For a good cause...

FOR GOOD CAUSE... Leaders of opposition State Reform Party (Star) Ranau yesterday went to the Ranau District Hospital and bleed for a good cause... to lift blood supply ahead of the celebration of Aidilfitri. Leading them was Ranau Star head, Jalibin Paidi, who also donated his blood for the third time. picture shows Jalibin getting ready to give his blood. He said 15 party leaders came forward and 11 were allowed to bleed and managed to collect 11 pints for the hospital's need. "We will be coming again to Ranau Hospital with another group for the same cause after this Hari Raya," said Jalibin.


  1. derma darah adalah satu amalan yang bagus tapi jangan dipolitikan.

  2. Yang paling penting ialah keikhlasan

  3. Sekali sekala, buat kerja amal la kan. Rehat2 dulu dari politik.

  4. Orang ramai digalakkan untuk menderma darah bagi membantu mereka yang memerlukan.

  5. The Barisan Nasional government (BN) is attentive to the needs of the people, and will continue to deliver its promises and to serve everyone, regardless of race or religion, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman. The government is not one that plays the racial card, or that pits one race against another in order to win the hearts of others, stressed Musa.As Malaysians who pledge our loyalty to the nation, we must not fall prey to such tactics that will destroy the thread of what we have all built so hard to build. Malaysians in Sabah ought to continue to subscribe to 1Malaysia and practicse its principles as we move ahead in unity with the rest of the nation.

    1. The warmth that Malaysians are known for is reflected in the way everyone is welcomed at open houses and this unique tradition that we share is the basis for our solidarity. Musa noted the many charity events held with various groups and corporate bodies extending a hand to the less fortunate. As Malaysians who care for one another, the kindness shown to the less fortunate are noted and hopefully there will be more individuals and groups will reach out to people in need in years to come.


    2. Musa also reminded Sabahans to stock of their achievements and look for solutions to plans that they were unable to accomplish. He added that it is the right time to evaluate their shortcomings, and to plan for a better year ahead.It is no longer about business as usual in Malaysia. As stressed by our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, our nation is now going through a transformation process. This transformation is in every aspect of the way we do things, ranging from politics to economics and even in government.

    3. In a highly challenging and globalized world, it is pertinent for us to transform so that the nation is able to compete within the region and the world. The Sabah State Government had been endorsed by several agencies such as Moody’s and RAM Rating Services for our financial achievements. The State Government is prudent in its spending, and we pledge to continue being financially sound through some of the measures that are already in place,” he said.

    4. According to Musa, the government will also remain resourceful in the way it generates income, as it needs continuous funds to develop the State. Musa noted that with good financial planning and management, The Satate Government were able to come up with the biggest Budget ever, allocating RM4.08 billion for 2012. The funding will mainly be used to facilitate socio-economic development in Sabah and for its people.

    5. The State Government also thanked the Federal Government for providing funds, as it is not able to generate sufficient income for development that is needed in such a large state. The State Government is able to bring better infrastructure, education, healthcare and community development projects through Federal funding, as Musa pointed out. “MUsa also reminded Barisan Nasional elected representatives to constantly listen to grouses and needs of the people, and solve them quickly.He also stressed that the BN is a family that is strong, and one that will continue to consult each other in building a stronger Sabah and Malaysia.

    6. BN need to be united, and to work together to avoid feelings of distrust and suspicion. I would like to take this opportunity to thank members of the security forces for their dedication and sacrifices in ensuring the safety of our nation.Musa hoped that Malaysians in Sabah will record achievements in their respective fields of work and study. Together, we can help transform our State and nation, and put it at par with some of the best countries in the world.

  6. It is definitely a good cause but shouldn't refer to politics.

    1. ya, buat dengan ikhlas dan bukan untuk kepentingan politik.

  7. I hope this is done whole heartedly with sincerity as claimed.

  8. It is a good thing to do charity work especially during festival seasons.

  9. I encourage others out there to supply and provide for those in need.

  10. We can do it together with the spirit of unity and to place Sabah a better place for all.

  11. Bagus juga derma darah ni, baik untuk kesihatan.

    1. betul tu, derma darah memang baik untuk kesihatan.

  12. Orang lain pun derma darah juga tapi tak pula masuk news.. Ada pun jarang:P Apapun, amalan yang baik tak salah dilakukan. hihi

  13. Siapa2 yang ingin mendermah darah boleh lah menunaikan hasrat anda di hospital berdekatan.

  14. Apapun sama2 la kita mendermah darah dan saling bantu membantu sesama kita.

  15. pergh!! senyum2 si Jalibin tangannya kena tekan2 oleh nurse..

  16. aktiviti si Jalibin yang ini saya sokong 100%.. usaha yang baik dengan niat yang baik, semua orang suka dan boleh terima..

  17. usaha yang baik memang patut dibuat.

  18. apa pun, pastikan usaha yang baik dibuat dengan ikhlas.

  19. buatlah amal,..tapi jangan dibuat untuk kepentingan politik.

  20. berbuat kbajikan lebih baik.
