‘No need to be God, just do your job’

By Queville To of FMT
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Dr Yee Moh Chai has come under fire for double talk with his remark that he cannot promise that the historical site of the High Court in the city will remain untouched by developers.

Yee said he simply could not tell the people that nothing would happen to the land that is occupying a prime spot in the city centre in future as he “is not God”.

Former chief minister Yong Teck Lee, president of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), one of the main state opposition parties, however, was not amused by the sardonic remark.

“Nobody is asking Yee to be like God. We only ask that you do your job as wakil rakyat. Nobody asks you to make a promise to last 50 or 100 years.

“The people only want your promise today that your government protect the downtown Kota Kinabalu High Court and adjoining land for public purpose only,” he said yesterday.

He said Yee was misleading the people by assuring that the land would be protected simply because there is no development plan submitted to Kota Kinabalu City Hall yet.

“If there is no development plan today, it does not mean there will be no development plan tomorrow. What is so difficult for Yee to promise that the land concerned will be protected for public purpose?

“What is so difficult for him to promise that the land will not be given to private commercial developers for profits?

“Why can’t Yee make a simple statement that the five pieces of downtown land in his Api Api constituency will not end up like the Sabah State Railway reserve, which has now fallen into the hands of a Kuala Lumpur private company?

“Is Yee hiding something from the people or is he sleeping on his job? The longer he dodges the issue, the more people will suspect his hidden agenda,” said Yong when visiting the site of the City Library which has been closed since January.

‘Yee’s flimsy excuses’

The former chief minister reminded Yee that he has been assemblyman for Api Api for 14 years and a minister for nine years and is now a deputy chief minister and should be privy to decisions regarding the future of the city.

“Duty requires you to speak up and fight for the interests of the people in your constituency,” Yong said, adding that it was absurd that Yee had justified his refusal to protect the land for the public on the grounds that he cannot assure that nothing will change in 50 or 100 years.

“This is another ridiculously flimsy excuse which exposes his guilty consciousness.

“Look at Merdeka Padang and Atkinson Tower, which are more than 100 years old.

“The whole idea of heritage conservation is to keep the historical sites public spaces permanently in order to protect public interests, the character and culture of the city and the country,” Yong said, adding that “all over the world, there are many historical sites and public parks which are more than a thousand years old”.

He also stressed that the people must come forward to make sure that public lands are protected for public purpose, before it is too late.


  1. Yee Moh Chai now is a lame duck.. Will YTL fight him in Api-Api ? I think YTL doesnt have the gut to, he will want Likas replacing Liew Teck Chan...??

    1. YTL pasti kalah di mana2 dia bertanding pun..

    2. Hey YTL, do he played a god like behaviour now? You stop bluffing!

    3. Yong Teck Lee always like to attack Datuk Yee Moh Chai. Must be jealous of him.

    4. I just want to ask, when will YTL give his position to the younger leader??

    5. di batu Sapi pun boleh kalah teruk.. apa lagi tempat lain.

    6. YTL better stop dreaming... SAPP pasti akan kalah.

    7. YTL pun pernah bersama PBS, kenapa asyik nak menyerang Dr Yee dan PBS?

    8. Kalau saya perkara ini sememangnya sesuai untuk YTL saja. Kerana jika kita lihat sendiri sejarah memang mengajar kita.

  2. Apa mau gaduh2 oh bukan sama saja kamu parti cina, jagalah kepentingan rakyat terutama kaum cina.

    1. Yong mahu jadi hero kononnya. Masih ada angan-angan mahu jai KM balik. Ceh..

    2. yang mahu gaduh2 dan mahu tunjuk hero ialah Yong...memang pun Yong mahu jadi KM balik...

    3. Hey you, don't be racist. YTL is being paranoid after all.

    4. From the way i see it, YTL's constant attack on YEE maybe personal after all.

    5. PBS jauh lebih baik daripada SAPP.

    6. Maca mana PBS boleh lebih baik dari sapp? Bukankah ia pentingkan orang kadazan dusun saja?
      Macam mana sapp pentingkan orang cina saja? Bukan kah sapp mempunyai pemimpon kadazan dan dusun?

    7. Kepentingan semua kaum dan bangsa harus diperjuangkan.

    8. Sesama kaum pun oleh bergaduh apa lagi kalau kaum berbeza.

  3. YTL is exaggerating what Yee has said.

    1. Obviously he is.

    2. YTL can never resist the chance to play the hero.

    3. YTL always want to be a hero..but the people will never trust him again.

  4. After all, Musa is the CM. Decision is in his hands. Yee too cannot simply make a statement that the land will remain untouched by the developers.

    1. Yee hanya cakap yang benar saja...

    2. I think he speaks from the experience. You have misunderstood his statement for real.

    3. YTL attacked the wrong person. Its not up to YEE to decide what will happen. Yee made the right statement. At least he is being honest.

    4. Ya, Datuk Yee bukan macam si Yong Teck Lee yang selalu tipu rakyat. Cakap benar pun salah?

    5. yong sengaja nak manipulasikan perkara ini. nak kelirukan rakyat.. huuh..

    6. After all, the main purpose SAPP sensationalizing this issue is because to get publicity.

    7. Yee hanya mengatakan perkara yang benar, bukan sepeti YOng yang suka tipu rakyat.

  5. What with YTL? he never stop disturbing Dr Yee! what is his problem actually? Dr Yee only make a statement and did not pointing to YTL! I don't understand this old man!

    1. mungkin YTL sudah nyanyuk...bagus SAPP pecat saja dia..

    2. Clearly he wants to make his story as one of the cover stories.

    3. it all started from the SAS incident back when YTL is still the CM.

    4. Yong Teck Lee likes to use personal grudges to attack Yee Moh Chai, not professional.

    5. Yong Syn Ngee, TenomJuly 14, 2012 at 1:22 PM

      Kamu bertiga yg tiada nama memang 'dungu' dan bodoh sekali...memang menjadi tanggung jawab setiap rakyat dinegara ini berhak menyuarakan oposoisi mereka jika tindakan pemimpin kerajaan itu tidak selari dgn undang undang atau hak asasi negeri ini. Jngn kerana YTL lantang bersuara kamu label dia bermacam macam keburukkan tetapi kamu bercakap pun tidak dedahkan nama...samalah juga kamu bertapuk dibawah kain perempuan kamu...ham karr channn!!

    6. YSN... masing2 ada pendapat sendiri, tapi memang betul pun YTL tidak mendapat sokongan rakyat dengan apa yang berlaku dulu.mau banyak cakap lagi buat apa.

    7. Yong Syn Ngee.. bukan YTL sendiri pernah bagi tanah(Hutan) kepada kroni2 dia ka?? hutan tu bukanlah kecil macam tapak mahkamah negeri Sabah.. luas hutan yang dia bagi tu lima kali ganda keluasan singapura.. sekarang ni kunun dia mau jadi hero tapi lagi teruk..

  6. YTL is the one who not satisfied with others effort. We call people like this as a jealousy people.

    1. YTL memang cemburu dan iri hati...

    2. YTL gila kuasa... mau jd CM balik..lupakan sahaja lah YTL.

    3. nampaknya YTL ni tidak digemari oleh ramai orang.

  7. baarangkali YTL ada agenda lain bah...

    1. YTL pun pandai cakap saja tu. Bagus kalau dia ada ambil tindakan. Kalau setakat cakap saja, apa guna:P hehe

    2. YTL is a liability to SAPP. SAPP is better off without him.

    3. Yong Syn Ngee, TenomJuly 14, 2012 at 1:16 PM

      Dr Yee Moh Chai anak jati Tenom...dia punya kampong Batu 8 Jalan Sapong, Kemabong, apa2 pun akan terjadi mana dia peduli termasuk kalau dpt dia jual terus K.K...dia siok saja balik kampong dia diTenom...termasuk Yong Oui Fah juga org Tenom. Ini semua dorng nda boleh harap juga bah!

    4. Ini pemimpin Cina sukr suka lari sana sini tanding.. mcm TYong Teck Lee dari lahad datu, Kong Hong MIng dari Tawau? Kudat, Edward Khoo dari Sandakan, VK Liew dari Kota Belud... haiya tala guna punya wolang

    5. impian dia mau jadi CM lagi. tapi sabahan takkan sokong dia lagi.

    6. Kalau ada niat untuk menjadi KM Sabah untuk kedua kalinya, abaikan saja. tiada dalam sejarah KM yang sama diberi mandat untuk menjadi KM yang kedua kali.

  8. Perhaps they are stressing what YTL has said.

  9. Do what you can and leave the rest for God.

    1. Ya betul tu. Namanya juga manusia pasti ada saja kelemahan diri, so kita buat sajalah apa yang termampu dan selebihnya serahkan pada Tuhan.

  10. I hope they clear the statements made to ease up tension.

    1. I really hope they do so, no need to be jealous lah.

  11. Well we are not asking for a promise that wont last.

  12. ‘No need to be God, just do your job’!!! Hahhahahhaa, I like statement ini.

  13. Susah juga kalau asyik nak jadi hero. Macam manalah masalah mahu selesai. huhu

  14. Terpulang pada penilaian rakyat. Apa sekalipun yang berlaku, rakyat adalah penentu segalanya.

    1. kebanyakan rakyat pasti dapat buat penilaian dengan sebaiknya.

  15. I don't think YTL can be trusted.Is he really in it to fight for the people or merely just to get the people vote for him this coming election so he can be in more richer and in power again.

  16. Yong Teli stop acting like Satan ! Only Satan doesn't like man trying to be God. Hahahaaha

    You want to vote Satan or God ?

    Please ah i dont mean to say the gods they erect with their own hands and creativity here and there ..

  17. Sotong Yee is just lame... Will Jeffery Kitingan give the ppl justice by facing Sotong in Api-Api????

    1. Jeffrey Kitingan is Katak.. so ngam la Sotong lawan dengan Katak..

  18. You are a bunch of Dickheads talking cock.

  19. Maybe Jambun can go to Api2 to scavange the seat like he tried to steal the seat in Inanam by hitting Majimbun his fellow opposition and KDM BLOOD.

    1. Nolah!! Where got people trust them especially the cina and urban seats.

  20. Yee Moh Chai no longer have any balls since he rejoined BN.

    1. how about YTL who give away our valuable forest covered the size of 5 times bigger than singapore to 265 his cronies??

  21. I think Yee Moh Chai balls kena makan by UMNO dogs suda bah tu. kakakaka

    1. and I think your balls also kena makan oleh YTL.. that's why you supporting him even you know that he is the one who bring disaster to this state..

  22. Yee hiding behind Yong Ooi Fah.. STAR taking advantage only!!

  23. Bukan saja biji dia kena makan tapi batang dia pun suda tiada ......hahahaha

  24. Star???? Bukan sama dgn PBS kah tu? Tu dua adik beradik main wayang saja.

  25. Ya kah.......jadi YOF jadi kambing korban lo....kasian.......

  26. Wah! Looks like Star is taking the opprtunity to whack YTL and Sapp. I thought they were best friends? How come jefrery is biting yong. I tot yong help him when he has no parti?

    1. Saya bangkang juga ni yong teck lee, nanti kita kasi panggang dia.

  27. Si Jeffrey anjing yg tidak pandai kenang budi. Eh anjIng Kah katak tu? Wakakakaka

    1. hahahhahaha.... dua2 pun boleh juga...

  28. Kamu org Sapp dan Star tunggu kena goreng sotong lah. Cakap saja pandai. :D

    1. Biar pandai cakap. Jangan mimpi saja. Yang ni bn dan umno mimpi saja pandai. Mmg, skrg bn sedang buat banyak jerja. Tapinadakah dia memberi apa mafaat kepada kita orang sabah?

    2. Orang Star dan SAPP hanya di beri janji kosong oleh pemimpin mereka.. at least, BN buat kerja mereka.

    3. Teruskan bermimpi untuk menawan Sabah.

  29. Masing-masing ada agenda sendiri untuk dicapai. kelam kabut keadaannya.

    1. Jika masing2 tiada motif atau agenda.. Buat apa nak jadi kerajaan?
      Baik balik kampung tanam jagung?
      Biar BN hancurkan negara dan negeri...
      Biar UMNO monopoli rakyat...

    2. Yong Teck Lee mau jadi KM, Jeffrey Kitingan pun mau jadi KM. Mana mungkin mereka boleh bekerjasama? Sabah hanya boleh ada satu KM sahaja, mestilah mereka akan berebut.

    3. rakyat harus bijak menilai dan jangan mudah terpengaruh.

    4. YTL ni suka jadi hero, sebab itu sapp selalu tidak ngam dengan parti lain.

  30. As far as Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai is concerned, there has been no request to turn the piece of land where the existing courthouse sits into a commercial area.

    1. It's not up to Datuk Yee to decided on these sort of demands, SAPP is making irrational expectations from him.

    2. No request doesn't mean that there's no application to turn the land into a commercial development. Don't be so naive. Why the govt can't issue a statement to guarantee that the said land will never be developed but save as a heritage land as the road in front of the current court is where the original Bond St was.

  31. Datuk Yee Moh Chai cuma berkata benar, sekurang-kurangnya beliau tidak cuba nak menipu kita.

  32. YTL cuba gunakan isu ini untuk dapatkan perhatian ramai.

    1. He afraid people will forget about him in political.

  33. semua kenal dengan YTL ni. masa di Bt Sapi dia tidak diterima oleh rakyat di sana.

    1. rata-rata rakyat sudah tidak terima YTL, sebab itu dia kalah tempoh hari.

  34. YTL always want to be famous. He will never stop making statement to publish his self.

  35. YTL ni sudah tidak dapat sokongan, jadi sekarang dia mahu popularkan dirinya.

  36. Sepatutnya memang YTL perlu diberikan sedikit nasihat sebegini. YTL harus sedar yang mana SAPP tidak mendapat sokongan seperti STAR.

  37. SAPP and Yong Teck Lee also no need to be a God who know everything about what will happen in the future.. if this old building collapsed, do he will take responsibility?? can they give an assurance that they will not playing 'finger pointing' if anything bad happen to this building?

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  38. even YTL unable to do his job during his tenure as CM of Sabah.. he fail to protect our 300000 hectares of forest which given to his 265 cronies..

  39. Yong Teck Lee says one thing but means another. When he says Sabah for Sabahans, what he really means is Sabah for SAPP. This is very sad indeed. All the while when SAPP helmed the State Government with Yong Teck Lee as the Chief Minister, he did many destructive things, chief among them giving away valuable land to outsiders, the very people he chooses to attack this time around. In a mere two years, a huge chunk of Sabah ’s wealth fell into the wrong hands.

  40. When Yong Teck Lee says that SAPP is fighting for native rights, he is simply lying. When he was the chief minister [1996–1998], lands allocated to natives were actually ‘stolen’ and given to public-listed companies. A good example is the TongodTongod Region where not less than 20,000 acres of land earlier set aside for native socio-economic projects, under the ‘Tongod Regional Planning Study’, mooted during the Berjaya era, were given away to a public-listed company. This is blatant Daylight Robbery!!

  41. As a consequence, the impoverished and largely hardcore poor of Tongod lost their birthright (ancestral lands) and became ‘refugees’ on their own land, setting up ‘sulaps’ along the road bordering their stolen land, eating dust induced by passing vehicles, everyday. To add insult to injury, the mega companies that now occupy the ‘stolen’ lands, evicted them and bulldozed even their dilapidated dwellings.

    Now SAPP goes around trying to champion the rights and native customary lands. This is World-Class Hypocrisy!!

  42. Let us give Yong Teck Lee the best gift of his political career. Let us send him back packing to Likas. Because that will be where he will be most of the time. Let us tell Yong Teck Lee that we do not condone what he did when he was Chief Minister. He will not be able to return what was stolen from us, but at least we can tell him what we think of him by rejecting him during this coming 13th General Election.

  43. dunno why all 10 my comments no published.. no freer and happier at all..

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