Musa: Ask me, I am innocent

Musa Aman's outburst in the State Legislative Assembly has got observers believing that he told the truth when he said the US$100 million in Zurich was Umno's.

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman lost his cool during the State Legislative Assembly sitting yesterday and his outburst may have put Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in a spot over allegations of money laundering involving a Swiss bank.
Responding to Luyang assemblywoman Melania Chia’s queries regarding the alleged hundreds of million of ringgits in his Swiss bank accounts, Musa said: ” You can ask me… you can even repeat it outside the house. I won’t sue you because I am not worried at all.

“To me there is no such thing. You think if I am wrong I would be standing here.
“I am open anytime to be investigated. I am ready to face it anytime.
“What we are going to do now is to tell the truth. I am innocent until proven guilty.”
Musa’s unprecedented directness in engaging Chia’s queries, despite attempts by Deputy Chief Minister Joseph Pairin Kitingan to raise a Point of Order under Section 43(6), alerted political observers here to an earlier statement issued by Musa on the same matter.
Many now opined that Musa was probably “telling the truth” when he allegedly told the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) recently that the US$100 million in a Swiss bank account under his name was not his but Umno’s.
That admission, coupled with yesterday “explanation” by Musa, has now put Najib, who is Umno president, in the spot.
Said one observer: “Musa is clever as he passed the ball to Najib’s court, just like in the RCI issue before. Now how would Najib handle this?”
Najib must explain
About two weeks ago, PKR vice-president Tian Chua had dared Najib to respond to a supposedly leaked MACC investigation that claimed Musa told them the money was held in trust for Najib and Umno.
Tian Chua said that the onus was now for Najib to explain Musa’s alleged statement linking Umno and therefore the government to the hitherto secret party slush fund.
This issue came to light when one of Musa’s business associates, Michael Chia, whom Musa denied knowing but evidence showed otherwise, was caught by Hong Kong authorities in 2008 with a bag allegedly containing S$16 million cash.
Chia had then told the Hong Kong’s anti-corruption agency (ICAC) that the cash belonged to Musa.
It was also alleged at that time that the money was supposedly to be given to Umno to help oil its campaign in the Permatang Pauh by-election.
Recently, Sabah Umno also brushed off the calls made by certain Sabah leaders for Musa to resign in the wake of “distracting issues”.
Speaker Salleh Said Keruak, who is also Sabah Umno deputy chief, said Musa was doing a good job and that some leaders are just jealous of his achievements.
“Musa is doing a good job for Sabah and there are leaders who are power-crazy and jealous of his achievement,” Salleh had told FMT, echoing Pairin’s earlier heaping of praises on Musa as one the best chief ministers Sabah ever had.
Transactions exposed
The duo were responding to State Reform Party’s (STAR) Daniel John Jambun who had called for Musa’s resignation as he was embroiled in the ongoing investigation on the money-laundering case implicating him and now Najib.
Even Umno stalwart Lajim Ukin, the MP for Beaufort, had called for Musa’s replacement.
The pressure on Musa to step down, even temporarily, meanwhile, appeared to have little impact on him, at least publicly.
The local news prints most of the time were very reluctant to pose questions to Musa on these allegations.
On the other hand, the revelations by Sarawak Report, an online investigative portal dedicated but not confined to Sarawak matters, have exposed various details, including bank slips, on transactions involving Musa and Chia.
Also exposed were bank slips of transactions between Chia and Musa’s son and also Musa’s lawyer Richard Barnes, who used to be Sabah footballer in 1970s and 1980s.
Clare Rewcastle-Brown, the owner of Sarawak Report, had also published Musa’s family connection to the Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail.
According to Brown, Gani’s wife was a sister of the wife of Anifah Aman, Musa’s younger brother who is also Foreign Minister, implying it could be a reason why no federal punitive action was taken against Musa despite these allegations.
So far Najib has not responded to Tian Chua’s call for clarification on Musa’s statement alleging that the US$100 million in his account in Zurich was not his but Umno’s.
Najib, however, had on June 21 this year said that MACC had provided full cooperation with the Hong Kong ICAC and had completed the investigation.
He was also reported to have said that the file is with Gani.

Read more:Here


  1. He's innocent and there is nothing can tear him down. He has done everything he could to make sure Sabah is well developed.

    1. Unless the MACC have enough evidence to prove that Datuk Musa is involved in alleged the money laundering case, he remains innocent.

    2. Indeed. The opposition are seeking attention.

    3. The opposition is desperate to bring down Musa Aman so that they have better chance in taking over the state.


    5. musa buat kerja dengan bagus...sabah membangun dengan pesat..belum pernah dalam sejarah sabah, sabah begini pantas membangun...

    6. Kalau masih ada yang tak puas hati, lantaklah dengan dorang. Hasil siasatan pasti menunjukkan Musa tak bersalah.

    7. Innocent until proven guilty.

    8. The naysayers will keep moving down and down. So what?!BN is strong enough to tear you in parts.

    9. Before condemning Musa, put yourself in his shoes.

    10. selagi tak dibuktikan bersalah. selagi itu tak bersalah.

    11. Beliau memang tidak bersalah. Tiada bukti kukuh.

    12. Ada pihak yang cuba untuk menjatuhkan reputasi Musa Aman sebagai KM sebab dengar2 ada yang kepingin sangat mahu jadi KM Sabah.

    13. pip mungkn belum cuba mnjadi pengusaha kontrektor..contoh kalu mau kontrak di kimanis mau melalui syrikat keluarga Musa apa2 bizness mesti lalui dia. buujan negeri maju Musa yg maju

    14. Semua ini cuma permainan yang dibuat oleh pembangkang. Sebenarn pembangkang tidak tahu bagaimana untuk menjatuhkan Datuk Musa Aman dan mereka sekarng ini mencuba dengan memberikan pelbagai khabar angin dan kitar semula isu yang telah berlaku.

    15. Pembangkang akan sentiasa mengatakan Datuk Musa bersalah...tujuan hanya satu, untuk menjatuhkan beliau.

  2. Datuk Musa Aman said he is prepared to face any investigation from the authorities and he will cooperate with them.

    1. If he is guilty, would he challenge the authorities in this way?

    2. He is ready for more. Let's cherish.

    3. Orang yang menyokong Latuk Musang Wang itu sakunya sudah penuh wang.sudah kaya.

    4. berani kerana benar...

    5. Orang pasti akan terus menyokong Musa kerana yakin dia tak bersalah. Tambahan pula Musa memang pemimpin yang banyak membangunkan Sabah.

    6. MA sure is very confident that he is not guilty.

    7. A man with such confidence that he is not guilty, may somehow be true.

    8. There's nothing wrong to be brave. After all, that's the whole thing to do.

    9. Let the laws decide whether Musa is guilty or not. Not by the emotional haters.

    10. Rakyat yang menyokong Datuk Musa, masih percayakan beliau.

    11. Kalau tidak bersalah apa yang mahu ditakutkan. biar pihak yang berkenaan buat siasatan untuk puaskan hati mereka.

    12. Jika MACC nak menyiasat Datuk Musa Aman, beliau kata akan bekerjasama dengan mereka.

  3. Berani kerana benar takut kerana salah. Saya rasa lagi patut kalau YTL yang menjelaskan tentang kejatuhan empayarnya.

    1. Yong Teck Lee sudah pernah diberikan peluang menjadi KM, tapi tidak menghargainya. Adakah rakyat akan memberi peluang kepadanya sekali lagi? Rasanya tidak.

    2. Time Yong CM ada ura-ura syarikat dari kota belud kena bagi tanah laut di teluk ambong tempat kami dan begitu juga banyak kawasan tepi pantai termsuk di paoar, kk dan tuaran.. Tpi time Musa CM luar pantai diprotect oleh undang-undang baru tanah yg baru dilulus jadi tiada alasan kami sokong YTL atau SAPP, Musa lebih baik sbg CM, jauh lebib baik...

    3. bagus tu SAPP buang si yong...buruk sudah bah...tiada guna simpan barang buruk lama2..

    4. Sia situju oh Ampal pandangan kau... Bahaya tu orang, nampak saja senyum tapi dibuat-buat sahaja.. Tingulah Saham Amanah Sabah (SAS) apa sudah jadi time mereka pegang kuasa.. yang kaya syarikat proksi .. Mana sudah Ambrose Lee dia patut datang tolong kita pelabur SAS yang dah berhutang... Cian orang kampung dan nyonya-nyonya di KK dan Sandakan.. Janji RM1 jadi RM5 tapi yang berlaku jadi 18sen pula... Boleh jadi CM kah begitu Ampal ?

    5. Kalau YTL dulu terbukti mampu melaksanakna t/jaweabnya sebagai CM dengan sempurna, rasanya ramai juga penyokongnya tu. Tapi tengoklah apa yang berlaku sekarang.

    6. YTL is just a liability to SAPP. Better SAPP find a replacement for YTL.

    7. I may not be a psychic but SAPP could go far without YTL. Good luck SAPP!

    8. Buat apa lagi mahu sokong YTL?? Dulu beliau ada peluang buat perubahan tapi yang beliau buat? YTL patut bersara saja. Takkan ada hati mahu jadi KM atau menteri lagi? Tamak.

    9. YTL is simply a hoax man. Why don't just being a simple lawyer, that's all? He still got money mah.

    10. SAPP memang berminat untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan walaupun dia memang orang kerajaan terdahulu. Bila sudah keluar parti, sudahlah dengan segala tohmahannya supaya orang lain boleh percaya.

    11. YTL tidak mampu menjadi pemimpin Sabah, beliau sudah di beri peluang, tapi mensia2kan peluang itu, rakyat tidak akan percaya kepada beliau lagi.

    12. Rasanya YTL yang patut step down. bagi peluang orang lain pula menerajui parti SAPP.

    13. YTL tidak layak mendapat sokongan rakyat Sabah, satu kali saja rakyat terpedaya, tiada kali kedua!

  4. Why did he sound so confident out of a sudden? They must have covered the case. Vote carefully, once they are in power they can do what they want. UBAH!

    1. why? because he is innocent...innocent until proven guilty...that's why..

    2. Dia tak bersalah lah tu, sebab itulah dia berani jawab.

    3. The people will know how to evaluate each party carefully and vote for the sincere party who will actually fight for the people. .

    4. Mestilah Musa yakin sebab innocent until proven guilty. Takkanlah beliau mahu takut2 pula. Tambahlah orang sangsi. Musa jawab beribu kali tapi masih ada yang mahu cakap beliau salah, lantaklah. Kedudukan Musa takkan tergugat juga sebab beliau masih ada ramai penyokong.

    5. ada pihak nk menjatuhkan Musa, jadi disebar mcm2 cerita. tapi rakyat bijak dalam menilai dan tidak mudah terpengaruh.

    6. Voting the opposition won't help you much either. The truth is the state government has given us lots of things and yet we are demanding more.

    7. Datuk Musa tidak perlu takut apa2..sebab beliau memang tidak bersalah.

    8. true inocent until guilty but the funds are in his name..Kelly whats wrong with putting US90 Mill into a local bank why foreign and out of the country?why he sounds so confident. do you remember not so long ago when he was apparently cleared by the BPR (then) of corruption charges, then amazingly the head of the Malaysian ACA was given a Datuk ship by the sabah govt???? is that a pay off or what???

  5. WHY DID HE OBJECTED IF THERE WAS NOTHIGN TO HIDE? Why not let itnjust pass by like the other issues?

    1. The people are not satisfied till the truth revealed.

    2. Lebih banyak perkara tentang negeri Sabah yang perlu dibincangkan daripada khabar angin pasal Musa. AG sendiri belum buat keputusan tentang kes ini.

    3. Simply because he is innocent so why have to agree with the motion?

  6. Look like STAR is taking the opportunity to take a swipe at fellow opposition SAPP again.

    1. Budak-budak hingusan pun faham penipuan Musawang.

    2. Yang tua2 takkan masih mahu percaya dengan SAPP atau STAR??

    3. Penipuan apa yang Datuk Musa buat. Selama menjadi KM, beliau telah banyak berjasa kepada rakyat.

    4. Pitiful. I thought SAPP is strong enough to hold things tight.

  7. Its has been cleared that Datuk Musa have no connection with the case.

    1. innocent until proven guilty...

    2. We shall wait for the PM to clarify this matter first.

    3. Wiat for the AG's decision

    4. Biar pihak mahkamah dan SPRM yang tentukan penyelesaian kes ni.

    5. I hope the authorities will stop spreading rumours. Sabahans shouldn't live under bad words.

  8. Well someday the truth will be revealed. To Datuk Musa Keep up the good Work!

    1. Yup, lets hope Musa akan terus bertahan dan tidak mengalah dengan tududhan-tuduhan yang dilemparkan terhadapnya.

    2. Musa will not wasting his time to entertain such allegation when he himself is not guilty. Better focus on his works.

    3. Betul tu... banyak lagi yang Datuk Musa mau buat selalin daripada melayan khabar angin ini.Buang masa sahaja.

    4. Jangan gunakan alasan yang tidak munasabah untuk menjatuhkan maruah orang lain. Bulan puasa dah nak datang ni takkan la masih nak memfitnah?

  9. Kemukakan bukti surat Clearance kepada rakyat Sabah daripada BPR.

  10. kita ada undang2...tidak payah lah kita menghakimi seseorang berdasarkan kepada undang2 jalanan...

    1. setuju, tidak perlulah ada pihak pandai-pandai kata seseorang itu bersalah, sedangkan belum terbukti pun.

    2. SAPP akan buat apa sahaja untuk menjtuhkan Datuk Musa, rakyat jangan cepat terpedaya.

    3. Undang2 adalah untuk kebenaran dan bukannya untuk penipuan.

  11. tiada orang yang berada di atas undang2...

    1. Not even Musa himself.

    2. Setuju dan kita juga tidak boleh menghakimi seseorang melainkan kita ni hakim di mahkamah.

    3. Biar mahkamah yang menetukan jika Datuk Musa bersalah atau tidak.

    4. Laws is meant for the right and not for the wrong. Please dont mix it up.

  12. the investigation has been completed...wait for the result..

  13. musa menjalankan tanggungjawab beliau sebagai KM sabah dengan baik...jadi tidak hairanlah jika ada pihak yang cemburu dan iri hati dengan beliau...jadi macam2 tuduhan dilemparkan kepada musa aman untuk menjatuhkan kredibiliti beliau selaku KM sabah..

    1. Banyak pihak yang ingin menjatuhkan Datuk Musa. Jadi tidak perlu hairanlah dengan isu2 yang timbul sekarang ini.

    2. Yes that's the reason why there are so many things happened lately.

    3. apa cemburu dengan AS 90 Juta...tapi adakah ini fix deposit sabah

  14. “What we are going to do now is to tell the truth. I am innocent until proven guilty.”

    musa aman telah menyatakan pendirian beliau..seseorang tidak bersalah selagi tidak diputuskan bersalah oleh mahkamah..hanya mahkamah yang layak memutuskan sama ada beliau bersalah atau tidak sekiranya ada dakwaan..

    1. Musa is not afraid to be investigated. He even dare to claim that he is innocent. We shall see about it.

    2. musa's ball triggered so bad
      he say i am innocent, UMNO the one who is the real devil not me.

    3. Musa is a strong man. He won't bowed down to challenges. I'm sure he is well versed in political tricks.

  15. He claims to be what now oppositions?

    1. beliau mengaku tidak bersalah macam orang tidak mengaku berak di tengah jalan...sangat mudah...

    2. Beliau mengaku tidak bersalah kerana sememangnya beliau tidak bersalah, berani kerana benar.

    3. I think they are busy gathering statistics for the next debate.

  16. Perhaps the oppostions are seeking publicity.

    1. They are trying to confuse the people.

    2. They are indeed seeking publicity because GE is getting nearer.

  17. Musa has contributed to the development of Sabah.

    1. Sabah has undergo various development since Musa took over the CM position.

    2. We must appreciate what he has done for Sabah since he become a CM.

    3. So many allocations have been received by the State Government, this proves that Musa is doing his job well.

    4. linda look behind it all and you'll find the only development is in the intests of the Musa aman family..I work for a company that contracts to a company owned in part by Musa who has a monoply from the DBKK. simple action of passing from one hand to the other.

  18. Any more challenges from anywhere?

  19. It is not yet proven guilty even until now.

    1. He is not yet proven guilty even until now.

  20. Misti ada sebab kenapa orang benci Musa.. Adakah mungkin sebb beliau sangat kaya? Mungkin kan? Apa pun Musa boleh tahan juga sebagai Ketua Mentri Sabah, kalah Adtuk Haris Salih seorang lagi keturunan Pashtun yang jadi rakyat Malaysia kita 1Malaysia...

    1. kalau tidak silap, Musa kaya sebelum jadi ahli politik lagi. jadi itu tidak patut dipersoalkan.

    2. Ada yang cemburu dengan Musa la tu sehinggakan banyak perkara yang tak baik dikaitkan dengan Musa.

    3. Hatred because Musa is the CM. Every leader in sabah is jealous of his power.

    4. Rasanya siapa saja jadi KM memang akan teruk dihentam. Asam garam sebagai ahli politik, beginilah. Jangan bina rumah di tepi pantai jika tidak mahu dilambung ombak.

    5. Sokong dengan Datuk Seri, siapa saja yang jadi KM, akan sentiasa di hentam teruk, sedangkan beliau telah buat yang terbaik untuk Sabah, harap datuk Musa akan menghadapi semua ini dengan tenang.,

    6. Itulah risiko yang patut dihadapi oleh seorang pemimpin.

    7. saya rasa Yong Teck Lee lagi kaya walaupun hanya dua tahun memerintah negeri ini.. ratusan ribu hektar hutan sabah dia jual kepada kroni2 dia.. itu pun dia masih belum puas hati lagi kalau kroni2 dia tidak dapat tempoh pajakan 999 tahun..

  21. berani kerana benar, tuduhan kalau tidak benar pasti akan senyap juga nanti.

    1. Ya betul tu. Jadi kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti.

    2. Papun pun kita tunggu sahaja apa keputusannya nanti.Pembangkang jangan jadi hakim untuk menentukan kesalahan seseorang.

  22. setuju dengan mok, Musa sedia berikan kerjasama utk bantu siasatan jika perlukan...jadi berani kerana benar.

    1. Yes, "berani kerana benar"! If he is really guilty, he wouldn't be daring enough to claim that he is not guilty.

  23. Nah ambik kamurang. Musa dah jawab persoalan yang bikin pening kepala sesetegah pihak. So nak kata apa lagi lepas ni:P

    1. They wouldn't give up till they have a piece of Musa.

    2. Too bad, they will never can bring Musa down.

    3. Pihak pembangkang kehabisan isu sudah, isu ini tidak akan menjatuhkan Datuk Musa.Beliau tetap akan mendapat sokongan dari rakyat.

  24. Ini barulah berani kerana benar namanya. Musa jugalah terbaik:)

  25. Musa dah cakap akan bagi kerjasama dalam siasatan jadi apa tunggu lagi, siasatlah.

    1. Siasat, jangan tidak siasat.

    2. baik tunggu ja hasil siasatan.

    3. ICAC sudah pernah datang ke Sabah.. tapi tidak ada pula pegawai2 ICAC menyiasat Musa Aman.. ini menunjukkan Musa tidak ada kaitan dengan tuduhan2 yang direka oleh pemimpin2 pembangkang..

  26. Keberaniannya menunjukkan dia langsung tak risau kerana dia tak bersalah. Jadi jika masih ada yang meragui kenyataannya then kita tunggu sajalah hasil siasatan nanti.

    1. He is convince that he is not guilty in this matter.

    2. lagipun tuduhan2 itu datang daripada ahli2 politik, bukannya pegawai2 dari mana2 badan pencegahan rasuah.. hebat2 juga pembangkang di Malaysia.. selain bertindak sebagai ahli politik, mereka juga tanpa segan silu bertindak sebagai penyiasat, dan kadang kala bertindak sebagai tuhan..

  27. Kamurang rasa, Musa akan disiasat tak? Beranikah pihak yang berkenaan tampil buat pengakuan jika benar Musa terlibat?

    1. Kalau ada asas yang kukuh pasti kena siasat juga tu. Tapi kalau tak nak buat macam mana?

    2. Isn't he already in the progress of being investigated???

    3. tuduhan ini pun datang dari media asing yang dibiayai oleh parti pembangkang negara ini.. kenapa bukan pemimpin2 pembangkang saja yang dedahkan? sebabnya media asing tidak akan dikenakan apa2 tindakan sekiranya didapati menyebarkan pembohongan..

  28. Senang cerita, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti.

    1. Tunggu punya tunggu, tiada juga berita nanti.

    2. Lepas PRU redalah sudah isu ni.

  29. Sabah membangun juga lah dibawah pentadbiran Musa. Apa lagi yang kamurang tak puas hati ni?

    1. Unfortunately people tend to remember more on the cm flaws rather than the achievement he made onto sabah.

    2. puas hatikah jika harta sabah diselewengkan..??
      kerana nila setitik rosaklah susu setangki

    3. itulah yang pembangkang tidak puas hati.. pembangkang takut kalau sabah terus membangun, mereka tidak akan mempunyai peluang untuk merampas jawatan KM Sabah atau jawatan2 kerajaan negeri..

  30. Berabis si Melania bersuara. Akhir-akhir ni macam dia ni makin popular pula. Ada saja hal -ve yang nak dikaitkannya dengan Musa.

    1. Its a war between the oppositions and the current government. They will find any negative matter to link to the CM.

    2. Si Melania ni pun mau popular saja..tapi rakyat tau menilai juga tu. Kerja cari isu sahaja, pandai bercakap sahaja, cuba suruh buat kerja,kosong juga tu.

  31. Terpulang pada penilaian rakyat sendiri. Susah nak kawal mulut orang tapi saya yakin rakyat tahu apa yang terbaik buat mereka.

    1. I believe the people are wise enough to make a smart judgement regarding this matter. What you see may not be entirely true.

  32. Tak kisahlah apa saja yang dilemparkan terhadap Musa, saya yakin takkan ada yang percaya dengan tuduhan itu.

  33. Biasalah politik, takda bukti tapi over confident bila lemparkan tuduhan. hhhmm...

    1. The only thing we can do now is wait till the PM clarify this matter.

    2. Dalam politik ini, jika tiada isu seperti ini, tidak meriah lah dunia politik, jadi rakyat jangan cepat terpengaruh dengan tuduhan pembangkang.

  34. Ada-ada saja yang timbul... aduii.. Tapi lain cerita, saya dengar Astro NJOI (TV Satelit Percuma Tanpa Bayaran Bulanan) akan dilancarkan besok. Macam best ja ni:P hehe

    1. biasalah kalau PRU mahu dekat sudah, ada2x saja yang timbul.

    2. dalam politik ada saja cerita bah..kan pembankang terdesak mau menang.

    3. Mau dekat PRU baru timbul ini cerita, pembangkang begitu terdesak.

  35. He is innocent until proven guilty.

    1. Of course he is innocent until proven guilty BUT how can a salaried Chief Minister end up with USD100 million (thats more than RM300 million)? Whether it belongs to MA or to Umno, where did the money come from? You think about that?

    2. MA has a magic stick or Alladdin lamp?..
      easy money..easy money..easy money..come..come...come...

    3. Musa was a succeed businessman before he joined politics.

  36. Pada 1996, YTL (ketika itu Ketua Menteri Sabah) mengarahkan pembayaran RM5 juta hasil keuntungan jualan saham syarikat milik kerajaan negeri, Sapi Plantation milik Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Negeri Sabah (LKTNS). Ini didedahkan oleh Pengarah Briskmark Enterprise Sdn Bhd, Datuk Wasli Mohd Said, yang ketika itu merupakan Pengurus Besar Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Negeri Sabah (LKTNS). Beliau berjumpa YTL di pejabatnya untuk memberikan taklimat mengenai cadangan pengambilalihan pengurusan 40 peratus saham Sapi Plantation bernilai RM16.8 juta.

  37. YTL juga mengarahkan BOD Amanah Saham Sabah (SAS) membeli saham-saham NBT dan Sugarbun, sehingga SAS mengalami kerugian teruk dan sehingga hari ini nilainya merosot dengan teruk dan ramai pelabur rakyat tempatan Sabah mengalami kerugian.

    Lebih 55 ribu pelabur Sabah, yang kebanyakannya terdiri daripada pesara dan yang berpendapatan rendah kehilangan pelaburan mereka (pada 1996) akibat kejatuhan saham SAS daripada RM1 seunit kepada 17 sen seunit ketika itu.

  38. Hak rakyat lain yang dikatakan diambil olh YTL ialah 1 juta ekar konsesi balak untuk tempoh 100 tahun bernilai lebih RM20 Billion dari Tenom hingga ke Kalabakan, tanah persisiran laut di Teluk Likas bernilai lebih RM500 juta, tanah persisiran laut di Tanjung Aru bernilai lebih RM500 juta, tanah-tanah Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Sabah (SLDB) bernilai lebih RM2 billion diambil melalui Sawit Kinabalu Sdn Bhd.

  39. The Association of Chinese Chambers of Commerce Malaysia (ACCCIM) president Tan Sri William Cheng is impressed with the rapid economic development that has taken place in Sabah over the last couple of years.

    Attributing the positive changes to the leadership of Musa, he said the current political stability, sound government policies and focused economic direction have led to the significant economic development in Sabah.

  40. Sabah state govt put environmental laws on conservation and protection in place which has long term positive impact on the overall development of a state.

  41. One should be considered innocent until it can be proved that he or she is guilty. If he/she is accused of a crime, he/she should always have the right to defend him/herself. Nobody has the right to condemn and punish him/her for something he/she have not done.

  42. Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Hajiji Noor said Sabahans are lucky to have Datuk Seri Musa Aman as the Chief Minister. He described him as a visionary leader with his halatuju vision backed by his corporate experience before entering active politics.

    When Hajiji was Musa's Assistant Finance Minister in 2001, there was just little over RM100 million in the State coffers but now Sabah has RM3 billion.

    1. All various programmes or funds announced by Najib over the last three years, beginning with the 1Malaysia concept and the Government Transformation Programme as well as the Economic Transformation Programme. All government effort just for M'sian people sake.

  43. Sabahans should feel happy and lucky to have Datuk Musa Aman is Sabah chief minister. He is a visionary leader with his halatuju vision backed by his corporate experience before entering active politics.

  44. tidak boleh kita menuduh orang kalau tiada bukti.

    1. Selagi kes ini belum dibuktikan oleh pihak berkuasa, selagi kita tidak boleh menentukan bahawa Datuk Musa Aman bersalah.

  45. rekod YTL yang tidaklah begitu membanggakan ketika jadi CM dulu menyebabkan ramai yang tidak yakin terhadap beliau.

    1. Rakyat pasti tidak akan mempercayai si Yong Teck Lee lagi.

    2. Selepas apa yang dilakukan oleh YTL, siapa yang berani sokong dia lagi?

  46. Lebih baik SAPP singkirkan YTL, lantik president baru.

    1. Ya, SAPP akan lebih popular jika tiada Yong Teck Lee. Mereka patut lantik president baru.

  47. Who wouldn't be upset when such things have been trumped up by irresponsible parties (that has the interest of seeing the downfall of this public figure in a disgraceful manner).

    It is a known fact that in recent times that Musa's labour of love ( I am refering to his HALATUJU plan) is begining to bear fruits. In a time span of almost a decade we have seen and heard many at the federal level has testified to the economical success of Sabah amongst all the BN-led states.

    With multiple investments (both domestic and foreign), with the cooperation of local communities which consist of diverse culture and background, combined with the sound administration has set the condition for Sabah to emerge as one of the most progress state. This too has also demonstrate a rare talent that is scarce among today's leader: An economy savvy leader.

    Apart form that, detailed planning of creating policy which is people oriented has always been the core agenda of the Musa Administration in Sabah. Under the Second Rolling Plan (of the 10th Malaysia Plan), Sabah has been allocated RM4.416 billion to carry out 724 projects.

    As of May 3 this year, a sum of RM692 million or 15.6 per cent of the allocation for 2012 had been spent on development projects. But what lies deep within Musa's heart is the people’s satisfaction towards the initiatives undertaken by the government in terms of services, wealth creation and effectiveness in resolving problems.

    Musa has been hail the most successful Chief Minister Sabah has ever has, even by those who have held the Chief Ministership: this include his current deputy, Tan Sri Joseph Kitingan.

    Frankly speaking, If I was in his shoes, I too will loose my cool. This issue have been afloat for almost five years now, yet these irresponsible parties are relentless in their effort to persecute this man, In an attempt to discredit his work.

    1. People only like to see the negative side of a person. They refuse to see the good things they have accomplished but focus on their weaknesses and mistakes.

  48. Berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah.

  49. yes, MA is innocent until proven guilty..

  50. semua tuduhan ke atas beliau ini hanyalah spekulasi yang belum tentu betul

  51. "You think if I am wrong I would be standing here.." - siapalah yang berani tampil ke depan jika bersalah?

  52. beliau sendiri sudahpun mengumumkan kebenarannya..

  53. now let's wait for Najib to explain the public regarding Musa’s alleged statement

  54. beginilah dunia politikus, ada sahaja pihak tertentu yang ingin mengambil peluang menggelirukan rakyat

  55. jangan mudah terpedaya..

  56. Beliau mendakwa tidak bersalah, biar mahkamah menentukan seterusnya

  57. lagipun, sebarang cabaran beliau alu-alukan...

  58. setakat ini, beliau belum terbukti bersalah sehingga kini....

  59. he himself had already announced the truth ..what else?

  60. truth must prevail in the end

  61. ya, beliau belum terbukti bersalah, biar mahkamah tentukannya

  62. betul, ada pemimpin yang gila kuasa dan iri hati dengan pencapaian beliau

  63. tu sebab banyak pihak yang akan cuba untuk menumbangkan MA untuk merebut kuasa

  64. Walaupun Datuk Musa dikaitkan dengan pelbagai isu yang hangat tapi semua itu tidak akan menggugat usaha Datuk Musa untuk memajukan Sabah. Beliau terus dan terus membantu yang termampu untuk Sabah.

  65. ICAC adalah sebuah badan paling telus di Asia Tenggara dan tidak akan bertolak ansur jika Musa Aman terlibat dalam skandal berkenaan kerana mereka sanggup datang ke Malaysia untuk memburu Michael Chia dan Richard Barnes; tetapi tidak pernah menemui Musa Aman. kenapa??

  66. Dengan kedudukan ekonomi Sabah yang kukuh iaitu mendapat Rating AAA, Sabah berada dalam keadaan yang selamat dan selesa dibawah pimpinan
    Datuk Musa Aman. Mungkin inilah yang menyebabkan pemimpin2 pembangkang tidak sabar untuk melakukan Kudita untuk merampas jawatan Ketua Menteri

  67. Daniel John Jambun mahu Musa Aman meletakkan jawatan beliau?? dia siapa mahu mengarahkan Musa Aman untuk berbuat demikian?? diakah yang menyiasat kes pengubahan wang haram ini?? diakah yang memperolehi semua bukti2 itu??

  68. kalau tidak silap Tian Chua juga pernah terlibat dengan rasuah sebagaimana yang didedahkan oleh RPK.. apa penjelasan Tian Chua berkenaan dengan tuduhan itu??

  69. seperkara lagi yang buat saya rasa pelik ialah, kenapa pemimpin2 pembangkang tidak menyiasat kekayaan atau keuntungan Yong Teck Lee selepas beliau menyerahkan hutan seluas lima kali ganda keluasan singapura kepada kroni2 beliau.. adakah jika pemimpin2 pembangkang yang buat, maka semuanya halal??
