STAR's Direction for Sabah Crystal Clear - Dr. Jeffrey

STAR Sabah’s direction is crystal clear and the clearest amongst all the parties in Sabah.  STAR Sabah seeks the restoration of Sabah as 1 of 3 equal partners in Malaysia and its struggle is made clear with the Borneo Agenda and its 7 core demands” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, in response to Lajim’s statement published in the Daily Express yesterday.

Unlike the recent remarks by a Sabah Umno leader, Sabah and Sarawak are not equal to the States in Peninsular and, more importantly, Sabah and Sarawak did not join Malaysia as the 12th and 13th States.

“If Lajim is not clear and does not understand the direction and struggle of STAR for Sabah, he is most welcome to attend any of the presentations during the Borneo Tea Parties that are held throughout the entire State” added Dr. Jeffrey.

The struggle of STAR for Sabah is well understood even in the rural and remote parts of Sabah and that is why the people are flocking to support STAR.  Sabah and Sarawak are now the kingmakers and our lawmakers need to leverage on this unique window of opportunity to demand the restoration of Sabah’s rights, autonomy and constitutional safeguards.

In fact, since 2008 if the lawmakers in Sabah and Sarawak were to switch camps, it will result in the change of the Federal government in Putrajaya.  If they were to demand for the restoration of Sabah and Sarawak’s rights and autonomy including a review of the oil revenue sharing with Petronas, the Barisan Nasional government will have to accommodate these demands lest they wish to be changed to be the opposition in Parliament and allow a change of government.

The window of opportunity for Sabah and Sarawak to leverage on their role as kingmakers will remain and unlikely to be changed in the forthcoming 13th general elections.

STAR Sabah will even seek the restoration of Sabah as an autonomous nationhood state within Malaysia.   Our TYT will be restored as the Yang Di Pertua Negara and Sabah will be divided into 5 administration regions similar to the old residencies to spearhead and expedite development and growth.

Reforms will introduced to revamp the system of government and administration to advance Sabah as a safe, autonomous and progressive nation-state contributing positively to the overall progress of Malaysia.

The outflow of revenue collected from Sabah to the Federal government and the collection of 95% of Sabah’s oil revenue are key demands under the Borneo Agenda.  It is nothing new as we have been explaining them to the people since 2 years ago.

Neither is any expertise needed from Pakatan on the “loss” of these revenues, some RM15 billion in oil revenues and RM22.7 billion in revenue collected from Sabah for 2011 as these are actual facts.

The problem is the Umno/BN Federal government refuses to acknowledge the status of Sabah under the Malaysia Agreement as an equal partner to Malaya and entitled to its revenue collections. The problem is compounded by the refusal and inaction of the Umno/BN government to correct the injustice done to Sabah.

Many of our Sabah leaders are mere stooges and proxies of Kuala Lumpur leaders.  These Sabah leaders, no longer have the heart and desires to fight for the special rights and position of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia.
If Lajim is still unclear, he is most welcome to discuss with me or any of our divisional leaders who are all well versed with STAR’s direction and the Borneo Agenda.

It appears that Lajim and Bumburing are still unclear about how to go about with their direction and struggle for Sabah.   Under the Pakatan manifesto, it pledges to:-
“Restore autonomy to Sabah and Sarawak in line with and within the framework of the Federal Constitution and the Federation Agreement”.

The autonomy pledged by Pakatan is no different with that now under Umno/BN regime as under the present Federal Constitution, Sabah is 1 of 13 states in Malaysia.

If Lajim finds it in his heart to defend the position of Sabah as an equal partner of 3 entities with its own autonomy and special rights, he should work with STAR and join our struggles to restore these rights and not fall into the same trap as before with the politics and agenda of Malaya parties.


  1. Lajim are you joining Pkr to help Pakatan Malaya continue to dominate and treat Sabah as 1 of 13 states or are you allowing Pkr to use you to continue to treat Sabah as 1 of 13 states or are you using Pkr to extend your life as wakil rakyat or to become the new CM because Umno and CM is dumping you? Which is which?
    To you is Sabah 1 of 13 states or 1 of 3 equal partners? What is your answer?

    1. Lajim Ukin masih belum membuat keputusan untuk mengikuti mana satu parti pembangkang, tapi PKR amat berharap beliau akan mengikuti mereka sejak awal lagi.

    2. Kita tunggulah dan lihat apa keputusan lajim Ukin selepas ini.

    3. Star juga menunjukkan minat pada si lajim tu...

    4. hey geng adakah ni kali ada heli dan wand tunai c lajim boleh naik dan terus lompat keluar (party). STAR tidak sesuai untk lajim sebab c Lajim tu mau hapus Sabah Constitution (perkara 20)

    5. datuk Jeff please urgently cek with sabah ROS as it has made a press statement that STAR is not a registered political party in sabah. means you effectivly cant field local candidates.datuk J what is your comment on musa's stash?Before BN has made many accusations that you had an emassed fortune hidden in YS funds in hong Kong. Now look whos pointing the finger, he's all quiet now. Seize it while the iron is hot datuk, slush fung or not why of all people does Najip trust Musa with their millions? JEFF IS THIS THE FIXED DEPOSIT THAT WE ARE CONSTANTLY REMINDED OF MUSA HAVING????

    6. ramai yang brminat dgn Lajim.

    7. biarlah Lajim sendiri tentukan perjalanan politik beliau.

    8. Lajim, buat lah keputusan cepat, cepat selesai isu ini.

    9. Lajim purposely wait for UMNO to sack him from the party so that he won't be labeled as FROG.

  2. Ni Dtk Lajim apa dia peduli yang penting dia boleh tumpang parti yang kuat macam umno dan pkr.. habis manis umno, dia mau tumpang manis pkr lah.. star mana ada duit bro? haaa korang kena faham napa lajim perkecil star sudah sekarang....

    1. Apa yang Datuk Lajim Ukin lakukan tidak akan memberi impak kepada parti UMNO. Pemimpin UMNO sudah berkeputusan untuk tidak melantiknya semula pada PRU-13.

    2. PKR hanya kuat di semenanjung...tapi di sabah, tidak..

    3. PKR Sabah dah makin lemah.. ramai ahlinya dah keluar.

    4. ramai ahli PKR Sabah yang keluar parti.

    5. Datuk Lajim belum buat sebarang keyataan lagi, selagi belum buat pengumuman rasmi, selagi itulah isu ini akan terus di perbesarkan.

    6. Lajim tak kenang budi. UMNO/BN banyak sudah tolong beliau tapi ini balasannya. Lajim hanya pentingkan political survival beliau.

  3. Unfortunately Star failed to cooperate with other parties for a one on one fight against BN. Their chances to win majority votes may be affected if there is a multi-cornered fights.

    1. If Jeffrey Kitingan is really sincere in fighting for the Borneo Agenda and the people's rights. They should know what to do, but it seems like they don't. Many UBA activist claimed that Jeffrey is using the Borneo Agenda as a political tool for Star and now they have lost confidence with the UBF.

    2. UBF digunakan sebagai alat politik Star untuk meraih undi...

    3. rasanya pembangkang di sabah tidak akan dapat bekerjasama antara satu sama lain untuk memastikan 1 lawan 1...ini kerana masing2 tamak dan ego...pemimpin masing2 inginkan kerusi KM sabah...jadi adalah mustahil mereka berganding kan...

    4. JK ada agenda sendiri.

    5. Tun Sakaran Dandai, 82, a former Head of State and Chief Minister, said Malaysians should be grateful that the country had been blessed with leaders who not only helped the country gained independence but also took care of their well-being.

      Sakaran said the transformation of the country was more pronounced under Najib, whom he described as the architect of the 1Malaysia concept.

  4. If i were in Lajim position i will quit from the political scene for the rest of my life.

    1. unfortunately, you are not...i don't think lajim want to retire...he wants to be Sabah CM as what he has been promised before..

    2. At this age, Lajim still want to be greedy? Dreaming of becoming the next CM of Sabah? What a joke.

  5. JK will not going to solve the problem but he will creating more tension.

  6. I don't think so, maybe KL is the one to create tension.sure!

    1. All the opportunists that hiding behind the name of leaders/politicians are the one who creates all the tensions and confusions because of their hidden agendas!

  7. Star mahu tanding 32 kerusi...SAPP mahu tanding 2/3 kerusi dan PKR/PR mahu 1/3 kerusi...pasti kalah lah pembangkang...

  8. hey daneil at least party pembangkang tanding org tempatan dan bukan menguna dan penting undi dari rakayat asing.

    1. stuju sokong ya ya ya ya ya baru ada suara betul

  9. Quite unfortunate for them....

  10. There seems to be tension for them all.

  11. Who is responsible for the tensions caused?

  12. Let's see what would be their next step.

  13. Let Lajim decide for himself.

  14. rita this is a very good Q. tension is very high for those "atas pagar" the look before you leep syndrom. Tension is on both sides i feel. One side wants to delay as long as poss an election the other as soon as poss.

  15. In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, Praise to God, the Lord of the Universe, and may the benediction and peace of God be upon Our Leader Muhammad and upon all his Relations and Friends.

    WHEREAS by an Agreement made on the Ninth day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three between the Federation of Malaya, the United Kingdom, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore it was agreed that there shall be federated the States of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore with the Federation of Malaya comprising the states of Pahang, Trengganu, Kedah, Johore, Negri Sembilan, Kelantan, Selangor, Perak, Perlis, Penang and Malacca, and that the Federation shall thereafter be called "MALAYSIA":

  16. biarlah rakyat sendiri yang pilih parti mana yang mereka mahu sokong.

  17. Pelbagai isu yang dibangkitkan sekarang ini berkaitan dengan Datuk Lajim. Kita harap apa ada jawapan yang benar mengenai perkara ini. Datuk Lajim perlu menjelaskan mengenai perkara ini.

    1. Memang patut Lajim keluar. Lajim hanya liabiliti kepada BN

  18. JK with his own agenda to win the people with desperately
