebenaran laporan ini.

  46. I don't think Musa Aman in under presure. Why he must feel presure, still no prove he is innocent.
