Foreigners With Malaysian Passports - First Hand Experience In Klia

Dear Editor,
I appreciate your effort in disseminating information to your close friends. I would like to provide you with my “first hand” experience at KLIA yesterday.
I returned from Hong Kong on flight MH 073 on 17th July 2012 which landed in KLIA at about 6.15pm. Disembarkation and baggage clearance was prompt with no hassles.
When I arrived at the Immigration “autogate” there was a queue. There was no officer in the immigration booth manning the gates.
I noted about seven Pakistani nationals; all in their national costumes, hogging all the autogates. They were struggling to put their passports in the passport reader and get their fingerprints verified.
The Malaysians in the queue started commenting in loud voices:
-          “This lane is for Malaysian Passports only”
-          “Please join the other queue for foreign passports” etc.
Some, thinking that they were foreign workers, got impatient and spoke with raised voices:
-          “ Barisan ini untuk Passport Malaysia”
-          “Tolong pergi ke kaunter international passport” etc.
These gentlemen stood firm; oblivious to the comments, speaking in their native language and giving instructions to each other on how to use the reader. As more Malaysians arrived, the queue got longer.
I broke out of the queue and checked the passports – and they ALL had Malaysian Passports. On enquiring, they responded in broken English that they had just arrived on flight PK 894 from Peshawar. All the Malaysians in the queue were shocked.
Disgusted, I walked to the Priority Counter, (I had a Priority Pass) got clearance and asked the Immigration Officer how these people had obtained their Malaysian passports. He gave me a guilty smile. He also organised for an officer to help clear the line at the “autogate”.
On leaving, I asked the Customs Officer the same question and his response was “Ini Biasa”.
I have heard a lot about foreigners with Malaysian IC’s getting treatment in our Government Hospitals. A discussion with doctors; especially those manning the Emergency Wards, will confirm this fact. However, my experience yesterday confirms that something is drastically wrong in the implementation of policies in our country.
I will leave it to right thinking Malaysians to form an opinion on my experience yesterday.
Adolf Ludge


  1. Mr Adolf Ludge i think your knowledg less or u stay in another world. 1971 your government ask for Pakistani's papolation to Prime maniter Zulfiqar Ali bhuto but he answer '' my people go there eat leafe to jungle that time your malaysian work in pakistan. In 1971 pakistan afghanistan border area people those called now taliban they was came malaysia right now they have own carepet buisness if u don't know go chowkit, masjid india, ampang area and sabah. Your experience 100% wrong

  2. May I personally inquire if you are coming from Qld?

    You will be understood as a good Foreign :1)
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