Malaysians of all races should protest…….

Well, in case you have not realised, Yang Berhormat, not only same-sex marriages, as you said, erode the family institution. Sex outside marriage does as well. And there are many more Malaysians bonking outside marriage than Malaysians entering same-sex marriages. So why aren’t you appealing to all Malaysians to ‘protest en masse’ regarding this? This is a bigger problem than same-sex marriages.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

(Bernama) - Malaysians of all races should protest en masse the practice of same sex marriages as they would erode the family institution, advised Minister in Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom.

Commenting on the recent wedding reception here of Malaysian gay Christian priest, Ngeo Boon Lin and his musical producer partner, Phineas Newborn III, who were married in New York last year, he said that even the Christians in the country prohibited such practices.

“The reception portrayed Malaysian society as confused. It’s clear their motive was to fight for gay rights,” he said.

He was speaking a press conference after breaking fast with the Department and agencies’ staff at the National Mosque, here.

There are five references in the Qur'an regarding gay behaviour. The two main references to homosexual behaviour are:

"We also sent Lut : He said to his people : "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds." Qur'an 7:80-81

"What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, and leave the wives your Lord created for you? Nay, but ye are forward folk." Qur'an 26:165

Both these verses refer to gay sexual activities involving men. Gay sexual activities involving women or lesbian practices are not mentioned in the Qur'an. There is at least one mention of lesbian behaviour in the Hadith, though. However, while traditionalist orthodox Muslims regard the Hadith as the authentic sayings of Prophet Muhammad, liberal Muslims doubt their authenticity. And some sects of Islam reject the Hadith totally or have a different version of the Hadith.

In many Muslim countries, homosexuality is condemned and subject to legal punishment. The specific punishment varies among jurists, ranging from jail time and/or flogging to the death penalty. In Islam, capital punishment is reserved only for the most grievous crimes that would hurt society as a whole. Some jurists place homosexuality under that category, particularly in countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen etc.

Arrest and punishment for homosexual crimes, however, are not frequently carried out because Islam also places a strong emphasis on an individual's right to privacy. If a ‘crime’ is not committed in the public sphere, it is largely overlooked as being a matter between the individual and God.

Now, is that clear, especially to the non-Muslims reading this piece? In short, a crime that is damaging to society is taken seriously and the punishment is severe. A crime that does not affect society and is committed behind closed doors is between you and God.

One very important aspect of Islam is: a person’s privacy must be respected and you should not spy on your neighbour. Spying on your neighbour is a bigger sin than the sin committed by your neighbour behind closed doors.

Now, why is the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, so kaypoh about what others do? Whatever perceived sin the Christian priest, Ngeo Boon Lin, and his partner, Phineas Newborn III, did was done outside Malaysia. Even if a crime had been committed it was done so outside Malaysia’s jurisdiction. If these two had committed a crime then let the US punish them since they did it on US soil. What next does the Minister want to do? Peep on Malaysians in the UK who do not pray and fast and drink beer? Do you think Scotland Yard has no other problems to deal with?

If you were to ask a Muslim what is Islam all about, he or she would reply that Islam is about justice. If you were to ask a Muslim who may support the Islamic Sharia laws, in particular that branch of the Sharia called Hudud, he or she would reply: because the Sharia and Hudud is about justice.

Everything about Islam, as far as these people are concerned, is about justice. And you just cannot separate Islam and justice.

Okay, let us, for purposes of this discussion, not dispute that argument. Let us agree that Islam and justice go hand-in-hand. Let us even agree that the Sharia, Hudud included, is about justice. But why do the religious scholars and politicians always and only talk about sex?

Islam is supposed to be about justice. But they talk as if Islam is only about sex. Everything that comes out of their mouths is about sex. I am yet to hear anyone talk about justice. It is always about sex. You are giving people the impression that Islam is so focused on sex that sex has become an obsession to Muslims.

Okay, Islam is against homosexuality. I am not going to deny that fact. But Islam also says that what you do behind closed doors is between you and God. Islam also says you should not spy on your neighbour or peep into your neighbour’s house. Islam also says that what you do in your home is your business as long as what you do does not hurt society. Only if it hurts society should we be concerned, even if it is done in the privacy of your home and office.

So, what are these crimes that do affect society and which we should be concerned about even if committed in the privacy of your home and office, and which the Minister should be talking about? Well, what about bribery, corruption, abuse of power, mismanagement of the country’s (meaning taxpayers’) resources, police violence, manipulation of the judiciary, cronyism, nepotism, racism, persecution, denial of someone’s fundamental rights, etc? There are loads and loads of sins and crimes that affect society and which Islam forbids. And on a list of 100 such sins and crimes, homosexuality sits at the bottom of that list. Yet we talk about the bottom 100th and not the top 99.

What is wrong with Muslims? They turn Islam into a religion of ridicule. And when people ridicule Islam these Muslims get angry. They threaten revenge and bloodshed. They demand death for those who insult Islam and/or Prophet Muhammad.

How do you expect people not to insult Islam if the Muslims themselves make a mockery of Islam? When you act like a lunatic of course people are going to call you a lunatic. And when Muslims act like lunatics you can expect non-Muslims to say that Islam is a bad religion.

You are demanding for non-Muslims to respect Islam. But how can you expect them to respect Islam when Muslims themselves act disrespectfully toward their own religion. You are turning Islam into a circus with the things you are doing and saying. And when people laugh you get angry.

Malaysians of all races should protest en masse the practice of same-sex marriages as they would erode the family institution, advised the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom.

Well, in case you have not realised, Yang Berhormat, not only same-sex marriages, as you said, erode the family institution. Sex outside marriage does as well. And there are many more Malaysians bonking outside marriage than Malaysians entering same-sex marriages. So why aren’t you appealing to all Malaysians to ‘protest en masse’ regarding this? This is a bigger problem than same-sex marriages.

Bangang sungguh menteri Melayu ni!


  1. reject LGBT by rejecting Ambiga and Anwar.. kalau mahu mencontohi negara barat pun, jangan la sampai contohi sekali budaya sosial mereka..

  2. Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam wants firm action to be taken against a gay priest who was reported to have held a same-sex marriage reception in the country. Mohd Ali, who is also Malacca Islamic Religious Council (Maim) chairman, said the action (of the priest) was contemptuous, not only to the country and Islam, but also to other religions that opposed same-sex marriages.

    1. He pointed out that their action clearly challenging the laws and the values of our country, especially in the month of Ramadan, therefore he hpoed that the government can bring this matter to justice. He was speaking to reporters after a groundbreaking ceremony for Parcel Two of the Beautification and Cleaning of Sungai Malacca (Second Package) Project at Taman Rumpun Bahagia. Also present was Drainage and Irrigation Department deputy director-general Datuk Ong Siew Heng.

    2. Urging Malaysians, regardless of political ideology, to unite to condemn the contemptuous and shameless act, Mohd Ali said it was imperative that the nation was not burdened by moral and social problems, such as same-sex marriage. Meanwhile, Mohd Ali said the second package of the RM37 million beautification of Sungai Melaka — about 1.3km from the Tun Razak Bridge right up to the Malacca Sentral Bridge — began on June 4. It is expected to be completed on June 3, 2014.

    3. He said work to upgrade the river involved the construction of a bank protector, pedestrian walk, river information centre, landscaping, centralised water treatment plant and garbage trap. He said the state government would consider paying compensation to house owners affected by the project.

  3. The multi racial people of Sabah who belong to different faiths have always enjoyed fair treatment from the BN government

  4. as soon as BN gets the full mandate after the next election, Sabah will continue to grow more rapidly and those in the rural areas will certainly benefit from this

  5. This is one of the sign of the end of the world.huhu

    1. ya heard about this before but until now the games is still on. Not yet game over...

  6. I actually not really agree with those who choose to marriage with same sex but they got their own way of lives.

  7. Well, we still need to learn how to respect others decision...

  8. hubungan sejenis tak patut wujud di negara kita.
