‘We are all frogs, even Musa and Pairin’

By Luke Rintod of FMT
KENINGAU: Maverick politician Jeffrey Kitingan, often accused of being a political frog, launched a stinging attack on Sabah politicians for lacking integrity and being unable to fight for the state.

He rebuked those who claim he was a “political frog” for jumping from party to party, saying unlike him, all local leaders had switched allegiances and had forsaken their political principles.

Now the Sabah chairman of the State Reform Party (STAR), he said there were no Sabah politicians who could claim they were not “frogs” as it was well known that they had switched allegiances a number of times to gain or remain in power.

“We are all frogs; even Chief Minister [Musa Aman], even Parti Bersatu Sabah president [Joseph Pairin Kitingan] lack political integrity.

Jeffrey, the younger brother of Joseph Pairin, however, said at the launching of the party branch in Bingkor on Sunday that he had switched parties several times in order to look for solutions for Sabah and “not for my own interest”.

The Harvard University-trained scholar said he had done so because other Sabah leaders had failed to resolve the state’s perennial problems despite joining the government.

With a broad sweep of the brush, he painted all Sabah politicians with the same label they had tarred him with as they had “all in one way or another switched sides to further their political careers” and that they only stopped “hopping” the moment they got positions and personal comfort.

He said among Sabah politicians, sacrificing the aspirations of the people was nothing new.

For now, he said, these “selfish leaders” would stick with the ruling Umno as long as the party is in government or as long as they have their own position but would jump to other parties if Umno is no longer ruling.

“They are actually fat frogs now so they don’t jump anymore,” he said.

‘STAR has its perjuangan’

Likening Sabah BN component parties to “buffaloes led by their nose”, he accused them of being traitors to Sabahans and puppets of Peninsular-based Umno and that they have no choice but to sing Umno’s tune to remain in power.

“We in STAR have our ‘perjuangan’, but they have lost theirs. They have forgotten because they are full now, because they are intoxicated by projects,” he said in one of his most stinging attacks yet against Sabah leaders working in cahoots with Umno, including his own brother Pairin.

Chiding those who ridiculed his party hopping, Jeffrey said none of the parties he joined would carry his struggle to regain the independence of Sabah.

He said everyone fell for lucrative positions and self-comfort.

“Sabah is an independent country by itself. Whoever subscribes to a vision of an independent Sabah should join us in STAR now and make sure Umno’s stooges are defeated in the coming general election,” he told an appreciative crowd of more than 400.

He also warned Sabahans that they would be getting “out of the frying pan and into a fire” by supporting other opposition parties such as PKR as they were peninsular Malaysia-based parties who would only weaken Sabah and strengthen Malayan hegemony over Sabah.

“Don’t be disheartened as the coming election is another opportunity God gives us to change the situation. As long as we are alive, we still have hope and it is this hope that makes the people support STAR,” he said, adding that STAR had registered 175,000 members in six months.

He promised that if STAR formed the next state government, it would double the monthly welfare aid to all qualified senior citizens from RM300 to RM600 and also RM500 would be placed in a savings account for each Sabahan baby born.

Jeffrey was later proclaimed by the organiser as the “Father of Struggle to Reclaim Sabah Rights” at the function and a group of children presented a plaque of a symbolic seven-pointed star to him to mark the launching of the Bingkor branch of the party.


  1. keadaan politik sabah memang teruk,dari hal pendatang haram,sampailah sultan sulu 'made in sabah' apa tindakan kerajaan?diaorang memang tida pedulila!semenanjung memang memandang rendah sabahla! pru13 lah masa kita tukar kerajaan negeri yang lemah-lembik ini! PATI mesti dihalau dari sabah dengan apa cara sekalipun!long live sabahan native supremacy!

    1. Filipina macam belum lagi gugurkan tuntutan terhadap Sabah.

    2. Changing govt will not solve the PATI problems. Depends on the efforts, whether they will be able to lessen down the problems, no changes, or make the problems worst.

  2. Musa dari Berjaya ke Usno ke UMNO tu bukan frog kah tu..?

    Pairin dari UNKO/Pasok ke Berjaya ke Pasok lepas tu PBS bukan frogging kah juga tu?

    Silap-silap mereka berdua ne pernah masuk Parti Pekemas lagi. Mungkin Pairin pernah ahli USAP atau BUNAP lagi...Fikir-fikirkanlah

    1. katak ka bukan katak itu bukan soalnya tapi perjuangan untuk hak dan kepentingan rakyat.

    2. the winner to the king of frog title goes to....(*drumroll*)....JEFF!

  3. mereka yag pemimpin USNO dan berpindah kepada UMNO bukan lompat parti. kerana USNO dibubarkan untuk memberi peluang kepada UMNO

  4. jeffrey mmg raja katak.. suka lompat2 parti.. pasti tak lama lagi dia akan lompat dari star.

    1. kali ke-7 lah tu kalau dia lompat parti lagi..

    2. kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja.

  5. Jeffrey no doubt is the King of Frogs, he has jumped at least 5 times from one party to another. PBS, PBRS, AKAR, UPKO and now UBF and Star. How can we be sure he won't jump again if he won the next general elections?

    1. Kalau di Sarawak pun Star tiada kejayaan, entah bagaimana pula di Sabah. ada kemunginan 'katak' lompat lagi.

    2. He will not stop unless he form his own party.

  6. Musa and Pairin has never left BN and Jeffrey cannot prove that they will jump if UMNO is no longer the government. Unlike Jeffrey who jumps from one party to another for his own self interests.

    1. JK memang tiada pendirian dan pentingkan kedudukan semata-mata.

    2. Pemimpin yang tidak mempunyai pendirian dan pentingkan kedudukan tidak sesuai untuk dijadikan KM.

  7. At least datukmusa done lots of things to sabah...but jeffery? Has he done something good in sabsh....

    1. how can jeff do something good when he is always busy jumping here and there.

  8. But jeff is the king of all frogs. He definitely win that title.

    1. Hahaha.. Dia segan mahu akun titlenya, sebab tu dia libatkan semua pihak:P

  9. The thing is Jeffry won't change anything if he become the Sabah CM.

  10. Whatever it is let it's the people make a decision who will become the next cm.

    1. Sudah tentu rakyat akan pilih yang terbaik buat mereka. Kita lihat sajalah nanti.

  11. Focus on serious issues rather than this frog thingy.

    1. Banyak hal lagi yang patut difikirkan berbanding dari isu ni. Tapi dah terlanjur hal ni dipanjangkan so biarlah si DJK. Bukan tak biasa dengan perangainya yang suka melompat tu.

  12. Mahu juga si Jeffrey libatkan orang lain. Tak senang betul hidupnya kalau orang lain tak dilibatkan sama.

    1. dia cuba tutup kelemahan dia yang suka lompat parti bah tu...itulah dia cuba memesongkan perhatian rakyat...semua orang tahu dia ni raja katak..

    2. Kenyataan Jeffrey bahawa semua adalah Katak hanya berjaya menarik perhatian terhadap fakta bahawa Jeffrey adalah Raja Katak.

    3. semua pun sudah kenal siapa JK ni.

  13. Susah orang mahu percaya si Jeffrey ni. Ingat senang tak tambat hati rakyat yang dah patah hati dengannya dulu? hhmmm...

    1. Ramai yang sudah hilang keyakinan terhadap Jeffrey termasuklah anggota daripada UBA. Ini kerana Jeffrey menggunakan perjuangan UBA sebagai alat politik untuk mendapatkan sokongan kepada parti Star.

  14. yang paling katak ialah JK...

    1. rakyat pasti dapat menilai siapa JK ni sebenarnya.

  15. tidak pula saya dengar musa aman lompat parti..tu USNO kena bubar jadi dia masuk UMNO lah...kalau sudah dibubar apa yang boleh dibuat kan..

    1. USNO dibubarkan untuk memberi laluan kepada UMNO. Jadi tidak kira lompat parti. Bukan macam Jeffrey yang lompat banyak kali untuk memenuhi keperluan diri.

  16. Tidak perlulah ajak orang lain sebagai katak pula. Kalau dilihat sejarah JK dan pemimpin lain memang jauh berbeza dengan lompat parti ini.

  17. Sejarah Jeffery lebih teruk jika dilihat. Mungkin ini yang menyebabkan Jeffery digelar sebagai raja katak.

    1. rekod JK mungkin menjejaskan sokongan terhadap beliau.

  18. kalau pasal lompat parti, JK yang paling terkenal.

  19. sudah banyak parti yang disertai oleh Jeffrey..apa pun, terpulang pada setiap orang untuk menilai.

  20. mana boleh Jeffrey samakan dia dengan pemimpin2 lain.. mengaku saja la kalau label "katak" itu sesuai dengan dirinya sendiri.. Jeffrey telah berpindah parti banyak kali bermula dari PBS, PBRS, AKAR, UPKO and PKR.. kini beliau tubuhkan STAR.. malah punca beliau berpindah parti adalah kerana tidak diberikan jawatan dalam parti.

  21. dari PBS ke PBRS.. bila dia gagal mendapatkan jawatan presiden, dia keluar menyertai AKAR. akibat tidak diberikan jawatan presiden dalam AKAR, sekali lagi dia keluar menyertai PBS. ketika dalam PBS, Jeffrey berkeinginan untuk memegang jawatan timbalan presiden, namun gagal. akhirnya beliau keluar lagi dan cuma memasuki pari umno tapi permohonannya ditolak. Jeffrey akhirnya menyertai PKR, tapi seperti biasa, selepas dia gagal dilantik ke jawatan pengerusi PKR negeri, sekali lagi dia keluar..

  22. akhirnya Jeffrey terpaksa menumpang parti STAR dari Sarawak sekaligus membolehkan beliau memegang jawatan pengerusi STAR Sabah. belumpun sampai setahun STAR bertapak di Sabah, beliau sudah berani mengarahkan parti malaya balik ke malaya semata2 untuk memberikan beliau laluan meletakkan calon di semua kerusi di negeri ini..

  23. berdasarkan perjalanan politik JK ini, nilailah sendiri siapa yang selayak2nya digelar katak.. daripada membantu parti Sarawak untuk melebarkan sayap di negeri ini, kenapa JK tidak bergabung saja dengan SAPP?? kenapa perlu beliau umumkan akan bertanding di semua kerusi??
