Pairin is now desperate

PENAMPANG: PBS president Joseph Pairin Kitingan is easily agitated these days and his “desperation” is showing itself, said his long-time friend and a former party associate.
Fredoline Edwin Lojingki, 71, believes that Pairin, 72, is worried that he and his party might lose in the coming general election.
He said Pairin’s recent labelling of his younger brother Jeffrey as liar was a “manifestation of his desperation” to cling to a fast disappearing aura”, especially with the younger generation of Sabahans.
Jeffrey helms the surging State Reform Party (STAR) whose backbone supporters are Sabahans who are under 40. The party claims it has 175,000 members and has made significant inroads into Kadazandusun and Murut (KDM) areas which were once PBS and Upko strongholds. Both PBS and Upko are Barisan Nasional allies.
The party is aiming to contest in 30 state and in at least 12 parliamentary seats, one of which is Pairin’s Keningau constituency. Pairin has held it for over 30 years and will face Jeffrey once again in the 13th general election.
Said Lojinki, who is now a STAR member: “As a veteran political activist who has been with Pairin for very long years, including when we were both members of Pekemas, an opposition party in the 1960s and 1970s, I cannot but comment on Pairin bashing his own younger brother.
“The sudden outburst by Pairin against Jeffrey, including labelling him a liar, speaks volume of his disappointment and paranoia at the shifting support to his younger brother’s struggle.
“Pairin must be so desperate now to cling to the power he had taken for granted by supporting Umno.”
Lojingki, who also claimed to have worked for the late Peter Mojuntin, a revered Kadazandusun leader, in the 1960s and 1970s, said it was not a noble virtue for a Huguan Siou (Kadazandusun paramount chief) to act the way Pairin did lately.
“If people are running away from a leader or his party, there must be valid reasons. A stable leader should not make others a scapegoat for his own weaknesses… he should not accuse his opponent of being a liar.
“If we audit the speeches of all the leaders, especially BN leaders, including Pairin himself, all these years, we will be surprised that they have uttered thousand of lies thousand of times to Sabahans.
“Ask the people in Keningau… and you will understand,” he said.
‘PBS leader blinded by position’
Lojingki also slammed PBS vice-president Radin Malleh for chastising Jeffrey using the KDM curse word “ausung”.
“Let me remind Radin that the word would haunt him forever as Jeffrey was the one who planted the ‘fruit trees’ that Sabah and PBS leaders are now reaping.
“I am confident that given a chance, Jeffrey would be a much better chief minister than any of the Umno’s leaders, including Radin and Pairin,” he said.
He also accused PBS leaders of being blinded by positions.
“I am an old man and to me Jeffrey is carrying our crosses all these years including Pairin and Radin’s.
“Jeffrey has been speaking for the reinstatement of Sabah and Sarawak rights for 30 years now. I don’t think any sane people would agree with Radin for accusing Jeffrey of doing this for his own interest,” he said.


  1. Its normal la, afraid of losing power. Everybody may experience it. So, the issue concern here is, how do Pairin make sure that he will not losing the people's believe?

    1. Maybe its time for Pairin to give his post to the young leaders.

    2. Yup its true... Pairin kena usaha lebih untuk memastikan rakyat masih memberikan sokongan terhadapnya.

    3. pairin perlu buktikan pada rakyat bahawa dia masih lagi relevan dan boleh menjaga kepentingan rakyat khususnya masyarakat KDM.

    4. Datuk Pairin will ensure that PBS will do more for Sabahan and state.

    5. Beginilah bila ada pihak yang tidak senang dengan kejayaan Datuk Pairin sehingga sekarang ini. Apa pun yang pasti Sebagai pemimpin KDM beliau tidak akan lupa tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan. Selagi mampu selagi itulah akan meneruskan perjuangan tersebut.

    6. Do not underestimate Pairin's leadership. "Diam2 ubi berisi".

  2. We can say whatever we want and the politician can do whatever they want but how to influence the people's thinking, is something tough to be done.

    1. Agreed. I just hope the politicians don't give empty promises for the sake of winning only.

  3. Statement by Pairin : Don’t believe my brother, pleads Pairin
    Statement by Jeffery : ‘Jeffrey’s criticism of Pairin misplaced’

    Fair enough, they are fighting to each other even they are brothers. Is this a good example to be followed? Do they be good to each other in future?
    But Pairin has done lots of things and he is still the huguan siou of the Kadazandusun community in sabah. Recently he struggle to have the RCI to be implemented in Sabah and he had prepared the Term of Reference. And this is the result : KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 — The government has agreed to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate problems related to illegal immigrants in Sabah, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced today.

    Can you see that Pairin still relevant? It up to you guys. Vote for the best!

    1. masing-masing rasa diri diorang boleh menang..tapi biar rakyat yang jadi penentunya.

    2. its still window dressing. no hard physical evedence yet of the RCI. The commission will delegate and procrastinate but still as long as the JPN has back room ops that produce ICs by the thousands wny RCI will be useless. why not something more effiective to cancel any election fraud and rigging such as PBS inviting the UN to observe and ensure the next state election is phantom free and there IS NO MORE BALLOT BOX SUBSTITUTION.

    3. Simpati saya tengok adik beradiknya. huhuhu...

    4. kan baik adik beradik ini bersatu.

    5. Air dicincang takkan putus. Mereka mungkin mempunyai idealogi politik yang berbeza tetapi hubungan kekeluargaan tidak akan tergugat.

    6. Pemimpin yang bijak adalah yang tahu membezakan hal politik dan keluarga.

  4. rasanya semua parti pun tertekan sekarang ini. terutamanya pembangkang yang masih berpecah.

    1. selagi pembangkang masih bepecah, selagi itulah mereka sukar nak menang.

    2. Pembangkanglah yang rasa terdesak sebab mereka belum ada sebuah pasukan yang kuat dan mantap untuk jatuhkan BN. Haha

  5. sekarang ini semua mau tarik perhatian..tapi rakyat hanya akan menilai hasi kerja.

    1. ya, jadi semua harus kuatkan usaha untuk bekerja demi rakyat.

    2. mana yang terbaik akan dipilih oleh rakyat.

    3. I bet the voters are wiser than before. They will vote candidates that would be able to carry the responsibilities diligently and fairly.

  6. ramai yang ragu-ragu dengan JK kerana rekod beliau yang seperti tidak tetap pendirian.

    1. JK mempunyai rekod lompat parti paling byk. 6 kali. ini menunjukkan dia tiada pendirian tetap.

  7. Susah mahu percaya si Jeffrey. Banyak usaha yang dilakukannya tapi rasanya bukan senang mahu tambat hati rakyat. Tambahan lagi dengan kisah lamanya.

    1. Perjuangan JK memang bagus cuma beliau tidak ada platform yang kukuh serta terlalu ego untuk bekerjasama dengan parti pembangkang yang lain.

  8. Bila melibatkan soal politik memang apa-apaun boleh berlaku. Jadi agak sukar untuk kita meramal apa yang akan berlaku seterusnya.

  9. Ditambah lagi dengan pandangan setiap individu yang berbeza-beza maka sendiri mahu ingatla ya:P

  10. Pairin is not desperate. The oppositions are the ones who desperate to be in power.
