STAR to contest only 32 DUN seats, says deputy

By Awang Ahmad Sah Awang Sahari
KOTA KINABALU: I am responding to the piece put up by the deputy president of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), Amde Sidek, in FreeMalaysiaToday days ago on issues related to SAPP - Star relations vis-a-vis negotiations for seats at the coming general election.

Although we all subscribe to one communal politics through the so-called multi racial politics, all political parties must be realistic on the issue of which party is more acceptable by the grassroots.

All opposition parties must be sincere if they are serious for a one to one fight against the Barisan Nasional. You can't go to a negotiating table and say you want 40 (out of 60) seats which by itself doesn't help much to achieve a one to one fight.
We must be practical and should be able to tell which area we are strong and which area our partners are stronger.

Pakatan Rakyat's one to one formula in Semenanjung is an acute example where all parties contested in their strong areas.

PAS contested all Malay seats where there were strong, PKR in Malay, Chinese and mix areas where they were strong, while DAP contested in all Chinese areas where they were strong too.

In other words, once strong areas are identified, then in the spirit of multiracial and one to one fight, we can discuss which seat one can accommodate the other based on spirit of togetherness and not strength.

If one party adopts an approach to just name the seats they want without looking at the other's strength, we are facing problem and any discussion on one to one basis is a waste of time.

State Reform Party (Star) Sabah chairman, Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, initiated the United Borneo Alliance (UBA) because there was a need for the local parties to be united.

The issue of seat allocations doesn't arise as Star is prepared to accommodate Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) in some Kadazandusun-Murut seats like Kadamaian, Kundasang, Melalap and Nabawan, but SAPP also wanted Matunggung, Tempasuk and Liawan.

Star is a grassroots party and we know our strong areas, hence we are only contesting in only about 32 state constituencies and still willing to go down if one to one fight could be concluded.

Finally, the 13th General Election is the last window of opportunity for change. It is not the time to prove anybody's case.


  1. 32 seats only kah? I thought dr jefrey said the other day might contest in all 60 DUN seats and all 25 MMP seats.. Which one is which..

    1. At first they wanted to compete 60 seats, but when nearing the general elections, they realize it's not possible.

    2. Maybe STAR just couldn't make up their mind.

    3. Who knows there will be changes when the election is nearer.

    4. It was Joe Fernandez who first wrote in mid-Feb about Star contesting in all 60 state seats and 26 parliamentary seats including Labuan. Dr J immediately denied the story. Yong Teck Lee called JF a liar. In mid-April Dr J declared that Star would contest in all 60 state seats and 26 parliamentary seats under its Plan Z. JF reported it. Yong Teck Lee suddenly fell silent. What Awang is saying is that Star is willing to come down from its extreme negotiating position of 60/26 provided the ideal of taking on the BN one-to-one can be achieved. A Chinese-led mosquito party like Sapp should not expect more than the six Chinese state seats but they have to share this with Dap.

    5. 32 or 60.. up to Jeffrey to decide.

    6. Good luck to STAR.

    7. jangan terlalu tamakkan kerusi. beri peluang kepada parti lain pula.

    8. 32 or 60.. deposit for sure akan hilang... for STAR.

  2. SAPP also has KDMs leaders so it should be given more setas as SAPP has been around longer than the 6-monthy old STAR. STAR Sabah may never be allowed by SPR to contest in the GE, who knows.. as STAR President is in Kuching and he is the one who gives out Letter of Appointment (Watikah Calon) for the GE.. If Taib buys him over how? Think.

    1. I thought SAPP and Star are discussing this seat allocation matter between themselves, maybe Star decided to compete 32 seats and the rest of the 28 seats for SAPP and PKR to divide.

    2. It seems like SAPP and STAR has a hard time cooperating with each other.

    3. Bukan mudah untuk SAPP dan STAR bekerjasama sedangkan mereka ada matklamat yang berbeza untuk dicapai.

    4. Persaingan antara pambangkang cuma memberi peluang lebih baik kepada BN terus menang.

    5. SAPP dan STAR ,masing2 ada agenda sendiri mau jadi pemimpin di Sabah, manalah boleh bersatu hati..ini berita baik untuk BN.

  3. That is very good a statement from Awang Sah but does his bos dr jeffrey kitingan share the same view ? Dr jeffrey is fickle-minded, can change stand from one hour to the next. Susah lah like this...

    1. kan JK ni raja katak? memanglah tiada pendirian..sekejap ini terus nanti tukar lagi...dulu cakap mahu tanding semua kerusi sekarang 32 saja...mungkin besok kurang lagi..siapa tahu kan..

    2. With a fickle mind like Jeff, I don't think he share the same view as Awang.

  4. nO WAY SAPP will do better than Star or even PKR if it stands in Kadamaian. What more if SAPP puts up a Chinese candidate for Kadamaian in the person of one Agnes Liew, the younger sister of Datuk VK Liew, president of LDP.

    1. Still remember Batu Sapi By-Election? PKR ask Yong Teck Lee not to contest, but Yong Teck Lee would not budge. In the end, split votes for both parties, luckily he did not lose deposit. Might not be so lucky next round.

    2. SAPP parti yang lemah...parti nyamuk saja...selepas pru13 tiada perwakilan/calon SAPP yang akan duduk di kerusi Parlimen atau DUN sabah..sekarang adalah sebab menang atas tiket BN dulu...

    3. SAPP is a very stubborn party. Semua pun mau. In fact i think Yong Teck Lee is a liability for SAPP.

    4. SAPP memberi imej kurang baik kepada rakyat terutama Yong sebagai KM dulu.

    5. SAPP memang memberi imej yang buruk, tak dapat bayangkan bagaimana jika mereka yang menjadi pemerintah..tambah kucar-kacir Sabah.

  5. Haha...all this bickerings sounds stupid when u cant even be sure of winnings. Concerned about seats or getting back our rights?? Priority mahhh...

    1. Itulah masalahnya, parti-parti ini betul mahu memperjuangkan hak rakyat ataupun hanya mementingkan kuasa sahaja?

    2. sudah pasti pembangkang hanya mahu berkuasa...

    3. from the way i see it, none of the opposition parties are actually fighting for the people rights. They are like tin kosong. If they are really sincere and serious about fighting for people rights, they should cooperate with one another to avoid 3 or 4 corner fights.

    4. Sekarang ini, memang lah pembangkang jandi yang macam2.. semua boleh buat..semua boleh tukar, jika menang...macam tin kosong..langsung tiada bunyi terus.

  6. Sebelum ini kata akan bertanding 60 kerusi, sekarang tukar lagi matlamat. Mungkin mereka takut tidak mampu bertanding begitu banyak kerusi, nanti hilang deposit banyak rugi.

    1. atau tu Star takut sama tu SAPP dan PR...tulah 32 saja diorang mahu tanding...dulu bukan main cakap besar si JK...betul2 tiada pendirian..

    2. Star tau kalau tanding byk pun tetap kalah.. jadi tanding sikit ja lah. kurang jg kos..

  7. Perhaps there is something they are uncertain about.

    1. I don't think Awang had discussed this with Jeff before making this statement.

  8. Does it seem impossible for them to reach their preliminary goal?

    1. It is up to them to decide.

    2. if they lose its because of their selfishness to cooperate.

    3. Baik jika sanggup usaha dan kerjasama.

    4. Its all up to the people to decide where their goal can be achieve.

  9. I guess only STAR can respond to that.

  10. I can perceive uncertainty of winning.

  11. Jeffry Kitingan has no come very far in politics so far.. there must be reasons for this.. Why is it groups of talented people kept on leaving him behind? There must be something to this man that the outside world doesn't know.. Will someone please enlighten us... Thanks very much readers and boggers...

    1. Good question. I have always wondered the same too.

  12. 32 DUN saja kah? Parlimen?

  13. dulu JK cakap Star mahu tanding 60 DUN dan 26 parlimen termasuk labuan...kenapa kurang sekarang? takut sudahkah?

    1. TIDAK!cuma mungkin STAR sedang mengumpul maklumat dan menguji pendapat umum.pandanglah dalam-dalam.tetap**

    2. My guess is Jeff always make statement without consulting the other members of STAR.

    3. This shows how inconsistent STAR is.Would we want a leader who can't make up his mind??

    4. STAR sudah mencapai persetujuan dengan parti2 pembangkang yang lain kah?

    5. Maknanya JK ini tiada pendirian.Sentiasa berubah2 keputusan.

  14. Final decision? No last minute changes?

  15. STAR dan SAPP belum boleh get along..macam mana mahu bekerjasama nanti?

    1. silap-silap sapp dan star ni akan saling belawan nanti.

  16. all pure guess. Nobody knows who is right wrong. Jef is accused of being a frog, fickle minded, BN's agent, ad infinitum. But when he was in YS, he helped many graduates and told them to go back to Kg to teach the local to do business. In politics, it is impossible to like and love everybody and to please everyone. Do you think BN is not fickle minded? Sekejap bilang ok dan later tarik balik. The only difference is BN has got the money and political tools in place to shut dissenting voices. It looks as though BN is united but do you think so?

  17. Jeffrey & STAR masih baru, bukan mudah untuk rakyat memberi undian tanpa sebarang hasil perjuangannya.

    1. ya, berbanding parti lain star ni baru lagi, jadi susah mau cakap jugalah.

    2. lebih2 lagi bila ketuanya yang asyik lompat parti bila tidak diberikan jawatan presiden.. nampak sangat gila kuasa..

  18. Sejauh STAR boleh pregi di PRU akan datang?

    1. STAR yang baru saja melebarkan sayap di Sabah sepatutnya tidak perlu bertanding pada pilihanraya umum kali ini.. kehadiran mereka hanya menjadi penghalang kepada pembangkang2 Sabah yang lain..

  19. Harapkan yang positif untuk politik di Sabah. Rakyat harus menalai siapakah yang betul-betul membawa Sabah keluar dari golongan termiskin.

    1. kalau dinilai usaha kedua2 belah pihak setakat ini, hanya BN Saja yang berusaha membawa keluar rakyat Sabah dari kepompong kemiskinan.. sedangkan SAPP yang sebelum ini pernah memerintah negeri ini pun gagal membasmi kemiskinan malah membankrapkan rakyat Sabah..

  20. Ini kalilah apa mau takut itu BN kebenaran pasti kita Sabahan mesti berani menuntut hak hak yang merika bolot selama ini.

    1. biarlah setiap pengundi tentukan pilihan mereka masing-masing.

    2. yang kami takut ialah, selepas PRU giliran pembangkang pula membolot hak2 rakyat Sabah.. maklumlah sudah lama ditinggalkan dalam kelaparan.. sekali diberikan peluang, habis licin Sabah dia makan..

  21. sebelum ini kata nak tanding 60 kerusi? kenapa tiba2 tukar pula?

  22. tunggu dan lihat sajalah. apa yang diorang cakap ni boleh berubah-ubah.

  23. jika berterusan pembangkang di Sabah tidak akan bersatu sampailah PRU tiba.

  24. Jangan tersalah undi..pembangkang tidak akan dapat memberi kehidupan yang senang.

  25. Pembangkang memang tidak akan bersatu hati...sebab semua gila kuasa.

  26. Terpulang dengan STAR nanti mahu bertanding beberapa kerusi pun.

  27. Kalau kita lihat pun memang STAR lebih hebat berbanding dengan SAPP. Tapi rasanya STAR tidak sehebat BN lagi. Maka ini bermakna STAR pasti akan tumbang nanti.

  28. Teruskan menilai setiap apa yang diperjuangkan oleh parti-parti yang ada di Sabah ini.

  29. 32 kerusi saja. Mampukan STAR bertanding di kerusi tersebut. Nampaknya STAR seperti tidak memberikan peluang kepada PR untuk bertanding 1 lawan 1 nanti. Tidak sama macam SAPP yang seperti ayam basah tunduk kepada PR.

  30. dulu cakap lain, sekarang cakap lain.. ini adalah petanda bahawa pembangkang sabah sedang dalam situasi kelam kabut..

  31. bukan takut BN.. tapi takut pembangkang lebih teruk dari BN.. setakat ini pun pembangkang tidaklah cemerlang sangat mentadbir 4 buah negeri..

  32. dulu cakap 60 kerusi, sekarang cakap 32 kerusi..
