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The Sabah government is yet to fully respond to the people’s grievances on NCR land grabs. |
PINANGAH: State Reform Party (STAR) has warned that the increasing number of land disputes in Sabah is showing signs of turning ugly and may eventually lead to violence if the government continues to turn a blind eye on them.
In his speech at a land rights demonstration here recently, Sabah STAR chairman Jeffrey Kitingan expressed his disappointment that the state government has been neglecting the people despite the fact that the problem has been happening for many years.
“I can’t understand why the government is not doing much to help our native people who are being chased out of their lands knowing that land matters are within the power and responsibility of the state government.In his speech at a land rights demonstration here recently, Sabah STAR chairman Jeffrey Kitingan expressed his disappointment that the state government has been neglecting the people despite the fact that the problem has been happening for many years.
“Then BN government has been promising to help our people and to protect their rights but it seems to be favouring the big companies instead of the poor people,” he said citing the case of an ongoing land problem in Pinangah in which the people’s NCR land has been awarded to a company.
Kitingan lamented that the government was yet to fully respond to the people’s grievances and that there was still a huge swath of land in Pinangah yet to be reinstated to the native owners.
He said there was still the outstanding 9,000 acres within the Maxland area and this did not include those under the ownership of two companies.
Kitingan said in many areas where such problems are happening, the companies were using foreigners to chase the locals away from their lands.
“In Sukau earlier this year, we had a case where the company bulldozers came to bulldoze the people’s houses, and foreigners came to threaten the locals to abandon their village.
“Bloodshed was avoided only because the Tombonuo villages were patient and didn’t retaliate,” he said.
Too poor for lawyers

He added that the method of giving communal titles to the villagers was now seen as an unacceptable and temporary solution by the villagers because in the end they become mere participants in the development of the land by companies, and not as owners.
“In this way the whole approach is a clever way of taking away their land, a form of hidden land robbery.
“The people have also got fed up with hamper handouts. They want permanent solutions to their problems, not keep getting cooking oil, packets of rice, salted fish and so once in a while.
“To them this has become an insult because they feel they are being treated like idiots and beggars,” he said.
Tak dapat dinafikan memang masih banyak masalah tanah yang ada di Sabah. Susah juga kalau berterusan macam ni.
ReplyDeleteYa memang banyak. Tapi kerajaan akan berusaha mencari jalan penyelesaian mengenai perkara ini akan datang.
DeleteKerajaan telah menubuhkan geran komunal namun perlu dikaji kembali kerana telah mendapat tentangan daripada pihak pembangkang yangn menghasut penduduk.
DeleteTapi takda guna kalau hanya tahu cakap dan tak dapat buat apa-apapun...huhuhu
ReplyDeleteSemoga amsalah tanah yang berlaku di Sabah dapat ditanggani dengan baik.
ReplyDeleteAaahh, si DJK ni kalau hebat napa dia tak tolong saja kasih selesai. Tak payah bising2.
ReplyDeleteHal ini pasti akan dapat perhatian juga. Saya yakin sebab takkanlah kerajaan nak biarkan rakyat menderita kan:P
ReplyDeletetidak dapat dinafikan bahawa kerajaan UMNO-BN telah banyak menolong orang kampung dalam isu tanah ini. Kerajaan telah banyak membantu orang kampung berpindah dari tanah pusaka mereka untuk memberi laluan kepada syarikat2 besar yang turut memberi manfaat kepada kroni2 pemimpin UMNO-BN. sekarang rakyat sangat berterima kasih kepada kerajaan sekarang kerana mereka selesa mendirikan penempatan setinggan dan seterusnya merempat di tanah air sendiri...
isu tanah ni Sabah sejak dulu tak pernah selesai, ia haruslah diberi perhatian dan diselesaikan.
ReplyDeleteIsu tanah memang menjadi masalah besar di Sabah dan perlu di ambil perhatian.
ReplyDeleteDJK banyak bising sahaja.baik beliau jangan banyak cakap.
ReplyDeletebetul tu, jika kita ingin perjuangkan suatu isu kita patut diam saja, sebab orang bijak akan tunggu dan lihat saja segala penindasan yang berlaku depan mata mereka...wan memang bijak orangnya..thank you...
DeleteKalau ada geran Tanah pasti menang dan pasti akan mendapat hak itu kembali.
ReplyDeleteApa yang terbaik JK dapat lakukan untuk menyelesaiakan masalah ini?