Wong files RM150m suit against Sabah govt

Sri Tanjung assemblyman Jimmy Wong alleged that statements
made against him were calculated to make negative
inferences of him and that he is a liar.
KOTA KINABALU: A Sabah state assemblyman has filed a RM150 million suit against the state government and several of its agencies for defamation.

Sri Tanjung assemblyman, Jimmy Wong, named Land and Survey Department director Osman Jamal, the Native Certificate Holders Transfer Committee (NTHTC), State Native Affairs Council, Local Government and Housing Minister and the Sabah state government as the defendants, in that order, in the suit filed yesterday.

Wong, 62, who is also DAP Sabah chief is seeking RM100 million in damages from the first and second defendant and another RM50 million or damages to be assessed by the court as well as punitive damages against all the defendants for unconstitutional actions.
He also wanted the policy introduced in 1982 to stop the issuance of native certificates in Sabah to be declared null and void.

“The continued implementation of the unlawful policy is discriminatory and a gross violation of the human rights of those qualified to be native persons under the laws of Sabah,” he said.

Wong, in his statement of claim, has taken exception to the Director of Land and Survey telling the press “…the case of DAP Sri Tanjung Jimmy Wong and the public interest that it generated only served to ensure a further tightening of the process and make holders of dubious NCs (Native Certificates) think twice before going ahead with their plans”.

The news report also quoted the director as stating that perhaps the transfer of the land was done before the committee was set up in reference to Wong’s ownership of some land that is deemed for natives only as the law stated that any transfer of native land to a non-native is invalid and null and void.
Wong bought using his Native Certificate which was recently declared invalid by the state government.

Osman also said that his department was awaiting instructions from the Ministry of Local Government and Housing, the State Native Affairs Council and the board that recommended the cancellation in order to reclaim the land.

State Local Government and Housing Minister Hajiji Mohd Noor told the State Legislative Assembly last March that Wong’s NC had been invalidated by board members appointed by the head of state.

Seditious statements
The minister said that Wong’s race status in the certificate “contradicted with his actual race, which is Chinese and that there is not a single drop of Kadazan blood flowing through his body because both of his parents are Chinese descendants as stated in his birth certificate”.

Wong said that by reasons of the statements of the first defendant and acting in the office of the second defendant, he had suffered loss of reputation and damage.

He alleged the statements were calculated to make negative and false inferences of him and that he is a liar, made false statement about his native ancestry, holds a bogus native certificate, does not have a single drop of native blood flowing through his body, not fit for public office, a corrupt politician, not trustworthy in his business affairs and of dubious character.

The statement that “there is not a single drop of Kadazan blood flowing through his body because of his parents are Chinese descendants as stated in his birth certificate” was highly seditious and tantamount to racial abuse towards him, he said.

The first, second, third, fourth and fifth defendants were acting or planning to act in violation of his rights as a native persons and his property rights as well as human rights, he said.

Apart from monetary and punitive damages, Wong was also seeking injunctive relief restraining the first and second defendants from making defamatory remarks about him and his native status and rights.

Similarly, Wong also wants an injunctive relief to restrain the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth defendants from interfering or preventing him from exercising his native rights.

The writ of summons was filed by counsel, Marcel Jude Joseph, who was accompanied by Wong himself and several other DAP Sabah leaders at the High Court here.


  1. Jimmy Wong owns a fake native certificate and still dares to make so much noise about this. Care to explain how he obtain the native cert when he doesn't have a drop of Kadazan blood in his veins?

    1. dia sepatutnya jelaskan bagaimana dia dapat sijil berkenaan.

    2. Samanlah kalau berani, saya nak melihat bagaimana undang-undang akan mengadili isu pemilikan sijil anak negara palsu.

    3. Pure Chinese but own a native certificate, how is he different than PATI who owns MyKad?

    4. akhirnya kedapatan juga dia ni ada sijil anak negeri palsu.

    5. Sudah kena patan, baru sibuk2 mau menyaman..nanti terkena diri sendiri juga tu.

  2. DAP defending Jimmy Wong's fake native certificate is the worst insult to the real natives of Sabah.


    1. DAP tidak layak mendapat sokongan kita.

    2. Jimmy Wong is a politician, and yet he still do what he knew is wrong. Should we support this sort of leaders?

    3. kalau betullah palsu, Jimmy boleh dipecat ni dari jawatan dia.

    4. Memang palsu pun, entah dari mana beliau dapat.

  3. dah sah2 sijil anak negeri kau tu palsu.. kau harus perjelaskannya.. bukan berdolak dalik.

    1. Jimmy masih lagi mahu cuba menegakkan benang yang basah.

    2. Tiada sesiapa yang akan percaya dengan si Jimmy Wong ini lagi. Sudah kebenaran didedah bahawa sijil itu diperolehi dengan cara yang tidak sah.

  4. Ni lagi ne..mau ambik kesempatan, lebih baik lupakan sajalah usaha mau meyaman itu.

    1. tunggu dan lihat apakah beliau akan teruskan niat beliau atau sebaliknya.

    2. jimmy yang patut disaman kerana palsukan sijil anak negeri.

    3. nnti dia yang kena saman balik tu.. baru padan muka.

  5. nampaknya Jimmy masih lagi mahu panjangkan isu ini.

  6. sudah terang-terang beliau tidak layak mendapat sijil tersebut. tapi beliau masih cuba menafikannya.

    1. How can a pure Chinese can get a native cert? If that was true then all Chinese citizens in Sabah should get one too by default. Jimmy Wong think we are idiots?

    2. biar saman tu kena dengan diri dia sendiri.

  7. umum mengetahui yang beliau bukan kadazan, jadi beliau memang tidak patut memiliki sijil itu.

    1. Gila betul orang ni, masih berani lagi menyaman orang padahal sendiri yang salah.

    2. Kita tunggulah dan lihat sama ada Jimmy Wong masih mahu menyaman kerajaan lagi atas isu sijil anak negeri ini.

    3. Lebih baik beliau lupakan saja hasrat beliau mau menyaman kerajaan, memalukan diri beliau sendiri sahaja.

  8. Bah, anggaplah RM150 juta itu diderma untuk kerajaan Sabah bila Jimmy Wong dah kalah kes ini.

    1. Baguslah, kerajaan Sabah tiba2 mendapat durian runtuh sebanyak RM150 juta kerana ada orang gila yang mahu menghadiahkan duit ini kepada mereka.

  9. Kita tunggu saja bolehkah Wong ini menang menyaman Kerajaan Sabah.

    1. Semoga pihak mahkamah akan mengadili kes ini sebaik mungkin. Penguam Jimmy Wong sepatutnya sudah bagitau bahawa kes ini tidak berpeluang untuk menang, mungkin penguamnya pun memberi harapan palsu kepadanya.

  10. Itulah..Untuk menutup malu sanggup mengadaikan diri rasanya Wong ini. Kesian lah ini bila kalah nanti.

    1. Siapa suruh Jimmy Wong masih mahu menegakkan benang basah.

  11. If Jimmy Wong really sued the Sabah government for RM150 million, he will come down in history as the biggest joke in Sabah politics.

  12. Wong hanya memalukan diri beliau sendiri sahaja.

  13. Teruskan menyaman kita mahu tahu juga apa yang berlaku seterusnya nanti.

  14. Waaa... RM150m saman kepada kerajaan Sabah. Banyak juga mahu guna duit untuk pada itu kalau sudah dapat. Itu pun kalau menanglah nanti.

  15. hati2 dengan DAP.. kalau mereka berjaya membentuk kerajaan di negeri ini, lebih ramai orang seperti Jimmy Wong dapat sijil anak negeri..
