Bersih Sabah makes recommendations for RCI

KOTA KINABALU:Bersih Sabah calls on the government to allow views from civil society to be considered in the formation of the Royal Commision of Inquiry (RCI) and the drafting of the Terms of Reference (TOR).

According to Bersih Sabah spokesperson Andrew Ambrose (also known as Atama), "While we welcome the announcement, we also wish that the government would listen to its own people. We want to contribute and help the government in its effort in establishing a comprehensive and all-encompassing RCI."

The issue of undocumented migrants and "new citizens" is a hotly debated topic among politicians and locals alike in Sabah. According to replies provided in Parliament last year, Sabah’s population was 651,304 in 1970 and grew to 929,299 a decade later. But in the two decades following 1980 the state’s population rose by a staggering 1.5 million people, thus reaching 2,468,246 by 2000.

The issue of forming a RCI is nothing new, as it has been called on by several politicians in the state as far back as in year 2008. Earlier this year, high-profile Sabah BN leaders had claimed that cabinet had approved the establishment of the much anticipated RCI on Feb 8. But the people of Sabah were yet again disappointed as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak chose to remain mum on the issue.

It was only 4 months later, on the 1st of June, the RCI was announced, minus further information on the TOR and its members. And now after over 2 months of more anxious waiting, we are finally rewarded with the announcement by our Prime Minister that the establishment of RCI and that  the TOR of the same has been finalised and will be announced next Saturday, 11 August 2012.
On that note, Bersih Sabah would like to remind the government that it should be a "government of the people, by the people, and for the people". Bersih calls for transparency in the administration and not keep the people in the dark.

Andrew stressed further that "We Sabahans have been inundated with too many announcements, with too little action taken taken. It's time that the government step up with real and impactful actions and solutions to solidify the promises they have made to the people."

As such, Bersih Sabah recommends a number of points that should be taken into consideration when drafting the TOR.
Amongst the points recommended was that the RCI must cover the issues of foreigners being made citizens of Malaysia (Project IC); the presence of illegal aliens within the boundaries of this country especially in Sabah; as well as the issue of stateless people within Sabah. 

Bersih Sabah also firmly believes that the culprits must be charged in court and punishable by law, and also allowing amnesty for witnesses to protect those who testify in court.

The RCI should also, most importantly, be chaired by a Sabahan of high integrity. The Bersih Sabah committee suggests the best person for the job should be the Right Honourable Chief Judge in the Court of Sabah and Sarawak. In addition, Bersih Sabah welcomes international and impartial observers in the RCI to ensure better transparency, and also because the RCI involves investigation of foreigners granted citizenship.

On a related note, Andrew further emphasised that as concerned members of the public, Bersih Sabah would like to see the 8 Demands of Bersih to be fulfilled - including the cleaning up the electoral roll, usage of indelible ink, free and fair access to the media, postal voting, the setting of minimum campaign period of 21 days, and strengthening public institutions such as the Election Commission to function independently of government.


  1. The government will know what to do.

    1. Yeah, i am sure too, that the government will always do a research and having a discussion before they come out with the result!

    2. Win win solution for both sides.

    3. Government will consider their claim. rakyat didahulukan!

    4. RCI need to implement as soon as possible. Illegal Immigrant in Sabah concern.

  2. The government should consider the recommendations for RCI given by BERSIH.

    1. Hopefully the Terms of Reference for the RCI will be drafted according to the needs of the people.

    2. Yes, I think it's worth to be considered.

    3. sebarang cadangan yang dirasakan baik harus dipertimbangkan.

    4. Apa saja cadangan untuk menghalau pati dari Sabah memang perlu di pertimbangkan.

  3. Semua pihak pun mengahrapkan penubuhan RCI, bukan BERSIH saja.

    1. We look forward to hear good news from the Prime Minister during his visit in August 11.

    2. Tapi tak sangka BERSIH menjadi lebih vokal kali ini.

    3. harap RCI ini akan mampu untuk selesaikan masalah pati dengan berkesan.

    4. semoga RCI ni segera dilaksanakan sebaik pengumuman tentang terma dan syarat dibuat.

    5. RCI akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah pati yang ada di Sabah. Harap RCI segera di tubuhkan segera.

  4. Demi kebaikan bersama khususnya buat masyarakat tempatan, harap kerajaan dapat memberi perhatian serius mengenai hal ini.

    1. The Project IC issue must be resolved before the next general elections, hope that the Federal Government will form the RCI soon.

    2. I agree with you.

    3. harap semua masalah berkaitan pati dan ic projek akan dapat diatasi dengan penubuhan RCI.

    4. hope the culprits link with Project IC will be punished.

  5. Sama-sama kita nantikan tindakan kerajaan. Saya yakin kerajaan tahu apa yang terbaik dan patut dilakukan.

  6. Hal ini pasti akan dipertimbagkan oleh kerajaan. Kita tunggus saja nanti.

  7. Kerajaan harus pertimbangkan hal ini sebaik mungkin supaya apa yang dihajati ramai jadi kenyataan.

    1. It is possible that Datuk Najib might be announcing the formation of RCI during his visit to Sabah this weekend.

    2. I'm waiting for it.

    3. SEmua rakyat tertunggu-tungu pengumuman PM..Namun saya yakin, PM pasti akan menunaikan janji beliau.

  8. Agree with Bersih Sabah that the public's views and feedbacks need to be taken into consideration during the drafting of the Terms Of Reference.

  9. But no more rally please! we want to solve the issue not to add another issues.

    1. i am sure there will be no rally this time, they learn from what had happen last time, remember the chaos happened in KL? tragic moment!!

    2. This shouldn't be politicized.

  10. I really hope that PM will announcing something positive towards the people in Sabah.

  11. Let us pray that we will be blessed and PM will make the best decision for us.

  12. Let's hope the government would be considerate.

  13. PM certainly has a good news during his coming visit.

  14. I can't wait the the setup of RCI.

  15. The issue need to the solved amicably.

  16. Something positive is what we are expecting.

  17. bersih ni macam mahu dapat nama saja, sedangkan semua pun tahu, semua mahukan RCI.

    1. Bersih pun nak tunjuk hero jg.. lagi2 Atama, cari populariti.

    2. Atama pun mau jadi macam YTL juga... banyak cakap saja.

  18. RCI ini amat diharap untuk atasi masalah pati yang sudah lama berlaku. semoga ianya berjalan lancar.

  19. RCI akan diumumkan. jadi ia akan dilaksanakan tak lama lagi.

  20. Kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja, harap semua berjalan dengan lancar tanpa sebarang masalah dari pembangkang lagi.
