Star launches its division in Labuan

LABUAN: Opposition State Reform Party (Star) stakes its claim on the sole Labuan parliamentary seat when it launched its division in the island at an Ujana Kewangan Hall here last night.

Launching it was its Sabah chairman, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, who promised that if Star ever comes into power, effort would be made to know the aspiration of the people in the island if they wanted to be full-fledged part of Sabah again.

"Labuan is always part of Sabah and part of the Borneo Island. We will ensure you have your own administration if we come into power," said Kitingan to the about 300 who turned up at the function including many from nearby Kuala Penyu and other parts of Sabah.

Heading Star Labuan is Adrian Jimlih who earlier in his speech said the setting up of Star in the island is a manifestation of the people's support for the party led by Kitingan and his team of Borneo Agenda.

Also present were Kitingan's two deputies, Daniel John Jambun and Awang Ahmad Sah Sahari, Star Sabah secretary Guandee Kohoi and representatives from PKR and PAS.


  1. Go go go Star.
    Mana Sapp? cakap banyak tahun suda wujud, ada ofis ada jentera, macam2 ada. Mahu jalan sendiri dengan Pkr tapi lawan Dap. Mana sokongan rakyat? Dengar2 ibupejabat pun kena jual bayar Haris.

    1. Jika Pihak pembangkang tidak mampu bekerjasama dan bersatu, jangan harap nak menang PRU-13.

    2. Jangan kamu harap SAPP Yong. Dia tau dia tidak boleh menang satupun kerysi itu fasal dia skejap mau sama DAP, sekajapo sma STar, tapi alih-alih sama PKR sudah.. dgn caraa ini Yong mungkijn boleh menang dua tiga kerusi yg PKR tak tanding.. Dia ni licik bukan macam kamu tu semua penurut dan pengikut sahaja.. faham tak?

    3. SAPP tiada harapanlah mau menang.. Yong pun ada nyatakan tak mudah nak tewaskan BN.

    4. SAPP kasi cukup forum saja...andu bah

    5. Dalam Pilihanraya Batu Sapi pun boleh tahu SAPP tidak laku lagi. Kasih pecah undi sahaja mereka bertanding, hampir-hampir hilang deposit.

    6. sapp nampaknya sudah semakin senyap dan tiada isu.

    7. parti pembangkang yang tidak bersatu menyukarkan peluang mereka untuk menang.

  2. Kini Star juga menjadikan Labuan sebagai sasaran untuk menarik undi.

    1. After STAR, there sure will be another party trying to launch its division in labuan.

    2. Star lagi, ketuanya raja katak.. jgn lepas ni dia jadi katak lagi sudahlah.

    3. Harap-harap rakyat Labuan akan membuat penilaian terbaik semasa PRU-13.

    4. serahkan saja kepada Labuan sama ada mahu sokong star atau tidak.

  3. turut hadir adalah wakil PAS dan PKR..??
    nampaknya perkembangan ini tersangat bagus sekali..nampaknya bibit-bibit kerjasama sudah mula terjalin diantara parti pembangkang..
    harap-harap perkara ini akan berakhir dengan persefahaman...saya doakan yang terbaik..

    1. Nampak saja macam kerjasama, tapi main tikam belakang juga tu nanti.

  4. Kalau ada yang menyokong apa salahnya. tidak ada salahnya meluaskan pengaruh.

    1. Most importantly, the people do not vote blindly just for the sake of voting.

  5. Dimana2 pasti mendapat sokongan jika benar2 dapat membawa kebaikkan kepada rakyat.

    1. I believe the people are wise enough to evaluate which party is actually sincere.

    2. Kalau penduduk Labuan percaya dengan keikhlasan perjuangan STAR dan pemimpinnya, JK pasti ramai penyertaan.

  6. penduduk labuan juga mau perubahan, ini kali lah, lihat lah, dont play play !

  7. All the best to STAR in getting the labuan people support.

  8. STAR must be sincere in fighting for the people and not just an act to get votes.

    1. I'm afraid its president only aiming to become a CM, not sincerely struggle for rakyat.

  9. Dear John

    I just read this simply great news below.

    But I am disappointed that we are only going for "review" when we should demand an independence referendum! What is the contents or guts of this review?

    A "review" will be go nowhere as Sabah and Sarawak will just remain colonies of UMNO Malaya or which ever party comes to power. We are just banks to finance UMNO plunder to develop Malaya and enrich UMNO members like Mahathir family and cronies!

    Remember that Najib's father Razak rejected our call for review in 1973!

    Now it is Najib's turn...Would he be any better than his father?

    We want independence from Malayan colonial rule and nothing less. We have NOTHING to gain by continuing to be in this neo-colonial union.

    The report posted in Hornbill Unleashed:

    July 19, 2012 - Joseph Bingkasan

    ‘Votes in GE will be referendum for change’
    Filed under: Politics — Hornbill Unleashed @ 12:00 AM

    "Some 238,125 Sabahans have signed State Reform Party’s (STAR) petition calling for a review of the Malaysia Agreement signed in 1963.

    Whatever the outcome of the 13th general election, the votes casts for the State Reform Party (STAR) will be seen as a referendum by the people of Sabah for a review of the Malaysia Agreement signed in London on July 9, 1963.

    According to human rights activists Patrick Sindhu, all votes garnered by the party will be forwarded – together with some 300,000 signatures of a petition calling for the review of the document – to the Britain’s Constitutional Reform advisor Lord Anthony Paul Lester and the Queen’s private secretary.

    The 20-point Malaysia Agreement was the basis on which Sabah, which was then known as British North Borneo, agreed to join Malaya, Singapore and Sarawak to form a new federation – Malaysia.

    Sindhu said the 20-Points Agreement should had been reviewed after Singapore was expelled from Malaysia on Aug 9, 1965 but that did not happen.

    The question now, he said, “is that whether the agreement is null and void”.

    Friend and countrymen- if "null and void" we can simply walk free and demand all our money back. We were conned from-the beginning anyway!

    Don't forget the original deal included Brunei and the Malaysia "concept" had fallen on its face when Brunei refused to "join" because the Sultan could see through UMNO's neo-colonial expansionist plan to control Brunei oil and give him nothing in return.

    We in Sabah and Sarawak got UMNO created mass poverty in return. It is history.

  10. the star members all is frog eggs.

    1. Star is the party by King of Frogs, what do you expect?

    2. we are welcomed you to join us in STAR..
      you are invited, our arm is wide open..
      lets fight for Sabah rights.

  11. Buka cawangan banyak2 tapi kalau tiada calon yang yang sesuai, macam mana nak bertanding?

  12. nampaknya star berusaha untuk dapat sokongan daripada penduduk Labuan. sama ada mereka dapat sokongan atau tidak, tunggu dan lihat..

  13. star masih baru lagi..tunggu dan lihat sama ada mereka disokong atau ditolak.

  14. Star sudah semakin berkembang. Pasti ramai yang sudah terpikat dengan STAR. Adakah ini akan mengugat kedudukan BN?

    1. BN tidak tergugat.. yang tergugat itu hanya parti2 pembangkang Sabah yang lain.. maklumlah terpaksa melalui pertandingan tiga penjuru..

  15. Tapi jangan terlalu yakin untuk menang kerana Star masih lagi baru berbanding dengan parti2 lain yang sudah lama beroperasi.

    1. parti reject dari Sarawak ni ada hati pula bertanding di Sabah.. kalau Star menang di Sabah, silap2 giliran Sarawak pula control Sabah..

  16. rancak betul STAR yang dipimpin oleh JeffRog ini melebarkan sayap di Sabah..

  17. si JeffRog ingat, parti dia saja yang bertanding di Sabah dan di Labuan?
