Sabah MPs to quit BN this week?

Will Upko's Wilfred Bumburing and Umno's Lajim Ukin
announce their exit from their respective
parties on July 15?
By Joseph Bingkasan of FMT
KOTA KINABALU: National coalition MPs Wilfred Bumburing and Lajim Ukin are expected to announce their pullout from their respective parties during gatherings in Tuaran and Beaufort, respectively on June 15.
PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim will be attending both functions where the two are expected to become “independent” MPs.
Bumburing who is Tuaran MP will make his much awaited announcement in Tuaran in the morning while in the afternoon Beaufort MP Lajim is to formalise his departure from the BN at his hometown in Beaufort.
Although both leaders would be declaring that they are leaving the government coalition parties in the presence of Anwar, they are not expected to join either PKR or other opposition Pakatan Rakyat component members.

Bumburing, a former Deputy Chief Minister and ex-Tamparuli asemblyman is BN’s component United Pasokmomogun Dusun Murut Organisation (Upko) deputy president while Lajim, the current Federal Housing and Local Government Deputy Minister, is an Umno supreme council member.
Both leaders, who were founder members of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) before leaving the party led by Joseph Pairin Kitingan in 1994, had openly announced that they would be contesting to defend their respective seat in the coming general election.
The announcement by Bumburing and Lajim on Sunday will put to an end to months of speculation that they are leaving their respective parties, ahead of the general election as both are unlikely be nominated by BN to defend their seats.
The two were supposed to announce their departure from the BN on June 10 also in the presence of Anwar but the plan was thwarted by heavy rains that prevented Anwar’s flight from touching down at Kota Kinabalu International Airport on time making it impossible for him to keep his appointments in Tuaran and Beaufort, both about an hour’s drive away.
Anwar is confirmed to attend this weekend’s events and organisers of both gatherings have also extended invitations to the Sabah chapter of the State Reform Party (STAR) which is headed by Jeffrey Kitingan.

‘Independent’ incumbents
STAR deputy chairman Daniel John Jambun told FMT in Kota Kinabalu today that his party had been invited to both functions and the leaders attending would be seated alongside Anwar and other opposition leaders.
Jambun did not say whether Kitingan would be attending but said all STAR leaders would be in Labuan the following day (June 16) for the launching the newly formed party’s division in the Federal Territory.
Bumburing, who is NGO Amanah deputy president and head of the Sabah chapter, is said to be leaving BN to enable him to contest having made a pledge in 2008 with Upko secretary general Wilfred Tangau to step aside for him in the next general election.
They agreed that Bumburing would contested Tuaran and remain MP for one term before “returning the seat” to the latter in the coming election. In the last election Tangau was the incumbent MP.
In Lajim’s case, he had stated last month that Umno would not give him the opportunity to defend Beaufort which prompted him to resign as head of the party branch and decline election for the Beaufort division.
In resigning as a branch head, Lajim said he would be defending Beaufort in the election but stopped short of saying what ticket he would be using to contest against BN.
He claims to have the solid support of the voters in his constituency.


  1. This rumor has been circulating cyberspace for the past few months, and so far Wilfred Bumburing and Lajim Ukin has denied that they have any intention to leave BN.

    1. Kalo bagitu, boleh percayakah mereka ini kalo mereka sekarang keluar BN?
      Ini bukan perjuangan untuk Sabah tapi untuk kepentingan dan hayat politik mereka saja.

    2. tidak payah percaya pada khabar angin melainkan tuan punya badan yang membuat kenyataan sendiri..

    3. Lajim kata jika beliau mahu keluar parti, beliau sendiri akan kompom dengan kenyataan sendiri, tidak perlu buat khabar angin.

    4. Ini cuma khabar angin yang belum disahkan lagi.

    5. Hope Lajim will strike continue his effort to strike the better future for the people.

    6. kalau ada niat di hati tu janganlah dinafikan. lama kelamaan akan terkeluar juga.

  2. Although Lajim Ukin has resigned his post in UMNO, however he said he has not decided to leave BN yet. They are expected to leave the party on June 15 but it's already July 9.

    1. Many rumours flying around.
      Some like LU will leave Umno before elections.
      Some will stay in Umno, contest and after winning GE-13 will join Anwar.
      Even MA negotiating deal with AI in case PM change CM in Sabah after GE-13.
      Upko also negotiating deal with AI and be part of new govt in case BN dont form govt.
      Seems like all nego for own interests.

      What is going to happen to Sabah's rights?
      Continue as a colony under PR?
      Remain the poorest in Malaysia although 20% oil?
      Sabah remain 1 of 13 states in Malaysia?

    2. it's just a rumors spreads by the need to believe it...i think it's just the opposition political strategy to broke the unity among UMNO member..

    3. Lajim pernah kata, ini perbuatan pembangkang untuk merosakkkan hubungannya dengan parti BN dengan menyebarkan khabar angin seperti ini.

  3. What is actually happened to the both of them? I think they hide something important.

    1. they has made their stance...if they have any hidden agenda, well we wait and see..

    2. Bumburing join Amanah like what he said before, not join PKR.

  4. Well if they want to quit its up to them but if they quit and go to the opposition, something wrong with them. Their head need an adjustment.

    1. kita tunggu dan lihat...

    2. If they want to quit, they could just quit. No need to make this a big deal. Even if they decide to join the opposition, its their choice.

    3. Wilfred Bumburing juga menafikan bahawa beliau ada niat untuk keluar parti, semua ini hanya khabar angin sahaja.

    4. Biarlah lajim sendiri menentukannya. Bukannya ada impak besar sebenarnya.

    5. Mungkin lajim berasa perjuangan pembangkang lebih cerah.

  5. ni pasti khabar angin lagi..

  6. bumburing dan lajim sebelum ini sudah berkali-kali memperjelaskan pendirian mereka..jadi tidak perlu lah kita percaya pada ura2 ini..

    1. biasalah politik, ada saja isu yang dimainkan walau pun berkali diperjelaskan.

  7. Which little birdie started this rumours regarding Lajim and Bumburing pullout from their respective parties???

  8. Does it really matter if these 2 actually quit BN??

    1. Not really I guess. After all, Lajim is not relevant to Sabahans anymore.

  9. These are all rumors out there.

  10. How true is this, does anyone know?

    1. If at all it's true...they would make it known publicly

  11. Why spreading unnecessary rumor?

    1. Obviously nothing to do lah...

    2. Hahhahaa... Plus saja mahu semakkan laman sesawang:P

    3. To get attention for sure.

    4. May be it is true that Lajim wanna jump?

    5. Kalau Lajim betulnya melompat parti, ini bukan khabar angin lagi. kami menantikan perkembangan selanjutnya.

  12. Terlalu banyak khabar angin, entah mana satu nak percaya. huhu

    1. Mungkin saja pembangkang sengaja sebarkan berita ini untuk kelirukan rakyat?

    2. kita tunggu ja, adakah ia benar.

    3. khabar angin ni bukan boleh percaya sangat.

  13. Tapi senang cerita, tunggu sajalah apa yang kaan berlaku kelak:P hehe

    1. isu ini hanyalah mainan pihak tertentu saja.

  14. Betul kah ni? Macam sukar dipercayai saja. Tahulah dah dekat PRU kan jadi isu-isu sebegini memang dijangka timbul pun.

  15. Bila tiba masanya nanti, kita akan tahu cerita sebenar. Buat masa sekarang, tak perlu pedulikan hal ni... Ada lagi hal yang lebih penting dan perlu diberi perhatian daripada hal ini.

  16. Mereka keluar dari BN, polis sedia depan rumah mereka untuk menahan atas salah laku mereka selama ini. Beranikah mahu keluar BN??

  17. hnya khabar angin belum tentu benar.

  18. Jika tidak sehaluan, keluar sahaja dari BN.

  19. Pasti ada offer baik dari pembangkang.

  20. tidak habis-habis khabar angin seperti ini dimainkan.

  21. balik-balik isu ini dimainkan, tapi tidak juga benar.

  22. Belum ada berita yang sah mengenai perkara ini. Cuma khabar angin yang direka semata-mata.

  23. Datuk Bumburing telah pun tampil dan menafikan sekerasnya mengenai tuduhan tersebut.
