‘BN and Umno leaders pawning Sabah’

By  Queville To of FMT
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has denounced Kota Belud MP Abdul Rahaman Dahlan’s view that Sabah is just one of the 13 states in Malaysia.
SAPP supreme council member Peter Marajin accused Abdul Rahman of denying Sabah’s autonomy by twisting the history of the proclamation of Malaysia in Sept 16, 1963.
“The proclamation of Malaysia read by Donald Stephens at Padang Bandaran on that particular day that Sabah is one of the 13 states in Malaysia does not mean Sabah’s status is the same as Perlis or Kedah in Malaya at that time. It is only a question of convenience that such proclamation was pronounced.
“It must be remembered that Malaya had already attained independence on Aug 31, 1957 through a federation of 11 states. Sarawak gained her independence on July 22, 1963 and Sabah on Aug 31, 1963.
“These two Borneo territories were already full pledged nations when they joined up with the Federation of Malaya and Singapore to form a new nation called Malaysia” he pointed out in a statement issued here yesterday.
When discussions were held for the formation of the new nation, he noted, it was agreed that Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore were to be federated with Malaysia.
“But it does not mean that they agreed to be added as three new states under the already federated Federation of Malaya. The three nations were to be federated with the new nation Malaysia with distinct autonomy of their own and not to be treated like Perlis, Kedah and the other states of Malaya.
“This autonomy is well spelled out in the IGC Reports and other documents which include the 20 Points (Sabah) and 18 Points (Sarawak),” he said.
Changes came after Singapore left
Marajin accused Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders, especially those from Umno, of pawning Sabah’s autonomy for their own interests.
He claimed that the ‘re-colonisation’ of Sabah and Sarawak by the federal government began when Singapore was ejected from the Federation in 1965 and the parliamentary seats for the two Borneo territories was then reduced to only 27% of the total number of the seats.
“(From) here KL started amending the laws and the Federal Constitution to the effect that now the status Sabah and Sarawak have been reduced to be similar with Perlis, Kedah and so on, thus, doing away our autonomy and KL now is simply reluctant to acknowledge this let alone restore it.
“Rahman ought to tell the people why KL never honoured the autonomy guarantee instead of trying to fool the people that Sabah lost privileges once Malaysia was formed,” he said.
Marajin said the people yearned for restoration of autonomy as stated in the Malaysia Agreement giving Sabah leaders total powers to determine the state’s direction without interference from Kuala Lumpur.
Federal powers were limited to matters concerning security and national level, he reminded.
There is no question of secession by Sabah because the formation of Malaysia was similar to the formation of Great Britain consisting of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland where each of them have their own autonomy.
‘Four parties signed Malaysia Agreement’
Meanwhile, in a separate statement, Marajin’s party colleague cum Luyang assemblywoman Melanie Chia urged Abdul Rahman to stop misleading the people of Sabah that Sabah is one of the 13 states in Malaysia.
“This is a blatant example of the BN government wanting to mislead the people. Sabah has a stature that cannot be denied.
“It is because of politician like (Abdul Rahman) Dahlan that Sabah’s autonomy and the interests of its people have been abused and depleted progressively over the years since the formation of Malaysia,” she said.
She pointed out that Abdul Rahman had failed to acknowledge there was the Malaysia Agreement signed on July 9 July, 1963 between the United Kingdom and the Federation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore.
“Without the signing of the Malaysia Agreement, an agreement relating to Malaysia together with the annexes including the Constitution of Sabah, there would have been no Malaysia. Please note, there were four parties signing of this agreement.
“These important documents determined the formation of Malaysia. The Malaysia Proclamation as read by our First Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman and by the respective heads in Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore must be read in (the right) context to get the full spirit of the proclamation,” she said.
Chia went on to note that Abdul Rahman had chosen to refer and highlight only the last paragraph of the Malaysia Proclamation to state his claim that Sabah is only one of the 13 states.
“Has he not read the preceding paragraph of the Proclamation where it is written that our first Prime Minister with the concurrence and approval of His Majesty the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong of the Federation of Malaya, His Excellency the Yang Di-Pertuan Negara of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore ‘do hereby declare and proclaim’,” she asked.
Chia pointed out that unlike the other states in Malaya that are run by an Executive Committee, Sabah and Sarawak have State Constitutions besides their own Cabinet system of government.
This, she said, is a testimony of the special position of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia.
“History is always an important reference as it is the discovery, collection, organization, and presentation of information about past events, but we must not make selective references only.
“We should look at history in its totality and rectify any shortfall that is due to the people and not continue to blur and distort the facts and succumb to continued unfairness and injustices,” she said.

Read more: Here


  1. Hopefully the Federal Government will grant Sabah and Sarawak autonomy to run the state with minimal interference from the Federal as agreed under the Malaysia Agreement. Sabah and Sarawak are equal partners with Malaya.

    1. that is what we hoping for..

    2. I do hope the FG really make an effort to help us out.

    3. Kita bukanlah hendak menyalahkan sesiapa cuma banyak pihak yang melabelkan Sabah ini sebagai sebuah negeri yang tiada pendirian.

    4. The local leaders themselves need to be brave to stand up for our rights.

    5. Kerajaan negeri harus bersuara untuk rakyat.


      We must think outside the Malaysia square. Sabah and Sarawak do not fit in this square. We will be much much better outside Malaysia as independent nations in control of and using our own resources to benefit the people and country.

      We have just be banks financial Malayan development and UMNO enrichment.

      Why bemoan why we did not get "developed" when all our rich resources and unfair taxes are direct back to Kuala Lumpur.

      Why do we have to beg for the robbers to give up our own money for "development"?

      These are all just proof of our colonial status not "independence in Malaysia".

      Many of you can work this out from 49 years of being a COLONIZED land. What happened to the 18 or 20 Points Agreement supposed to guarantee our "autonomy".

      It took 49 years for us to wake up and demand compliance with the agreements...this means it will take just as long for compliance to happen as UMNO and Malayan hegemonists are expert at lying and delay tactics.

      We must up and see that to argue "autonomy" and not independence is to condemn our people to more sufferings and maintina the colonial chains on our country in Malaysia!

      The only rights we need to assert immediately is the de-colonization of Sabah and Sarawak for independence. Nothing Less!

      Could any one out there give good reasons why we should remain in Malaysia?

    7. Correction:
      "We have just be banks financial Malayan development and UMNO enrichment"

      Read "We have just been banks financing Malayan development and UMNO enrichment".

  2. The Federal Government must respect Sabah and Sarawakian rights.

    1. sabah and sarawak must protected their rights..

    2. The rights of Sabah shouldn't be compromised.

    3. Berilah Sabahan dan Sarawakian apa yang sememangnya patut mereka miliki. Lagipun itu kan hak mereka juga.

    4. Practice equality and the world will be better.

    5. Kami juga warganegara Malaysia, harus juga menikmati manfaat yang seimbang.

    6. hak2 dan kepentingan Sabah dan Sarawak harus dilindungi.

  3. sejarah negara pelru dihayati dan difahami...

    1. Macam2 versi sejarah yang timbul sejak akhir2 ni sampai rakyat pun keliru.

    2. kita perlu tau sejarah sebenar negara kita.

    3. Rakyat harus mengetahui sejarah kita sendiri, jangan cepat terpengaruh dengan cakap2 kosong pembangkang.

  4. SAPP mahu tunjuk hero sudah...

    1. I'm not surprised with SAPP. After all, the party wants to be famous. They want to shine.

    2. Buat apa mahu tunjuk hero lagi? Rakyat Sabah masih ingat salah laku Yong sewaktu beliau jadi KM dulu.

  5. bila SAPP mahu akui bahawa mereka adalah sebuah parti yang lemah?

    1. I don't think they will.

    2. Hahahhaa, soalan yang sudah tentu jawapanya 'Tidak akan' sampai bila-bila. hahhaa

    3. SAPP is just a mosquito party with an opportunist for leader.

    4. No one will admitted that. Their weaknesses should find way to improve.

  6. undilah dengan bijak pada pru13 nanti..

    1. ya, buatlah pilihan dengan sebaiknya..

  7. Semua pun berharap kerajaan pusat penuhi janji yang telah termetrai. Nampak macam sukar, tapi haraplah miracle berlaku.

  8. Mustahil juga kerajaan nak biarkan Sabahan terus menagih simpati kan. Jadi kita nantikan saja perkembangan positif hal ini.

    1. Apa2 pun kita tuggu sahaja perkembangan dari kerajaan.jangan dengar cakap pembangkang yang cuba menjatuhkan kerajaan.

  9. Tak dinafikan usaha kerajaan bangunkan Sabah dan Sarwak kelihatan, namun untuk hal ini ada baiknya juga kalau suara rakyat didengar.

    1. The government contribute good development, such effort shall continue to boots local economy to more stable status.

    2. Kerajaan sentiasa akan mendengar suara rakyat.

    3. semoga usaha berterusan akan dibuat oleh kerajaan untuk terus bagunkan Sabah.

  10. "These two Borneo territories were already full pledged nations when they joined up with the Federation of Malaya and Singapore to form a new nation called Malaysia"

    Sabah and Sarawak are two countries that join Malaya in the formation of Malaysia, if Singapore and Brunei did not pull out, there would be 5 countries altogether in the formation of Malaysia.

  11. “History is always an important reference as it is the discovery, collection, organization, and presentation of information about past events, but we must not make selective references only."

    Hopefully the full history of the formation of Malaysia will be referred to. The federal government must fulfill the agreement made by Sabahan and Sarawakian leaders at the time.

  12. Tidak ada perkara seperti itu akan berlaku. hanya mereka yang berfikiran negatif sahaja yang menanti perkara jahat berlaku. Baik kita jauhkan diri dari orang2 seperti ini.

  13. yang penting hak setiap rakyat sentiasa dipelihara dengan sebaiknya.

  14. Kerana Kerajaan BN ini juga telah menyelamatkan Sabah sehingga sekarang. Cuba Berjaya memerintah apa sudah jadi dengan Sabah.

  15. Boleh-boleh labuan dijual kepada persekutuan. Bayangkan bagaimana pemerintahan Penduduk tempatan Sabah yang tidak memikirkannya. Siapakah orang itu sudah pasti KM Sabah dahulu Datuk Harris.

  16. dalam Akta Malaysia yang mana dokumen perjanjiannya telah ditandatangani di London ada menerangkan bahawa negeri-negeri yang terlibat dalam Persekutuan Malaya, Singapura, Sabah dan Sarawak setaraf dengan negeri-negeri di dalam Malaysia.

  17. sekarang ini ramai sangat pihak yang cuba membangkitkan isu penubuhan Malaysia.. kritikal sangat ka situasi di negeri ini?? ada berlaku konfrontasi antara rakyat Sabah dengan kerajaan persekutuan?? Selepas 10 tahun Sabah menyertai Malaysia, dan sehingga kini, 48 tahun Sabah Merdeka didalam gagasan Malaysia . Sabah tidak pernah lagi berdepan dengan satu situasi cemas yakni tidak berlaku konfrontasi antara rakyat Sabah kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan. Kehidupan harmonis menjadi pegangan utama rakyat Sabah dan inilah bukti mengapa pada tempoh tersebut tidak ada pungutan suara untuk mengkaji semula Perjanjian Malaysia.

  18. Sabah bukan sahaja hidup aman damai tetapi kini mengecapi nikmat pembangunan infrastruktur secara berperingkat2 dan ini adalah usaha bersama di antara Kerajaan Negeri dan Kerajaan Persekutuan.. daripada pemimpin2 pembangkang asyik membangkitkan isu penubuhan Malaysia untuk mendapatkan sokongan politik, kenapa tidak bangkitkan masalah2 rakyat atau bantu rakyat untuk menyelesaikan masalah mereka??

  19. There are visible effort done by the federal government to the benefit of Sabah. Among the efforts has been channeled to the education front, which has been the center of attention and has dominated the social headlines as well as theconcerns of all Sabahans.

  20. Recently it was reported that the Federal Government has allocated RM112 million for 429 government schools, Mission schools, Chinese national-type schools (SJKC) and government-aided religious schools in Sabah under its special stimulus package for schools this year.

  21. This is part of the RM900m allocated for schools nationwide under the said stimulus package meant to provide assistance in building, upgrading and maintaining the schools concerned.

  22. Most of this or RM95.9m goes to 283 government schools, while RM10.8m are for 70 national-type Chinese schools, RM3.7m for 74 Mission schools and for two government-aided religious schools, RM1.5m.

  23. Of the figure, RM500m is provided for government schools, both primary and secondary, while the Chinese national-type schools, Tamil national-type schools, Mission schools and government-aided religious schools each received RM100m.

  24. The work scope for projects under this year's special package include building structure repairing, repainting, rooftop repairing, rewiring and replacement or upgrading of old building blocks.

  25. Presenting the allocation for Mission schools in Sabah in a ceremony held at SM Lok Yuk in Likas, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said the assistance showed that the Barisan Nasional (BN) Government really cares and is committed to school development, including Mission schools in Sabah.

  26. On behalf of the State Government, Musa wish to thank the Federal Government for this contribution and hope the schools concerned would make full use of the assistance accordingly.

  27. Earlier in his speech, he said the Government's priority under the special stimulus package for schools is to repair those categorised as badly damaged, adding the government would also make sure that projects involving upgrading of these schools, particularly those really in need of attention based on the physical audit report, would get sufficient funding.

  28. He said although the allocation provided for government schools are bigger than the other school categories, it does not mean the Education Ministry is abandoning the other government-aided schools.

  29. The Government is actually very committed in assisting all the schools and never sidelines any from the national education mainstream.

  30. Apart from development allocation, the government-aided schools also receive other forms of assistance similar to what is provided to the government schools, which include teaching manpower, textbooks as well as per capita grant.
