Bumburing, Lajim exit plan aborted again

By Raymond Tombung of FMT
Potential defectors Wilfred Bumburing and Lajim Ukin are
'playing tarik tali' with the BN leadership in view of
the current political scenario in Sabah.
KOTA KINABALU: Plans to enable Upko deputy president Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing and Umno warlord Lajim Ukin to announce their exit from Barisan Nasional have been aborted.

Senior PKR leaders and the organising officials of the gatherings on July 15 in Beaufort (for Lajim) and in Tuaran (for Bumburing) have confirmed that the planned jump by Bumburing and Lajim has been “suddenly aborted, or postponed”.

The development has heightened curiosity amongst observers.

Senior PKR leaders, who are disheartened by the turn of events, were given varied reasons for the cancellation of Bumburing’s formal announcement to ditch BN.

One source said Bumburing is blaming former Tuaran MP Kalakau Untol for arranging the gathering and announcement while he was not fully prepared to do so.

Kalakau, who has been Bumburing’s ardent supporter in his campaign outings in Amanah, is known to be in serious need of Bumburing in PKR, especially in the Tuaran division, to raise his stakes and leverage against the party’s divisional head, Ansari Abdullah.

Kalakau has been at loggerheads with Ansari since the last party election during which Kalakau sided with Edward Linggu, who contested against Ansari for the top post.

Linggu has since joined Jeffrey Kitingan’s State Reform Party (STAR) and is now the head of Tuaran STAR division.

Another source said that Bumburing’s lame excuse is that he has to wait for Lajim who has decided to go for his Haj. And that was the reason for the new provisional date of “end of August”.

Bumburing’s games

But a more credible reason is one given by a senior STAR leader who surmised that Bumburing and Lajim “postponed” their move because of their “tarik tali” (string-pulling) game with the BN leadership, even with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

The STAR leader, who prefers to remain anonymous, believes that the two potential defectors must have already been contacted by senior BN leaders for a negotiation to remain in BN, knowing the disastrous effect for the BN if the two jumped to the opposition.

“This is all a shadow play in its classic form,” said the STAR’s divisional chief.

Still another political analyst said that since Bernard Dompok has made known his intention to resign as Upko’s president, Bumburing may see this as an opportunity for him to take over the party’s reins and continue with assured advantages in BN.

This observation is confirmed by a Tuaran PKR member who told FMT that Bumburing is still the chairman of Sabah Softwood Sdn Bhd, which, since his chairmanship many years ago, had enhanced its assets to RM120 million.

“A chairman’s position for such a well-heeled state agency would be too much to let go,” said the observer who is aligned to Kalakau’s group in Tuaran PKR.

He also said that the planned exodus to be led by Bumburing from Upko alone was quite massive, involving senior Upko leaders from 19 divisions, including Senator Maijol Mahap (whose senatorship will expire in December) and Upko supreme council member and former Labuk assemblyman, Tan Yong Gee.

This, he explains, would definitely entail intense demands for candidacies in the next general election as well as promises for positions in the party.

“It is possible that many of the demands have not been met yet by PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim. Hence, the so-called postponement,” he said.

Bumburing a threat to Ansari

But more seriously, he said that Bumburing and Lajim’s strategy in joining PKR was to come in such a massive number that they would overwhelm the current crop of PKR state leaders.

“The aim is to take over as party candidates in place of those already identified to contest as well as to take over party positions at the state-level and divisional leaderships.

“This had caused many of the present state leaders, especially those aligned to Ansari, to feel agitated and threatened.

“In fact, much rumbling had began to be heard in the party’s rank and files as soon as the planned influx of a huge number of Upko and Umno leaders and their followers started spreading in the political grapevine.”

At the moment, Ansari is in control of the majority of the divisional leaders.

Knowing that the drama is still unfolding, whatever happens next is anybody’s guess.

But as far as the PKR leaders in the Peninsula and Sabah are concerned, the mood appears to be one of deep disappointment over a potentially explosive event that turned out to be an anti-climax.


  1. Of course, we are not happy.
    We have our Ketua Cabang and having been working for years.
    Suddenly 2 small frogs jump in and they want to be calun. They cannot even get big nomination to defend their positions in their own party.
    Let them be calun and all of us Pkr supporters will not vote for them. Better we vote for BN if PKR in Semenanjung treat us like this.

    1. Di Tamparuli kami pun tidak sokong Bumburing.
      Janji-janji dari dulu maseh belum ditunaikan.
      Semua janji kosong dan palsu sahaja.

    2. tidak payahlah undi tu PKR...tu PKR tu pentingkan cita2 politik si Anwar bah..

    3. PKR should just focus their own territory and not on our land below the wind.

    4. PKR berjuang untuk Anwar, ia ia ditubuhkan pun kerana Anwar..

    5. PKR hanya untuk kepentingan Anwar sahaja.. Undi sahaja BN.

  2. These are all rumors, Lajim and Wilfred have not made any decision to leave the party yet.

    1. we shall see about that.

    2. time will reveal the truth. Hopefully the rumours are false.

    3. Rumor atau tidak, akan terbukti juga di masa akan datang.

    4. mungkin ada terniat di hati juga tu..

    5. Khabar angin yang cuba menjatuhkan mereka. Mungkin juga untuk mengelirukan rakyat.Gossip ahli2 politik semua ni.

  3. Lajim said if he really wanted to leave BN-UMNO. The public will hear it from him.

    1. so far he not made any announcement to leave UMNO..

    2. No announcement, therefore this news remain just a rumour.

    3. khabar angin ini hanya sengaja dimainkan oleh pihak tertentu.

    4. Belum ada sebarang pengumuman, kita tunggu sahaja lah.

  4. These are all rumors out there.

    1. khabar angin saja...taktik politik pembangkang untuk meretakkan perpaduan di kalangan ahli UMNO dan UPKO..

    2. Rumours that intend to break the party.. its the oldest tactic in the book.

    3. harus bijak menilai dan tidak perlu mudah terpengaruh dengan khbar angin.

  5. How true is this, does anyone know?

    1. If at all it's true...they would make it known publicly.

    2. lajim dan bumburing sudah menyatakan pendirian mereka..

    3. If there is no news from Lajim and Bumburing personally, then the people should trust this news 100%.

    4. nowadays, nothing we read or hear is 100% true.

    5. Kalau benar tidak sehaluan, seharus membuat keputusan dan keluar dari BN. Tidak perlu membiarkan orang ramai membuat andaian, termasuk andaian negatif juga.

    6. mereka sudah nyatakan pendirian mereka, jadi ini tidak harus jadi isu lagi.

  6. Why spreading unnecessary rumor?

    1. Obviously nothing to do lah...

    2. perang psikologi politik barangkali..

    3. This is strategy made by the opposition to confuse the people because election is just around the corner.

    4. most probably to spark dispute among the parties.

  7. "The STAR leader, who prefers to remain anonymous, believes that the two potential defectors must have already been contacted by senior BN leaders for a negotiation to remain in BN, knowing the disastrous effect for the BN if the two jumped to the opposition."

    If this is true, then these leaders are not sincere in fighting for the people rights. It is only power they aim for.

    1. Who is the STAR leader? That is his own opinion. Not a fact at all.

  8. Bumburing and Lajim never said they wanted to leave the party, don't know where these rumors came from.

    1. Rumors spread by the opposition in order to get publicity.

    2. Tentu mereka pun sudah penat menjawab persoalan ini. Tunggu dan lihat sajalah.

  9. In fact, they have strongly denied that they have any intention to jump ship. PKR is the desperate one who can't wait to receive them in their party.

  10. They don't dare to quit from BN. What more IF they have committed any misdeeds while holding their positions. They will get caught.

  11. Many parties are aiming for Sabah because Sabah is rich with her natural resources. Therefore, don't easily fall for empty and sweet promises.

  12. Lajim and Bumbering should make themself clear also.

  13. Is Lajim and Bumbering hav great impact if both really quit BN?

    1. Rasanya ramai sudah hilang kepercayaan kepada mereka berdua.. Mungkin lebih baik mereka segera buat keputusan, jangan buat rakyat keliru.

    2. oppositions will say YES, but umno will say NO.. let us wait and see the result after election..

  14. Entah-entah BN yang menyebarkan berita ini. Apa-apa pun, Lajim akan buat keputusannya sendiri.

    1. entah siapa yang memulakan dulu berita ini.. namun bagi saya itu tidak la penting sangat.. setakat seorang dua keluar parti masih belum cukup untuk memberikan kemenangan kepada pembangkang.. lain la kalau parti komponen BN yang keluar dari gabungan itu..

  15. semua ini hnya kabar angin.. masih blum tentu benar.. lagipun mereka dah nafikan.

  16. khabar angin macam ini tidak pernah habis dalam dunia politik.

  17. penjelasan sudah diberikan sebelum ini. jadi ini cuma khabar angin saja.

  18. Isu ini dari awal tahun lagi sampai sekarang, belum ada khabar pun yang mengatakan mereka akan keluar parti.. PKR terdesak sudah mau buat isu.

    1. PKR tahu bahawa kedua2 pemimpin ini mahu keluar sebab Anwar yang punya strategi.. seperti biasa, Anwar akan offer jawatan2 yang lebih tinggi seperti TPM sekiranya beliau berjaya merampas Jawatan PM..

  19. Mengenai dakwaan ini rasanya tidak ada kebenarannya pun. Kerana mereka menafikan akan keluar dari parti tersebut.

  20. Kita tunggu saja apa yang diumumkan seterusnya mengenai perkara ini.

  21. Tindakkan Datuk Lajim letak jawatan di Beaufort itu bukannya kerana ingin keluar daripada parti itu. Tapi mungkin ingin memberikan peluang kepada ahli yang berbakat dikawasan tersebut.

  22. Kita perlu mendengar sendiri penjelasan daripada mereka beruda ini. tapi yang saya dengar dari pihak lain mereka tidak akan keluar dari parti BN dan akan memberikan sokongan terhadap parti tersebut.

  23. biarkan saja la kalau betul mereka mahu keluar.. agaknya dari tahun lepas lagi mereka mahu keluar, tapi terpaksa hold dulu dengan harapan akan dicalonkan pada PRU13 nanti..
