Fix it, don't just mumble on plans, says Star man

STAR Ranau chief, Jalibin Paidi
RANAU : Today's explanation by the Sabah Water Department Director Ag Mohd Tahir Talip on the water supply problem in four kampungs in Ranau which staged a demonstraion last weekend speaks volume of our doomed condition.

Don't just acknowledge the problem and cite every plans and pledge that could be imagined. Fix the problem fast, treat this no water supply as urgent matter and don't drag this for another election time just to make some more promises to the marginalised natives.

The water authorities together with leaders of the ruling party should go really down on the grounds to examine where the problem lies and carry out some immediate remedy with passion and some seriousness. Don't play with the people's life and sanity.
The people I met in Ranau were tired of just gimmick announcements every now and then everytime there is problem. We believe the water problem affecting Kg Paka 1, Kibbas, Koporingan and Purak Ogis is not unique to us but found everywhere else in Sabah.

The state authorities should deliver results now and not deliver rethorics or mere lip-service to resolve our perennial most basic need - clean water.

Last weekend a group of 60 representatives from four kampungs staged a 15-minute peaceful sit-in protest at Kg Kibbas tamu ground in a protest of what they called the ruling party's "Janji Tak Ditepati" or "false promise" on providing water supply to them.

They had claimed the kampung folks had been without supply of clean water for years and things got messier as the only iron water tank that used to store water from Mesilau river has rusted with knee's deep mud and rust inside it, having never been maintained or cleaned.

Ly J. Sya Welliam (ed: Ly J. Welliam), the spokesman for the group had said, the water tank could no longer store water and that many of about 3,000 in the four kampungs had always been without clean water.

"We are forced to use rain water... some of us have to buy raw water and bring home every now and then for our domestic chores. Until when must we wait for clean water supply? It is almost 50 years of independence this month..." he said.

The four kampungs involved in the protest held at Kampung Kibbas roadside here today are Paka 1, Koporingan, Purak Ogis and Kibbas itself.

They held their peaceful sit-in demonstration under the watchful eyes of a group of policemen from the district police.


  1. The second Government Transformation Programme (GTP 2.0) gives hope to the people, especially folk in Sabah, to improve their quality of life.

    1. State Assistant Resource Development and Information Technology Minister Datuk Jainab Ahmad Ayid said there were still many areas in Sabah, especially in the interior, that were lacking in infrastructure to enable the people to get information technology (IT) facilities.


    2. Education is the only way to get the poor out of poverty and for that, we cannot escape the use of IT.


    3. The State government hope to achieve 90 per cent accessibility to IT in Sabah by 2015, based on the GTP 2.0.

    4. Jainab also advised the people against using IT, especially through social networking websites, to manipulate political issues.

    5. Jainab was noted saying the people should be wise in evaluating current developments, including efforts carried out by the government.


      49 years of UMNO education yet Sabah remain the poorest 14th "state" of Malaya!

      another 50 years we will all be mental troglodytes!

      Learn how to be Dumber!

      Balls carrier for D-UMNO

    7. Providing proper education to the people would help them improve their quality of life.

    8. Education play an important role to bring bright future in Sabah.

  2. Bekalan air bersih sepatutnya diselesaikan. Berikan yang mana penduduk harus mendapat bekalan air bersih sepatutnya.

    1. moga masalah air ynag membelenggu penduduk dpt diselesaikan.

    2. Penduduk di Ranau berhak mendapat kemudahan air yang sempurna. Ranau merupakan tempat tumpuan pelancongan. Masalah air ini harus diatasi dengan segera.

    3. Water supply should had been given to the people years ago.

    4. the water supply issue should be solved before election comes.

    5. Masalah air harus ditanggani agar bekalan sentiasa mencukupi dan kualiti air juga terjamin.


  3. usaha dalam menyelesaikan masalah air di beberapa kawasan telah giat dilakukan

    1. Subsequently water supply could be made to the other troubled villages, which will be completed by September. Meantime, water supply to the affected areas will be scheduled.

    2. baguslah jika usaha sedang dilakukan. harap ia akan segera berhasil.

    3. i believe the government is trying their best to solve the water issue in those affected areas.

  4. Belum tentu Star dapat selesaikan masalah air ini juga jika Star yang menjadi kerajaan.

    1. Pihak yang bertanggungjawab harus proaktif dalam kerja mereka supaya masalah2 seperti ini dapat dikurangkan.

    2. mengkritik memang mudah, tapi melaksanakan sesuatu penuh dengan cabaran.

    3. star thinks they can fix everything. If the government could fix it, they would had done it years ago.

    4. Usaha semua golongan untuk menanggani isu di Sabah amat diperlukan. Jika STAR ikhlas, apa salahnya.

  5. Penjelasan daripada Jabatan Air sekurang-kurangnya dapat terangkan keadaan sebenar apa yang menjadi punda kepada masalah air di Ranau.

    1. the water department should be the one providing explanation on why there are no water supply in Ranau.

  6. Projek untuk masalah di Ranau dibawah projek Government Transformation Programme 2.0.

  7. sangat berharap agar kerajaan benar-benar mengambil berat akan hal-ehwal rakyat

  8. sebagai negera berdemokrasi, suara/kuasa rakyat penentu masa depan sesebuah parti

    1. that is every parties must prove to the people that they are sincere and capable of fighting for the people's rights.

  9. government should not forget about the people

    1. the government never forgets the people. Problem is sabah is huge. There are many districts. It is just matter of time that the issues in every district will be solved taken that their people representatives are doing their job right.

  10. government should act quickly before it is too late' to improve the situation

    1. couldn't agree more with your comment. before the problem gets more worse, its best for the government to immediately take action to solve it.

    2. Tindakan wajar harus diambil agar masalah tidak berlanjutan dan tidak menjejas aktiviti harian.

  11. if BN still want to remain as leader of the people, the people should not be ignored

    1. BN need to step up their performance if they want the people to continue support them.

  12. yes, as a democratic country, the sound / power of the people deciding the future of a party

    1. if the current government screw it up, the people will definitely will vote against the government.

    2. Kerajaan harus berusaha menuju ke arah negara 100% berdemokrasi.

  13. true, the government should fix the problem fast..

  14. usaha untuk memenuhi keperluan rakyat perlu dibuat sepanjang masa.

  15. usaha sentiasa dibuat. semoga keperluan rakyat akan dapat dipenuhi.

    1. kerajaan sesungguhnya berusaha memenuhi keperluan rakyat.. tapi ada sebilangan pihak yang tamakkan kuasa suka sangat menafikan usaha2 kerajaan.. rakyat juga perlu faham bahawa usaha kerajaan adalah secara berperingkat2, bukan sekaligus.. jika ada apa2 kmuskilan, minta terus penjelasan dari pihak kerajaan, bukannya si jalibin..

  16. kantoi sudah ba si Jalibin ni.. dia ajak penduduk kampung berdemo sedangkan dia sendiri gagal mendapatkan penjelasan terlebih dahulu dari pihak yang bertanggungjawab..

  17. sebenarnya isu2 yang dibangkitkan oleh si Jalibin ni sedang dalam perhatian dan sedang dalam pelaksanaan.. entah terdesak kali si Jalibin mahu mepopularkan dirinya di Ranau memandangkan PRU sudah semakin hampir..

  18. saya tengok penduduk kampung yang berhimpun tu pun macam kena paksa oleh si Jalibin saja.. tidak bersemangat langsung.. malah dari 4 buah kampung hanya 60 orang saja yang berhimpun?? malah majoriti belia2 muda pula tu.. sepatutnya yang berhimpun ialah golongan ibubapa atau nenek2 yang lebih merasa keperitan tanpa air..

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